BOA General Travelling Fellowship 2014 Application Form B Please complete and return this application form accompanied by a copy of your full CV by 31st October 2014. For more information, please visit the BOA website or email Rayshum Notay at Applicants may only use either application form A or B, not both, as explained at All applications for the BOA Travelling Fellowships are considered by the BOA’s Education Committee. Applicants must be trainees who are current members of the BOA and awards will not be made to ‘top up’ funding already obtained from other sources. This application form has been designed for those Associates that wish to apply for a BOA General Travelling Fellowship. Please note that these fellowships are subject to funding. These include: B Braun Travelling Fellowship BOA European Travelling Fellowships BOA Travelling Fellowships Ram Kumar Chatterjee Travelling Fellowship Soli Lam General Fellowship Singhal Travelling Fellowship x 1 @ £2,000* x 2 @ £1,500* x 2 @ £5,000 x 1 @ £3,000 x 1 @ £3,000 x 1 @ £1,500 *Applicants unsuccessful in the B Braun Travelling Fellowship but ranked highly may be awarded a capped award for £1,500 as a BOA European Travelling Fellowship, if the proposed fellowship is in Europe or a Singhal Travelling Fellowship. SURNAME: [Prof / Mr / Dr / Mrs / Miss / Ms] FIRST NAMES: DATE OF BIRTH: Home details Hospital Details HOME ADDRESS: HOSPITAL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (inc. dialling code) TELEPHONE NUMBER: (inc. dialling code) MOBILE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (inc. dialling code) FAX NUMBER: (inc. dialling code) EMAIL ADDRESS: POSITION HELD: REFEREES (must be BOA members): [1] [2] Preferred Fellowship(s) you wish to apply for: B Braun Travelling Fellowship BOA European Travelling Fellowships BOA Travelling Fellowships Ram Kumar Chatterjee Travelling Fellowships Soli Lam General Fellowship Singhal Travelling Fellowship ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Short description of your prospective placement/ Fellowship (up to 100 words): Proposed date of travel: Estimated costs of travel and accommodation (these should relate to the costs of the individual undertaking the fellowship only, and should correlate to the chosen fellowship(s) stated above.) Cost incurred Amount Details of other funding received or applied for: Will you continue to receive your salary on top of any fellowship funding: Please provide details of your proposed placement/ Fellowship. Describe what you hope to achieve from the placement, including any particular skills you would like to acquire and give details of any research projects you would like to undertake (please provide a maximum of 2 pages. This section will expand as you type). ͠ The closing date for application is 7th November 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview on Friday 10th January 2014. Please send your CV as a separate attachment with your application, including: • Chronological list of posts held from graduation to present. • List of scientific publications by title, names of authors and journal. • List of manuscripts submitted for publication by title and journal • List of scientific presentations to national, international or local meetings • List of research projects in which you have participated • • Prizes and awards you have received List of professional organisations of which you are a member, indicating if you have served on any committees of these organisations.