Name: Dennis A.V. Brown Position: Senior Lecturer Qualifications: Ph.D. (Social Sciences) Department: Behavioural Sciences Room: Tel. Contact: 868 662 2002 ext 3053 E-mail:; Courses taught: Soci 2012 Social Change and Development; Soci 3006 Third World in Global Development; Soci 3008 Industrial Sociology 1; Soci 6016 Sociology of Development. Research interests: Intergenerational poverty in the Caribbean- epistemological basis of its study; its origins in the region’s historical political economy; sociological factors associated with its persistence; the use of life narratives in its study. Caribbean migration; Caribbean historical demography. a) Publications: Books The Political Economy of Fertility in the British West Indies, 1891-1921: University of the West Indies Press, 2000. Chapters in Books "Workforce Losses and Return Migration: A Case Study of Jamaican Nurses" in Patricia Pessar (ed) Caribbean Circuits: New Approaches to Caribbean Migration: Centre For Migration Studies: New York, 1997. "Inbetweenity: marginalization, migration and poverty among Haitians in the Turks and Caicos Islands". in Sandra Courtman (ed.) Beyond the Blood, the Beach and the Banana: New Perspectives in Caribbean Studies: Ian Randle Publications, Kingston, July, 2004 “Return Migration: Locating the concept in historical space” in Frances Henry and D. Plaza (Eds) Returning to the Source: the final stage of the Caribbean Migration Circuit: University of the West Indies Press, Kingston, March 2006. “Poverty in Trinidad and Tobago” [co-authored] in,Liliana Rojas-Suarez and Elias, C (Eds) Policy Perspectives for Trinidad and Tobago: From Growth to Prosperity IADB, Washington D.C. June, 2006 “Recidivism and factors associated with it: some recent data from Trinidad and Tobago”, inR. Deosaran, Ramdhanie, I and Ditto, J (Eds) Conference Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Crime and Justice:New Challenges in Crime and justice, From Research to Policy: Pub. University of the West Indies, St. Augustine August, 2006 Monographs: Vulnerabilidad sociodemográfica en el Caribe: examen de los factores sociales y demográficos que impiden un desarrollo equitativo con participación ciudadana en los albores del siglo XXI: CEPAL, Serie Poblacion y Desarrollo, Nro. 25: Sigla:LC/L 17, 2002. Social Policy in the Caribbean: The evolution of social policy and its modern influences in the Caribbean: ECLAC/CDCC, Port of Spain:WP/2003/9, Sept, 2003 [Co-authored] People and the Caribbean Coast: The Feasibility of Alternative Natural Resource Based Livelihoods among the Poor in the Caribbean Coastal Zone(Belize, St. Lucia and Grenada): SEDU, UWI/DFID, U.K., June 2004 [Co-authored] Policy Relevant Knowledge on Feasible Alternative Natural Resource Based Strategies for Enhancing Livelihood (Belize, St. Lucia and Grenada): SEDU, UWI/DFID, U.K., 2005 Journal Publications: “Listening to the ‘Youth-man’: Structure, Meaning and Identity in the Explanation of Male Juvenile Delinquency among Poor Youth in Trinidad and Tobago” in Ideaz, UWI, Mona, May, 2004. “Reported Health and Poverty in the Caribbean: How useful are the LSMS Data?”Social and Economic Studies, Vol.55. No.4. 2006, SALISES, Mona, [Co-authored], "The Culture of Violence: Interpersonal violence and Aggression in three Caribbean countries - Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad,” in Pan American Journal of Public Health 2008 24(6):409-21 Text book: Industrial Sociology 1 text: Lectures and Course Material for Distance Education Students: UWIDEC, St. Augustine, ISBN: 976-620-175-7, 2002. Technical Reports: The impact of free movement of persons and other forms of migration on member states of Caricom in the first decade of the 21st century, June 2010 Country Poverty Assessment Reports, CARICOM territories and British Caribbean Dependencies 1999-2010, Publications in press Books (Co-authored) Strategies against poverty: designs from the North alternatives from the South: CROP/CLACSO Publications Chapters in Books “Mating, fertility and chronic poverty in the English-speaking Caribbean” In Le comité scientifique de la Chaire Quetelet, (Ed)Dynamiques de pauvretés et vulnérabilités. Mesures et processus explicatifs en démographie et en sciences socials: Les Presses Universitaires de Louvain. Non-refereed “Introduction” in Paloma Mohamed, Communication, Power and Change in the Caribbean:Hansib Pub Professional Involvement: Member, editorial review board of Journal of Aging in Emerging Economies; Referee for journal Mobilities; Referee for International Nursing Review Acted as resource person for a number of regional and international agencies in the areas of poverty and international migration. These include: UNECLAC, CDB, OAS, Lillian Carter Center for International Nursing, Emory University School of Nursing, Global Forum for Health Research, IADB, CARICOM Secretariat, CODESRIA, OSSREA, SEPHIS, CROP- CLACSO