Digswell Tennis Club Subscriptions 2015 All subscriptions due by 1st April 2015 Membership Type – please tick Yearly subscription* Family Tennis (parents, children under 16 and full time students) £110 Adult Tennis £70 Junior Tennis (under 16 and full time students) £35 Tennis Members over 80 years old £10 Tennis Members over 80 years old with over 10 years membership £0 Life Tennis Members £0 Key Deposit – all new tennis members £5 ****************** Social Table Tennis £42 st League Table Tennis (due 1 September 2014) £42 (Juniors £25) + league fees * Special offer for current tennis members only - renew in MARCH and get £5 off on all tennis memberships _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscriptions and Completed Application Forms: By hand: Digswell Tennis Club, MARCH Sundays from 8th March, 1-3pm (weather permitting). Cheque/Cash for £________ enclosed By post: Membership Secretary, 4 Treetops, Welwyn, Herts AL6 0HU, Phone: 07900035309. Cheque for £________enclosed Cheques to be made payable to Digswell Tennis Club By email: Attach and send to membership@digswelltennis.org. BACS payment for £________ made Sort Code: 602307, Account: 39200000, using a reference of xxxyyy111zzzzzz (xxx = first 3 letters of first name, yyy = first 3 letters of surname, 111 = house number and zzzzzz = postcode) For applications via post or email you will be contacted when keys and shoe tags are ready for collection (Sundays from 2pm-4pm) Membership Details - please complete: Adult Titles/Names Gender d.o.b. e-Mail Phone # Mobile # Family Titles/Names Gender d.o.b. e-Mail Phone # Mobile # Address: Post Code ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ Data Protection Your contact details are used only by the club in relation to club matters. Please tick box if: you do not want the club to email you about social events and general news you do not want any of your contact details on the membership list displayed in the clubhouse you do not want any of your contact details to be passed on to the club coach LTA/British Tennis Membership: All members are automatically listed into free membership of the Lawn Tennis association and British Tennis Membership. If you do not wish to be a free member please tick this box* * Note: This would exclude you from any possible Wimbledon Ticket allocation the club may get If you do wish to be a free member please tick box if: you do not want to receive information from the LTA about out offers and offers from carefully selected 3rd parties you do not want any of your contact details to be passed on to carefully selected third parties so they can contact you directly