ACCP Academy – Clinical Practice Development Module 3 Part 1

ACCP Academy – Clinical Practice Development
Module 3
Part 1 – Monday, October 22nd (3:45 – 5:45pm)
Title: Taking a Scholarly Approach to Your Practice
Outcomes/Learning Objectives
 Define scholarship in its broadest sense; describe the scholarship of discovery, integration,
application, teaching, and engagement
 Implement strategies to capitalize on scholarly opportunities within your practice
 Network and collaborate with other clinicians in your specialty or subspecialty on scholarly projects
 Identify appropriate ways to disseminate your scholarly work
Running Time
3:45 – 3:55pm
Instructional Method / Key Concepts
 Program Goals / Objectives (Stuart)
 Format / Activities (Stuart)
 Facilitators (Brian, Joe, Stuart)
3:55 – 4:10pm
Presentation (Brian)
 What is scholarship? (Broad definition)
 Review types of scholarships
 What is a scholarly approach to practice?
Presentation (Brian and Stuart)
 Examples of a scholarly approach to
problems encountered in practice
Small Group Case Study
 Conceptualize 3 different “scholarly”
4:10 – 4:25pm
4:25 – 4:50pm
Actions / Instructional Resources
Round Tables set-up for small
group discussions; table is
designated (with some sort of
signage) for either “acute care”
or “ chronic care” practitioners
Powerpoint slide presentation
Powerpoint presentation
Distribute handouts with case
Groups to select a scribe (to
record the group’s discussions)
and a spokesperson (to verbally
summarize the group’s discussion
during the large group debrief)
Each table will be given a case
study to review and to develop 3
scholarly approaches / projects; 2
cases involving an acute care and
2 chronic care practitioners will
be distributed
Facilitators will circulate among
the tables / small groups to listen
and further engage the groups
4:50 – 5:00pm
Break (but groups can continue to work during the
5:00 – 5:35pm
5:35 – 5:45pm
break if they so choose)
Debrief / Facilitated Large Group Discussion
(Brian & Stuart)
 What scholarly opportunities exist in each
 Categorize the examples developed by the
o Scholarship of Discovery
o Scholarship of Application
o Scholarship of Integration
o Scholarship of Teaching
o Scholarship of Engagement
 Is the scholarly opportunity amenable to
dissemination (e.g. transfer to others,
poster, presentation, publication)?
Next Steps (Stuart or Joe)
 Actions to take AFTER today’s workshop
Facilitators systematically call
groups representing the 4 distinct
cases to discuss / explore the
scholarly approaches taken
Taking a Scholarly Approach to Your Practice
Small Group Exercise - Case Study #1
Acute Care
Sam Jones has been practicing as a clinical pharmacist at Memorial Hospital for the past 2 years.
Memorial hospital is a community-based hospital with two general internal medicine wards, obstetrics,
general pediatrics, and an acute coronary care unit. Dr. Jones is primarily responsible for providing
clinical pharmacy services to patients admitted to Collins East – one of the general internal medicine
wards. These responsibilities include taking a comprehensive medication history for all patients taking 7
or more medications at the time of admission, providing targeted medication optimization services (e.g.
warfarin, heparin, aminoglycosides), reviewing / approving non-formulary requests, writing medication
consultations, and participating in discharge planning. Given that the clinical pharmacy group is relative
small (only 6 clinical pharmacist are employed by Memorial Hospital), Dr. Jones periodically must cover
the other services when coworkers on vacation. Moreover, all members of the clinical pharmacy group
are responsibilities for providing support to the P&T committee and delivering inservice presentations
on a wide variety of medication-related issues to the medical and nursing staff. Memorial Hospital does
not (yet) have a pharmacy residency program but Dr. Jones (and colleagues) regularly precept students
from two colleges of pharmacy.
Based on the information in this case study, work with the members of your group to envision and
briefly describe THREE ways in which Dr. Jones can take a scholarly approach to practice. Consider
scholarship in its broadest sense (discovery, application, integration, teaching, and engagement). If you
believe a particular scholarly project would be appropriate for dissemination, indicate whether you’d
encourage Dr. Jones to publish the experience/findings, present a poster, or develop an educational
program based on this work.
Scholarly Approach #1:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #2:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #3:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Taking a Scholarly Approach to Your Practice
Small Group Exercise - Case Study #2
Acute Care
Sam Jones has been practicing as a clinical pharmacist at Monument Hospital for the past 2 years.
Monument Hospital is a teaching hospital based on an academic health science center (with affiliated
schools of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy). The hospital has over 800 beds with a wide breadth of
patient care services including surgical ICU, two medical ICUs, a coronary care unit, a stroke unit, a
neonatal unit, a large transplant service, four general medicine wards, oncology, general pediatrics, and
obstetrics. Dr. Jones is primarily responsible for providing clinical pharmacy services to patients
admitted to Aspen West – one of the medical ICUs. These responsibilities include rounding with the
medical ICU team every morning, providing targeted medication optimization services (e.g. warfarin,
heparin, aminoglycosides), reviewing non-formulary requests, writing medication consultations, and
participating in discharge planning. Given that the clinical pharmacy group is relative large (over 30
clinical pharmacist are employed by Monument Hospital), Dr. Jones’ practice is very focused. Dr. Jones
is responsibilities for providing support to the drug information specialist when a new drug is requested
for formulary addition by one of the Monument’s intensivist. Moreover, Dr. Jones provides (formal and
informal) instruction during morning rounds, delivers formal inservice presentations on medicationrelated issues to the medical ICU nursing staff, and lectures at the college of pharmacy. In addition to
several post-graduate medical education programs associated with the school of medicine, Monument
Hospital has a large pharmacy residency program (13 residency positions including eight PGY1 positions
and PGY2 residency training programs in critical care, oncology, transplant, and pharmacotherapy). Dr.
Jones precepts residents and P4 students (APPE) throughout the year.
Based on the information in this case study, work with the members of your group to envision and
briefly describe THREE ways in which Dr. Jones can take a scholarly approach to practice. Consider
scholarship in its broadest sense (discovery, application, integration, teaching, and engagement). If you
believe a particular scholarly project would be appropriate for dissemination, indicate whether you’d
encourage Dr. Jones to publish the experience/findings, present a poster, or develop an educational
program based on this work.
Scholarly Approach #1:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #2:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #3:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Taking a Scholarly Approach to Your Practice
Small Group Exercise - Case Study #3
Chronic Care
Sam Jones has been practicing as a clinical pharmacist at Regional OptiCare for the past 2 years.
Regional OptiCare is a group model HMO with 8 outpatient centers (comprehensive clinics with primary
and specialty care services) and two affiliated hospitals. Dr. Jones works in the largest outpatient center
in the Regional OptiCare network. The center provides a breadth of patient care services including
general internal medicine and pediatrics as well as specialty services in cardiology, endocrinology,
neurology, urology, and gastroenterology. There is an outpatient surgery facility, an outpatient
pharmacy, and a medical laboratory on site. Dr. Jones is primarily responsible for providing clinical
pharmacy services to patients seen by the general internists and endocrinologists at the center, but also
conducts the asthma education classes for the general pediatrics service. Dr. Jones provides medication
management services (by referral only) for patients with poorly controlled blood pressure, lipids, and/or
diabetes; manages a cohort of patients who are “unstable” on warfarin therapy; manages all patients
who are receiving erythropoeitic therapies at the center; and reviews/ approves non-formulary
requests. Given that the clinical pharmacy group is relatively small (only one other clinical pharmacist
works at this Regional OptiCare center and there are only 5 other clinical pharmacists in the entire
system), Dr. Jones is often called on to assist with a variety of medication-related problems. This
includes patient-specific consultations from other services (particularly the physicians and nurses in
pediatrics and urology) as well as system-wide issues (e.g. treatment algorithms, pharmacy newsletter).
Dr. Jones delivers formal inservice presentations on medication-related issues to the medical and
nursing staff two or three times a year. Regional OptiCare has a PGY1 pharmacy residency program
(with 1 or 2 residents each year) and Dr. Jones precepts every resident for one 6-week “patient care”
rotation. Dr. Jones occasionally precepts P4 students in her practice as well.
Based on the information in this case study, work with the members of your group to envision and
briefly describe THREE ways in which Dr. Jones can take a scholarly approach to practice. Consider
scholarship in its broadest sense (discovery, application, integration, teaching, and engagement). If you
believe a particular scholarly project would be appropriate for dissemination, indicate whether you’d
encourage Dr. Jones to publish the experience/findings, present a poster, or develop an educational
program based on this work.
Scholarly Approach #1:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #2:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #3:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Taking a Scholarly Approach to Your Practice
Small Group Exercise - Case Study #4
Chronic Care
Sam Jones has been practicing as a clinical pharmacist at the Flager VA Medical Center for the past 2
years. Flager VAMC is located on an academic health science center campus and many of the clinicians
have full or part-time academic appointments in the schools of medicine, nursing, and pharmacy. The
Flager VAMC provides a breadth of patient care services including inpatient acute care (250 bed facility),
long term care (105 bed facility) as well as outpatient primary care (adult internal medicine), women’s
health, geriatrics, cardiology, endocrinology, nephrology, neurology, urology, gastroenterology,
psychiatry, and substance abuse. There is an outpatient pharmacy and a medical laboratory on site.
Most surgical procedures are performed at the University Hospital across the street. Dr. Jones
completed a PGY2 residency in geriatrics and works in the long-term care facility. Dr. Jones provides
comprehensive medication reviews for all patients admitted to the LTC facility (at the time of admission
and monthly thereafter, if the patient is stable); manages warfarin therapy for all the patients in the
facility; and performs a monthly AIMS (abnormal involuntary movement scale) evaluation on all patients
receiving D2 antagonists. Given that the clinical pharmacy group is relatively large (26 clinical
pharmacists work at the Flager VAMC, including 18 who work in primary care), Dr. Jones only
occasionally covers other clinical areas (e.g. med reviews for the psychiatric unit when a colleague is on
vacation). Dr. Jones delivers formal inservice presentations on medication-related issues to the LTC
facility’s medical and nursing staff two or three times a year. In addition to several post-graduate
medical education programs associated with the school of medicine, the Flagler VAMC has a PGY1
pharmacy residency program (4 residents each year) and PGY2 programs in cardiology, palliative care,
geriatrics, and pharmacotherapy. Dr. Jones has a clinical instructor appointment with the school of
pharmacy, is a key preceptor for the geriatric residency program, and precepts several other residents
during the year on a one 4-week geriatrics rotation. Dr. Jones frequently precepts P2 (IPPE) and P4
(APPE) students in her practice as well.
Based on the information in this case study, work with the members of your group to envision and
briefly describe THREE ways in which Dr. Jones can take a scholarly approach to practice. Consider
scholarship in its broadest sense (discovery, application, integration, teaching, and engagement). If you
believe a particular scholarly project would be appropriate for dissemination, indicate whether you’d
encourage Dr. Jones to publish the experience/findings, present a poster, or develop an educational
program based on this work.
Scholarly Approach #1:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #2:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?
Scholarly Approach #3:
Describe a scholarly approach to a specific work responsibility. Is this scholarly approach discovery,
application, integration, teaching, or engagement (or a combination of these)? Is this experience / are
the findings appropriate for dissemination (publish, poster, educational program)?