TCD - Missouri Western State University

Missouri Western State University
Department of Theatre/Cinema and Dance
Classroom Visitation / Peer Review Process
The Department Of Theatre/Cinema and Dance submits this policy to assist Western's development of a peer
review process as dictated by the University Senate. We recognize the need and believe that a peer review
process is essential to balance our present student evaluations and our yearly faculty self evaluations.
Classroom observations of performance and teaching practice will also support, enhance and substantiate the
mission set forth in our departmental. These observations and evaluations will also play a crucial role in the
department and university's evaluations as they pertain to Promotion and Tenure of the faculty within the
department .
Overall peer review of is a form of evaluation designed to provide feedback to instructors about teaching and
learning and professional growth and development. The peer-review process yields important information
that can be combined with other sources to provide a comprehensive view of an individual's teaching and
professional development. Other materials that can be used in conjunction with peer review would be
student evaluations, administrator assessment, and professional portfolio work as part of a promotion and
tenure packet.
Peer review may be used either as a way to help instructors improve teaching and learning. In general, peer
review is a collaborative process in which the instructor under review works closely with a colleague or
group of colleagues to discuss his or her teaching and scholarly/professional growth. The format of a peer
review will vary depending on its purpose. In some cases, colleagues may evaluate and discuss teaching
materials and curricula; in other cases, they may visit a class session to observe the teacher in action as well
as portfolio development. For our purpose only the classroom documentation will be considered. This
evaluation will be attached, at a later date, for promotion and tenure consideration.
As charged by the university's faculty senate each department has created a formal policy on the evaluation
which includes peer review. University wide criteria requires an instrument such as peer review as part of
the promotion and tenure process. The criteria submitted should be considered as the Department of
Theatre/Cinema and Dance's policy and procedure in evaluating classroom performance.
Prior to classroom observation the instructor being observed will provide the instructor conducting
the observation with a copy of the course outline, a completed Peer Review Prior Observation Form
(attached), and any other materials necessary to clarify the nature, goals, methods of the course.
Prior to classroom observation the instructors will hold a "pre-observation conference" to discuss
the nature, goals, and methods of the course, the logistics of the observation, and key points of focus
which the observation should address.
A minimum of one classroom visits should be scheduled. The instructors can agree to schedule more
if they deem doing so appropriate.
The instructor completing the observation should keep a thorough and accurate record of each
After all scheduled classroom observations have been made, the instructor completing the classroom
observations will write an evaluation of his/her observations following the basic criteria provided on
this document. Attention should be placed on providing thoughtful, well-explained and supported
comments. Sufficient explanation and description should be provided to establish a meaningful
context for interpretation of the comments.
The instructor completing the observation will provide the instructor being observed with a copy of
the classroom evaluation .
The instructors will hold a "post-observation conference" to discuss the comments/evaluations
made. Particular attention should also be given to identifying/discussing observed teaching
strengths, and identifying areas for further improvement and specific strategies to generate
Following the "post-observation conference," the instructor who was observed will be allowed to
attach a self evaluation and any written statement which she/he feels necessary to ensure fair and
accurate interpretation of the reports/comments/evaluations of the classroom observations.
The peer evaluation and self evaluations will be submitted within 2 weeks of the post observation
conference .
Peer review criteria examples
Review the following materials should be considered when conducting a peer review of classroom work.
a cumulative listing of courses taught by the instructor
the syllabus for each course
the course objectives and expected learner
examples of exams, assignments and handouts prepared by the instructor
newly developed courses or innovative instructional materials, authorship or publications on
discipline-specific teaching techniques
a survey of the extent of mentoring and participation in other activities related to instruction
direct assessment of an instructor's classroom performance
teaching awards received by the instructor
other activities that pertain to teaching such as participation in teaching-related committee work or
curriculum development, publication of textbooks or study guides, participation in educational
development programs, conferences, and workshops, etc.)
the instructor's articulation of his or her teaching philosophy, and accomplishment.
Items to be rated on a 5-point scale from Strongly Agree (1) to Strongly Disagree (5).
The Last 3 points will be a short narrative of the observation rather than a point value.
The instructor is very knowledgeable about the subject matter
The amount of material covered in the class is reasonable
The instructor is well prepared for the class meeting
The objectives of the class session are clearly stated
The instructor is able to explain the subject clearly
The instructor makes the subject matter more meaningful through the use ot examples and
The instructor summarizes or emphasizes major points in the lecture or discussion
The instructor deals with topics in sufficient depth and breadth
The instructor uses class time well
The instructor uses teaching methods well suited to the objectives of the class
The instructor makes students feel free to ask questions or ex- press their opinions in class
The instructor answers questions carefully and precisely
The instructor seems to recognize when students fail to com- prehend the material
The instructor emphasizes a conceptual grasp of the material
The instructor makes the subject interesting
The instructor discusses current developments in the field
The instructor demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject matter 18
What did you like most about this particular class and/or the instructor's teaching effectiveness7
What specific suggestions could you make to improve this par- ticular class and/or the instructor's
teaching effectiveness
Did you learn anything in the pre-or post-observation sessions that influenced or modified your
Missouri Western State University
Department of Theatre/Cinema and Dance
Classroom Visitation / Peer Review Process
NAME _____________________________________
1. Date, Time, Class and Classroom:
2. General Characterization of this class:
3. Briefly, what will be happening in the class I will observe:
4. What is your goal for the class? What do you hope students will gain from this session:
5. What do you expect students to be doing in class to reach stated goals:
6. What can I expect you to be doing in class? What role will you take? What teaching methods will you use:
7. What have students been asked to do to prepare for this class:
8. What was done in earlier classes to lead up to this one:
9. Will this class be generally typical of your teaching? If not, what will be different:
10. Is there anything in particular that you would like me to focus on during the class:
11. How have you or will you prepared your students for the observation? Do you have any particular
procedures (seating, etc.) you want me to follow: