SI text Fungal ITS sequences generated from the fecal pellets were analysed in QIIME 1.7.0 using the following script: # Metagenomic analysis of ITS1f-ITS4 fungal data from 16 possum and 14 deer fecal pellets, Craigieburn, New Zealand # Three GS junior plates with 10 samples per plate # Create folder within home directory for the project name, and a subfolder for the individual sequencing run, e.g. ~/454_Ectomyco/Run1 # Place raw data files in this folder # Create mapping file (map.txt) for samples with MID tag and primer data and place in this folder # Create folder ~/454_Ectomyco/Post_split # Create folder ~/454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise # STEP 1: Split libraries based on MID tags, truncate tags and primers based on mapping file, filter sequences based on length and quality scores -m 454_Ectomyco/Run1/map.txt -f 454_Ectomyco/Run1/Run1_shotgun_pipeline/1.TCA.454Reads.fna -q 454_Ectomyco/Run1/Run1_shotgun_pipeline/1.TCA.454Reads.qual -o 454_Ectomyco/Run1/Mapping_output -d -M 2 -l 200 -L 900 -b 10 -w 50 -s 25 -H 15 -m 454_Ectomyco/Run2/map.txt -f 454_Ectomyco/Run2/Run2_shotgun_pipeline/1.TCA.454Reads.fna -q 454_Ectomyco/Run2/Run2_shotgun_pipeline/1.TCA.454Reads.qual -o 454_Ectomyco/Run2/Mapping_output -d -M 2 -l 200 -L 900 -b 10 -w 50 -s 25 -H 15 -m 454_Ectomyco/Run3/map.txt -f 454_Ectomyco/Run3/Run3_shotgun_pipeline/1.TCA.454Reads.fna -q 454_Ectomyco/Run3/Run3_shotgun_pipeline/1.TCA.454Reads.qual -o 454_Ectomyco/Run3/Mapping_output -d -M 2 -l 200 -L 900 -b 10 -w 50 -s 25 -H 15 # STEP 2: Concatenate the Mapping_output fna files to new file ~454_Ectomyco/Post_split/seqs.fna # STEP 3: Pick OTUs at 97% similarity -i 454_Ectomyco/Post_split/seqs.fna -o 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/OTUs -t -s 0.97 # STEP 4: Select representative OTU sequences -i 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/OTUs/seqs_otus.txt -f 454_Ectomyco/Post_split/seqs.fna -o 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/Rep_OTUs_97 -m most_abundant # STEP 5: Assign taxonomy to representative OTU sequences using the UNITE 12_11 fungal ITS database -i 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/Rep_OTUs_97 -t 454_Ectomyco/its_12_11_otus/taxonomy/97_otu_taxonomy.txt -r 454_Ectomyco/its_12_11_otus/rep_set/97_otus.fasta -m blast # STEP 6: Create OTU table -i 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/OTUs/seqs_otus.txt -t 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/blast_assigned_taxonomy/Rep_OTUs_97_tax_assignments.txt -o 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/OTU_table # STEP 7: Concatenate mapping files to new file ~454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/concat_map.txt # STEP 8: Plot taxonomic summary by sample -o 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/Plot_samples -i 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/OTU_table -m 454_Ectomyco/Post_denoise/concat_map.txt c Sample -f -s