AGRICULTURAL TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM – LIVESTOCK VALUE CHAINS 2013 WORK PLAN TIMELINE AMOUNT (N Million) JANMARCH 1. DAIRY VALUE CHAIN Upgrade of 10,000 Local stock for Dairy Improvement 15,000 Artificial Insemination by Service Providers Artificial Insemination kits 100 kits @ N200,000 ea 30.00 Semen Tanks SC -6 kits @ N250,000 each 1.50 Storage semen tank XC - 6 @ N300,000 each 1.80 Liquid Nitrogen measuring Stick - 50 @ X N1,500 each 0.08 Liquid Nitrogen refill - 2,500 units @ X N750 each 1.88 1 X X X APRIL- JULYJUN SEPT X X OCT-DEC X Friesian /Ayeshire semen - 10,000 @ N3,500 each Synchronization Hormones - 10,000 @ N6.5 each Operational Kits including boots, disposable gloves, sheat etc 10,000 @ N750 each Training of Artificial Inseminators 25 at N100,000 each Training of Small Holder. Farmers in Milk Collection and Hygiene 25 @N100.000 each X 52.50 X 97.50 X 11.25 X X X X 2.50 2.50 Sub- Total for Artificial Insemination Natural Selection by Service Providers Procurement of pure bred exotic breeding bulls 20 bulls @ N650,000 each 201.5 X 13.00 2 Feeding and maintenance and management @ N350,000 ea X X X X 7.00 X Semen Collection Equipment- One unit Maintenance of Breeding Centre Infrastructure 6 @ N3,500,000 X X X X 21.00 Sub- Total for Natural Selection Associate Support for Dairy Production 41.00 X Organized milk collection and bulking: Supply of cooling facilities to 1,000 farmers @ N10,000 ea Supply of dairy testing kit to 1,000 @ N10,000 ea X X 10.00 X 10.00 X Training of Small Holder Dairy Farmers Linkage of local farmers group to private processors and marketers X X 30.00 8.00 3 X X X X Linkage of private processors to sources of credit (NIRSAL) Growth Enhancement Support (GES) for Dairy feed Concentrate:714MT @N3,500/ton 250.00 Sub-total for Support Services & GES 308.00 Total Dairy Cost 550.50 X X X X - 4 X X 2. BEEF VALUE CHAIN X Improved breed for Artificial Insemination Baseline study of existing livestock leather infrastructures - farmers, tanneries, flaying equipment etc Beef Breed Improvement and Management for 15,000 beef animals Importation of 5,000 units of Brahma breeding semen @ N2,500 each Importation of 20 units of Brahma breeding Bulls @ N550,000 each Feeding and maintenance and management @ N350,000 ea/pa 15,000 X X 12.5 X 11.0 7.0 X X Complete artificial insemination kits 100 @ N200,000 ea Procurement of semen tanks SC - 6 semen tanks @N250,000 ea 20.0 1.5 5 X Procurement of semen tanks XC - 6 semen tanks @ N300,000 ea Procurement of liquid nitrogen measuring stick 100 units @ N2,000 each Liquid Nitrogen refil 5,000 units @ N1,000 each Synchronization hormones - 10,000 units @ N5,000 each X 1.8 X 0.2 X 5.0 X 50.0 X Operational Kits including boots, disposable gloves, sheat etc 10,000 @ N1,000 each 10.0 Training of 25 AI inseminators @ N100,000 ea Training of Small Holder farmers on low cost feed technology Support to S.H. Farmers and linkage to markets X 2.5 30.0 15.0 6 X X X X Growth Enhancement Support (GES) for Beef Cattle feed Concentrate:714MT @N3,500/ton TOTAL BEEF PRODUCTION COST (in milliion Naira) X X 250.0 416.5 3. SHEEP AND GOATS VALUE CHAIN Baseline study of stakeholders and existing sheep/goats infrastructures farmers Marketers and slaughter slabs etc Breed improvement through Open Nucleus Breeding Scheme (ONBS) in collaboration with NAPRI - Procurement of 260 Grade buck and Ram to Registered breeders @ N100,000 per Buck X 20 X X X X X X X X X X X 26 - feeding, maintenance & management 13 7 Promotion of Small Modern Slaughter Facilities and outlets under PPP initiative Training of Registered Breeders & Fatteners in 13 States X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 24 Linkage to Markets GES Support for sheep & goats Feed Concentrates: N342.8mt @N3,500/ton 8 120 Sub-Total Sheep and Goats 216 4. PIG VALUE CHAIN Baseline study of stakeholders and existing pig infrastructures - farmers, marketers and slaughter slabs etc Breed improvement in collaboration with NAPRI - Procurement of 60 Grade Boar and Gilt to Registered breeders @ N250,000 X 25 X 15 8 X per Boar - feeding, maintenance & management Promotion of Small Modern Slaughter Facilities and outlets under PPP initiative Training of Registered Breeders & Fatteners in 10 States 10 X X X XX X X X X XX X X X XX X X X X XX X 5 18 Linkage to Markets GES Support for Pig Feed Concentrates:300MT @ N400,000/ton Sub-Total Pigs 8 120 201 X 5. LEATHER X Improving Policy Environment Review of Export Expansion Grant (EEG) and other tariffs X 5 X Review of Tariff on imported Finished 9 X Leather Goods (FLGs) 5 X Capacity Building Training of 120 Butchers @ 5 Training of Skin Flayers and Traders Training of FLG Producers Building Capacity for 25 Skin Inspection Officers in 5 states @ N100,000 /pp X X X X X X 5 10 X X X X X X 11 Improving Business Environment Stakeholders Database establishment Support for Establishment of Skin Collection Centres (SCC) in the six States Support for the establishment of Common Facility Centres in 7 States 25 X X X 15 15 10 X X X X Support for market and marketing infrastructure 30 Support for the establishment of FLGs Clusters and improvement in facilities for FLGs in collaboration with States and LAPAN 21 Support for Effluence management in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment 25 Investment Drive Support for Private sector investment in Finished Leather Goods in collaboration with Ministry of Trade and Investment 10 Support for access to Finance Improving Marketing Support for Trade Fairs and Road Shows Support for the development of Umbrella and regional Leather 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X XX X X X X X 10 X 5 11 Associations Sub-Total for Leather 202 6. POULTRY Breed improvement in collaboration with NAPRI on Shika brown breed 5 Live bird market development Training of 100 Registered Poultry Breeders & Farmers GES Support for Poultry Feeds :2000Mt@ N100,000/ton GES Support for Poultry Day Old Chicks Sub-Total for Poultry 25 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 30 200 X 150 410 12 X 7. NATIONAL ANIMAL HEALTH SERVICES Vaccination for 8.5 million sheep & goat - PPR vaccine @ N10/goat Vaccination of 9.5 million cattle across the country - CBPP vaccine @ N10/cattle Sero-monitoring of PPR and CBPP vaccinations in 200,000 animals @ N100.00 per animal Sero-surveillance and disease reporting for Transboundary Animal diseases for 500,000 animals @ N100.00 per animal Community Animal Health Workers advocacy & capacity building Establishment of Regional Federal Veterinary Clinical facilities 2 per annum @ N45 million each (NCA ) Control of Zoonotic Diseases & Support for FELTP Program X X X X X 85 95 X X X X 20 X X X X 50 X X X X X 20 90 X 50 13 X X X Training for meat & milk inspection, hygiene & food safety Contigency plan & Control for Foot and Mouth Disease Control (FMD) Contigency plan & Control for African Swine Fever (ASF) control of Ectoparaistes in 5 states @ N6 m per State Sub-Total for animal health support Services X X X X X X X X X X X X 50 55 30 30 575 8. NATIONAL TRANSBOUNDARY PEST CONTROL SERVICES Procurement of Chemicals/pesticides Procurement of Aerial Spray Flight hours in 12 frontline States 350 200 monitoring and supervision 25 14 X X X X X X X X Sub-Total Pest Control support Services National Grazing Reserves Development Development of 1000km Stock Routes @N241,200/km Construction of 2,000 monuments @ N124,929/monument Development of 400ha improved pasture @ N15,000/ha Construction of 4 resting points @ N47.5 million/ resting point Development activities in 3 Grazing Reserves @ N66.7million/GR 575 241 250 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 188 200 monitoring and supervision 10 Sub-Total National Grazing Reserves Development 895 TOTAL 4,041 15 X