
APPENDIX IV: ACPIRT Members Publications - 2009
Berry, G. Reflexology – when all else fails? (1999) CSP Proceedings. CSP Annual Conference October
Birmingham UK.
Berry, G. (2000) Three Point Reflextherapy. ACPIRT Newsletter, 3(2),32.
Berry, G. (2003a) Adapted Reflextherapy in treatment of whiplash related injuries – a case for adoption? IN 14th
International WCPT Congress 7-12June 2003, World Physical Therapy – Barcelona Spain.
Berry, G. (2003b) Lower limb pain and dysfunction in adolescent boys and girls – clinical reasoning and
treatment. IN 14th International WCPT Congress 7-12June 2003, World Physical Therapy – Barcelona Spain.
Berry, G. (2005) Adapted Reflextherapy and the treatment of back pain. Scottish Institute of Reflexology
Footnotes, Sept, 22-24.
Berry, G. (2006) Adapted Reflextherapy in chronic whiplash associated disorder. IN CSP Congress Proceedings
CSP Congress 2006, 13-14 October 2006 Birmingham.
Berry, G.(2007) Adapted Reflextherapy – a treatment for spinal pain and whiplash injury. FACT – Focus on
Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 12 (11), 7.
Berry, G, Nankivelli, L. (2008) Adapted Reflextherapy. Scoliosis Association UK Backbone, 79 (Nov), 16 –17.
Brown, C.A., LIDO C. (2008) Reflexology treatment for patients with lower limb amputations and phantom limb
pain – An exploratory pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 14, 124-131.
Childs, A. (2000a) Therapeutic Touch. IN: Charman R.A. Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists,
Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 100-108.
Childs, A. (2000b) Flower essences. IN: Charman R.A. Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists,
Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 247-251.
Cross, J.R. (2000a). A Guide to Assessment and Diagnosis in Naturopathic Medicine. IN: Charman R.A.
Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists, Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 37-52.
Cross, J.R. (2000b). The Chakra Energy System. IN: Charman R.A. Complementary Therapies for Physical
Therapists, Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 78-93.
Cross, J.R. (2000c) Acupressure: Clinical Applications in Musculo-Skeletal Conditions. Oxford, England:
Butterworth Heinemann.
Cross, J.R. (2001) Acupressure and Reflextherapy in Medical Conditions. Oxford, England: Butterworth
Cross, J. R. (2006) Healing with Chakra Energy System – Acupressure, Bodywork and Reflexology for Total
Health. Berkely, California: North Atlantic Books.
Cross, J.R. (2008a) Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System – Treating the Cause of Disease. Berkely,
California: North Atlantic Books.
Cross, J.R. (2008b) Reflected Energy Pathways – A Practical Workbook for Physical Therapists. Isle of Skye,
Scotland: John Cross Publications.
Davis, J. (2000) Going in feet first. Royal College of Nursing, 14(41), 22.
Evans, H. (2000) Prenatal Therapy, Metamorphosis and the Metamorphosis Technique. IN: Charman R.A.
Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists, Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 162-170.
Fryer, K.A. (2000) The safety and effectiveness of aromatherapy and reflexology as pain relieving ads in labour.
Dissertation (Midwifery). IN: The Aromatherapist Journal 7(4); 7(8).
Gardener, K., Chapman. T, Smith, E, Wilding J. (2005) Obesity: Pilot study to evaluate an eight week integrated
exercise and complementary health programme for adults with morbid obesity, attending an NHS Weight
Management Clinic. CSP proceedings. CSP Annual Congress, October, Birmingham, UK.
Jones, C. (2000) Prenatal Therapy, Metamorphosis and the Metamorphosis Technique. IN: Charman, R.A.
Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists, Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 162-170.
Martin, S. Case study –a 15 year old with meningitis & hydro cephalus. IN: Lett, A. (2000) Reflex Zone Therapy
for Health Professionals, Churchill Livingstone, China 5.2 86 and In: Practical Diabetes Journal (1992) Sept/Oct
Oldfield, G. (2004) Clinical Audit for Adapted Reflextherapy in Spinal Pain. ACPIRT Journal. Number unknown.
Oldfield, G. (2004) Case study: Adapted Reflextherapy in Spinal Pain for severe osteo-arthritis. ACPIRT Journal.
Oldfield, G. (2005) Case study: Adapted Reflextherapy in Spinal Pain. ACPIRT Journal. 3(11). 6.
Oldfield, G. (2006) The Effectiveness of Adapted Reflextherapy in Spinal Pain: a clinical study. ACPIRT Journal.
4 (1). 7.
Oldfield, G. (2009) Clinical Audit reporting on outcomes on Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS). Recovery
programme in physiotherapy practice.
Oliver –Smith, J. (2000) Reflextherapy. IN: Charman R.A. Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists,
Oxford, England: Butterworth Heinemann, 186-195.
Skellam, L. (2000) Reflextherapy. IN: Charman R.A. Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapists, Oxford,
England: Butterworth Heinemann, 186-195.