File - Breanna Stephens

Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Stage AE Crisis
Created by Breanna Stephens
May 1st, 2014
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Table of Contents
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Crisis Management Team Contact
Crisis Risk
Bomb Threat
Bomb Threat Caller
General Evacuation
Serious Injury/Illness
Crime in Progress
Severe Weather
Incident Report
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Crisis Communication Team Communication Strategy…………………………………………21
Secondary Contact
Stakeholder Contact
Business Community
Crisis Control Center
Post Crisis Evaluation
Media Contact
News Release Template #1: Bomb
News Release Template #2:
Media Advisory
Crisis Response
Electronic Newsroom
Stage AE’s
Crisis Team Task
Crisis Evaluation
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
The Stage AE Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is published for use by the staff in times of crisis.
According to W. Timothy Coombs, a crisis is defined as “the perception of an unpredictable
event that threatens important expectancies of stakeholders and can seriously impact an
organization’s performance and generate negative outcomes.”
The Crisis Management Plan is intended for use by the staff at PromoWest and is written
specifically to meet possible emergency conditions at Stage AE. The most important concerns in
such situations are the safety and welfare of customers, guests, staff and administration.
Therefore, familiarize yourself with the manual’s content and be prepared to act surely and
calmly to achieve our purpose.
In the event of an emergency, the manual will serve as a quick reference for effective action. It
should be kept in an easily accessible location at all times, preferably posted near a telephone.
New employees should be made familiar with it as part of their orientation program.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Please sign below to verify that you have read and understood the Crisis Plan and are prepared
to put the plan into effect in the case any issue may occur. Once signed and completed, please
return to the Human Resources department.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Rehearsal Dates
The Crisis Management Plan is to be practiced on the following dates:
Thursday, January 9th, 2014
Monday, March 17th, 2014
Tuesday, May 27th, 2014
Monday, July 14th, 2014
Wednesday, September 24th, 2014
Thursday, November 6th, 2014
Thursday, December 18th, 2014
How to practice the plan:
Each member of the Crisis Management Team is to create a scenario. All employees will then
react to the scenario accordingly using the Crisis Management Plan.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
First-Action Page
Incident Commanders
 Amy Cooper, Marketing Director
(412)-229-5483 ext.2565;
 Doug Herrmann, General Manager
(412)-229-5483 ext. 251;
How to activate the CMP:
Incident Commander Amy Cooper will notify the Crisis Management Team via phone call and
text message once it has been determined that a crisis is underway and the CMP is needed. The
Crisis Management Team will then meet at the listed crisis control center to discuss how to
handle the situation. In the case of an emergency, 911 should be called first. If for some reason
Amy Cooper is unable to act as an Incident Commander, Doug Herrmann is listed as the backup
Incident Commander and should carry out with notifying the Crisis Management Team.
When to activate the CMP:
The CMP should be activated in the event of a crisis. A crisis is defined as, “the perception of an
unpredictable event that threatens important expectancies of stakeholders and can seriously
impact an organization’s performance and generate negative outcomes.”
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Crisis Management Team Contact
Doug Herrmann
Area of Expertise
General Manager
Phone Number
(412)-229-5483 ext.
Justin Lucotch
Production Manager (412)-229-5483 ext.
Amy Cooper
Marketing Director (412)-229-5483 ext.
Renee Lutz
Director of Special
Traditional Media Spokesperson: Doug Herrmann
Social Media Outlets Spokesperson: Amy Cooper
*In the case of emergencies, always call 911!
Allegheny General Hospital
Allegheny General Hospital
UPMC Mercy Hospital
Pittsburgh Police Department
Emergency Services
LifeFlight Dispatch
Emergency Department
Zone 1 Police Station
Phone Number
Ingram Volunteer Fire
Station 176
*These external contacts are only to be contacted if their services are needed to handle the crisis.
Allegheny General Hospital is the closest hospital to Stage AE and should be the first choice if
needed. However, if an additional hospital is required, UPMC Mercy is the second option.
Crisis Risk Assessment
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Severe weather
Unruly fan
Bomb threat
The top three crisis threats are unruly fan behavior with a total value of 441, bomb threats with a
total value of 392, and fires with a total value of 320. These crisis threats have the most potential
and likelihood of occurring and causing a great impact.
Unruly fan behavior
Likelihood: The value given to the likelihood of fan behavior is a 9. This is the given value
because there is almost always some instance of unruly fan behavior, whether it is altercations
between fans or intoxicated fans getting rowdy.
Organization Impact: The value given to the organization impact is a 7. This is the given value
because the impact all varies on the type of unruly fan behavior. If a fan brings a weapon to a
show and harms others, then the impact on Stage AE’s reputation is greater. However smaller
instances such as intoxicated fans will not impact Stage AE’s reputation as much.
Stakeholder Impact: The value given to the stakeholder impact is a 7. This is the given value
because like the organization impact, the stakeholder impact varies on the severity of the unruly
fan behavior. The more harmful the fan behavior is, the greater the impact on stakeholders.
Overall Value: 441
Bomb threat
Likelihood: The value given to the likelihood of fan behavior is an 8. This is the given value
because there has been a previous bomb threat crisis for Stage AE. However, this is not a
regularly occurring crisis, so the likelihood is not extremely high.
Organization Impact: The value given to the organization impact is a 7. This is the given value
because while it may not impact Stage AE’s reputation if handled properly, a bomb threat could
shed a negative light on the security and safety of Stage AE. If a bomb threat is executed, the
impact would obviously be greater due to damages and possible injuries.
Stakeholder Impact: The value given to the stakeholder impact is a 7. This is the given value
for the same reasons at the organization impact. If a bomb threat is executed, stakeholders such
as neighboring buildings could be damaged as well.
Overall Value: 392
Likelihood: The value given to the likelihood of fan behavior is a 5. This is the given value
because while a fire could occur due to electrical problems or equipment malfunctioning.
However, it has not been an issue thus far.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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Organization Impact: The value given to the organization impact is an 8. This is the given
value because there could be a great amount of damage to Stage AE depending on the severity of
the fire. Also, if not evacuated in time, fans, employees, performers, etc. could be harmed.
Stakeholder Impact: The value given to the stakeholder impact is an 8. This is the given value
because if the fire spreads, it could potentially reach the neighboring buildings and cause damage
to their facilities as well. Also, if damage is caused to Stage AE then money could be lost by
Overall Value: 320
Watchdog Positions
Watchdog positions are those positions where individuals are assigned to conduct environmental
scanning to identify possible disruptions in business. The following are the watchdog positions
for Stage AE.
Security guards: Security guards are in place to deal with any unruly fans, to ensure
everything is running smoothly, and to keep everyone safe. Depending on the show style
and attendance projections, there are anywhere from 10-35 security guards at a show.
Pittsburgh Police Department: The police officers have a similar job as the security
guards in regards to keeping everyone in the venue safe. There are police officers placed
both inside and outside of Stage AE. They patrol the surrounding area for suspicious
activity such as illegal street vendors who are selling unauthorized talent merchandise.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): There are fans that are likely to engage in
the consumption of drugs prior to or during performances at Stage AE. The DEA can
help investigate and prepare for the prosecution of any people that are caught engaging in
such acts.
Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board: Since Stage AE sells alcohol, the Pennsylvania
Liquor Control Board regulates the sale of the alcohol and makes sure than none is sold
to minors.
Stage AE General Manager Doug Herrmann: Doug Herrmann continually checks the
weather to determine if it is appropriate to still hold an outside concert.
Stage AE Marketing Director Amy Cooper: Amy Cooper scans the Internet and Stage
AE’s social media platforms for possible disruptions to Stage AE’s business, such as the
bomb threats.
Bomb Threat Procedures
If a bomb threat is reported, immediately follow these procedures:
Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
Attempt to obtain as much information as possible from caller by using the checklist
Look at the telephone display console and write down the information (telephone
number, name, etc.)
Call Police 9-911. Give your name, location and telephone number. Inform them of
situation, including any information you may have as to the location of the bomb, time it
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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is set to explode, and the time you received call. Do not hang up until the dispatcher
releases you from conversation!
Inform your supervisor or department head. Indicate to your supervisor that you have
notified the police.
If you should spot a suspicious object, package, etc., report it to authorities immediately.
Do not touch it, tamper with it, or move it in any way!
If instructed to evacuate, report to the external crisis control center. Do not re-enter the
building until you have been instructed to by a member of the Crisis Management Team.
If the bomb threat is reported via social media, e-mail, or any other electronic form, call
the police immediately.
Bomb Threat Caller Checklist
Exact Wording of Threat:
Where is Bomb Located?
What does Bomb Look Like?
What Will Cause It to Explode?
Did You Place The Bomb?
What is Your Address?
What is Your Name?
Sex of Caller
_______ Age _______ Race _________
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Length of Call
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Callers Voice:
Calm _____
Laughing _____ Lisp _____ Disguised _____ Angry _____ Crying _____
Raspy _____ Familiar _____ Accent ____ Excited ______
Normal _____ Deep _____
Slow ______
Distinct _____ Ragged _____ Soft ______
Nasal _____ Loud _____
Stutter _____ Deep Breathing _______
Cracking Voice _____________
Background Sounds:
_____Street Noises _____House Noises _____Phone Booth _____Crockery _____Motor
_____PA System _____Music
_____Factory Equipment
_____Office Equipment
_____Animal Noises _____Long Distance _____Other:______________________________
Threat Language:
_____Well Spoken _____Foul _____ Irrational _____Incoherent _____Taped _____Read
Report Call Immediately to Police 9-911
Fill Out Above Form Completely after Bomb Threat. Date _____/______/______
Name __________________________ Position ___________________________
Fire Procedures
In the case of a fire, follow these procedures:
In every situation: call 9-911, giving your name, position, location, type of fire, and if fire is
If the fire is small, inform supervisor immediately and get nearest hand held fire
extinguisher and attempt to put out the fire.
If the fire is large, inform supervisor immediately. If the fire is too large to control with
a fire extinguisher, attempt to isolate the fire by shutting all doors in the fire area, and
sound the nearest fire alarm.
If you smell smoke, inform supervisor immediately, Try and locate the source and exact
location of the smoke.
o If the smoke is coming from under a doorway, feel the door.
o If the door is hot – DO NOT OPEN IT! Close all doors in the area and isolate the
If you feel excessive heat, inform supervisor immediately and feel the door.
o If the door is hot – DO NOT OPEN IT! Close all doors in the area and isolate the
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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When you evacuate, DO NOT stop for personal belongings or records. Leave
immediately, using exit stairways, not elevators. Close the doors as you go.
o Evacuate everyone to the external crisis control center. Be sure to be out of the
way of emergency personnel. Do not return to the building until instructed to do
so by authorized personnel.
o Do not walk through or stand in a smoke cloud.
Tell either officers or firefighters on the scene if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the
Proper Use of Hand Held Extinguisher
 Remove safety discharge pin. Pull quickly & sharply.
 Aim nozzle at base of fire and squeeze down on discharge trigger.
 Aim at base of fire and attempt to “blow” fire off the burning material.
 If the fire cannot be controlled with the extinguisher, attempt to isolate the fire and leave
General Evacuation Procedures
Some emergencies require the evacuation of the building. Evacuation will be signaled by a
sounding of the fire alarm system of the building or from an announcement from the stage.
If the building is to be evacuated, all personnel should report to the external crisis control center.
Exits are clearly marked throughout the building. Once the building has been evacuated NO
person will be permitted to re-enter the building until approval has been given by authorized
Immediate Procedures:
 Security supervisors will help with crowd control and move people towards the exits.
FOH Staff
o Assist Patrons with the Quick and Orderly Evacuation of Building Along
Designated Evacuation Routes.
o Do not run
o Do not panic
o Do not let the crowd congregate near entrances, gates, etc.
o Keep everyone moving!
Keep the production parking lot clear for emergency vehicles to enter and maneuver.
Listen and follow instructions from the fire department, police, and supervisors.
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Assist disabled or handicapped patrons out of the venue
Serious Injury/Illness Procedures
In the case of a serious injury or illness, follow these procedures:
Do not move the seriously injured persons unless it is a life threatening situation.
CALL 9-911 for Emergency Medical Services (EMS), giving your name, location, and
telephone number. Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of the
injury or illness, and whether or not the victim is conscious, etc.
Administer first-aid and keep the victim calm and as comfortable as possible.
o First-Aid Kit is located in the Administration Stairwell.
Remain with the victim until a police officer, EMS technician or ambulance arrives.
If the injured person is an employee, initiate the reporting procedures as directed by the
Manager on Duty.
If a fan, performer, etc. is the cause of the injury to the victim, call the police and detain
the suspect until police arrive.
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Crime in Progress Procedures
Immediate Procedures:
In the event of a robbery – DO NOT RESIST
DO NOT attempt to apprehend or interfere with the criminal except in case of selfprotection.
If you observe a crime or are a victim, report the following immediately by calling the
police (911) and give the following information:
o Location of incident
o Description of person (clothing and physical features)
o Observe persons direction of travel and vehicle description.
While police are en route, stay calm and write down all information that you can remember
before discussing details with anyone.
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Severe Weather Procedures
Due to the nature of our business, it may become necessary for Stage AE to cancel or move
shows indoors because of extremely inclement weather. However, every effort will be made to
ensure that our events will be held. Unless otherwise informed, employees are to assume that
Stage AE is open and the show will continue – rain or shine.
However, if the National Weather Service issues a Tornado Warning, there is not enough
protective shelter for all patrons. Therefore, it is imperative that warnings be issued early
enough to allow for an orderly evacuation of the venue if needed. We must give patrons a choice
to stay in the venue or return to their car. Neither is adequate protection but there is no
The General Manager or Director of Operations will make the Severe Weather Announcement
from the stage. In the case of a power outage, the announcement will be made with the aid of a
bull horn.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Incident Report Sheet
Date:_______________________ Time: ____________________________
Person filling out report: _________________________________________
When incident was first apparent day and time:
Who was involved: ______________________________________________
Location of incident:
People/organizations contacted regarding incident:
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External communication:
By whom:
With whom:
Actions taken:
By whom:
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Proprietary Information
The following information cannot be released to stakeholders without the authorization of
General Manager, Doug Herrmann, or view by legal counsel:
Names of Victims
o In the event of injury or death to any person while at Stage AE, the names of the
victims may not be released.
Internal Documents
o All documents regarding any private company information should not be
disclosed. Also, any documented transcripts from company meetings should
remain confidential.
Talent/Performer Contracts
o Any information disclosed in a performer’s contract is to remain confidential and
only discussed with those employees who need to be aware of certain
Legal Matters
o Information regarding any legal matters with Stage AE must remain confidential.
This information is only to be disclosed to the parties involved.
Marketing/Advertising Strategies
o Under no circumstances should any of Stage AE’s marketing and advertising
strategies be released to stakeholders. This information is kept private to ensure
the continued success of Stage AE.
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Crisis Communication Team
Communication Strategy Worksheet
Communication is strategic – it serves a distinct purpose.
Consider who you are talking to.
Specific audience:
Specific goal:
Consider what you are trying to achieve with this communication goal.
*Please attach a copy of the actual message that was sent to the audience.
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Secondary Contact Sheet
Primary Stakeholders
Contact Name: American Eagle Outfitters (Corporate Office)
Organizational Affiliation: Owns naming rights to Stage AE
Contact Information: (412)-432-3300
77 Hot Metal St Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Contacted by: __________________________________________
Date of Contact: ________________________________________
Contact Name: Continental Real Estate Companies
Organizational Affiliation: Owns building across the street from Stage AE and partially owns
Stage AE building
Contact Information: (412)-464-8933
395 East Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Homestead, PA
Contacted by: __________________________________________
Date of Contact: ________________________________________
Secondary Stakeholders
Contact Name: Carnegie Science Center
Organizational Affiliation: Neighboring building
Contact Information: (412)-237-3400
1 Allegheny Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Contacted by: __________________________________________
Date of Contact: ________________________________________
Contact Name: Heinz Field
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Organizational Affiliation: Neighboring building
Contact Information: (412)-697-7700
100 Art Rooney Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Contacted by: __________________________________________
Date of Contact: ________________________________________
Contact Name: PNC Park
Organizational Affiliation: Neighboring building
Contact Information: (412)-321-2827
115 Federal St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Contacted by: __________________________________________
Date of Contact: ________________________________________
Stakeholder Contact Worksheet
Employees should not talk to the media without a lawyer’s consultation. Only the General
Manager and Marketing Director are allowed to talk with the media.
Contacted by:
Channel used:
Specific inquiry:
Follow-up promised:
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Details of follow-up:
Business Community Plan
In the event of a crisis, one of Stage AE’s goals is to resume business as soon as possible.
When a crisis damages the facility and/or vital equipment needed:
 If severe weather or any other factors cause damage to Stage AE, make sure all
employees, fans, performers, etc. are evacuated immediately from the venue and/or
surrounding area if outside.
o If this is the case, the show should then be cancelled to ensure the safety of all
attendants and employees.
 If any talent’s vital equipment such as amps, instruments, etc. is damaged while
performing at Stage AE, the show will resume if the equipment can be fixed in a timely
o If the equipment is unable to be fixed and the talent cannot continue with the
performance, the show will then be cancelled.
 Under any other circumstances where the facility or vital equipment needed is damaged,
team members should always keep everyone’s safety in mind.
o Once everyone is safe, Stage AE can then begin contacting whoever is needed to
fix the damage done (ex: Team members would contact a building contractor if
the venue is damaged.)
 If a performer’s equipment is damaged, refer to the contract signed
between Stage AE and the talent for further steps.
When the Business Community Plan should be implemented:
The Business Community Plan should be implemented if and when any of the above instances
occur. If any additional situations arise in which the facility is damaged or vital equipment
needed, the Business Community plan should be used.
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Crisis Control Center Description
Crises can occur at any time. To ensure the safety of all employees, fans, performers, etc., is it
vital that a crisis control center is set in place for team members to assemble in the case of a
Symbols of Crisis
When a crisis occurs, employees will be notified in two ways. The first way is with a phone call
and text message to alert employees that there is a crisis and what is occurring. The second way
team members will be notified is through an alarm system. This alarm system is not intended to
alert and bring terror to fans and performers. Therefore, it simply consists of two short beeps.
This alarm system will be gone over with every employee during the Crisis Management Plan
rehearsal dates to ensure that everyone is aware of how this alarm sounds. This system will be
available for both inside and outside shows.
Response Locations
Due to Stage AE’s inside and outside concert areas, there is an internal and external response
location. Team members should use their best judgment to decide which location is most
appropriate to report to. However, if the crisis is occurring inside Stage AE, it is most likely best
to report to the external response location and vice versa.
 Internal Response Location: All team members should assemble behind stage left. If this
area is unavailable, team members should then report to the box office.
 External Response Location: All team members should assemble at the street corner of
Chuck Noll Way and W General Robinson St. located on the backside of the venue.
Post Crisis Evaluation Form
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Notification system used by the Crisis Management Team:
Information collection efforts:
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Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Media Contact List
Mike Karas
(Director of
General staff
General staff
Pittsburgh PostGazette
David M.
Frank Craig
Sean Collier
Whirl Magazine
(Editor in
420 Fort
Blvd., Suite
Pittsburgh, PA
Road Pittsburgh, PA
400 Ardmore
Pittsburgh, Pa.
34 Blvd. of
the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA
D.L. Clark
St., 3rd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA
Drive, Suite
PA 15222
Street, Suite
Pittsburgh, PA
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Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Amy Cooper
Marketing Director
Stage AE
(412)-229-5483 ext.2565
Bomb Threat Received at Stage AE
(Pittsburgh, PA, MM/DD/YYYY)- Stage AE strives to provide fans with a safe yet personal
experience through live entertainment. Unfortunately, a bomb threat was anonymously called in
to Stage AE on MM/DD/YYYY.
________ was scheduled to perform at Stage AE that day. However, after receiving the bomb
threat the show has been cancelled until further notice. Stage AE is working with the Pittsburgh
Police Department to determine where the called was placed and by who.
Stage AE has been providing a safe, unique experience for music lovers since 2010. We hope to
reschedule _____’s performance as soon as possible so fans can continue to enjoy the live
entertainment we are able to offer them.
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Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Amy Cooper
Marketing Director
Stage AE
(412)-229-5483 ext.2565
Fan Injured at Stage AE
(Pittsburgh, PA, MM/DD/YYYY)- Stage AE strives to provide fans with a safe yet personal
experience through live entertainment. Unfortunately, a fan was injured while at Stage AE on
The injured fan was approached by another fan who appeared intoxicated. The intoxicated fan
then proceeded to hit the victim in the face and stomach. Security immediately ceased the
intoxicated fan and sought medical attention for the injured fan. The Pittsburgh Police
Department arrested the intoxicated fan who is no longer allowed in Stage AE’s facilities.
Stage AE has been providing a safe, unique experience for music lovers since 2010. Depending
on the show’s style and attendance projections, Stage AE employs between 10-35 security staff
per show. We apologize that a fan’s experience was ruined due to the mindless decisions of
another; we will be sure to increase security during similar shows.
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Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
January 1st, 2014
Amy Cooper
Marketing Director
Stage AE
(412)-229-5483 ext.2565
2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Held at Stage AE
WHAT: 2014 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community
WHEN: 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, 2014
400 N Shore Dr.
Pittsburgh PA 15212
WHY: This walk benefits 69 local nonprofit organizations such as Lifesteps, Greater Pittsburgh
Community Food Bank, The Kingsley Association, and Every Child, Inc.
For more information, please visit
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Crisis Response Strategies
Crisis: Fire (no damages or injuries)
Crisis response strategy: Justification
Reason for this strategy: If a fire occurs with no damages or injuries, then the situation should
not be of much concern to the public. Therefore, using the justification response strategy would
be an effective way to relay to the public that no serious damages or injuries were caused so
there is no need to worry.
Crisis: Fire (with damages or injuries)
Crisis response strategy: Reminding and/or apology
Reason for this strategy: Depending on how the fire was started, either a reminding or apology
strategy should be used. If the fire is Stage AE’s fault and injuries are caused, then the apology
strategy should be used. This will help to diminish any damage caused the organization’s
reputation by showing that they are truly sorry for the crisis. If the fire is not Stage AE’s fault,
Stage AE should use the reminding strategy. Stage AE should remind stakeholders that a crisis
such as this has never occurred; the organization’s accomplishments should also be mentioned. If
there are injuries, however, an apology should still be made.
Message Map
a. Key Message 1: Stage AE is dedicated to providing fans with a personal, safe
experience. Unfortunately, a fire broke out at Stage AE during Bastille’s
performance on June 1st, 2014.
i. Fact 1.1: We ensure the safety of fans with 10-35 security
guards for each show.
ii. Fact 1.2: The fire is believed to have been a result of a faulty
electrical outlet in which one of the band’s guitars was plugged
iii. Fact 1.3: This is the first fire Stage AE has experienced.
b. Key Message 2: One of Stage AE’s main concerns is the safety of everyone
in attendance. Thankfully, no one was injured during the fire.
i. Fact 2.1: The fire department was called immediately and
responded within minutes.
ii. Fact 2.2: Stage AE evacuated everyone inside the facility to
the external crisis control center.
iii. Fact 2.3: No one was allowed back into the facilities after the
fire to ensure safety.
c. Key Message 3: Stage AE can continue to provide a unique experience for
fans since minimal damage was done to Stage AE’s facilities.
i. Fact 3.1: We have hosted over 200 concerts that keep fans
coming back for more.
ii. Fact 3.2: Our continued growth is made possible by the loyal
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iii. Fact 3.3: We will be able to continue with our regularly
scheduled performances.
Crisis: Bomb threat
Crisis response strategy: Excusing or apology
Reason for this strategy: If a bomb threat is made, the response strategy should be excusing
because it allows Stage AE to minimize fault for the occurrence. The fact that Stage AE receives
a bomb threat is out of the organization’s control. If it is handled properly and no one is injured
or no damage is done, then Stage AE is not to blame. However, if damage or injuries do occur,
Stage AE should use the apology strategy. With this strategy, Stage AE can explain how they
took every possible precaution with the bomb threat and are sorry that it turned into more than a
simple threat.
Message Map
a. Key Message 1: Stage AE strongly believes in providing fans with a unique
yet safe experience. When a bomb threat was received on June 1st, 2014, we
immediately cancelled that night’s show.
i. Fact 1.1: We have implemented between 10-35 security guards
for each show to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance.
ii. Fact 1.2: We have provided music lovers with over 200
iii. Fact 1.3: As soon as we received the bomb threat, we made
sure to evacuate the building and cancel that night’s show.
b. Key Message 2: Stage AE wants to ensure the safety of all fans, performers,
employees, etc. We are heavily investigating the received threat.
i. Fact 2.1: The bomb threat was received via phone call early in
the day.
ii. Fact 2.2: We immediately contacted the Pittsburgh Police
Department and bomb squad to check the building for any
suspicious material.
iii. Fact 2.3: We are working together with the Pittsburgh Police
Department to find the suspect who placed the bomb threat
c. Key Message 3: Stage AE is dedicated to providing fans with great music.
Bastille’s performance will be rescheduled for a later date.
i. Fact 3.1: We will heavily monitor all phone calls and social
media posts made during the day of the rescheduled
performance to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance.
ii. Fact 3.2: We will also have extra security and police presence
for a few of our next concerts in case anything happens.
iii. Fact 3.3: With over 200 concerts enjoyed by many fans, we
will continue to provide fans with a personal experience
through live entertainment.
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Crisis: Injury
Crisis response strategy: Apology or excusing
Reason for this strategy: This apology crisis response strategy allows Stage AE to show that
they are truly sorry for the injury that was received while at the venue. With a sincere apology,
Stage AE’s reputation should not be harmed. The company should also emphasize during this
time that they are dedicated to customers’ safety and taking extra precautions to ensure that
everyone has a safe experience. However, if the injury was a result of a fight between two fans,
the excusing response strategy may work better. This strategy would allow Stage AE to diminish
their responsibility for the injury if it was caused by another fan, not the organization directly.
An apology may also be issued using this strategy just simply to cover all bases.
Message Map
a. Key Message 1: Stage AE is determined to providing a unique yet safe
experience. However, a fight broke out between two fans during Bastille’s
performance at Stage AE on June 1st, 2014.
Fact 1.1: We hire approximately 10-35 security guards to aid in the
management of our events.
ii. Fact 1.2: We have hosted over 200 concerts that have left our fans
wanting more.
iii. Fact 1.3: The fight occurred between two unruly fans.
b. Key Message 2: Stage AE is devoted to giving fans a safe experience.
Thankfully, both parties faced non-life-threatening injuries.
Fact 2.1: Security guards stopped the fight almost immediately to ensure
no more damage was done.
ii. Fact 2.2: Security guards detained both of the fans and took them to an
isolated area so they could not hurt any others.
iii. Fact 2.3: Security guards immediately called 911 to evaluate the health
of the fans.
c. Key Message 3: Stage AE is committed to providing a safe experience for all
fans. Both parties were arrested due to their unruly behavior.
Fact 3.1: The Pittsburgh Police Department was called as soon as the
fight erupted.
ii. Fact 3.2: We have banned the two fans to ensure the continued safety of
Stage AE’s customers.
iii. Fact 3.3: We will increase security at similar shows to ensure all fans’
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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Electronic Newsroom
In the event of a crisis, many customers and stakeholders will turn to Stage AE’s website and
social media platforms for information. Below are guidelines and various statement templates to
post to social media in the event of a crisis.
General Guidelines
 RSS links and share links should be added to the end of every electronic news release,
blog post, etc. This allows for easy sharing of the information.
 Always keep the statement short and to the point.
 NEVER release the names of victims.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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In the case of any injuries or deaths, always notify the family prior to posting to any
social media platforms or to the website.
Only General Manager Doug Herrmann and Marketing Director Amy Cooper are
allowed to post any statements to the media.
o A lawyer’s approval is needed prior as well.
Use as many forms as social media as possible when updating the public (Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
Be sure to reference the proprietary information section before posting.
Always keep fans and followers updated through social media during a crisis; link to any
articles or websites that will benefit public knowledge.
Social Media Statements
 Crisis example: Bomb threat
o Statement: Tonight’s show is cancelled due to a bomb threat. We will provide
updates when more information is known.
 Make sure to follow through with updates and dates for rescheduled
 Crisis example: Fire
o Statement: A fire broke out during ____’s show tonight. Everyone is safe.
 If there are victims/injured attendees, list number of those injured but DO
NOT release names. Also, add that families of those injured have been
contacted to relieve worry if a family member sees the tweet and has not
 Crisis example: Injury to fan, performer
o Statement: A fan was injured tonight due to _______. The fan’s injuries were
minimal and will be fine.
 If the injuries were more serious, state severity but not exact injuries.
Also, DO NOT release names of the injured.
Stage AE’s Website
There is currently no section on Stage AE’s website to alert the public of crises. As a suggestion,
a section for this information should be added under either the title of “newsroom” or “crisis
 This section could feature statements similar to those released through social media as
well as press releases on the matter.
 In addition, contact information for those concerned about a crisis occurring at Stage AE
should be provided.
Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
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Stage AE’s Accomplishments
The following is a list of Stage AE’s accomplishments. This information should be used in the
event of a crisis to remind the public about the positive aspects of Stage AE.
Stage AE has been a positive addition to Pittsburgh, creating over 150 jobs.
o 14 full time employees
o 50 part time employees
o 100+ for Aramark, Landmark security, etc.
Stage AE takes the safety of all fans and performers seriously.
o Depending on the show style and attendance projections, there can be anywhere
from 10-35 security guards at an event.
Its North Shore location puts it close to great places to dine such as Jerome Bettis’ Grille
36, Titled Kilt Pub & Eatery, Rivertowne North Shore, Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse, and
Stage AE is always providing Pittsburgh with a wide variety of artists. The venue
averages at least 10 shows a month.
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Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Stage AE has a very positive reputation among its customers.
o – 37 reviews, 4/5 stars
 “I love Stage AE. It's the perfect size venue. They are big enough to get
some awesome bands but they are small enough that you feel engaged and
a part of the music. You don't need a pair of binoculars to see the band. –
Will B.”
 “At Stage AE last night, I caught power pop metal princes Cheap Trick in
concert for the very first time and had a sweat-soaked singalong blast.
Two months ago it was the shock-rock duo of Alice Cooper and Marilyn
Manson that captivated my eyes and ears through horrific, vaudevillian
spectacle. The day after my birthday, Coheed and Cambria dazzled my
senses with their genre-bending, sci-fi mini-epics. Be it indoors or
outdoors, Stage AE remains one innovative, utilitarian, and all-'round
phenomenal venue that has busted the concert scene in Pittsburgh open
wide. Stop depriving yourself. Come here and catch a gig soon. – Darren
o Google Reviews – 22 reviews, 4.2/5 stars
 “Excellent place to see concerts. I have seen bands in all three formats:
inside (main area), inside (club setup), and outside. In all cases, the sound
quality is phenomenal with a great lighting system. The staff are friendly
and it is easy to move around and find a good spot. – Clarence S.”
Crisis Team Task Analysis
The following is a crisis team task analysis which determines the key characteristics needed for
job performance.
Task Statement
Work efficiently
1. Understand
1. Ability to use
1. Cooperative
together in order to
information regarding
make effective decisions the crisis
conflict management
2. Patience
in a crisis situation
2. Understand
3. Informed
Apply the crisis
management plan
(CMP) to crises in order
to facilitate an effective
organizational response
components of an
ethical conflict
3. Understand the
variance in conflict
resolution styles
1. Understand what the
CMP entails and how to
enforce it
2. Understand
information regarding
the crisis that has
3. Understand
2. Ability to work well
with others
1. Ability to follow the
directions given in the
2. Ability to stay calm
and level-headed
3. Ability to apply the
information regarding
the crisis to the crisis
1. Professionalism
2. Stress tolerance
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Stage AE Crisis Management Plan as of 5/1/14
Make the necessary
group decisions to
effectively solve the
problems encountered
by the team
Listen to others as a
means of collecting
mechanisms for coping
with stress
1. Understand decisionmaking functions
2. Understand the value
of augmentation
3. Understand how to
structure arguments
4. Understand the
importance of group
decision making
1. Understand the steps
to effective listening
2. Understand how to
apply information
gained through listening
1. Ability to apply the
elements of decision
2. Ability to speak and
work with groups
3. Ability to formulate
and portray key
1. Openness in groups
2. Cooperation
3. Argumentativeness
1. Ability to use the
steps to effective
2. Ability to apply
information gained
through listening
1. Openness
2. Good listener
Crisis Evaluation Guidelines
It is important to evaluate the actions taken during a crisis. Follow these guidelines when
evaluating the impact of a crisis.
Always be sure to fill out the Incident Report Sheet and the Post Crisis Evaluation Form.
Debrief two weeks to a month after the action is taken
o Discuss what occurred during the crisis and how everything was handled
Analyze the crisis
o Discuss any recommendations on handling future crises or changes in Stage AE’s
business practices
Analyze sales to see if there has been an increase or decrease since the crisis occurred
o This should be done by the Marketing Director, Amy Cooper
Monitor Stage AE’s social media platforms and any news articles and blogs to see what
customers and stakeholders are saying about Stage AE
o This should also be done by the Marketing Director, Amy Cooper