Individual Country Assessment Italy: Nicole Arena 1. Demographics A. Population-Actual Growth Rate B. Population rank C. Fertility Rate % Contraceptive Use % D. Age Median Age % of population < 15 % of population > 65 E. Life Expectancy Male/female A) Population: 58,126,212 (C.I.A. 2009) Growth rate: -0.047% (C.I.A. 2009) Population Density: 199.2 persons per sq. km (Wikipedia) B) Population Rank: 24 (C.I.A 2009) C)Fertility Rate: 1. 3 children per woman (Italy Demographic Profile 2008) Contraceptive Use:________ D)Median Age: 43.3 years old, Male: 41.8 years, Female: 44.8 years % of population < 15: 13.5% % of population > 65: 20.2% % of population 15-64: 66.3% (C.I.A. 2009) -NOTE: Second oldest population ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) E)Life Expectancy Male: 77.26 years Female: 83.33 years (C.I.A 2009) *note: population of approximately 1.3 million foreign residents/immigrants 74 (2009 Q.O.L Index, Page 1 Quality of Life Index (NY = 100) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 Education Levels A.% adult literacy M F B.% enrollment Primary Secondary Tertiary C. School life expectancy Male and female D. Education Expenditures as % of GDP A)Literacy: defined as those over the age of 15 who can read and write Total % of Adults: 98.4% Male:98.8% Female: 98% (C.I.A. 2009) B) % school enrollment 100% Primary: 101% Secondary: 88% Tertiary:47% ( Earth Trends 2009) C) School Life expectancy Male: 16 years Female:17 years (C.I.A 2009) D) Education Expenditures as % of GDP: 4.5 % Compared to World: 88 (C.I.A 2009) “ The culture of conversation can be seen as a product of a variety of influences: an educational system that requires oral examinations and thereby cultivates verbal skills….”(Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Health A)Health as % of GDP B) Doctors per 1,000 C)Major cause of death #1, 2, 3 A) Health as % of GDP: 9% ( World Health Organization 2007) B) Doctors per 1,000 6.06 ( Tiscali 2009) C. Major Causes of Death - 1)Ischemic Heart Disease 16% -2) Cerebrovascular disease 12% -3)Lung Cancers 6% ( World Health Organization 2007) Note: -Health Services are coordinated through government agencies, individuals can choose physician in most cases government pays costs. Private care is paid for individually. (Culture Grams 2007) - Smoking is common, even after the 2005 ban on smoking in enclosed areas. ( Culture Grams 2007) Page 2 -About one-quarter of the population reportedly smoke. (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 Social Stats A. # of households average # people per household B.marriage rate per 1,000 divorce rate per 1,000 A) # of households: 23.3 million ( Average # of people per house hold 2.7 persons -Lone parent households: 7% - Households with 5+: 11% -Home ownership: 78% B) Marriage rate per 1,000: 4.5 - Age at 1st ( Nation Master 2009) ( marriage; Men 30 Women 27.1 ( Nation Master 2009) Divorce rate per 1,000 0.27 2. Geography A. Size of Country and rank if in top twenty Divorce is only allowed after 3 years of legal separation. ( Culture Grams 2007) Area of Country: 301,340 sq. KM Rank: 78 - Slightly larger than Arizona ( C.I.A. 2009) -Includes the large Islands of Sicily and Sardinia and a number of smaller islands (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) -Divided into 20 regions B. Climate The climate in Italy is very diverse but can be categorized as being predominantly Mediterranean, with Alpine climates in the far North and can be severely hot and dry in the South (C.I.A.). Summers can get fairly hot in the south reaching temperatures up to t 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degree Celsius), while the rest of Italy has moderate summers. ( Culture Grams 2007) Climate has effect on not only cooking and food but the way Italians trace that back to their cultural and national identities: “The reason for the internal difference in gastronomic habits is that the historical factors that produced the idea of a national cooking are usually outweighed by geographical disparities, notably climate.” “… greatest contrasts are to be found between northern and southern cooking.” ( Culture and Customs of Italy, 2005) Climate is normally suitable for outdoor activities, favorite pastimes of Italians all occur outside of the home in open spaces: Page 3 “…a climate that encourages gathering in public places...” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 C. Terrain % country in mountains % country as desert % near sea level Low Point High point Coastline Natural Disasters % country in mountains:10,611,010 km, 35.21% %country as desert: 12,541,898 km, 41.62% % near sea level: 6,980,693 km, 23.17% -Italy consists of mostly rugged mountainous regions, some plains in the central locations and coastal lowlands (C.I.A. 2009). The Alps run along the north border, while the Apennines mountain range forms a spine dividing east and west down to the peninsula. The heel and coastal areas are more flat. The 2 Regions: North and South - The lowest point Mediterranean Sea 0 meters Notes -The coastline 7,600 km -The highest point Monte Bianco 15,771 ft. Volcanoes Etna, Vulcano, Stromboli, Vesuvius Many Mudslides! Italy has had so many natural disasters that the people are more willing to except the insecurity as a part of life. ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) The 2 Regions: North and South North -37 million people -rich farmland ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) South -20 million people -poorer , more agrarian, harsher farming conditions (The Italian Opera, Gannon) Notes: Northern Italy is blessed with rich farmland which has led it to traditionally prosper. The southern regions of Italy are more subject to heat and droughts which has led them to be less successful then their northern neighbors. ( Culture Grams 2007) “As a result of its mountainous topography, Italy has traditionally been a place of localized politics, economy, culture, and customs. To understand Italy is to understand its great local and regional traditions, a feature that has challenged the creation of a modern nation state and led some to emphasize the importance of local over national characteristics” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole “Much of the South is mountainous, and thus traditionally its agricultural population has struggled interior.” (Cultures Arena Italyto support itself, particularly Date: in the October 8, 2009 and Customs of Italy, 2005) -Italy’s islands (Sicily/Sardinia) are historically grouped with the south Page “…Emilia-Romagna region… highly valued food products. Its plains are home to wheat,corn, and sugar beet fields, its cattle are much sought, tomatoes and asparagus are said to be harvested here….connecting north to central Italy and thus serving as a major hub of road and rail transportation.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) 4 “At the base of the Alpine ranges is Italy’s only wide plain, the Po River Valley, running westward from Venice and the Veneto through Lombardi into Piedmont. The well-watered plain of the Po, Italy’s “bread Basket,” is home to Italy’s major dairies and grain producers.” ( Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) D. Major Rivers and Lakes Rivers North: Adda, Isonzo, Tagliamento, Ticino, Piave, Po ( waters the plain of the Po River Valley, also is major transportation way) Center: Tiber ( flows through Rome), Arno (connects Florence and Pisa cross center of peninsula from Apennines to Tyrrhenian Sea) South: Abruzzi, Forrtore, Ofanto Lakes North: Garda, Maggiore, Como Center: Trasimeno South: Lesina, Varano E. Number of ports Quality of port facility 9 Augusta, Genoa, Livorno, Ravenna, Sarroch, Taranto, Trieste, Ancona, Venice (C.I.A 2009) Strategic locations on the Mediterranean Ancona is a busy port that houses ship-building, fishing , chemical, and metallurgical industries. (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) F. Shape and Location of Country Shape: Italy is a boot shaped country in-between Spain and Greece, with a long narrow peninsula that extends 750 miles south into the Mediterranean Sea. The spine like range of the Apennine mountains divides the country into east and west. Italy is also partially separated from the rest of European mainland by the Alpine mountain range on the northern border. (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Location: In-between Spain and Greece but does not border either country. Northern region is boarded with France (488km), Switzerland (740km), Slovenia (199km) and Austria (430km). The west side of Italy boarders the Tyrrhenian Sea, while the East side of the country boarders the Adriatic Sea. The southern regions of the country border the Ionian and Mediterranean seas. Coordinates: 42 50 N, 12 50 E “Strategic location dominating central Mediterranean as well as southern sea and air approaches to Western Europe.” (C.I.A. 2009) “Alpine regions to the far north incorporate French styles …and Austrian diets…German is often the language of choice.” (Culture and Customs of Italy, 2005) Page 5 “…northeastern regions… Austrian style… and Slavic influences.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 3. Economics A. GDP in aggregate Origins of GDP Agriculture Industry Services Rank in world economy % of GWP GDP $2.314 trillion (2008 C.I.A.) B. GDP per capita Growth rate in GDP pc* GDP per capita $31,300 in U.S. dollars Origins of GDP: Agriculture 2% Industry 27% Services 71% Rank in World Economy as % of GWP 7th , $2.1 trillion Compared to World: 41 GDP Growth Rate -1% Compared to World: 209 C. GDP w/PPP @ pc (C.I.A. 2009) $1.823 trillion in U.S. dollars Compared to World: 11 D. Econ. Freedom Score Explain where that places the country relative to other countries in the world (C.I.A 2009) Economic Freedom Score 61.4 - -1.2% change from previous year World Rank 76 out of all countries Regional Rank 32 out of 43 countries Index Scoring: 100-80 Free 70-79.9 Mostly Free 60-69.9 Moderately Free 50-59.9 Mostly Unfree (Italy on Economic Freedom 2009) Page 6 49.9- 0 Repressed Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 E. Trade Measurements Major Trade Partners Biggest Export Target Biggest Import Source % of GDP in foreign trade Balance of Payments Membership in Regional Trading Organizations Major trading partners Germany, France, USA, the Netherlands, UK, Spain Exports mechanical and electrical machinery, transport equipment, textiles, clothing and leather goods, wine (leading producer and exporter), metals and metal products, chemicals, food, beverages, tobacco goods. Resources lignite, lead, zinc, mercury, potash, sulphur, fluorspar, bauxite, marble, petroleum, natural gas, fish Principal market: Germany 13.6% (Tiscali 2005) Imports mineral fuels and lubricants, machinery and transport equipment, chemical products, foodstuffs, metal products. Principal source: Germany 18% (Tiscali 2005) Current Account Balance -$78.03 billion (U.S. Department of State 2008) Regional Trade Organizations - F. Financial Inflation rate 10 years Savings Rates European Union ( EU) Euro Zone Participant North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Savings Rate 6.8% ( 2007) Investment Gross Fixed 20.9% of GDP Compared to World: 98 (C.I.A. 2009) Inflation Rate 3.4% (2008) 1.8% (2007) Compared to World: 42 G. Unemployment rate Unemployment rate 6.8% Labor Force Partcipation Major Sources of employment – agricultural, manufacturing, services (C.I.A. 2009) Compared to World: 86 (C.I.A. 2009) Labor Force 25.11 million Compared to World: 21 (C.I.A. 2009) Labor Force Participation 57% of those age 15-64 ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) Major Sources of Employment: Agricultural4.2% Industry30.7% Services65.1% Page 7 Note: Most Italians work in small family owned businesses, there are only 47 large firms in Italy. ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 H. Income Distribution Gini coefficient average income Income Classes Middle Class % in poverty % in Middle Class stage of economic development Gini Coefficient 32 (2006) Compared to World: 104 (C.I.A. 2009) Average Income $20,800 US dollars Income Classes: (Nations Encyclopedia, 2008) -Bourgeoisie (entrepreneurs/ upper management): 10% -White Collar (non-manual labor): 17% -Urban Petit (small business owners): 14% -Rural Petit (small business agriculture): 10% -Urban Working Class (manual labor) : 37% -Rural Working Class (primary sector): 9% Poverty Rate11.1% ( Economic Stage Developed Country ( DC) -established middle class -Low growth rates/ mature market -savvy consumers with access to information and choices -buyers market I Penetration rate of TVs, radios, internet, and personal vehicles, per 1000 TV’s per 1000 590 Radios per 1000 880 Internet users per 1000 408 Personal Vehicles per 1000 541.7 ( Tiscali 2007) Note: Page 8 “…radio broadcasts contributed to the standardization of the Italian language, particularly in the south.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 J. Infrastructure Road Network Length Railways and Airlines passenger and freight. Road Network 479,688 km , 100% of which is paved Railways length 16,200 km Airports 11 principal international, 120 smaller airports 4. Political Factors A. Duration of government Type of government Enfranchisement Rates Government type Republic - (C.I. A 2009) Republic since June 2, 1946 Based on civil law system in which appeals are treated as new trials Enfranchisement rates _______ Rank in World Economy as % of GWP 7th , $2.1 trillion Note: There have been 57 successive governments in Italy since WWII, frequent government collapses in the 1980’s ( Culture Grams 2007) B. Government interaction How Involved is the government in the economy Italy is a centralized government whereby the officials of each of the provinces is appointed by and answerable to the central government. ( U.S. Department of State 2009) Constitution provides for 20 regions with limited governing powers. “Five regions--Sardinia, Sicily, Trentino-Alto Adige, Valle d'Aosta, and Friuli-Venezia Giulia--function with special autonomy statutes ( U.S. Department of State 2009).” 15 regions were established in 1970 and they vote for regional councils The regional governments throughout Italy have brought some decentralization to the national government, and more recent governments have delegated powers to the regions ( U.S. Department of State 2009) C. Corruption Index 2008 CPI score 4, 8 Rank55 (Transparency International, 2008) Page 9 Confidence range 4-5.5 Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 D. Risk Factors Political Financial Is this a risky market? Political -unstable and inefficient government -wide spread corruption in government and business -criminal groups ; such as the mafia ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) -gateway/consumer of illegal drugs such as Latin American cocaine and Southwest Asian heroin -illegal immigration from southeast Europe and northern Africa ( C.I.A. 2009) Financial -huge public debt; official debt remains above 100% of GDP ( C.I.A. 2009) -rampant tax evasion; unpaid taxes account for approximately 27% of GDP( The Italian Opera, Gannon) E. Defense Spending as % of GDP Armed Forces (000) Military/defense expenditures 1.8% of GDP ( C.I.A. 2005) Armed Forces: Italian Army Navy Air force Carabineri Corps Page 10 5. Historical Factors Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 FIVE Events or trends 1) King Frederico 2) National Unification 3) Corruption at a Peak in 1992 1) King Frederico 11th century He established an autocratic form of government in the southern region of Italy. This caused the mafia to rise to power as a middle mans between the people and the king and led to widespread corruption. Northern Italy had much more civic involvement and democratic elections held corruption in check (The Italian Opera, Gannon). - Today The country is still divided into a more prosperous north and a more repressed south 2) National Unification Italy did not become a nation state until 1861. This makes it a relatively young nation compared to others in the European Union. Many other foreign bodies had attempted to control Italy prior to its unification. ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) - Today Italians never really identified with any of the other foreign bodies that conquered the country. This may explain Italians historic contempt for law and paying taxes 3) Corruption at a Peak in 1992 Public officials investigated leads having to do with kickbacks and bribery in business practices. This investigation led to the questioning of more than 6,000 people and the indictment of 1,200 people. Some of whom were top businessmen, mafia members and included two former prime ministers. This was the biggest shake-down in Italy’s history. ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) and (Culture Grams 2007) - Today Many Italians have a mistrust of government officials and business leaders. New companies have to gain trust of the people before becoming fully accepted. 4)1815 Italy divided between Austria, Papal Statues, Naples, Sardinia and four duchess - Today Italy is now one republic but Italians still value their individualism. They show more loyalty to their towns and families then their nation because they are used to being separated 5) Mussolini 1922-1943 in 1922 Mussolini established a fascist dictatorship followed by periods of strikes and agrarian revolts. He eliminated political parties, curtailed personal liberties, and installed a fascist dictatorship termed the Corporate State - Today Italians still do not trust authority and they take life with a grain on salt and uncertainty Page 11 6. Cultural Effects Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 Language Primary Secondary Tolerance and latitude Primary Language Italian 90% Secondary Language English Other major languages German, French and Slovene ( C.I. A. 2009) Note: “well over 90 percent of Italians speak Italian as their first language…however 60 percent of Italians continue to use one of many dialects. ” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) “ …the national language is marked with distinct regional variations in pronunciation, spelling and syntax.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Religion primary, secondary %’s tolerance and latitude Roman Catholic - Page 12 - 85% of Italians profess themselves Roman Catholics, while only 35% attend mass regularly (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Other: protestant, Jewish, Muslim Italian constitution guarantees freedom of religion ( Culture Grams 2007) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 Cultural Perspective Primary Values Dealing with foreigners Ethnocentrism Values - - - - Medium context Culture: do not convey feelings or thoughts at least partially at the beginning of relationships. Northern Italy is more low context while Southern Italy is more high context. ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) Public Oriented: strong need to portray and maintain a certain image. Information is widely shared and there is no word for “privacy” in Italian. “ La Bella Figura” is the term for portraying an image of power and class which is pursed through the acquisition of material possessions. High externalization: feelings and emotions are expressed openly to others. Italians are skilled conversationalist and enjoy communicating in an expressive manner that gives visual connections to others. They would rather be in group settings than alone. ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) Polychromic: perform many activities simutaneously Campanilismo: the Italian term for first belonging to your town, then to your region and finally to your nation. Large power distance Accepting of Individualism and aggressive materialist behavior Strong family ties: tend to not be trusting of outsiders, therefore rely on the family unit for advice and decisions ( The Italian Opera, Gannon) Foreigners: general good and accepting attitude towards foreigners unless acting out of context Ethnocentrism: ________ Note: “In spite of a legacy of localized traditions, the people of Italy rank among the more homogenous national groups on the European continent, particularly in terms of language, national origin and religion.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Favorite Pastimes 1) Soccer ( “football”) 2) Auto racing ( Grand Prix) 3) Cycling 4) People watching and conversation “The fervor of Italian fans for soccer, auto racing and cycling is world renowned.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Page 13 “….58 percent of Italian preferred soccer, followed by auto racing and cycling.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009 Favorite Beverage 1) Wine 2) Espresso 3) Sparkling Water 4) Warm milk for children ( Culture Grams 2007) “Wine is ubiquitous at mealtime, accompanied by sparkling water.” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) “Wine is the only type of alcoholic beverage used by the majority of Italians…exclusive beverage of 63 percent of men… and 70 percent of women.” ( Alcohol in Italian Culture, Lolli) Page 14 “..Italians begin their days with an espresso …usually at their favorite bar...” (Cultures and Customs of Italy, 2005) Prepared by: Nicole Arena Italy Date: October 8, 2009