Cordova High School Folsom Cordova Unified School District World Languages Department Course Expectations Course Title: Spanish 1 Teacher name: Sra. Aviña Teacher contact info: (916) 294-2450 ext. 810343 Course description: Spanish 1 is an introductory course to the Spanish Language and cultures of today. Emphasis is on development of the four major language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition to these skills, students will explore the many facets of Hispanic cultures and heritage through the use of a text, video, audio, and workbook program. The course is conducted in the target language using the immersion method. Grading policy: Students in 9th and 10th grade will be assessed using MYP assessment and final grade policies. We expect you to actively participate in your own learning by completing ALL of your assignments. Not all of your work is graded. Some assignments give you the opportunity to practice your skills; others allow you to demonstrate your mastery of the subject specific standards. Although your final grade is based on summative assessments, your performance on formative assessments will prepare you for the summative assessments and will also guide instruction in the classroom. Teacher will be using Power School and Mangebac. Power School will show summative and formative grades /points while Mangebac will show only summative grades. Formative Assessments Formative assessments occur after small amounts of instruction while the students are making meaning of new concepts. The feedback is nearly immediate and helps students integrate new information with previous knowledge. Formative assessments also help teachers adjust instruction to best meet the needs of our students. Formative assessments are powerful tools that can help improve a student’s understanding. Examples of Formative assessments can be: Class work, warm-ups, interviews, homework, quick writes, quizzes, Socratic seminars, and exit tickets. Summative Assessments Summative assessments occur at the end of a large chunk of instruction. The results may take a while to be returned to the students. The purpose of summative assessments is to help a teacher evaluate a student’s mastery of learning goals for the unit of study. Summative assessments occur less frequently than formative assessments. Summative assessments will be given at the end of each 5-6 week unit of study. Examples of Summative assessments can be: Chapter exams, embedded assessments, essays, unit exams, presentations, projects, and final exams. MYP assigns four criteria to be assessed within the Language Acquisition course. Each criteria will be assessed two (2) times per semester. When more than one criterion is assessed in a task, there will be multiple grades (one grade for each criterion). Language Acquisition Criterion – - A: Comprehending Spoken and Visual Text - B: Comprehending Written and Visual Text - C: Communicating in Response to Spoken, Written and Visual Text - D: Using Language in Spoken and Written Form Please refer to the Cordova High MYP section of the website for additional details. Citizenship – Your citizenship grade will be based upon: - Your participation your preparedness Your adherence to CHS’s Learner Profile. Cordova Lancers strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective Classroom rulesRespect teacher, classmates and their property. Respect school property (students’ desks, walls, grass areas etc). Be prepared (homework, class materials (please see materials listed on this hand out)). Dress appropriate (see dress code student handbook). Be responsible (be on time to class, check grades, turn in assignments on time, wait to be dismissed). Disruptive behavior in class is NOT acceptable (see discipline). Electronic devices need to be off and in backpack during class. Discipline – Positive and productive behavior is expected from you. If your choices in the classroom detract from your ability to learn, or interfere with the learning of others, we will take measures to help you alter your behavior. These measures (progressive discipline) include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, communication with your parents/guardians, behavior reflection in another classroom, and after school detention. As a last resort, you might be suspended from the class or sent to administration with a referral. Some behaviors may result in an immediate suspension if they are particularly dangerous or unacceptable. Attendance – You are expected to attend class regularly. It is difficult to help you learn when you are not present. Language Acquisition relies heavily upon class participation and interacting with your fellow language learners. You are expected to be in your seat and working when the bell rings. If you walk in as the bell rings or your materials are not ready, then you are late. You will remain seated until dismissed (regardless of when the bell rings). You are responsible for checking the course website for notes or missed assignments, and for arranging with the teacher to make-up work, in the event that you are absent. Late work – If you are absent from school, you will be given two (2) days for each day of absence to make up any work without consequence, in accordance with the district’s policy. Formative assignments may only be effective if they are completed in a timely manner. It is in your best interest to complete all assignments on time to ensure your progress in your language study and preparation for the summative unit assessments. Make-ups of summative assessments must be completed within two weeks of the end of the unit of study. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time with the teacher to complete the make-up assignment. Electronics policy – World Language classes are all performance and participation based, and electronic devices will seriously affect your progress and success in these classes. Use of cell phones for educational purposes during class time is strictly at the teacher’s discretion within their classroom. Cell phones, ear buds, headphones and any other electronic devices are not allowed in class, unless cleared by the teacher for educational purposes or a specific activity. All electronics and ear buds/headphones must be put away when you enter a World Language classroom. There is no charging of cell phones allowed in class. If visible, the teacher may confiscate the item and lock it in a secure place for the remainder of the period or the day. It is your responsibility to collect the item from the teacher. **Please note** The classroom teacher is not liable for any lost, stolen or damaged electronics Audio/Visual recordings policy – Two of the MYP criterion assess competence in the spoken language, so students may be asked to record their assessments, either as audio voice recordings, or video recordings. These recordings are solely for the use of the assessment and evaluation. These recordings will not be played back for any audience and are strictly for use by the teachers of the CHS World Languages department to assess the students’ language skills. Materials – A textbook will be checked out to you at the beginning of the year to take home for use. In most cases, there will be a class set of textbooks in the classroom. A workbook will also be checked out to you at the beginning of the year. If you would like to purchase the workbook, so you may write in it, you must take the workbook to the student store and pay for it. They will scan the barcode and sell the book to you for the following prices: Spanish ¡Qué Chévere! workbooks level 1- $15 Spanish ¡Qué Chévere! Grammar workbook level 1- $18 If you choose to NOT purchase the workbook, you may NOT write in it, and you must return it to the library at the end of the school year, in the same condition it was checked out to you. Students are expected to have and bring to class at all times: - A composition notebook (preferred), notebook or section of binder – for grammar and vocabulary notes A folder or binder or section of a binder (for handouts) Binder paper #2 Pencil, pen (blue/black) and a red pen for corrections Dry erase marker (not light colors such as yellow) Color pencils eraser Highlighter Index cards for flashcards Small scissors Glue stick We have read the Spanish I Course Expectations and have understood the class expectations and requirements. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Student’s Printed Name and Date Student’s Signature ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name and Date Parent/Guardian’s Signature