Table - Primary Research Group

Table of Contents
THE QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................................................................... 9
PARTICIPANTS LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Characteristics of the Sample ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
SUMMARY OF MAIN FINDINGS...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Library spending on DVD’s, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content not delivered through
an Internet connection. ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
In 2014 ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
In 2015 ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
In 2016 (anticipated) .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Number of DVD’s and Blu-rays of Films and Other Video Resources in the Library Collection ........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
In 2014 ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
In 2015 ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
In 2016 (anticipated) .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Percentage of Library’s DVD’s and Blu-rays of Films and Other Video Resources Given to the Library
for Free....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Percentage of Library’s Collection of DVD’s and Blu-rays of Films and Other Video Resources That
Were Purchased as Used Items, Excluding Those Given to the Library for Free ...... Error! Bookmark not
Lending Out Films or Other Videos in VHS or Laserdisk Formats .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
What percentage of film and other video titles does the library maintain multiple copies? ...........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Video Titles of Which the Library Has More Than One Copy .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Percentage of Films or Videos Loaned Out By the Library Come From Other Libraries .. Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Percentage of Library’s Revenue from Overdue Fines Derived from Films and Other Video
Resources? ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Percentage of Libraries that Loan Out Video Games ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Online Library Courses Offered by Libraries .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Most Common Courses Provided to Patrons............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Amount the Library Spent for Licenses for Streaming Video or Download Licensing in the Past
Year ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Amount the Library Spent for Licenses for Streaming Video or Download Licensing in the Upcoming
Year ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Library’s Plans to Offer Streaming or Downloading Film and Other Video Titles..... Error! Bookmark not
Percentage of Video Licensing Contracts Best Described as “Pay Per View” ........... Error! Bookmark not
Percentage of Video Licensing Contracts Described as Flat Fee, Perpetuity Licensing ... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Top Five Video Resource Distributers ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Percentage of Video Licensing Contracts Best Described as Flat fee, Fixed Term Licensing.............Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Library Ideas ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Midwest Tape ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hoopla ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
OverDrive ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Recorded Books ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Percentage of Budget For Overall Video Resources Used By Patrons Accounted For By Streaming and
Downloaded Video..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Library Spending on Streaming Video In the Future.................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Level of Technical Skill of Library Patrons in Using Streaming or Downloadable Video .. Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Number of times in the past year that the library has shown a movie in the library...... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Amount the Library Spent for Performance Rights to Film/Video ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.1.1 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2014? ($ US)................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.1.2 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2014? ($ US) Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.1.3 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2014? ($ US) Broken out by FTE Staff Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 1.2.1 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2015? ($ US) ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.2.2 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2015? ($ US) Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.2.3 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2015? ($ US) Broken out by FTE Staff Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 1.3.1 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2016 (anticipated)? ($ US) .......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 1.3.2 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2016 (anticipated)? ($ US) Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.3.3 What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for film/video content
not delivered through an internet connection in 2016 (anticipated)? ($ US) Broken out by FTE
Staff ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were/will be in the library's
collection in each of the following years? ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.1.1 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were in the library's
collection in 2014? ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.1.2 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were in the library's
collection in 2014? Broken out by Service area population ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.1.3 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were in the library's
collection in 2014? Broken out by FTE Staff .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.2.1 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were in the library's
collection in 2015? ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.2.2 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were in the library's
collection in 2015? Broken out by Service area population ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.2.3 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were in the library's
collection in 2015? Broken out by FTE Staff .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.3.1 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources will be in the library's
collection in 2016 (anticipated)? ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.3.2 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources will be in the library's
collection in 2016 (anticipated)? Broken out by Service area population. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.3.3 How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources will be in the library's
collection in 2016 (anticipated)? Broken out by FTE Staff ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.1 What percentage of the library's DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were
given to the library for free? .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.2 What percentage of the library's DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were
given to the library for free? Broken out by Service area population ........... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.3 What percentage of the library's DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were
given to the library for free? Broken out by FTE Staff ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.1 What percentage of the library's collection of DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video
resources were purchased as used items, excluding those given to the library for free? .. Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 4.2 What percentage of the library's collection of DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video
resources were purchased as used items, excluding those given to the library for free? Broken out by
Service area population ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 4.3 What percentage of the library's collection of DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video
resources were purchased as used items, excluding those given to the library for free? Broken out by FTE
Staff ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5.1 Does the library loan out films or other videos in VHS or Laserdisk formats? .... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 5.2 Does the library loan out films or other videos in VHS or Laserdisk formats? Broken out by
Service area population ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5.3 Does the library loan out films or other videos in VHS or Laserdisk formats? Broken out by FTE
Staff ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6.1 For approximately what percentage of film and other video titles does the library maintain
multiple copies? ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6.2 For approximately what percentage of film and other video titles does the library maintain
multiple copies? Broken out by Service area population .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6.3 For approximately what percentage of film and other video titles does the library maintain
multiple copies? Broken out by FTE Staff ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
What are the most copies that the library has of any single video? (please name the video and the
number of copies) Broken out by Service area population ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 7.1 What percentage of the films or videos loaned out by the library come from other libraries?
(including other libraries in the same system) .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 7.2 What percentage of the films or videos loaned out by the library come from other libraries?
(including other libraries in the same system) Broken out by Service area population ...... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 7.3 What percentage of the films or videos loaned out by the library come from other libraries?
(including other libraries in the same system) Broken out by FTE Staff ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 8.1 What percentage of the library's revenues from overdue fines comes from films and other
video resources? ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 8.2 What percentage of the library's revenues from overdue fines comes from films and other
video resources? Broken out by Service area population ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 8.3 What percentage of the library's revenues from overdue fines comes from films and other
video resources? Broken out by FTE Staff ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9.1 What were the library's approximate revenues from overdue films and other forms of video in
the past year? ($ US) ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9.2 What were the library's approximate revenues from overdue films and other forms of video in
the past year? ($ US) Broken out by Service area population ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9.3 What were the library's approximate revenues from overdue films and other forms of video in
the past year? ($ US) Broken out by FTE Staff ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 10.1 Does the library loan out video games?....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 10.2 Does the library loan out video games? Broken out by Service area population ................Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 10.3 Does the library loan out video games? Broken out by FTE Staff Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11.1 Can library patrons take courses offered by the library online? . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11.2 Can library patrons take courses offered by the library online? Broken out by Service area
population ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11.3 Can library patrons take courses offered by the library online? Broken out by FTE Staff ...Error!
Bookmark not defined.
If so what are some of the most popular courses offered by the library and how many patrons have
taken the course? Broken out by Service area population............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 12.1 How much did the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded video
licensing in the past year? ($ US) ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 12.2 How much did the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded video
licensing in the past year? ($ US) Broken out by Service area population .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 12.3 How much did the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded video
licensing in the past year? ($ US) Broken out by FTE Staff ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 13.1 How much will the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded video
licensing in the upcoming year? ($ US) .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 13.2 How much will the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded video
licensing in the upcoming year? ($ US) Broken out by Service area population .......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 13.3 How much will the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded video
licensing in the upcoming year? ($ US) Broken out by FTE Staff ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Describe the library's plans in the area of streaming or downloaded film and other video titles. Will it
increase its offerings in this area? If so how soon? What are the factors encouraging or discouraging the
use of this technology? Broken out by Service area population ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 14.1 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as "pay per view"? In this model you pay for only what you use rather than maintaining a subscription to
a set number of titles. .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 14.2 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as "pay per view"? In this model you pay for only what you use rather than maintaining a subscription to
a set number of titles. Broken out by Service area population .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 14.3 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as "pay per view"? In this model you pay for only what you use rather than maintaining a subscription to
a set number of titles. Broken out by FTE Staff ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 15.1 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as flat fee, in perpetuity licensing? ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 15.2 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as flat fee, in perpetuity licensing? Broken out by Service area population . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 15.3 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as flat fee, in perpetuity licensing? Broken out by FTE Staff ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Please list the top five video resources distributors through which the library licensed or purchased
video resources for patron use in the past year. ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 16.1 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as flat fee, fixed term licensing? (Such as for a year or certain number of years). ..... Error! Bookmark not
Table 16.2 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as flat fee, fixed term licensing? (Such as for a year or certain number of years). Broken out by Service
area population.............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 16.3 What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be described
as flat fee, fixed term licensing? (Such as for a year or certain number of years). Broken out by FTE
Staff ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17 Does the library offer streaming video from any of the following sources? . Error! Bookmark not
Table 17.1.1 Does the library offer streaming video from Library Ideas? . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.1.2 Does the library offer streaming video from Library Ideas? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.1.3 Does the library offer streaming video from Library Ideas? Broken out by FTE Staff ..Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.2.1 Does the library offer streaming video from Midwest Tape? Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.2.2 Does the library offer streaming video from Midwest Tape? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.2.3 Does the library offer streaming video from Midwest Tape? Broken out by FTE Staff Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.3.1 Does the library offer streaming video from hoopla? .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.3.2 Does the library offer streaming video from hoopla? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.3.3 Does the library offer streaming video from hoopla? Broken out by FTE Staff ............Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.4.1 Does the library offer streaming video from OverDrive? ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.4.2 Does the library offer streaming video from OverDrive? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.4.3 Does the library offer streaming video from OverDrive? Broken out by FTE Staff .......Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.5.1 Does the library offer streaming video from Recorded Books?........... Error! Bookmark not
Table 17.5.2 Does the library offer streaming video from Recorded Books? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 17.5.3 Does the library offer streaming video from Recorded Books? Broken out by FTE
Staff ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has been
accounted for by streaming and downloaded video? ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.1.1 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2013? ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.1.2 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2013? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.1.3 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2013? Broken out by FTE Staff ..........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.2.1 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2014? ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.2.2 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2014? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.2.3 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2014? Broken out by FTE Staff ..........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.3.1 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2015? ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.3.2 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2015? Broken out by Service area
population .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 18.3.3 What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons has
been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video in 2015? Broken out by FTE Staff ..........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 19.1 How much do you think that the library should spend on streaming video in the future? Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 19.2 How much do you think that the library should spend on streaming video in the future?
Broken out by Service area population.......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 19.3 How much do you think that the library should spend on streaming video in the future?
Broken out by FTE Staff.................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 20.1 How would you describe the level of technical skill of your library patrons in using streaming
or downloadable video? ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 20.2 How would you describe the level of technical skill of your library patrons in using streaming
or downloadable video? Broken out by Service area population.................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 20.3 How would you describe the level of technical skill of your library patrons in using streaming
or downloadable video? Broken out by FTE Staff.......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 21.1 How many times in the past year has the library shown a movie in the library (or for the
library in another location) that is open to the public? ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 21.2 How many times in the past year has the library shown a movie in the library (or for the
library in another location) that is open to the public? Broken out by Service area population ..........Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 21.3 How many times in the past year has the library shown a movie in the library (or for the
library in another location) that is open to the public? Broken out by FTE Staff ......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 22.1 How much in the past year has the library spent for performance rights to film/video? (Apart
from streaming rights) ($ US) ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 22.2 How much in the past year has the library spent for performance rights to film/video? (Apart
from streaming rights) ($ US) Broken out by Service area population .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 22.3 How much in the past year has the library spent for performance rights to film/video? (Apart
from streaming rights) ($ US) Broken out by FTE Staff .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 1 – Introduction
1. Please give us the following contact information
Work Title:
Email Address:
2. What is the total population of your library's service area?
3. What is the full time equivalent staff of your library?
CHAPTER 2 – Use of Consortia
4. What percentage of your library's licenses (by dollar volume) have been obtained
through library consortia?
CHAPTER 3 – DVD's and Blu-rays
5. What has the library spent on DVD's, Blu-rays and other mediums for video content
not delivered through an internet connection in each of the following years?
A. 2014
B. 2015
C. 2016 (anticipated)
6. How many DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video resources were/will be in
the library's collection in each of the following years?
A. 2014
B. 2015
C. 2016 (anticipated)
7. What percentage of the library's DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other video
resources were given to the library for free?
8. What percentage of the library's collection of DVD's and Blu-rays of films and other
video resources were purchased as used items, excluding those given to the library
for free?
9. Does the library loan out films or other videos in VHS or Laserdisk formats?
A. Yes
B. No
CHAPTER 4 – Maintenance of Multiple Copies
10. Approximately what percentage of film and other video titles does the library
maintain multiple copies?
11. What are the most copies that the library has of any single video?
12. What is this film or video of which the library maintains the most copies?
CHAPTER 5 – Sharing
13. What percentage of the films or videos loaned out by the library come from other
libraries? (including other libraries in the same system)
CHAPTER 6 – Revenues from Fines for Overdue Film and Video
14. What percentage of the library's revenues from overdue fines comes from films and
other video resources?
15. What were the library's approximate revenues from overdue films and other forms
of video in the past year?
CHAPTER 7 – Emerging Information and Entertainment Vehicles in
Public Library Lending
16. Does the library loan out video games?
A. Yes
B. No
17. Can library patrons take courses offered by the library online?
A. Yes
B. No
18. If so what are some of the most popular courses offered by the library and how
many patrons have taken the course?
19. How much did the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded
video licensing in the past year?
20. How much will the library spend for licenses for streaming video or downloaded
video licensing in the upcoming year?
21. Describe the library's plans in the area of streaming or downloaded film and other
video titles. Will it increase its offerings in this area? If so how soon? What are the
factors encouraging or discouraging the use of this technology?
CHAPTER 8 – Contract Terms for Streamed and Downloaded Video
22. What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be
described as "pay per view"?
23. What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be
described as Flat fee, in perpetuity licensing?
24. What percentage of your video licensing contracts (by dollar volume) might best be
described as flat fee, fixed term licensing? (Such as for a year or certain number of
CHAPTER 9 – Suppliers
25. Please list the top five video resources distributors through which the library
licensed or purchased video resources for patron use in the past year.
26. What was the single most popular and useful licensed video resource for patron use
in the past year?
27. Does the library offer streaming video from any of the following sources?
Library Ideas
Midwest Tape
Recorded Books
Other (please specify)
28. What percentage of the library's budget for overall video resources used by patrons
has been accounted for by streaming and downloaded video?
A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2015
29. How much do you think that the library should spend on streaming video in the
Much less than we spend currently
Less than we spend currently
About what we spend currently
More than we spend currently
Much more than we spend currently
30. How would you describe the level of technical skill of your library patrons in using
streaming or downloadable video?
Not really sure
They have little idea of what they are doing
Most prefer DVD's or Blu-rays but some can handle it
Most prefer DVD's or Blu-rays but they are or will learn to adopt streamed video
E. Most prefer streamed or downloadable video as faster and more convenient
CHAPTER 10 – Performance Rights
31. How many times in the past year has the library shown a movie in the library (or for
the library in another location) that is open to the public?
32. How much in the past year has the library spent for performance rights to
film/video? (apart from streaming rights)
Abilene Public Library
Aitkenvale Library
Albury Libraries
Alexandria Public Library
Archer Public Library
Bartram Trail Regional Library System
Bedias Museum and Library
Bertha Bartlett Public Library
Big Springs Public Library
Boone County Public Library
Boyle Public Library
Brillion Public Library
Buffalo Public Library
Cardington-Lincoln Public Library
Charles City Public Library
Clarks Public Library
Comanche Public Library
Comfort Public Library
Coweta Public Library
Deerfield Public Library
Donna Public Library
Eagle Grove Memorial Library
Erie City Public Library
Fairfax Public Library
Fort Vermilion Community Library
Frances Banta Waggoner Community Library
Grapevine Public Library
Greeley Public Library
Hedberg Public Library
Hemphill County Library
Hennessey Public Library
Hollis Center Library
Kalona Public Library
Katahdin Public Library
Kellyville Public Library
Keytesville Public Library
Kimball Public Library
Kinney Memorial Library
Klyte Burt Memorial Library
Krum Public Library
Lester Public Library of Vesper
Lindale Library
Lyman Public Library
Marshalltown Public Library
Mattoon Public Library
McLean-Mercer Regional Library
Minersville Public Library
Mound Valley Public Library
Murphy Helwig Library
New Braunfels Public Library
Newkirk Public Library
Olds & District Municipal Library
Ord Township Library
Palmer Public Library
Port Phillip Library Service
Sargent Township Library
Streator Public Library
The Filson Historical Society
Tolleson Public Library
Vilna and District municipal Library
Walters Public Library
Wynnewood Public Library