UNEP Advisory Group Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Report of the First (on-line) Meeting 14 May 2014 I. Opening of the meeting: 1. The first meeting of the UNEP Advisory Group took place on-line on 14 May 2014 at 15.00 Geneva time and was opened by the UNEP secretariat. Being the first meeting, participants were requested to introduce themselves. 2. Introduction of participants: Riana Bornman: University of Pretoria; work in Africa is focused on DDT in malaria and associated health and environment effects R. Thomas Zoeller: University of Massachusetts; Biology Department; involved with molecular studies, brain development and chemicals Nina Hallmark: International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA); toxicologist; endocrine disruption and chemicals; background of research in cancer, working with animal models etc. Bob Diderich: OECD; in charge of environment, health and safety program; also in charge of the developing test methods for identifying EDCs Poul Bjerregaard: University of Southern Denmark; been working on EDC for 20 years Peter Korytar: Policy officer at the European Commission: responsible for EDCs; working on the issue for the last 5 years Christina Roden: Stockholm University, Department of Applied Environmental Science: focus on regional aspects, test strategies and uncertainty management Jane Muncke: Managing Director at International Panel on Chemical Pollution, a nonprofit organization; focus on science communication on chemicals; environmental chemistry background; worked on chemicals mostly in aquatic environment for the last 14-15 years; Rikke Holmberg: Danish EPA; represents the EU; with EPA for 9 years; involved in EDC and SAICM in general for 6 years Steve Millington: Ministry of Health, Wellness and Environment of St. Vincent and the Grenadines; pharmacist by training; works with the regulatory department Derek Muir: University of Toronto; Environmental chemist; worked on the UNEP WHO State of Science report; chemicals in commerce is an interest to him Joseph Digangi (IPEN)- Biochemist, science and technical advisor to IPEN; involved in SAICM since 2003. 3. Participants who were invited to become members of the Advisory Group but unable to join the meeting were: Hans-Christian Stolzenberg (Federal Environment Agency Germany), Ake Bergman (Stockholm University, Sweden), Susan Jobbling (Brunel University), Helmut Segner (University of Bern), Caroline Njoki Wamai (Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, Kenya) , Carolyn Vickers (WHO); Ludovic Bernaudat (UNIDO). 4. UNEP Chemicals Branch DTIE as secretariat to the Advisory Group is being represented by Heidelore Fiedler and Desiree Narvaez. II. Organization of work 5. The participants adopted the agenda of the meeting as set out in meeting documents UNEP/AG/EDC 1.1 and UNEP/AG/EDC 1.2. In the absence of a chair, Desiree Narvaez chaired the first advisory group meeting. Attention was drawn to the meeting documents: 5 in total, plus 3 INF documents. For every meeting document there is a background note; in preparing the meeting documents, UNEP drew on the ICCM resolution which mandated the issue of EDC as an emerging policy issue based on SAICM criteria of impact, coverage, knowledge, cross-cutting nature and deliverables. UNEP is also mandated to address the issue of EDCs as part of its programme of work III. Proposed terms of reference (TOR) of the Advisory Group (AG) 6. Meeting document UNEP/AG/EDC 1.3 on the draft TOR of the Advisory Group was presented. It consisted of 3 parts: A: Structure and membership; B: Functions and responsibilities; C: Meeting of the Advisory Group. Proposal is to have 20 members of the advisory group which are to provide advice on the implementation of UNEPs activities; the AG should have representatives from all stakeholders, UNEP invited the members through the SAICM bureau members and identified individual members on basis of expertise, previous work, and interest; consideration was given to geographical representation. The AG has to decide on: length of membership, a chair, the TORs of the chair. UNEP will serve as the Secretariat. In response to a question from the floor, it was clarified that the AG has representatives from all relevant sectors that are represented in the SAICM bureau. The International Council of Chemicals Association represented by Nina Hallmark of Exxon Mobil represents industry. 7. The title and part A of the draft TOR of the Advisory Group was discussed Peter: brought up the question whether the AG’s advice to UNEP is limited to the issues of environmental exposure and impact of EDCs or whether also other issues are to be addressed; the floor proceeded to discuss this issue upon invitation by the chair Jane: reiterated Peter’s concern; voiced her opinion that environmental exposure and impact are established and implied; suggested the phrase “AG to advice UNEP on its activities concerning EDCs” in general, rather than limiting the mandate to environmental exposure and impact Peter: voiced his support for Jane’s proposal Poul: agreed; proposed to shorten the wording and just focus on EDCs Joseph/Joe: Supported Jane’s proposal, since it allows more flexibility; regarding the functions and responsibilities, simply stating EDCs will allow the group to operate effectively Christina: supported Jane’s proposal; drew attention to paragraph A.1. that will also need to be changed Heidi: supported Jane’s suggestion; should simply state that the AG advices UNEP on EDCs; what is needed is advice on the work to be carried out by UNEP; need to avoid duplication, particularly regarding the work done by the OECD and WHO Derek: agreed with Heidi that there are potentials for overlap; asked for clarification from Heidi regarding the specific wording Heidi: it should read “Advisory Group on EDCs for UNEP”; reiterated the idea that the scope would otherwise be too limited; it is an external advice to UNEP Derek: voiced his agreement with Heidi’s comments Jane: drew attention to paragraph A.1. clarified that to broaden the scope it is not enough to revise the title, since paragraph A.1. would also need revision; noted that A.1. mentions strategic and policy advice, but not scientific advice; identified two options for re-phrasing: a) “provide scientific, strategic and policy advice” or b) “provide advice” Jane: voiced support for the wording “provide advice”, so as to keep it broad Peter: Proposes to change A.1. to read “…advice on activities of UNEP on EDCs”; raised the question whether technical issues are part of the work of the AG Desiree: clarified that there is no formal mandate of the Advisory Group, it is a request from UNEP to have a body to give advice on the implementation of its activities Jane and Christina agreed that the AG advises UNEP on approaches Christina: identified the option of keeping strategic and policy advice and removing the reference to environmental exposure and impact; alternatively: highlight that this is a strategic and policy advice group but keep it broad by removing “environmental exposure and impact” Nina: regarding the discussion on strategic and policy advice, notes that the AG has many members with technical knowledge and that this resource should be used; noted that several wordings are possible, but proposes to a) remove “strategic and policy”; b) add “technical” Desiree: UNEP will re-draft the ToRs based on the floors comments and suggestions and then circulate the revised version for the AG members’ and IOMC Partners’ review and invite additional comments; noted that there were no further comment and proceeded to part B 8. Part B. Functions and responsibilities in the draft TOR of the Advisory Group was discussed Desiree: clarified that the listed activities are suggestions from UNEP; the AG is invited to explain their views, comment and advice on these Joe: noted that part B could benefit from reflecting the ICCM3 consensus resolution; o Regarding B1., the group might consider the text of para 3a of the ICCM3 resolution; one way to reflect this wording in in B1 would be to rephrase as follows: “The advisory group will provide UNEP and relevant stakeholders with up-to-date information and scientific expert advice for the purpose of identifying or recommending potential measures that could contribute to reductions in exposures to or the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, in particular among vulnerable populations” Christina: voiced her support for the text proposed by Joe Desiree: invited further comments on the functions and responsibilities of the AG Joseph: suggest to further add text reflecting the ICCM3 resolution o Regarding B1. (iii): as the purpose if international support, the ICCM3 resolution identifies assessing issues in order to reduce risks; it might be useful to add to ‘c’: “Capacity building in order to support decision-making, including the prioritization of actions to reduce risks”; could add n additional point ‘d’, e.g.: “Other matters requested of UNEP by regional groups and/or national governments” o Drew attention to para 6(d) of the ICCM3 resolution which is not reflected in the ToRs; proposed language for B.3bis: “Provide guidance on the development of case studies and advice on translation of research results into control actions” Desiree: noted that the ICCM 3 resolution has been the basis for the ToRs and invited Joe to send his proposals for text by email Rikke: going back to the discussion on A.1, asked the chair to clarify what has been proposed/agreed; voiced her support for establishing the links to the resolution, but noted regarding the last suggestion that it would be very difficult to transform the advice to this group into control actions; raised her doubt whether this area should be entered Desiree: regarding A.1., clarified that many members suggested to delete “concerning environmental exposure and impact” and rephrase as “Advisory Group to UNEPs activities on EDCs”; noted that UNEP will revise the draft and then circulate among the AG members and IOMC Partners and that the final text will be adopted by consensus; proceeded to draw attention to the organizational structure and institutional arrangements 9. The proposed organizational structure and institutional arrangements was discussed Desiree: drew attention to the diagram on the proposed organizational structure; noted that the purpose is for UNEP to get advice and benefit from the AG’s work; there is a direct link between the AG and the stakeholders (governments, NGOs etc.) Joe: drew attention to the issue of the Topic Expert Groups shown in the diagram; voiced his concern that the identified Topic Expert Groups’ work overlaps; noted that there would be greater coherence by keeping the group together, rather than identifying Topic Expert Groups; proposed to decide on the establishment of subgroups and leads on a case by case basis, rather than creating Topic Expert Groups a priori Desiree: noted that the diagram is a draft based on a recommendation of the International Panel on Chemicals Pollution (IPCP) where UNEP contracted a work to investigate needs regarding EDCs; the IPCP suggested these groups to address existing gaps; the idea is for the expert to identify research gaps and establish specific areas of work Peter: asked for clarification on the Topic Expert Groups and its composition; sought clarification whether the members of the topic expert groups will be recruited from within the UNEP AG and whether the Topic Expert Groups are a part of the AG Desiree: clarified that the Topic Expert Groups will be created based on the needs of UNEPs work on EDCs; the core of the Topic Expert Groups could be recruited from members of the AG, however, the AG could identify additional external experts as needed; idea is for the Topic Expert Groups to identify a research gap or area of work and work within a common topic or theme Derek : agreed with Joe’s comments on the Topic Expert Groups; noted that there is sufficient technical expertise in the AG; AG members could be leading or active in one or more topic expert groups Heidi: noted the difficulty that the EDC issue is relatively new on the agenda; identified three mandates: the ongoing programme with the EU (ENRTP), the UNEP Programme of Work, and the SAICM mandate; the SAICM mandate is directed to three organizations; UNEP needs advice on its role; suggested not to define the composition and the tasks of the Topic Expert Groups now; suggested that the AG nominates experts as needs arise; the membership will have to be decided at a later stage; the AG should advice UNEP on the best suitable composition Rikke: voiced appreciation for the comments of Peter, Derek and Joe; noted that the AG is composed of highly specialized experts and also includes government representatives; voiced her doubt that it will be necessary to identify additional experts, but appreciates the option; considers that the Topic Expert Groups may not be established now 10. Part C. Meetings in the draft TOR of the Advisory Group was discussed: Desiree: proposal is for the AG to meet at least annually Rikke: proposed to change the language so that the AG would meet maximum once a year Derek: Opposed use of the word maximum; agrees that frequent meetings are not desirable, but should reserve a certain flexibility; proposed to leave the text unchanged; alternatively delete “at least” so it would read “will meet on an annual basis” Christina: concerned with the costs that will arise with frequent meetings Derek: supported the idea of meeting once a year Poul: Requested UNEP to prepare a list of AG members with a few words on their background Desiree: confirmed that UNEP will prepare and circulate such a list IV. Report of UNEP activities on EDCs in 2013- 2014 11. Desiree: presented past UNEP activities as set out in meeting document UNEP/AG/EDC 1.4. These activities were on the basis of UNEP commitment to ICCM 3 involving three inter-governmental organizations (UNEP, WHO, OECD); action points were noted in the left column in relation to the workplan for activities in 2013 and the first quarter of 2014 Joe voiced his support for translation into all official UN languages; noted his participation in two of the regional meetings, observation of the EDC workshops as well as subsequent discussions; indicated that the workshops, questionnaires and discussions were very well received and succeeded in informing participants, raised awareness on and understanding of EDCs Peter: reiterated support for translation; asked for information on action point 6b Desiree: clarified that the questionnaire was sent electronically to the SAICM focal points; purpose was to gather additional information on activities, awarenessraising, legislation etc. related to EDCs at country level; noted that no information was received, however, the questionnaire was given to the delegates during the workshops and valuable and substantive responses were forthcoming Bob: noted OECD participation in the workshops; participants were informed about the OECDs activities (on testing and assessments) in relation to EDCs; emphasized the need to integrate activities of the various organizations involved; highlighted that more awareness raising workshops are necessary Heidi: supported Bob’s remarks; the needs of the audience, in particular the availability of and access to funds, should be addressed; UNEP, WHO and OECD should work closely together and integrate key messages, discuss how to strengthen mandates V. Review of UNEP workplan on EDCs in 2014 12. Desiree: presented UNEP’s work plan for remaining part of the year as set out in meeting document UNEP/AG/EDC 1.5; drew attention to UNEP/AG/EDC INF 1.1 which is the ICCM 3 resolution on EDCs and UNEP/AG/EDC INF 1.2 which is the IOMC work plan listing the activities to be conducted by UNEP, WHO and OECD; asked the AG for comments and guidance on the work plan and activities; a face-to-face meeting of the AG is envisaged in November 2014 and invited the members of the advisory group to potentially host face-to-face meetings; noted the cooperation between UNEP and WHO, with the former focusing on environment issues and the latter on health components. 13. Joe: voiced his support for the work plan; suggested that the AG revisit the issues of case studies; noted the relevance of the case studies mentioned in the resolutions, with five having been recommended; noted that the resolutions passed during the regional meetings extended an invitation to UNEP and WHO to develop a reportlike document on EDCs that is targeted to the needs of developing countries and specific to the regions; highlighted the importance of funding in this respect; invited UNEP and the AG to contemplate ways to reflect this invitation and how it will be addressed in the future. 14. Desiree: drew attention to UNEP/AG/EDC INF 1.3 on outcomes of the regional awareness raising workshops. UNEP conducted awareness raising workshops on EDCs back-to-back with regional SAICM meetings; resolutions were adopted in three regions (LAC, Africa, Asia-Pacific); noted that no resolution was adopted at the regional meeting in CEE but region expressed interest on the issue ; noted that regional requests could be included in UNEPs Programme of Work; noted that funds have to be raised in order to address requests made by the 4 regions. 15. Participants were invited to make additional comments Steve: indicated that he will still need time to familiarize himself with the process Riana: pointed out that the Africa region now understands their vulnerability and needs for capacity; voiced her support to the idea of raising funds to implement activities on EDCs; suggested to start with awareness raising via press reports etc. Peter: commented on the issue of awareness raising; noted that the ICCM3 highlighted the need to provide information and advice to raise awareness; the website needs to become operational; noted that a lot of EDC related activities are ongoing in the EU and the US and suggested for these to be placed on the website; asked the floor to contemplate on next steps and priorities and to reflect the needs arising in the coming years Joe: suggested that setting the agenda and the priorities could be done by strongly considering the items included in the various resolutions, both the ICCM3 and the regional resolutions, since these reflect the countries’ wishes Heidi: voiced her concerns regarding the legal status of the regional ‘resolutions’ Desiree: informed the floor that UNEP will send an email to the AG members summarizing the outcomes (changes to the terms of reference) of the AG meeting Jane: suggested to use conferences with UN involvement for awareness raising on EDCs Peter: drew attention to WHO report on the “Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals at the country level” Desiree: informed the floor of her discussions with representatives from the OECD and WHO; updates were exchanged; the WHO is holding a workshop in July, organized by its regional office in Bonn VI. Closure of the Meeting 16. Concluding remarks by Heidi and Desiree: emphasized that this is one of the first initiatives in this area; highlighted that UNEP relies on the AG’s support; UNEP is looking forward to the AG’s comments and suggestions; the ToRs will be revised and then disseminated among the AG members and IOMC Partners for an additional round of comments; efforts will be undertaken to complete the group; thanked the AG members for their participation and the BRS for providing the infrastructure 17. The meeting was closed at 17.00 Geneva time by UNEP secretariat.