MOT Education Surgical Abdominal Fellowship

Surgical Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship
1. Introduction
The Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship at the University of Toronto is a 2-year Clinical Fellowship in
Transplantation offered by the G.I.Transplant Program of the Multi-Organ Transplant Program, and the Division of
General Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the University of Toronto. It consists of a first clinical “core” year in
Transplantaion with exposure to HBP Surgery followed by a second year in Abdominal Organ Transplantation (liver,
pancreas, small intestine and kidney) and Research. The Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship is offered to one
individual each year.
2. Aim of the Fellowship
The aim of the Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship is to provide the trainee with the basic and clinical education
and the clinical experience necessary for that individual to develop expertise in the understanding, diagnosis, and
management (including the necessary surgical skills) in the treatment of diseases of the liver, biliary tract and
pancreas and for that individual to be a competent, academic Abdominal Organ Transplant Surgeon. Clinical and/or
translational research productivity is a vital component of the Fellowship. Upon successful completion of the Program,
the Fellow will be prepared to begin a career in academic Transplant Surgery.
3. History of the Fellowship and Growth of the Program
The Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship has evolved from the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic (HBP) Surgical
Fellowship, which was iniated by Dr. Bernard Langer and began in 1983. The Transplant Fellowship was certified by
the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) on January 15, 1993 with renewals in 1997 and 2002. It was
reaccredited for Liver, Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation in September, 2006
4. Prerequisite Training and Duration of the Fellowship
This two-year Fellowship accepts one individual each year. It is offered to individuals who are eligible to take, or have
passed the written and oral Examinations in Surgery of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
and/or The American Board of Surgery. Individuals with equivalent qualifications from countries other than Canada or
the U.S.A. will also be considered. Preference for acceptance to the Fellowship Program will be given to individuals
who have a demonstrated academic potential and who have a commitment to an Academic position in the
Department of Surgery at a University-affiliated teaching hospital.
The Abdominal Organ Transplant Fellowship operates in parallel with the 2-year HBP Surgical Oncology
Fellowship [LINK TO:], which also accepts one Fellow each year. Each year therefore, there are
at least 2 first year Fellows (one in Transplantation and one in HBP Surgery), and 2-second year Fellows. The usual
start date will be July 1st of each year.
5. Design of the Fellowship:
Year 1 – “Core Year” - Abdominal Organ Transplant Year and HPB Surgery
This is a “Core” year for the first year Fellows in the Abdominal Organ Transplant and HPB Surgery programs during
which time each Fellow trains in both disciplines. During the entire year the Fellow participates in the rounds and
education programs of both the Transplant and HBP Services. Throughout the year each 1st year Fellow is on call for
Donor Surgery (hepatectomy, pancreatectomy and nephrectomy, approximately 1 week in 4), Liver transplantation (1
week in 4) and Pancreas and Kidney Transplantation (1 week in 2). In addition, each 1st year Fellow is assigned 2-3
Tx/HPB Staff Surgeons for elective HBP Operating Rooms and Clinics (usually 3-month blocks).The Transplant
Fellow spends 6 – 9 months on the GI Transplant service and 3 - 6 months on the HBP Service at The Toronto
General Hospital.
Year 2 Transplantation & Research
This is the 2nd year of in-depth training in Abdominal Organ Transplantation during which the 2nd year Fellow
completes his/her training and actively pursues one or more transplant-related research projects. The 2nd year
Fellow will have increased involvement with the living donor liver transplantation and pediatric liver transplants.
He/she will remain on call for the transplant ward, donors, liver transplant and pancreas/kidney transplant (as before).
In addition, he/she has responsibility for the liver, pancreas and renal transplant clinics.
The research opportunities will be individualized to the Fellow’s academic goals. They may be in the fields of basic
science or translational research, or outcomes-based clinical epidemiology. The focus and staff supervisor for the
second year projects will be determined during the first Fellowship year
Application Requirements
We participate in the ASTS-Fellowship [LINK TO:] match that is run through the NRMP [LINK TO:] in June each year.
The deadline for applications to the Fellowship position that begins in July of each year is April of the preceding year.
The short-list of applicants to whom interviews are offered is made in April and interviews are held during May and
Please note that in considering each applicant, their academic potential is a very important selection criteria for the
Fellowship. This is evaluated by considering the number and quality of peer-reviewed publications, grants-held,
papers presented, and the candidate’s letters of reference. The offer of an academic position from the Departmental
Chair is also considered very important.
To apply to the Fellowship, please send your curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation, and a 1 page biosketch summarizing your academic & professional goals.
If you have any questions regarding our fellowship program please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please address applications or inquiries to
Paul Greig, MD
Program Director, Transplant Fellowship
Toronto General Hospital
585 University Avenue
Toronto, ON, M5G 2N2
Phone: 416-340-4252
Fax: 416-340-4039