1 2 Paleoceanography 3 Supporting Information for 4 5 Export Production Fluctuations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene-Pleistocene: Reconstruction Using Barite Accumulation Rates 6 Zhongwu Ma1,2, Christina Ravelo2, Zhonghui Liu3, Liping Zhou1, Adina Paytan2* 7 1Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, Department of Geography, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 8 9 10 2University 3Department of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA, 95064, USA of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, James Lee Science Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Contents of this file Text S1 to S3 Figures S1 to S5 18 19 20 Introduction Marine barite crystals form in the water column in microenvironments associated with 21 decaying organic matter and their accumulation in marine sediments has been used 22 extensively as an export production proxy. A detailed description of the strengths and 23 limitations of barite as an export productivity proxy are given by Paytan and Griffith [2007] 24 and a summary of these points is included in the supplemental text below. Since one of the 25 potential limitations associated with the use of barite accumulation rates (BAR, which is the 1 26 product of weight % barite and the sediment mass accumulation rates) is the impact of major 27 constituent in the sediment (CaCO3 in this case) on the weight % of minor constituents (barite 28 in this case) on BAR, several means for calculating BAR are shown. This includes BAR 29 derived using an orbitally tunes age model, 230Th and 3He based accumulation rates (Figure 30 S1) as well as a comparison between wt% barite and wt% CaCO3 and wt% CaCO3 and BAR 31 and carbonate accumulation rates (Figure S2A). Finally we also included a plot of BAR 32 calculated on a carbonate free bases by removing the carbonate weight from the total 33 sediment used in the calculation (Figure S2B). . 34 The record of BAR derived export production over the past 4.3 Ma at ODP site 849 is 35 divided into three intervals which are illustrated in Figure S3 using 800kry, 400kyr and 36 200kyr smoothed curves; this highlights the long term trends in the record. We also show a 37 detailed statistical relationship between reconstructed export production and the climate 38 system by comparing BAR and benthic oxygen isotope using spectral analysis methods 39 (Figure S4). Finally BAR and total organic carbon accumulation rates from the same samples 40 for a selected interval at site 849 are plotted together to demonstrate that they both correspond 41 to productivity in Figure S5. 42 Text S1. Barite accumulation rates as an export productivity proxy 43 The ocean is under-saturated with respect to barite; however, authigenic barite 44 crystals form in the water column in microenvironments with decaying organic debris 45 [Arrhenius, 1959; Church, 1970; Goldberg and G.O.S, 1958]. Organisms normally 46 contain barium in their cells [Paytan and Griffith, 2007] and during the decay of 47 marine organic matter, barium is released saturating the microenvironment with 48 respect to barite and precipitating barite crystal [Ganeshram et al., 2003]. Bacteria 49 may also be involved by providing nucleation sites [Gonzalez-Muñoz et al., 2012]. 50 The nutrient-like depth distribution of dissolved Ba and the distribution of particulate 51 barite in the water column [Dehairs et al., 1980; Jacquet et al., 2005; Jeandel et al., 52 1996], as well as controlled mesocosm experiments [Ganeshram et al., 2003] and 53 analyses of Ba isotopes in seawater and particulate matter [Horner et al., 2015] all 2 54 support this mechanism of barite formation. 55 Because barite has low solubility, most of the barite that forms in the water 56 column is thought to reach the ocean sediment [Paytan and Kastner 1996a] with as 57 much as 30% of the barite “rain” to the sediment persevered in oxic sediments 58 [Dymond et al., 1992; Paytan et al., 1996b] a considerable advantage over proxies 59 such as organic carbon or opal which are not preserved as well. Once barite is buried, 60 regeneration of various Ba carrying phases within the upper few centimeters of the 61 sediment results in barite saturation in pore fluids thus the remaining barite is 62 preserved in sediments that do not undergo sulfate reduction [Paytan and Kastner 63 1996a; Paytan et al., 2007]. 64 The strong correlation between marine barite and the export of organic carbon to 65 depth [Dymond et al., 1992; Eagle et al., 2003; Paytan et al., 1996b] lends itself to the 66 use of Ba and barite accumulation rates (BAR) for the reconstruction of export 67 production [Bains et al., 2000; Bonn et al., 1998; Eagle et al., 2003; Nürnberg, 1997; 68 Paytan et al., 2007; Schmitz, 1987]. BAR represents the Ba that is associated with Corg 69 flux below the euphotic zone, and BAR can directly be used to estimate export 70 production or new production [Paytan et al., 1996a; Paytan et al., 1997]. Excess Ba 71 (total Ba in the sediment normalized to Al or Ti to correct for the terrigenous 72 component of Ba input [Dymond et al., 1992] has also been using for export 73 production reconstruction. The correction or calculation of excess Ba is done to 74 account only for the so called biogenic Ba component which is equivalent to barite. 75 The correction however does not work at all sites and a direct measurement of barite 76 is as done and reported here is preferable [Averyt and Paytan, 2004; Eagle et al., 77 2003; Gonneea and Paytan, 2006]. 78 When significant sulfate reduction occurs, barite is dissolved and can no longer be 79 used as a productivity proxy. However, barite that forms under diagenetic conditions 80 or in hydrothermal environments can be identified based on crystal morphology (see 81 image below of marine barite separated from the sediments) as well as using S and/or 3 82 Sr isotopes in the barite [Paytan and Griffith, 2007 and references therein] and 83 samples used in this study are all of water column origin and have not been impacted 84 by diagenesis based on these criteria [Markovik et al., 2015]. 85 86 Another process that may affect BAR calculations is sediment focusing, the 87 redistribution of recently deposited material (i.e., syndepositional redistribution) from 88 zones of sediment winnowing to zones to sediment focusing [Francois et al., 2004]. 89 This could affect BAR by changing mass accumulation rates (MAR) without 90 impairing the stratigraphy. In our study we used LSR to compute MAR and calculate 91 BAR, hence we did not account for sediment focusing. However, we compare these 92 values to MAR based on thorium in the first 500 kyr and helium between 1.3 to 1.6 93 Ma (where such data are available) (e.g. there is little recognized refocusing of 94 sediment at this site according to G. Winckler’s personal communication, 2015). Our 95 BARs show generally higher values (by a factor of 2) when compared to the thorium 96 based BAR and slightly lower when compared to helium based BAR (Figure S1), this 97 would affect the amplitude but not the trends we see in the record. Our discussion 98 focuses on observed trends and does not emphasize the absolute values. Notably each 99 of the methods used for calculating sedimentation rates has its own associated 100 assumptions and limitations and additional research should be done, which is beyond 101 the scope of this work, to determine the reasons of the systematic offsets between 102 these three methods for calculating sedimentation rates at this site and in general. 4 103 An additional potential limitation of using BAR is the impact of major 104 constituents in the sediment (e.g. CaCO3) on the wt% of minor constituents (e.g. 105 barite). In other words because barite is a minor component in marine sediments, wt% 106 barite is affected by changes in abundance of other sedimentary components and 107 particularly CaCO3 which is the major sedimentary phase at site 849. To account for 108 that we use the BAR and not wt% barite to reconstruct export productivity. Using 109 mass accumulation rates should reduce the impact CaCO3 changes because these 110 changes are incorporated in the sediment mass accumulation rates used. To 111 demonstrate however that carbonate content does not exert the only control on barite 112 distribution we plot the relation between barite abundance (ppm) and CaCO3 113 abundance (wt%) (Figure S2 a) as well as the relationships between BAR and wt% 114 CaCO3 and BAR and CAR. As seen in Figure S2a while a slight negative correlation 115 is indeed observed it is quite weak and illustrates that changes in carbonate abundance 116 do not solely control the barite distribution. The correlation is weaker when BAR is 117 used as expected. Actually when we used the carbonate free BAR (BAR calculated 118 from the non-carbonate materials by deducted the carbonate from bulk sediments), 119 trends are similar to the BAR record (Figure S2 b). Few Ba/Al data we have (not 120 shown) which is immune to the carbonate dilution effect also support this conclusion. 121 The 4.3 Ma BAR based export production record in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific 122 (EEP, Site 849) fluctuates considerably on orbital and on long (million years) time 123 scales. The long term trends in the record can be divided into three distinct intervals 124 as seen when the data is plotted using 800 kyr, 400 kyr and 200 kyr smoothing. These 125 3 intervals are seen also in a Gaussian fit of the 800 kyr smoothed BAR data (Figure 126 S3). 127 Text S2. Relations between BAR and the benthic oxygen isotope record 128 To identify whether periodicities presented in our data are statistically significant, 129 we used the Singular Spectrum Analyses - MultiTaper Method (SSA-MTM) Tool kit 130 to map both benthic δ18O and the BAR spectral densities with the multi-taper method 5 131 assuming a red noise model [Ghil et al., 2002]. Data were interpolated to be evenly 132 distributed with a resolution of 10 kyr under AnalySeries software before spectral 133 analyze [Paillard et al., 1996]. This is as close as possible to the average original 134 temporal resolution, although there are intervals with resolution that is higher and 135 intervals with resolution that is lower. Because of the possibility of aliasing orbital 136 scale variability in some intervals, we used MTM evolutive spectrum analysis, carried 137 out using AnalySeries software, with a large 600 kyr time window of ~100% 138 oversampling; constant 100% pre-whitening was adopted here to diminish low 139 frequency signals. To test the coherence between reconstructed productivity and the 140 benthic oxygen isotope record, the 41 kyr and 100 kyr bands were selected for the 141 cross-spectral analysis, with a 400 kyr time window, 30% lags and 200 kyr increment. 142 This was conducted by the Arand software package [Howell et al., 2006]. Strong 143 coherence at the 80% and 95% level (Figure S4) is found during some intervals, but 144 low sampling resolution may explain the low spectral power and low coherency in 145 some of the other intervals. 146 The BAR spectral map shows some similarity to the benthic δ18O spectral map, 147 with differences that might be explained by the poor resolution of our BAR in some 148 intervals (Figure S4 a, b). With regards to the moving, and overlapping, 400-kyr 149 windows used for our analyses, there is coherency (80% level) between BAR and 150 δ18O in the obliquity (41-kyr band) in 10 out of the 15 windows analyzed between 4.3 151 Ma to ~1 Ma, and in none of the windows analyzed between 1.0 – 0 Ma. For the 100- 152 kyr band, in the interval between 1.0 – 0 Ma, there is coherency between BAR and 153 δ18O in 3 out of the 4 windows analyzed (Figure S4 c). Notably, in the intervals where 154 BAR and δ18O varied coherently (80% level), BAR (productivity) 41-kyr variability 155 was in phase, or nearly in phase, with δ18O variability between 4.3 Ma to 1.1 Ma, 156 while 100-kyr variability lagged δ18O variability between 1.1 Ma and present (Figure 157 S4 c, d). 6 158 Text S3. Comparison of BAR with other productivity records in the EEP 159 The BAR record is compared to other productivity proxies in this region (opal, 160 alkenone, organic C, etc.), as discussed in the text. In addition select samples between 161 1.8 and 2.65 Ma were analyzed for TOC on the EA-IRMS in the UCSC Stable Isotope 162 Lab, following the method described by [Krupinski et al., 2013]. The records show 163 that at this interval BAR and Corg records are similar and a general correspondence 164 between TOC and BAR is seen (Figure S5). 7 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Figure S1. BAR derived from oxygen isotopes chronology (black line, used in this study), thorium (green line) and helium (red line and red shadow) based BAR [Winckler et al., 2005; Winckler et al., 2008]. Note Thorium based BAR is plotted with a different Y-axis (green labeled), while Helium and oxygen isotopes based chronology BAR have the same Y-axis (black labeled). BAR in the red line during the early Pleistocene was derived from a constant 3 HeET of 0.8 pcc STP cm-2 kyr-1 and the boundary conditions are 0.5 and 1.1 pcc STP cm-2 kyr1 respectively. 8 173 174 175 176 Figure S2 a. Carbonate abundance (wt%) and carbonate accumulation rates (CAR) plot against barite abundance (ppm) and barite accumulation rates (BAR). BAR have less influence by carbonate dissolution effect comparing with the barite abundance. 9 177 178 179 180 Figure S2 b. (A) BAR compare with (B) carbonate free BAR, (C) the carbonate abundance are also shown in the figure. Bold line in the BAR and carbonate free BAR panels are 100 kyr smoothed line. The general trends of BAR and carbonate free BAR are similar. 181 10 182 183 184 185 186 Figure S3. A 200-kyr, 400-kyr and 800-kyr averaging smoothed BAR record at site 849 are plotted to display the 3 intervals we identify in the record. Between 4.3 and 3 Ma BAR is high, from 3 to 1 Ma a decreasing BAR trend is seen and from 1 Ma to present BAR is increasing. A Gaussian fit for the 800 kyr smoothed data shows these clear transitions. 187 11 188 189 190 191 192 193 Figure S4. MTM spectral analysis and the MTM evolution for (a) benthic δ18O and (b) the BAR at site 849; (c) the coherency between benthicδ18O and the BAR; and (d) phase relation between the records which is only shown for the windows in which the benthic 18O and the BAR are coherent at the 80% level. 12 194 195 196 Figure S5. 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