Service Optimization Wiki Product ClickApp by ClickSoftware For use with ClickMobile Touch ClickSoftware Confidential Legal Notice The software with this guide is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only according to the terms of that agreement. Copyright Copyright © ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd. Patent and Trademark US Patent Number 6,985,872 B2 ClickAnalyze, ClickFix, ClickForecast, ClickMobile, ClickPlan, ClickRoster, ClickSchedule, and ClickSoftware are registered trademarks of ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd. Contact Information Contact information is available from the ClickSoftware web site: For general information, email to For ClickSoftware Worldwide Support, email to or see the support page on the ClickSoftware web site. For Partner Enablement, email to Publication Notice This guide has been carefully compiled. The information in this guide does not constitute a warranty of performance. Furthermore, ClickSoftware reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes from time to time in the content thereof, without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or changes. ClickSoftware assumes no liability for losses incurred as a result of out-of-date or incorrect information in this guide. Version Wiki App number: 1149 App version: 1.0 Date: January 2014 Wiki 3 Contents WIKI ......................................................... 4 Use ............................................................................................................. 4 Prerequisites .............................................................................................. 4 Installation .................................................................................................. 5 Configuration .............................................................................................. 5 Step 1. Creating a WikiField Collection ................................................ 5 Step 2. Configuring Business Views ..................................................... 6 Step 3. Configuring the App Settings ................................................... 8 Comments .................................................................................................. 9 4 Wiki Wiki This application enables ClickMobile users to write wiki-style comments about a business object. Users can view or edit the comments, and they can vote for their favorite comments. Use Consider the following example. Debbie, a field engineer for a satellite TV company was sent to reinstall a satellite dish that blew off a rooftop in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. When she examined the downed dish, she realized that a different model that just recently became available should have been installed in that windy location. To make sure that other customers wouldn't need more than one installation, she enters a wiki comment about the satellite dish model. Within the hour, her comment was followed up by several positive votes from other engineers who had experience with the new satellite dish. Prerequisites This app runs on ClickMobile Touch. For information about the certified versions, see the ClickSoftware AppStore page of this app. Wiki 5 Installation To install the app, follow these steps: 1. On each computer where you run the Mobility Studio, copy the following file to the Service Optimization\Bin directory: CAF.Panel.WikiField.Admin.dll 2. On each computer where you run the ClickMobile Touch site, copy the following files to the Service Optimization\Web\ClickMobileWEB\CustomScripts directory: CAF.Panel.WikiField.Main.min.js WikiLike.png If you are installing a localized version of the app, you must install certain files in a locale subdirectory of the above location. For instructions, see Localizing ClickMobile in the Service Optimization Localization Guide. Configuration To configure the app, you must perform the following main steps: 1. In the Service Optimization Structure tool, create the user-defined properties WikiField collection. 2. In the Mobility Studio, configure business views. 3. In the Mobility Studio, configure the app settings. The following sections provide detailed instructions for each step. The instructions are for ClickMobile version 8.1.9. The instructions might vary slightly for other versions. Step 1. Creating a WikiField Collection Open the Service Optimization Structure tool, and configure as follows: 1. Lock the server 2. Add a new business object named WikiField with the following properties: MobileKey (String, 64) Title (String, 64) 6 Wiki Description (String, 254) CreatedDate (Date) Creator (String, 64) Votes (String, 64) 3. Commit the changes. 4. Add Index_MobileKey to Indexes. 5. Commit the changes. 6. For each business object to which you apply the wiki commenting feature, do the following: Add a new multivalue property WikiFields to the object. In the satellite dish example, you might add the property to the Part object. In the multivalue, nest a property WikiFieldKey which is a Key to the WikiField object. Enter Title as the string identifier. 7. Commit the changes, unlock the server, and start it. Step 2. Configuring Business Views Open the Mobility Studio and configure as follows: 1. Open Mobility Studio. 2. Open the desired ClickMobile Touch user template. 3. Drag a business view to the form and select the WikiField object. 4. Fill in the following properties: Title Description Enter a value such as [Wiki.Title] Sort And Search Select the CreatedDate property. SortType Select Descending 5. Open the Edit Form tab. 6. Set MobileKeyPropertyName to MobileKey. 7. From the Fields tab, add: Wiki 7 Title Description CreatedDate Creator Votes (Set EnabledControl to False) 8. From the toolbar, add a Custom Panel with the following properties: App Admin ID DLL - CAF.Panel.WikiField.Admin.dll Class Name - CAF.Panel.WikiField.Admin.Main App ID DLL - CAF.Panel.WikiField.Min.js Class Path - CAFP.Panel.WikiField.Main 9. Click Apply 10. Edit the App Settings property of the custom panel. For an explanation of the options, see below. 11. Click Apply. 12. Click the Close Form button. 13. For each object for which you want to enable wiki comments, do the following: If it does not yet exist, drag a business view to the form, and select the object where you created the WikiFields multivalue property. For example, select the Part object. Open the Edit Form tab Drag the WikiFields property to the form and select Linked Business View. 14. Click Apply and close the form 15. On the User Template ribbon tab, click Additional Properties and add the Engineer.Name property. 16. Define loading criteria for the WikiField object and the other objects. For instructions, see the ClickMobile Configuration Guide. For example, define loading criteria for the WikiField and Part objects. 17. Click Apply and close the user template. 8 Wiki Step 3. Configuring the App Settings In the App Settings property of the custom panel, configure the following options: Select Wiki Field Object Select the WikiField collection. Select Votes Property Select the property that keeps tally of the votes for the wiki comment. Select Creator Property Select the property that contains the name of the submitter of the wiki comment. Select Date Created Property Select the property that contains the creation date of the wiki comment. Enter Vote Button Title Specify the display label of the Vote button. Enter Vote Submitted Title Specify the display text after a vote is submitted. Wiki Comments The ClickMobile appearance is configurable. The layout might differ on your device. 9