AGM AGENDA 201-14 - Gloucestershire Neurological Alliance

Annual General Meeting
11:00-13:00 08th April, 2014
Dean Neurological Centre
Tewkesbury Road, Longford, GL2 9EE.
Please note:
The AGM will be preceded by a presentation from Healthwatch
Gloucestershire, Barbra Piranty (CEO) or Anna Rarity, followed by a Q & A
Session. The AGM will be followed immediately by the normal monthly
Presentation by Healthwatch Gloucestershire
GlosNA 2013-14 AGM
Introductions, apologies etc.
Previous meeting minutes & action items
Chairman’s Report (written) DS
Treasurer’s Report JP
Election of Officers: Nominations received
6 Any Other Business
Vice Chairman
Secretary (Shared Role)
Membership Secretary
Neurological Alliance Interface
GlosNA 08 April Meeting
Welcome/Apologies/Minutes of last meeting/Action Items (Cathy Hill Meningitis Now)
Treasurer’s Report JP
Membership Secretary – Confirm & allocate member list to membership categories as
per section 4 of the Constitution?
Times Science Event - Cheltenham DSan
Webmaster’s report: Re-modelled index page SH
‘Neurological Issues’ chart update – feedback from meeting 11 March, including
Wheelchair issue raised by HF) SH/DSand/EO’B/GK
Attendance at future meetings: 17 June (Marina Court); 9 September (Sanger
House); 16 December (Marina Court) ALL
Embracing other neurological charities – autumn event HF/AH/SH
Regional NA/Neuroscience/SCN meetings feedback AB/EO’B/HF/JW
10 Future meeting dates and venue(s): 20 May (Dean Neurological Centre)
11 Any other business (see below)
D J Stokes 08.04.14
Item 11 Hello Daphne
Can we hold a decision on this matter over until our next meeting?
Otherwise I'm not sure who might help
Best wishes
Sent from my iPhone
On 4 Mar 2014, at 16:15, Daphne Sanderson <> wrote:
Hi David
I have booked a slot at the Cheltenham Carers Forum and info to be included in Providers listing. It would
be helpful to have a helper to assist also to learn the ropes should I not be able to attend future events.
They happen in a number of locations Stroud/Cirencester/Forest/ Tewksbury/Winchcombe quarterly. I have
covered a number of the first round of events. I will forward on future dates.
Best wishes
Item 9 Dear All,
Following on from my email last Friday, I am absolutely delighted to announce that the first national neurological
database for England has just gone live on the Health and Social Care Information Centre’s website; you can access it
via the following link:
We have put up a statement about the launch on the Alliance’s website here - please feel free to use this if your
organisation would like to upload content to your own website about the dataset’s launch.
What does the dataset mean for people with neurological conditions?
This is a watershed moment for the neurological community. For more than a decade, there has been recognition all
the way up to most senior levels of the NHS that neurological services can only be improved if the health service can
measure service performance. The publication of the neurological dataset is a huge first step in addressing the
information vacuum we have operated in for so long. For the first time we will be able to shine a light on what is
happening for people with neurological conditions around the country and start to pinpoint with hard evidence where
problems exist and how these can be addressed.
You can see some of the headline facts that the Health and Social Care Information Centre has identified using the
data via this link:
What are we going to do with the dataset?
In the first instance, we want to encourage members to go away and immerse themselves in the data - there is a huge
amount there to look at, reflect on and, crucially, interpret. The dataset will of course have great potential to support
the work of our members on an individual or condition specific basis and we will all need time to reflect on the data
and consider its implications for our future work. We know that some member organisations representing people with
the same condition are meeting up to discuss the dataset together and it may be that other parts of the community
wish to follow suit.
In terms of what we will be doing with the dataset at a pan-neurological level, we will be starting a discussion about
what our member organisations have found during their initial dataset forays at the next Policy Group meeting on 8
April between 1.00 and 3.30pm at the Dana Centre (please email Sally to confirm your attendance if you haven’t
already done so). From here, we will hope to start identifying some cross cutting issues that we can draw in to our
existing and future policy and campaigns work.
Beyond this, we will continue to lead the campaign for better neurological data; today’s dataset launch is just the start!
How will our campaign for better neurological data develop in the future?
We are keen to emphasise that this initial version of the dataset is very much a first step; as you will see, it draws
together existing and not new data and so it is very much a foundation on which to build as opposed to the final
product. Today therefore marks the start of an important and much longer journey towards ensuring that the health
and social care system has all the data, intelligence and evidence it needs to improve standards of care and support
for people with neurological conditions.
To support this process, we will be publishing its vision for what the journey ahead should look like in the next few
weeks - keep your eyes peeled for this in early April! Prior to then, we will also be in touch about a major new
neurological data initiative being led by Public Health England; all will be revealed shortly!
Give yourselves a big pat on the back!
There is no question that our whole community’s commitment to the campaign for a better neurological data,
particularly over the past two and a half years since the National Audit Office report, is the reason our dataset has at
long last materialised. While it is just the first step on a long journey to improving neurological data and intelligence
capture and analysis, the dataset is a hard won victory - a testament to the faith and tenacity of our community - and
we should take a moment to celebrate our success.
Thanks very much for your time and I hope you all enjoy getting stuck in to the dataset over the next few days and
Best wishes,