DIT PhD Project Supervisor name & contact details: Name: Brian Mac Namee & John Kelleher Email brian.macnamee@dit.ie John.d.kelleher@dit.ie Research Centre: Applied Intelligence Research Centre The Applied Intelligence Research Centre researches the application of computational intelligence technologies to real world problems. The core competencies of the AIRC include machine learning, language technologies, intelligent agents and data analytics. Research Centre website: www.comp.dit.ie/aigroup Supervisors Publication List: http://bit.ly/STs2MO http://bit.ly/QT5Kat Title of the Project: An Agent Based Epidemiology Model for the Closed Populations Project Summary: Epidemiology research investigates and models how diseases spread within the population with aim of forecasting the spread of a particular bacteria in given circumstances. The ultimate goal is to provide data to define the most efficient and cost effective vaccine strategy. The objective of the project is create computer game technology a state-of-the-art agent-based epidemiological simulation platform for the Irish context that can accommodate and emulate the effect of day-to-day interactions between people on the spreading of a disease. The project's research method involves the implementation of mathematical and simulation based models of the spread of diseases in Ireland and comparing the predications made by these models against a gold-standard dataset. The project has two key deliverables, both of which involve novel research: (1) creating a computational model of the susceptibility of Irish people to infections; (2) creating an agent based simulation of the Irish population as an epidemiological tool. Finally the importance of the project to the Irish context is that this model will provide the first such model contextualized to the Irish population and as such will be a valuable tool in planning and managing public health resources in an outbreak crisis situation. The small scale of the Irish population and geography makes it an ideal test-bed for the development of techniques that will later be applied to larger geographies such as Brazil. Ciência sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Priority Area: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)