PEEKSKILL ART LOFT OWNERS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORP PET REGISTRATION FORM Please use a separate form for each animal in your household. Tell us about you. Name: Telephone Number: E-Mail address: Tell us about your pet. Generic Specie (dog, cat, bird): Breed or Type: Sex: M F (circle one) Spayed Neutered Intact (circle one) What is your pet’s name? What color is your pet? What size is your pet? Less than 8 lbs / 8-25 lbs / 26-75lbs / 76-150lbs / Over 150lbs (circle one) Are there any other identifying details or marking? License No. (if available): License Expiration Date: Rabies Vaccination No.: Rabies Vaccination Expiration Date: PLEASE READ By signing this form, I certify that I have read and understand the House Rules pertaining to pet ownership within Peekskill Art Loft. Furthermore, I understand that the rules can change form time to time and it is my sole responsibility to be aware of rule changes. I certify that my pet is not considered to be a vicious animal either by virtue of law or by deceleration of an applicable court and that I will supervise such pet at all times in such a manner as to prevent its’ becoming objectionable or a nuisance in compliance with House Rules. I further agree to repair any damages done by said pet to the common areas or to other units within five (5) days. I agree that failure to make the required repairs within the required time will cause these services to be performed at my expense (the expense of the owner) by the Corporation. I also acknowledge that violations will be addressed by the Board or their agent for enforcement in accordance with the House Rules. Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________