Elementary Vice Principal - Halton District School Board

The application consists of:
Application Form
Copy of OCT Certificate of Qualification
Resume (one to three pages)
Copy of most recent Teacher Performance Appraisal
Summative Report
Leadership Competencies and Practices (questions 1- 4)
Reference Authorization
1. A timeline for this process is attached.
2. Values and Actions in Halton are attached.
3. Instructions for accessing “The Ontario Leadership Framework” are included.
4. Packages will be assessed based on candidate readiness as per The Ontario
Leadership Framework and Values and Actions in Halton.
5. Electronically submit the complete application package (one attachment)
by email to:
Marsha Sulewski, Supervisor, Staffing and Recruiting
Halton District School Board
not later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Please be advised that applications received after the 12:00 p.m. deadline will not be
Application Form
Elementary Vice Principal
Current Location/Position:
Current Principal:
*Note: if candidate has not been with current supervisor for a minimum of one year, previous supervisor must also be listed.
Home Address:
E-mail Address: _____________________________________
Telephone Number: School/Centre ____________ Home:________________ Cell: _____________
Year Obtained
Part 1 Principals’ Course:
Part 2 Principals’ Course:
or enrolled in Part 2 and targeted for completion by
Please attach a copy of your Ontario College of Teachers’ Certificate of Qualification
Divisions Taught (number of years):
Primary ____
Junior ____
Intermediate ____
Positions (Begin with Current):
To the best of my knowledge and belief, all
of the statements and representations
contained in each of the pages of this
application (and attachments) are true in
substance and fact.
Candidate’s Signature
Senior ____
TOTAL: ____
I have discussed this application for
promotion with the candidate.
Yes _____
No _____
Current Principal’s Signature
Leadership Competencies and Practices
Elementary Vice Principal
Name: _________________________________
Respond to the following. Your answer must be on one page or less (minimum font size 11).
1. Identify three (3) significant issues currently facing educational leaders. Describe the values,
skills, and demonstrated experience that you bring to the role of Vice Principal that will ensure the
successful management of these issues and demonstrate that your readiness for this role.
Leadership Competencies and Practices
Elementary Vice Principal
Name: _________________________________
Respond to the following. Your answer must be on one page or less (minimum font size 11).
Describe a situation where you have mentored a colleague (Teacher or Educational Assistant) in
challenging circumstances that resulted in improved performance and, at the same time,
improved student outcomes. What did you learn from the situation that will support you in moving
into a Vice Principal role?
Leadership Competencies and Practices
Elementary Vice Principal
Respond to the following. Your answer must be on one page or less (minimum font size 11).
3. Please share how you have helped to build and support an inclusive learning environment, which
promotes a sense of safety and belonging for students.
Leadership Competencies and Practices
Elementary Vice Principal
Name: _________________________________
4. The Halton District School Board’s Multi Year Plan, 2012-2016, has goals in the areas of Students,
Staff, and System. Your response to this question is to focus on the following HDSB goal:
“Every student will be socially engaged in their school and intellectually engaged in
their learning”
Describe how you have impacted your current School Improvement Plan to deepen the implementation
and monitoring of the goal above by responding to the questions following questions:
a) How have you demonstrated your commitment to this area in your current school improvement work
with staff, students and parents?
b) What evidence of student achievement have you used to pressure/support colleagues/staff in
building capacity to more deeply engage students?
c) What leadership strategies will you bring to this work as you implement the needed
leadership actions in your next school once you are a Vice Principal?
❖ Maximum length of question submission = Total of 10 pages including up to 4 pages
of narrative and up to 6 additional pages of appendices/archival information (letters,
documents, data)
❖ Minimum font size 11.
❖ Note that the entire application package needs to be submitted electronically in ONE
electronic attachment.
Reference Authorization
Elementary Vice Principal
IMPORTANT NOTE: References will not be checked until after the completion of the interview
process and only for candidates under further consideration.
I, ___________________________ authorize the Halton District School Board to
contact the person or organizations listed below for the purpose of obtaining
reference information including information contained in my personnel file. These
persons are authorized to disclose such information.
The 3 references must include:
➢ Current Principal;
➢ One other administrator/supervisor with whom you have worked in an
educational setting
Note: If candidate has not been with current supervisor for a minimum of one (1) year, prior
supervisor must also be listed.
➢ One other supervisory reference at the candidate’s discretion.
If not using your current principal, please provide an explanation
Reference Name
Position Title
Signature of Candidate
Phone # during
and after work
Email Address
Timeline for Elementary Vice Principal
Monday, January 25, 2016
Ad and application packages posted internally and
on the Halton District School Board website
Monday, February 1, 2016
7:00 p.m. start
Information session at Palermo Public School,
2561 Valleyridge Dr.(Oakville) in the Library
Tuesday, February 16,
2016 by Noon
February 29 - March 11,
Wednesday April 20, 2016
Applications must be received via email by Marsha
Sulewski, in Human Resources no later than noon.
Interviews will take place at the JW Singleton
Centre, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario
Report to Board
Values and Actions in Halton
The values highlighted in the Halton District School Board Multi Year Plan are
embedded in the Ontario Leadership Framework. Through their actions, leaders in
Halton bring these values to life and impact how staff, students and community
follow their leaders. Below are listed the values as in our Strategic Plan. Under
each value are actions that will demonstrate that value.
Build and maintain partnerships
Demonstrate cooperation, collaboration and compassion
Communicate effectively
Align our words and actions
Acknowledge and appreciate diversity
Measure and report results
Use resources effectively
Respond to demographic needs
Operate in an open and transparent manner
Model sound environmental practices
Make timely and informed decisions
Promote social responsibility
Foster creativity, innovation and initiative
Identify, develop, share and implement exemplary practices
Establish responsive practices to address divergent learning needs
Recognize ideas, efforts, and results.
Application Packages, interviews and reference checks are assessed based upon
the practices and competencies as described in Putting Ontario’s Leadership
Framework Into Action, a Guide for School and System Leaders and Values
and Actions in Halton. Criteria for assessing the package submissions, interviews
and reference checks will be drawn from both of these documents.
Candidates should review:
The Ontario Leadership Framework
This document is available electronically on the Ministry Website or by
clicking this link:
For internal candidates, this document can also be accessed through
myHDSB – Leadership and Staff Development – Board Leadership
Development Strategy – Key Elements of the Ontario Leadership
Page 9 of this application package. Values and Actions in Halton.
The Halton District School Board recognizes for students and staff the principles and
intents contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario
Human Rights Code for the Province of Ontario, believes that every person has a
right to equitable treatment with respect to the educational process, or service and
employment within the Halton District School Board without discrimination because
of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual
orientation, age, marital status, same-sex partnership status, family status or