Document 7184406

HEAT Board Meeting
6:09 PM to 8:07 PM
Danville High School
In Attendance: Tony Gray, Courtney Engle, Darletta DeAtley, Kevin McGuire, Melissa Zetty, Kirsten Simon, Lori Logeais
Agenda topics
Treasurer Update - Initial Budget/Forecast Template, Past
Due Account Plan, Rules for Invoicing Members, Methods
of publishing account balances
Kevin McGuire
1. Invoicing Details/Rules – Kevin presented a rough draft of invoicing details for SC 2014. Discussion occurred
re: swim family expectations, the impact of changing swimmer #s related to MS/HS seasons to the team
2. SC 2014 Budget – Kevin presented a rough draft SC 2014 Budget that he and Tony collaborated on. Plan to have
swimming fees pay coaching fees and use sponsorship/fundraising money to pay administrative expenses (i.e.
advertising, supplies, awards, scholarships, club insurance.) Board members provided estimates for expense
3. Publishing Account Balances – Team unify allows us to send an invoice, but not account balance info.
Suggestions to print balances, email option to view balances . . .
4. Past Due Accounts – We have approx. $2700 in past due funds. How to retrieve these funds, email contact,
phone contact, future billing policies to avoid past due accts in the future.
1. Board voted to publish invoicing details with the following revisions – the official end of SC season will be
the end of Feb., with the exception of Divisional Qualifiers swimming in March through the Divisional Meet
with the fee of $47.50 and State/Senior State Qualifiers swimming through the Championship Meets with
the fee of $95. All middle school/high school swimmers who continue to swim with HEAT during practices
and/or meets will pay the monthly fee for their age/level group.
2. Board members agreed on Budget/Forecast
3. Parents need to be reminded monthly to view their balance and Kevin will offer to print balances for
families that specifically request a print out.
4. Account balances will be due on the 15th of the month. Families will receive a reminder email on the 30th of
the month if the balance is not paid. Swimmers with a balance past 60 days will not be permitted to swim,
unless extenuating circumstances have been discussed and approved by the board. Email past due
accounts requesting payment.
Action items:
Finalize the Invoicing Details for publication to the team.
Finalize the SC budget and prepare something to share with
swim families to illustrate how funds are being used.
Send a monthly email to families with a reminder to look at
their acct balance online.
Send an email requesting payment to all past due accts. Email
reminders for payment on the 15th and the 30th of the month.
Initial invoicing will occur on the 1st of the month.
Person responsible:
Volunteer Incentive Plan
No one has been offered HOT money so far this season. We have a large number of families offering to help. Our club
does not require volunteer hours like other area clubs nor do we charge families who do not volunteer.
Offer volunteers recognition and appreciations for their efforts. Courtney motioned to suspend the use of HOT money,
Melissa 2nd the motion, board voted unanimously to suspend the use of HOT money at this time.
Action items:
Person responsible:
Keep track of volunteers to be recognized at banquet.
Expansion Plan - All board members be prepared to share
their vision
Tony contacted Torrey Rodkey, Plainfield’s new A.D., waiting for a call back. Kevin shared his vision/questions re:
expansion: “Wants to keep it a “Hendricks” Club – how do we do this? Does the community have a need for a club and
can we fill it? The use of a pool needs to be part of the deal. Wants to serve the community, not just MS/HS swimmers.
Needs to be a parent run club. Maintain a small club feel. Offered LC and SC with no swim lessons.”
Conclusions: None at this time.
Action items: Type our vision for expansion and send it to
Person responsible:
All board members
Parade Update/Needs/Attendance
Lori Logeais
Only 3 kids currently signed up – others indicated interest but have not signed up. We need at least 15
participants to best represent our club. Lori has maps/info re: parade.
Carol Jones would like to organize a used equipment sale/swap.
Need to get registered for the Danville Homecoming Parade.
Lori will not attend parade. Kirsten will be attending.
All board members in favor of a sale/swap.
Action items:
Kirsten attend parade. Melissa scan parade documents and
send to Lori to share with families.
Melissa will contact Carol Jones to pick a date for the swap.
Kirsten will make the contacts needed to allow us to
participate in the Danville Parade.
Person responsible:
T-Shirt Update
Melissa Zetty
Agreed on 10/15/20 pricing for tshirts/drifit/sweatshirts – order forms will go home with swimmers starting 9/16
and will also be emailed to families.
We will take orders through 9/26. Families will be able to pay with check or be invoiced. Orders can be emailed to
Melissa or left in the black box at the pool.
Action items:
Person responsible:
Melissa will finalize form.
Darletta will email form to families.
Coach Update - Assessment of current staffing/division of
labor, do we have all contracts returned
Tony Gray
1. USA Swim house of Delegates meeting 10/4 Tony will miss a portion of the meeting for a family obligation.
Darletta will attend as needed in his place.
2. Danville Coaching Position – not a good fit per Tony. 1 year contract and it’s a co-coaching position. Alyssa will
be the girls’ coach.
3. Cascade parents and AD have decided to attempt to start their own USA swim club. We will stop negotiation
with Cascade at this time and revisit in the future if a need is indicated.
4. Provided a list of Equipment to add to the Swim Team Store site.
5. Coaching/practice adjustments – Saturday switch to 8 am -10 am only. Monday nights will have 2 coaches as
these are typically busy nights.
6. Concerns re: Ultra Sparks needing more hands on deck – will ask Infernos and Ultra Blazers to donate their
time to assist.
Action items:
Melissa will add equipment to Swim Team Store site.
Person responsible: