Science on Display Data

Katie Thuman
Science on Display
Controlled Distilled Water
Acid Rain Water
Started project on this date.
The control plant has no
Started project on this date.
The acid plant has no change.
The control plant has no
The acid plant has slight
change from the previous date. browning o the ends of each
The control plant has one new The acid plant has 1 leaf that is
root and slight browning on
completely brown. No new
the edge of a leaf.
roots have been grown.
The control plant has a total of
4 root buds that are growing.
Water is clear.
The control plant has 4 root
buds that are growing. All of
the leaves are healthy. The
water is clear.
The acid plant has no root buds
at all. The water has mucky
white particles in it.
The acid plant’s water is white
and cloudy around the ends of
the cuttings. No new roots and
the end of the stem is turning
The control plant has 2 root
The acid plant’s water is white
buds forming. They are at .5
and cloudy around the ends
centimeters. The water is
and on the top of the water.
clear. All 3 leaves are healthy
The end of the root is turnings
and green.
black. The black has taken
over 1 cm of the root. One leaf
is yellow. No root buds.
The control plant has 2 roots
The acid plant’s water is white
one of the roots is .5 cm. and
and cloudy. The blackness has
the other is 1 cm. The water is taken over 4cm. of the root. 2
clear. All of the leaves are
leaves have tuned yellow and
the other is brown.
The control has 2 root buds
The acid plant has very cloudy
that are both 1 cm. long. 4 root white water that is settled
buds are forming and also has
around the lower third of the
3 healthy green leaves.
glass. It is also around the top
of the glass. It has no root
buds. Has blackened edges.