Social Studies/Humanities


6 th Grade Quarter 1 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content -

Ancient Egypt and the Near East

Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan

Chapter 7 – 12

Humanities Theme -

Culture, Values, Rituals, and Beliefs


1.1 Students know and understand what government is and what purpose it serves.

Essential Question Critical Content

Essential Questions -

How do environmental factors affect cultural development?

How do values, rituals and beliefs influence the development of civilizations?


1.1 Students know that economic choices are made because resources are scarce and that the act of making economic choices imposes opportunity costs.

1 st Quarter Standards


2.1 Students know the physical and human characteristics of places.

Environmental Factors and how do they influence settlement/values/beliefs/etc. Rituals – do they have to go to the water, or does the water come to them.

Nile River –

Beliefs, values, rituals cause people to settle in specific areas

Pharaoh’s – achievements and accomplishments.

Three kingdoms. Pharaoh’s how do they come to power?

Beliefs – Achievements of Ruling class and how that dictates society’s beliefs.

Social structure/pyramid/social classes. Rituals and beliefs for each class.

Values – People will be above and below one another in societies. What roles does that social structure play in societies? Each group is responsible for certain things. Without the structure it would be chaos.

African history – Relationship between Egypt and

Kush. Students will discover how each culture influenced one another

Culture – Different cultures can use each other ideas to develop their own culture.


Judaism – (Beginnings)

Beliefs – rituals – How does (can) religion develop? What are the characteristics of religions?

How does a religion evolve and change throughout time? Struggle and preservation of religion.


1.3 Students use chronology to examine and explain historical relationships.

Humanities Concepts and Connections

Literature –

Specific pieces of literature:

Mummies in the Morning – Magic Tree House Series #3

Mara, Daughter of the Nile

God King: A story in the Days of King Hezekiah

Fine Arts –

Creating authentic Egyptian artifacts. Examples – drawings, make papyrus from recycled paper.

Performing arts – Students will role play/perform and bring to life a typical scene from the daily life of a social class in ancient Egypt.

Architecture – students will develop pyramids on their own. They will gain an understanding of how pyramids were built.


Create diorama in 6 th Grade exhibit case. Each teacher will pick a project (make mummies, make pyramids, hieroglyphics, Egyptian art, etc.) that reflects the theme of rituals, values and beliefs that will then be placed together in the exhibit case.

Comments for Quarter 1

Student knows and understands what government is and what purpose it serves.

Student is unable to demonstrate that he/she knows and understand what government is.

Student knows that economic choices are made because resources are scarce.

Student is unable to demonstrate that he/she knows that economic choices are made because of resources.

Student knows the physical and human characteristics of places.

Student is unable to demonstration understanding of physical and human characteristics of places.

Student can use chronology to examine and explain historical relationships.

Student cannot use chronology to examine and explain historical relationships.

Student can compare and contrast reasons for government

Student cannot compare and contrast reasons for government

Student can locate landforms such as rivers, deserts, etc. of ancient Egypt.

Student cannot locate landforms such as rivers, deserts, etc. of ancient Egypt.

Student can explain why landforms affect where humans live.

Student cannot explain why landforms affect where humans live.

Student can use a timeline to show cause and effect relationships.

Student cannot use a timeline to show cause and effect relationships.

Student can find patterns and themes in historic events.

Student cannot find patterns and themes in historic events.

Student knows that economic choices are made because of the scarcity of resources.

Student does not know that economic choices are made because of the scarcity of resources.

6 th Grade Quarter 2 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content -

Ancient China

Chapter 19 - 24

Humanities Themes -

Culture, Values, Rituals, and Beliefs


No civics standard formally assessed by district this quarter.

Essential Question Critical Content

Essential Questions

How does geography affect the development of civilizations?

How do innovations in warfare, agriculture, industry, government and science influence the development of civilizations?


No economics standard formally assessed by district this quarter.

2nd Quarter Standards

Geography 3.1

Students know the physical processes that shape Earth’s surface patterns.

Geography and Early Settlement

What were the ways of life that developed in


Shang Dynasty

How did the culture, religion, art affect the

Shang Dynasty?

 Investigate government, social structure, religion, writing, art and technology

Chinese Philosophies

What was the impact of these Chinese philosophies on the development of culture and politics?

 Cultural and political issues that led to emergence of philosophies

First Emperor of China

How was political power gained and lost?

 Consolidation of power and standardization of power

Han Dynasty

How did innovations in warfare, agriculture, industry, government and science influence the development of ancient Asian civilization?

 Innovations and discoveries

Silk Road

 What is the significance of the Silk Road trade and diffusion of ideas?

History 2.1

Gather information from multiple sources, including electronic databases, to understand events from multiple perspectives.

Humanities Concepts and Connections


Short stories about climbing the Himalayas

National Geographic video / articles about Three Rivers Dam project

Literature –

Adventures in Ancient China – Linda Bailey

Secrets: Mystical Adventures in Ancient China – Charla M. Hall

The Magical Monkey King: Mischief in Heaven – Ji-Li Jiang

Wild Orchid: A Retelling of “The Ballad of Mulan” – Cameron Dokey

The Jade Dragon – Carolyn Marsden

Day of the Dragon King – Magic Tree House Series #14

Mountain Light – Golden Mountain Chronicles: 1855

Shanghaied to China -

Interactive Economic Role Play

Create a Silk Road Trade route – use points in the school (main office, library, etc.) as cities that each produce different “trade items”

Fine Arts – Cartography

Chinese topographic / climate map – use cardboard to create different levels. Finished product is poster sized

Innovations – technology project of some sort (Power Point, etc.)




Visual Arts


Thematic cartographic production of physical aspects of China.


Create a Silk Road Trade route – use points in the school (main office, library, etc.) as cities that each produce different “trade items”

Ch 24 pre-post (Silk Road)

Pre-Post Assessment: KWL assessment:


K on three sections: Leadership, Physical Features, Beliefs of Ancient China (What do you know about… in Ancient China?)

W: What do you want to know about … in Ancient China?


Write a well-constructed paragraph which explains how geographic features isolated China from the rest of the world?

Comments for Quarter 2

 Student can identify geographic influence of settlements

 Student cannot identify geographic influence of settlements

 Student can identify the impact of migration.

Student cannot identify the impact of migration.

Student can gather information from multiple sources and identify both primary and secondary resources.

 Student cannot gather information from multiple sources and identify both primary and secondary resources.

6 th Grade Quarter 3 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content -

Unit 6 Geography Challenge

Chapters 32, 26, 33 – 35, 37

Humanities Theme -

Culture, Values, Rituals, and Beliefs

****Need to reword Critical Content to make kid friendly*******

Civics 1.1

Students know/understand what government is and what purpose it serves.

and trade?


No economics standard formally assessed by district this quarter.

Essential Question

Essential Questions –

*How do governments respond to changes in societal values and beliefs?

*How does the expansion of an empire influence culture, government, religion, law, architecture

3 rd Quarter Standards


No geography standards formally assessed by district this quarter.

Critical Content

Geography Challenge

Geographic features of the Empire and its boundaries.

How do geographic features influence human settlement and expansion?

Geography and Early Development

Explain what influences impacted Rome’s development.

Rise of Democracy

Compare and contrast other forms of government to government with an elected leader.

Rise of Roman Republic

Characteristics of a republic.

Describe how military and/or economic expansion resulted in the assumption or seizure of political power throughout history.

From Republic to Empire

What is expansionism?

How does a government expand and maintain an empire?

Positive and negative effects of military expansion.

Daily Life in Roman Empire

Identify key differences between ancient life in Rome and modern times.

Societal differences between rich and poor.

Legacy of Rome

What influences did Rome have on the modern world?

History 5.2

Students know how various systems of government have developed and functioned throughout history.

History 5.3

Students know how political power has been acquired, maintained, used, and/or lost throughout history.

Essential Concepts


6 th Grade Quarter 4 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content -

Humanities Theme -

Culture, Values, Rituals, and Beliefs

Essential Questions –


Essential Question


No economics standard formally assessed by district this quarter.

4 th Quarter Standards


No geography standards formally assessed by district this quarter.

Civics 1.1

Students know/understand what government is and what purpose it serves.

Essential Concepts


History 6.2

Critical Content

Geography and Early Development

7 th Grade Quarter 1 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content -

Arabian and African Empires

Chapter 7-11, 14

Humanities Theme - Adversity, Conflict, and



1.2 Students know the essential characteristics of limited and unlimited government.



Students understand that the exchange of goods and services creates economic interdependence and change.

Essential Question

Essential Question -

How did Islam change the world?

(Revisit essential question)

1 st Quarter Standards



Students know the patterns and the networks of economic interdependence.

Identify the factors that influence the location and distribution of economic activities.

Critical Content

Environmental adaptations

Geography – What was impact of trade, deserts, oases, coastal plains, and mountain ranges?

Prophet Muhammad

What adversity did Muhammad and his followers face?

Teachings of Islam

How did the teachings of Islam create conflict?

Contributions of Muslim world

How do the contributions advance change?

Crusades to new Muslim empires

How/why do religions conflict and what are the adverse effects?

Islamic influence on West Africa

How do influences affect W. African culture?



Students know that religious and philosophical ideas have been powerful forces throughout history.

Describing different religious concepts that have developed throughout history

Humanities Concepts and Connections

Literature –

Specific pieces of literature will be determined on May 15 th

Students will analyze examples of Islamic poetry and the students will create their own poem.

Fiction/Non-fiction texts

Fine Arts –

Video production/montage about the life of Muhammad and Islamic Culture

Visual Arts – use of geometric design for Islamic visual arts and architecture.

Recorded Oral history of Islamic culture from religious leaders by using flip cameras, video production

Comments for Quarter 1

Student knows the essential characteristics of limited and unlimited government.

Student cannot explain the essential characteristics of government.

Student understands the connection between the exchange of goods and services and economic interdependence.

Student does not understand the connection between the exchange of goods and services and economic interdependence.

Student can identify the factors that influence economic activities.

Student cannot identify the factors that influence economic activities.

Student can describe different religious concepts that have developed throughout history.

Student cannot describe different religious concepts that have developed throughout history.

Student can compare different types of governments.

Student cannot compare different types of governments.

Student can identify why people locate in specific areas.

Student cannot identify why people locate in specific areas.

Student can describe different religious ideas and traditions.

Student cannot describe different religious ideas and traditions.


Teachers will pick from one of the following:

Visual Arts – use of geometric design for Islamic visual arts and architecture.

Video production/montage about the life of Muhammad and Islamic Culture

Recorded Oral history of Islamic culture from religious leaders by using flip cameras, video production

Technology production of student derived topic from Islamic culture, religion, etc.

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content –

China or Japan

Chapter 16 – 19 (China)

Chapter 20 – 22 (Japan)

7 th Grade Quarter 2 – Social Studies/Humanities

Essential Question Critical Content

Essential Question –

What is the importance of organization in a society?



How did Chinese civilization develop under the adversity of climate and natural barriers?

 Geo Challenge 4

Humanities Theme - Adversity, Conflict, and


What are the characteristics that contribute to the growth and development of an economic system?

Political Development

What political process did China go through to become a civilized nation?

 High taxes, disbanding of kingdoms, invasions

China develops a new economy

How did changes in agriculture, trade, commerce, and urbanization impact China’s economic system?

Chinese discoveries and inventions / Contact with the outside world

How did cultural exchange with China impact the world?

 trade




2.1 Economic systems goods/services

2 nd Quarter Standards produce/distribute/exchange

Geography History

3.2 Understand the history of social organization in various societies

Humanities Concepts and Connections

Fine Arts -

Discoveries and Inventions such as compare/contrast Chinese inventions to modern equivalent; creating models of Chinese inventions

Chinese script

Religions (Buddhism, Taoism) – plays, readings, poetry, compare/contrast religions, research

Civil Service exams

Terra Cotta Army – primary document analysis


Set up chain pump for irrigation



Crispin: The Cross of Lead

The Knight at Dawn – Magic Tree House Series #2

The Door in the Wall –

Midwife’s Apprentice

Adam of the Road



Count of Monte Cristo-Alexandre Dumas

Laurence Yap, Dragon Wings ($6.99 paperback)

Health Science –

Disease prevention

Holistic treatments

Guest speaker on inoculations, etc. from CU Health Sciences

Comments for Quarter 2

Student can describe the characteristics of a civilization’s economic system.

Student cannot describe the characteristics of a civilization’s economic system.

Student can show the organization of the class system in a selected civilization.

Student cannot show the organization of the class system in a selected civilization.


Pre-Post Assessment:

Read “A New Way to Make Money” (5 th grade level from TeenBiz 3000).

Students will write a well-developed paragraph explaining what they notice about the economic systems described in the article. They should also comment on the impact of this economic system on the United States economy.

Comments for Quarter 2

Student understands and can identify the characteristics of a civilizations economic system.

Student does not understand and cannot identify the characteristics of a civilizations economic system.

Student can identify the importance of organization in a society?

Student cannot identify the importance of organization in a society?

Student can identify the characteristics that contribute to the growth and development of an economic system?

Student cannot identify the characteristics that contribute to the growth and development of an economic system?

7 th Grade Quarter 3 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content -

European Feudalism

Geo Challenge 1

Ch 2: Social structure of feudalism

Ch 3: Role of the Church

Ch 4: Early urbanization

Ch 5: Divine Right, Plague


Geo Challenge 6

Chs 23, 24, 26, 27 appropriate sections that meet the standards

Humanities Theme - Adversity, Conflict, and


Essential Question

Essential Question -

How does religion and economic interdependence influence society?

How do societies flourish and decline?

Critical Content

Western Feudal Europe


What were the geographic and political features of medieval Europe?

How did geography affect selected aspects of life in medieval Europe?

 Geo Challenge 1

Organization of Feudal Society

How do the political and economic situations of Europe influence societal roles?

 Compare and contrast the lives of nobles, knights, and peasants



Discuss how geographic features may have affected the economies, trade and urban centers of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incans.

Maya, Aztecs, Incas (M.A.I.)

Experience important aspects of M.A.I. cultures including class structure and religious practices.

 Compare and contrast social structure and religious beliefs of M.A.I.


Describe important accomplishments of the

Maya, Aztecs, and Incas in the area of science and technology, arts and architecture, and language and writing.

Civics Economics 3.1

Exchange of goods/services creates

Economic interdependence/change

Essential Concepts



Google virtual earth tour of Rome; Architecture

Geography History

6.2 Students know how societies have been affected by religion


7 th Grade Quarter 4 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Essential Question Critical Content

Social Studies Content -

Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Exploration

Ch 28

Ch 29 & 30

Ch 33

Ch 34

Ch 35

Humanities Theme - Adversity, Conflict, and



Essential Concepts



Essential Question -

Geography 6.1

Students know how to apply geography to understand the past

History 4.1

Impact of scientific / technology developments on individuals / societies

8 th Grade Quarter 1 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content – Frameworks of The


Chapters 8-10

Humanities Theme – Social Justice / Fair treatment and benefits in what society has to offer

Essential Question

Essential Question -

How does The Constitution reflect changing

American values?

Why do Americans feel it is their right and duty to spread their way of life?

Critical Content

Creating The Constitution

What injustices were occurring that lead to the need for a newly structured government. How is social justice incorporated in the creating of The


Framework of The Constitution

How is social justice reflected in The


How do the principles and the structure of The

Constitution allow change?

Bill of Rights

What are your rights and what are the consequences of their loss?

Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion

Why do Americans feel it is their right and duty to spread their way of life?

1 st Quarter Standards


1.3 Students understand the principles of the United States constitutional government.

2.2 Students know how power, authority, and responsibility are distributed, shared, and limited


2.3 Students understand that government actions and policies, including taxes*, spending, and regulations influence the operation of economies.



1 Students know the characteristics, location, distribution, and migration of human populations.


2.2 Students know how to interpret and evaluate primary and secondary sources of historical information.

• Analyze the basic principles that developed as a result of the

Constitutional Convention.

through federalism as established by the United States.

• Explain the reasons for the structure of the U.S. Constitution .

Humanities Concepts and Connections

Literature –

Specific pieces of literature will be determined May 15 th

Students will analyze primary and secondary sources. Examples – Federalist papers, propaganda, letters, etc.

Fine Arts –

Music – Star Spangled Banner, Yankee Doodle, etc. (Any music with Constitutional connection)

Analyze current events connections to Bill of Rights, law-create cartoon, analyze court cases, mock trial

Video – Create a video montages/production about Constitutional ideas/concepts


Bill of Rights projects-i.e students create their own Bill of Rights (still discussing ideas),powerpoints, posters

Comments for Quarter 1

 Student understands the principles of the United States constitutional government

Student cannot explain the principles of the United States constitutional government

Student understands government power established by the United States.

 Student cannot explain government power established by the United States.

 Student understands government policies.

Student cannot explain government policies.

Student understands migration of human populations during this time period.

Student cannot explain migration of human populations during this time period.

 Student can explain the historical foundation of the U.S. Constitution.

 Student cannot explain the historical foundation of the U.S. Constitution.

Student can identify individual rights protected by the Bill of Rights.

Student cannot identify individual rights protected by the Bill of Rights.

 Student understands current issues involving their constitutional rights.

 Student cannot explain current issues involving their constitutional rights.

Student understands the checks and balances of government.

Student cannot explain the checks and balances of government.

 Student can identify economic policies and their influences (taxes, spending, regulation, etc.)

 Student cannot identify economic policies and their influences (taxes, spending, regulation, etc.)

Student can identify primary and secondary sources.

Student cannot identify primary and secondary sources.

Student can examine primary and secondary sources for point of view, historical content, bias, etc.

Student cannot examine primary and secondary sources for point of view, historical content, bias, etc.

8 th Grade Quarter 2 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content – Civil War &

Reconstruction / Immigration and Industry

Suggested Chapter: 21

Required Chapters: 23, 25 and 26 + Geo

Challenge in 22

Humanities Theme – Social Justice

Civics Economics

Essential Question Critical Content

Essential Question-

How has the lack of equality in America’s past impacted modern values?

What causes people to migrate and relocate and what type of adversity do they face?

2nd Quarter Standards


4.1 Know characteristics/location/distribution/migration of populations.

The Civil War (Suggested introduction)

Causes: o Why did the nation divide? o What role does the Supreme Court play in establishing social justice?

(Dred Scott decision)

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South in the

Civil War?

The Reconstruction Era (Full chapter)

What was the process of African Americans movement from limited citizenship to full citizenship?

Industry – (Full chapter)

Why did immigrants come to the United


Immigration (Full chapter)

How did immigrants experience prejudice and discrimination?


2.3 Apply knowledge of past-analyze issues/events from many perspectives.

Humanities Connections:

Current events

Achieve 3000

Literature-Immigration diary stories (Primary documents analysis) Book jigsaw

Segmental Film analysis- Glory- In Segments only analyze issues such as slavery and discrimination in Union units. (This is just an example of a film analysis. Other titles might be chosen.)

Video montage project- Movement from limited citizenship to full citizenship.


Video montage project- Movement from limited citizenship to full citizenship.

Literature-Immigration diary stories (Primary documents analysis) Book jigsaw

Segmental Film analysis- Glory- In Segments only analyze issues such as slavery and discrimination in Union units. (This is just an example of a film analysis. Other titles might be chosen.)

Video montage project- Movement from limited citizenship to full citizenship.

Oral Histories about social justice issues and immigration in students own family

Civil War Literature-students use literature to gain a better understanding of what led to the Reconstruction Era.

Essential Concepts:

Pre-Post Assessment: KWL assessment: KW would be the pre test and L would be a well constructed paragraph as the post test.

Literature –


Jeff Shaara, The Rising Tide ($9.99 paperback)


Mark Bowde, Black Hawk Down ($8.26 paperback new)


Harry Turtledove, The Best Alternate History Stories of the 20 th Century ($12.24 Paperback)


E.B. Sledge, With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa ($7.99 paperback)


Robert Leckie , Helmet for My Pillow ($12.92 paperback)


Phillip Caputo, A Rumor of War ($10.88 paperback)


Ann s. Manheimer, Martin Luther King Jr. ($21.07)

Depression: Wild Creek Kids by Madonna Jeruis Wise

Cold War: Little Sister Lost: A Powerful Story of the Search for Ann Lieber...By Anthony Sacco

Eagles Over Berlin by Kati Fabian

The Berlin Candy Bomber by Gail Halvorson

Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot by Margot Theis Raven

The Hayloft: A 1950s mystery By Alan cook

Comments for Quarter 2

Student can explain how immigration and industry influence American society

Student cannot explain how immigration and industry influence American society

 Student can compare social concerns of the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries to the concerns of present day.

Student cannot compare social concerns of the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries to the concerns of present day.

Student understands and can articulate issues connect with social justice.

Student does not understand and cannot articulate issues connect with social justice.

8 th Grade Quarter 3 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content – America Becomes a World

Power (Roaring 20s, Great Depression 30s, WWI)

Chapters 28-29

Humanities Theme – Social Justice

Essential Question

How did U.S. foreign policy evolve during the early

20 th century?

What role did social justice play during this era?

Examples: Women’s suffrage, rich & poor, minorities.

Critical Content

America becomes a world power

What is U.S. expansionism?

How does imperialism, militarism, isolationism and nationalism contribute to world conflict?

What is yellow journalism?

Great Depression & Roaring twenties

How did the stock market crash impact U.S. domestic and foreign policy?

Civics Economics 2.3 Government actions/policies/ taxes/spending/regulations influences economies.

3 st Quarter Standards


Humanities Concepts:

Literature-Generals Die in Bed

Essential Concepts:

U.S. expansionism


Militarism isolationism nationalism

What is an essential concept? How does it relate to the Essential Question and Critical Content?

Comments for quarter two

Students can describe the causes of the boom and bust economies of the 1920’s and 1930’s

Students cannot describe the causes of the boom and bust economies of the 1920’s and 1930’s

Students can examine the role of U.S. in World War I

Students cannot examine the role of the U.S. in World War I


History 5.4 Relationships among political powers/development of international relations.

8 th Grade Quarter 4 – Social Studies/Humanities

Social Studies Content

Humanities Theme

Social Studies Content – WWII, Cold War, Linking

Past to Present

Essential Question Critical Content

Humanities Theme – Social Justice


Essential Concepts


The Boy who Dared


1 st Quarter Standards

Geography History
