Other Publications Salama, N.K.G, B. Rabe, S. Murray, C. Pert, M. Penston, S. Middlemas and C. Collins, 2011: A multidisciplinary approach to the development of sea lice dispersal models in Scotland. In: The Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2011, pp. 42 – 43. Salama, N.K.G., A.G. Murray and B. Rabe, 2011: Modelling dispersal of salmon in a large fjordic salmon farming system: Loch Linnhe Scotland. In F. Chan, D. Marinova and R. S. Anderssen (eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 2156-2162. Greathead, C., J. Clarke, E. Guirey and B. Rabe: Development and Application of Sustainability Indicators for Marine Fin-Fish Aquaculture in Scotland. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report (In Preparation) Rabe, B., A. Münchow, H. L. Johnson and H. Melling, 2010: Nares Strait Hydrography and Salinity Field From a 3-Year Moored Array. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C07010, doi:10.1029/2009JC005966. Rabe, B., 2010: Geostrophic Velocities, Freshwater Fluxes, Hydrography, and Salinity Field in Nares Strait, between the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and NW Greenland. PhD thesis, University of Delaware, Delaware, USA Rabe, B., 2004: Preparation of Hydrographic Data for a Model Input. Technical Report, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS, Canada Rabe, B., 2003: Freshwater Signals in the East Greenland Current. Diplom Thesis, University of Hamburg, 93pp.