Rigorous Curriculum Design Unit Development Guide 1.0

Rigorous Curriculum Design
Unit Development Guide 1.0
The following criteria are provided for use when designing or reviewing RCD units of study. Please check off
each essential element that is included and complete. Provide any comments or feedback that will enable the
unit designer to make any necessary adjustments or revisions.
Grade Level, Subject, and Name of Unit: _________________________________________________________
Reviewer(s): ________________________________________________________________________________
Unit Identifying Information
Essential Element
Includes Identifying Unit Information (i.e., Subject,
Grade/Course, Name Of Unit)
Indicates Type Of Unit (Topical, Skills-Based, or
Pacing Includes Number of Instruction Days and Number of
“Buffer” Days (for Remediation and Enrichment)
Unit Standards –Overarching, Priority, Supporting, Interdisciplinary
Essential Element
Lists Overarching Standards (Those Emphasized in All Units)
Lists Bolded, Full Text and Coding of Targeted Priority
Standards for Unit
Lists Full Text and Coding of Supporting Standards for Unit
Lists Full Texts and Coding of Interdisciplinary Standards
Limits Total Number of Unit Standards to Ensure Depth of
Instruction and Student Understanding
“Unwrapped” Priority Standards ONLY
Essential Element
Underlines Teachable Concepts (Nouns, Noun Phrases) and
CAPITALIZES Skills (Verbs) Students Are to Know/Do
Connects Skills to Concepts on Graphic Organizer with
Parenthetical Side-By-Side Notation, e.g.,
 DETERMINE (main idea)
 CONVERT (fraction to decimal)
Identifies Approximate Levels of Bloom's (1-6) and Depth of
Knowledge (1-4) for Each Skill
Graphic Organizer Represents All “Unwrapped” Concepts and
Skills From Priority Standards ONLY
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© 2012, The Leadership and Learning Center, Copy w/Permission. 866.399.6019
Essential Questions
Essential Element
Represent Learning Goals for Unit of Study
Reflect Content and Rigor of "Unwrapped" Priority Standards
Include Lower- and Higher-Level Questions, e.g.,
 What are literary devices? Why do authors use them?
 What is estimation? When and how do we use it?
Are Written in Student-Friendly Language
Require Thought, Discussion, Investigation to Answer
Lead Students to Their Own Discovery of Big Ideas
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Big Ideas
Essential Element
Represent Desired Student Responses to Teacher’s Essential
Written Succinctly in Complete Statements (3 to 4 Maximum)
Reflect Explicit and/or Inferential Connections Students Are
to Make and Retain After Instruction Concludes
Convey Value or Long-Term Benefit of Learning to Students
Topical Statements (Specific to Priority Standards in Focus,
Not Broad Generalizations)
Link Directly To "Unwrapped" Priority Standards, Not To
Curriculum Materials
Represent All "Unwrapped" Priority Standards Collectively
Unit Assessments (Pre-, Post-, During Unit)
Essential Element
Represent Blend of Selected-Response (Multiple Choice) and
Constructed-Response (Short- and Extended-)
Include Explicit, Complete Student Directions
Clear, Concise Language; Bias-Free for All Students
Valid (Measure What Intended to Measure); Reliable
(Produce Consistent Student Responses Over Time)
Directly Align to "Unwrapped" Concepts, Skills, Levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
Match Levels of Rigor in "Unwrapped" Skills (i.e., Analyze,
Analysis Question; Interpret, Interpretation Question)
Match Format and Rigor of Common Core Sample
Assessment Items (SBAC/PARCC)
Include Proper Academic Vocabulary, Not Simplified Terms
(i.e., "Hypothesis", Not “Educated Guess”)
Provide Evidence Whether Unit’s "Unwrapped” Concepts,
Skills Have/Have Not Been Learned
Assessment Questions Meet Established Criteria for Quality*
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*Refer to Related Documents
© 2012, The Leadership and Learning Center, Copy w/Permission. 866.399.6019
Pre-Assessment: Aligned (Directly Matched to PostAssessment But With Fewer Questions) or Mirrored (Exact
Number and Type of Questions as Post-Assessment)
Progress Monitoring Checks: Create Short, Ungraded
“Checks For Student Understanding” to Administer
Throughout Unit of Study; Directly Aligned to PostAssessment Questions (Selected-, Short-, ExtendedResponse); Coincide with Learning Progressions—the
“Building Block Chunks” of Instruction.
Assessment Completion (Post-)
Essential Element
Confirm Total Number of Questions Appropriate for Grade
Level and Rigor of Unit Priority Standards
Prepare Student Version of Assessment
Provide Completed Assessment in Hard Copy and Electronic
Include List of Needed Assessment Materials and Where
Obtained (e.g., Articles, Web Links, Poems, Book Titles,
Videos, Etc.)
Provide Administration Directions, Supplemental Information
for Teachers to Foster Easy Replication
Include Suggested Timeframe for Administering and Scoring
Suggest Potential Accommodations (Changes In How
Students Can Acquire Information, Process Information,
and/or Demonstrate Learning) Based on Readiness or
Individual Student Learning Profile
Include Examples of Student Work to Accompany Each
Section to Assist Teacher Scoring of Assessments (Optional)
Include Assessment Design Team Suggestions and Field
Notes for Teachers Who Will Use
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Engaging Scenario
Essential Element
Establishes The "Why" for Learning
Sets Relevant and Authentic (Real World) Context for
Learning "Unwrapped" Concepts and Skills
Motivates Students to Engage in Tasks
Includes All SCRAP Criteria (Situation; Challenge; Role;
Audience; Product or Performance)
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© 2012, The Leadership and Learning Center, Copy w/Permission. 866.399.6019
Authentic Performance Tasks
Essential Element
Tasks (3 to 5) Distributed Throughout Unit of Study
Represent “Assured Learning Experiences” for All Students
Include Detailed, Explicit, Step-By-Step Student Directions
Cognitive Rigor (Bloom/DOK) Increases First to Last Task
Advance Students from Literal to Conceptual Understanding
Reflect Rigor of "Unwrapped" Priority Standards (i.e.,
Analyze, Analysis Task; Evaluate, Evaluation Task, etc.)
Authentic and Challenging for All Students
Incorporate Unit’s Supporting Standards
Integrate Interdisciplinary Connections
Emphasize 21st Century Learning Skills
Suggest Specific Instructional Strategies for Each
Performance Task to Meet Individual Student Needs
Student Work Products Provide Evidence of Student Learning
Collectively “Deliver” Students to Discovery of Unit Big Ideas
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Scoring Guides
Essential Element
Represent Multiple Levels of Achievement (e.g., Advanced,
Goal, Proficient, Progressing, Beginning)
Use Specific, Observable, Measurable Criteria Understood by
Students, Teachers, Parents to Ensure Reliability
Emphasize Advanced and Goal/Proficient Level Criteria;
Below Proficient Levels Refer Back to Goal/Proficient Level
Criteria Match Task Requirements (i.e., "Hand-To- Glove
Fit”—Student Directions and Scoring Guide Criteria Match)
Include Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Criteria;
Wording Reflects Rigor of Standards and Tasks
Reveal Students’ Degree of Proficiency Relative to Targeted
Standards and Big Ideas
Enable Students to Self-Monitor Progress and Receive Timely
Feedback for Improving Quality Of Work
Use With Short-Response, Extended-Response, Big Idea
Reponses to Essential Questions, and Performance Tasks
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Materials / Resources
Essential Element
Include Suggested and/or Required Lists of Needed
Instructional Materials and Where Obtained (e.g., Articles,
Websites, Text Selections, Teacher-Created Resources,
Technology Hardware and Software, Etc.)
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© 2012, The Leadership and Learning Center, Copy w/Permission. 866.399.6019
Resources Support Range of Culturally Relevant Student
Learning Needs; Resources Equip Students to Succeed
Differentiation Strategies
Essential Element
Suggest Specific Strategies for Research-Based Instructional
Strategies; 21st Century Skills; Intervention Strategies;
Specially-Designed Instruction (Special Education); and
English Language Learners (ELL)
Suggest Variety of Accommodations in General (Changes In
How Students Can Acquire Information, Process Information,
and/or Demonstrate Learning)
Suggest How to Accommodate Individual Student Differences
(Learning Styles, Skill Levels, Interests) Through Variety of
Strategies, Approaches
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Essential Element
Includes Blend of Vocabulary Essential for Life and for
Understanding of Content:
 Words Used In Daily Conversation
 General Academic Words Not Content-Specific But
Occur in Text or Conversation
 Content-Specific Words Applicable to Specific Areas
of Study
Identifies Both Academic Vocabulary of Standards and
Content Vocabulary Specific to Unit
Provides Common Definitions for Each Term
Remediation and Enrichment
Essential Element
Considers Needs of Students with Disabilities
Considers Needs English Language Learners
Builds Background Knowledge
Provides Relearn/Recovery Options
Provides Opportunities to Accelerate and Enrich Learning
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Additional Comments:
© 2012, The Leadership and Learning Center, Copy w/Permission. 866.399.6019