Beautiful - Adullam Christian Fellowship Church/Ministries

You’re Beautiful
Cross-Community Women’s
Saturday 15th February 2014
9:00am to 6:00pm
@ The Clarion Hotel,
Beauty for Ashes (Isaiah 61:3)
“We welcome you here today and hope that you enjoy this year’s ‘You’re Beautiful’ Cross-Community
Conference. This conference is designed to bring women together from all age groups and communities, to
examine women’s issues, share our stories with each other, encourage and uplift one another, creating an
opportunity for friendships to be established and encourage understanding between communities. Stories
will be shared alongside beautiful music, good food, beauty sessions, etc., etc., that we hope will encourage
and challenge you to believe that beauty can come out of the ashes of our past and together we will see that
we have more in common as women than we realise taking us forward into a shared future together. We
believe that the best reconciliation is made when people have the opportunity to become friends.”
Adullam Christian Ministries
9:00 to 9:30 - Conference Registration
During registration we will have tea, coffee and shortbread.
9:30 to 9:45 - Caroline Burns – “Ice
Caroline comes from a Catholic background and works alongside her husband Pastor Paul Burns from a Protestant background in reconciliation
between both communities in Northern/North of Ireland. Paul and Caroline pastor Adullam Christian Fellowship Church/Ministries, who are
running this event today. Caroline is married to Paul and they have a son called Andrew who will be doing the powerpoint today!! Many people,
and particularly women, have suffered emotionally from a legacy of the Northern Ireland conflict and Caroline and Paul have a desire to see our
communities reconciled and in a place to see a positive shared future together. This programme today is designed to take us all on a journey into
different women’s lives, to get insight into their culture, beliefs and background and giving us all a chance to enjoy each other company, view our
opinions and most of all create bridges of friendship within our communities! Caroline and Paul will host this programme today and as a starter
for our “Ice Breaker”, we would like you to welcome our very own ‘Dave’ Manager of the Clarion Hotel, who will wow all you ladies with his
wonderful voice and welcome song for our ice breaker today…
9:45 to 10:00 – Sheila Smyth - Worship with a Difference!!
This year we will have ‘Beautiful Music’ from Sheila Smyth. Sheila plays piano and guitar, and is a singer, songwriter, and choir leader. In 1988,
Sheila was led to starting a pioneering work that uses music for health, healing, and recovery. In 2007 Sheila established "Voice of the Bann", a
singing group drawn from both sides of the community, within the Bann area. Supported by the Arts Council NI, this group captured the unique
musical voice, and sound of Northern Ireland, through singing, dance, poetry, and storytelling. Shortly after this, Sheila was given an Ignite
Award, from UnLtd, to establish a small recording studio in Dromore, Co. Down.
Voice of the Bann, made their first CD there, and they continue to perform throughout Northern Ireland. In 2011, Sheila set up her own
Community Interest Company, called "The Right Key". Through The Right Key, Sheila established the Alzheimer's Choir in Northern Ireland.
The musical journey, that this group took, challenged the stigma of Alzheimer's, and provided fresh insight into music and dementia. Their CD,
recorded in Dromore, became a new musical voice, and their title track, "The Best is Still to Come", composed by Sheila, became a new anthem.
Sheila has also worked in the field of addiction and in 2012, Sheila began taking singing for health workshops, in Cuan Mhuire Rehabilitation (a
centre for individuals suffering from addiction and other related issues formed by Sister Consilio). Another singing group, called "Voice of
Recovery" emerged from this work and these singers, who have now left Cuan Mhuire, continue to be an example voice, in the province, within
mental health, and addiction. Sheila has recently formed a Carer's Choir, who were part of a project, funded by the Department of Development,
and the Rathcoole Partnership. Sheila's passion, is to see ordinary people, enjoying music, and for music to be released back out into the
community. The songs and anthems, that she has composed, empower people, with a musical voice, and help them to find their own personal
victory song. Her music brings health, healing and recovery, through singing, and the arts. It is Sheila’s hope that, along with Adullam Christian
Ministries, to form a cross-community Choir in the coming months, with some of the ladies taking part in this conference – maybe that will be you!
Sheila will let you know more about this during the day. Let’s enjoy some beautiful music…..
10:00 to 10:45 – From a Broken Doll to a Princess –
Sheila Smyth
Sheila Smyth who is bringing us ‘Beautiful Music’ today (see above) will be speaking to us about her ‘Princess
Song” and how she has travelled on a journey from a broken doll, to a princess. This is a Cinderella story, that
shows how we can overcome failure, reproach, disappointment, and other wounding’s that woman experience, to
become daughters of a King, who has purpose, destiny, and a future. This talk will be based around Sheila’s own
life experiences, and journey, as a woman, and a single parent. Even out of brokenness we can be changed.
During this talk Shelia will sing her ‘Princess Song’. Sheila’s story shows us that change is possible and can be dramatic; we want to encourage
everyone here that if change takes place in our hearts, and lives then the whole future of Northern Ireland/North of Ireland can change one life at a
time as we work together for a shared future…
10:45 to 11:00 – Time for a ‘Beauty Break’
Tea & coffee break with yummy scones, cream and jam – enjoy!
11:00 to 11:15 – Sheila Walsh - Worship with a Difference!!
11:15 to 11:45 – ‘Blank Canvas’ – New Beginnings – Mary
Mary Robinson was born in Carrickfergus on 26th January 1948 (we can now work out your age Mary!). Mary was
both Christened, confirmed and married in St Nicholas Parish Church. Mary trained as a Hairdresser and later on
opened her own Hair Salon. It was on 15th July 1972, Mary was married and had two daughters Jennifer and Denise.
She now has 5 grandchildren three of which live in Italy. Right from the beginning the marriage was not good. Mary
prayed that her marriage would one day be healed and restored, but to no avail and after 23 years of marriage Mary
found herself on her own. To Mary it felt like starting her life all over again and she realised that she did not know
where her future lay – it looked like an artist’s ‘blank canvas’. However, bit by bit Mary found her life being put back
together and through her faith found the courage to believe in a ‘New Beginning’. Mary is going to tell her story of
how she came to a point where she now sees her life much more optimistically and has a desire to speak to women to
encourage them that even if they have suffered marital break ups and abuse that they too can have a ‘New Beginning’.
See how beauty can come out of the ashes of your past by believing God to paint a new picture for your life. This story
shows us that we too can have a ‘New Beginning’, start with a ‘Blank Canvas’ and develop a new way forward together within our
11:45 to 12:00 – Beautiful ‘Solo’ Singer - Hannah Louise Roninson
& Cheanna Williams
12:00 to 12:30 – Cross-Community Workshop/Discussion Groups
(Session 1)
Pastor Paul Burns will be taking both Cross-Community Workshops, Session 1 and Session 2. Paul has worked for many years working in crosscommunity work and with both communities to try and establish peace and reconciliation between our respective communities.
12:30 to 1:30 – Time for a ‘Beautiful Lunch’
1:30 to to 1:45– Sheila Walsh - Worship with a Difference!!
1:45 to 2:15 – A Life Transformed – The Butterfly Effect – Clara
Hi my name is Clara McClay I am married to Billy, we have 2 grown up children, 4 grandchildren and 1 great
grandchild. Both myself and my husband Billy have been Pastors for over 30 years in Glenvarna Christian
Centre in Newtownabbey. We were married quite young and right from the beginning things were not too good
for us. My husband likes to work at a cars, which he did every night and that was just the beginning of World
War I in our home. Drink soon played a very good part in all of this and soon 2 children arrived, I think in a bit
of a disturbed household. Rejection is a very bad companion in our life. With no stability and a lot of shouting
when he did come home, which was very late every night, life was not too good until I found the answer. Out
of this mess I turned to the scriptures and to God. I started to read the book of proverbs and found a very understanding God who seemed to
understand life better than I did. Out of this I knew there were answers and if I would turn fully to him He was the one who had the answers,
which I did and found a healing in my own heart firstly and a healing of my own attitudes, which in turn changed the atmosphere around me and
changed the atmosphere of our home. People started to see the differences in me, including my husband. It was all quite difficult but all
worthwhile, as sometime later I saw him transformed as well. Clara’s talk will discuss ‘The Butterfly Effect’ and how we can go through dramatic
changes within ourselves that can dramatically affect us and our relationships with others. Clara will discuss the transformation that takes place in
a caterpillar, which then changes into a chrysalises and then finally into a beautiful butterfly and how this metamorphosis happened within her own
life. This story will inspire you and show you that change is possible and can indeed take place within our own hearts and minds then have a
‘Butterfly Effect’ within our families and communities. We can change and we can find a way forward together. These changes may be slow, but
as we move forward towards peace and reconciliation within our communities, we will see a metamorphosis happen. Let’s be willing to change
and create a better shared future together and way forward for each community and the generations to come.
2:15 to 2:45 – A Beautiful Treat – ‘Yummy Chocolate
& Sweetie Shop’
Let’s enjoy some ‘Beautiful Treats’ together and enjoy our Chocolate Fountain break along with some yummy
sweets in our ‘Sweetie Shop’. Not a time to worry about our figures ladies!!!
2:45 to 3:30 – A Beautiful Drama – Divine Exchange "YOUR
CHOICE" performed by New Life City Church Drama Team.- This is a
dramatic real life drama dealing with issues such as suicide, rejection, abortion, etc, and other ‘real life’ issues, etc. A drama bringing
hope for a changed life through a ‘Divine Exchange’…..
3:30 to 4:00 – Beautifully and Wonderfully Made – Martine
Pastor Martine is married to Pastor Brian from Elim Church, Maghaberry and has 3 girls and just
became a granny this year!! Martine and her husband Brian have been involved in working within the
peace process in Northern Ireland and working with families from all sides of the community for a
number of years. Martine has known tragedy from a very young age, having lost her leg when she was
7 years of age under an army sarrison truck, during the troubles in Northern Ireland. After marrying
Brian Martine went on to have 3 girls. However, tragedy struck again when her daughter Jessica was
born with very serious problems, illness and severe disabilities. To Martine and all of her family
Jessica is ‘Beautifully and Wonderfully Made’ and despite the pain and sorrow Jessica has brought them much joy and happiness. Martine is going
to share with us today, some of the joys and sorrows of raising a daughter with severe disabilities and how her daughter has affected so many
people’s lives for the better.
As we know much sorrow has come out of the troubles within Northern Ireland in both communities, but as with Martine’s story with Jessica,
much joy can come out of a future where we appreciate one another, despite problems and differences and appreciate one another’s different
cultures and beliefs; though different we can appreciate one another.
4:00- 4:30 – Cross-Community Workshop/Discussion Group
(Session 2)
4:30-4:45- Free‘Beautiful’ Prize Draw (see ticket at the back of your
name badge)
4:45 to 5:30 – Finding Me – Finding Your Identity – Katey
‘I don’t know who I am, so how can I “be me”, accept me or love me. I don’t love myself….There
is no hope for me. I hate myself! And I fear others will hate me too. I’m so afraid of rejection!
I’m frightened of being with people and them seeing the real “me” because then, they’ll reject
me.’ This was the honest cry of a young Katey Moreland, outwardly a vibrant, high-spirited youth
who had nevertheless been called by God to become a nun, only to have run away on the convent
bike. Katey will share with us her remarkable story of how God allowed events in her life to
unfold so that she may realise she had not run away from people, but childhood memories which
needed healing. Her story which she also tells in her book, ‘The Novice is Missing . . . and so is
the Convent Bike’ is a bit like the sound of music, where Katey found that God was calling her in
a totally different direction, but first she had to find her own identity. Becoming a runaway nun was not part of God’s plan for Katey, but He
graciously led her to a place of peace and healing so that she could live the destiny He chose for her. Katey is now an international teacher of the
Word of God. Born in Yorkshire, U.K, to Irish parents, Katey feels privileged to be called home to live in Ireland and minister to her own people
since 2008. The first of Katey’s published books entitled, 'Help Lord, I'm trying to Relate', invites God to bring out the best in our relationships.
Katey’s story will inspire you to find the ‘real you’ and we can also reflect on how important it is within our communities to recognise each other’s
cultural identity with respect and understanding, in order to help us move forward in reconciling both of our communities.
5:30 to 5:45 – Sheila Walsh - Worship with a Difference!!
6:15 – Please make your way to the Buses they leave @ 6:15 thank
Pamering Sessions/Prize Draws
During the conference, at different times throughout the day, a table a time will be brought to the ‘Beauty Rooms’ for either nail painting, eyebrow
plucking or hand massage, etc. Also Pastor Paul Burns has worked tirelessly to get some free prize draws, including perfumes, chocolates,
ornaments, dinners for two, and weekend’s away. Please find your prize draw ticket at the back of your name badges.
All because You’re Beautiful
We hope you enjoyed this conference. The whole point of this conference is to bring women together, from both sides of the community, who have suffered a
great deal both from the troubles/conflict and also from personal issues, to provide a platform which helps to create a foundation of mutual respect and
understanding by building bridges based on issues/concerns we have in common as women. It is our hope that through the talks/discussion times that we will
witness transformation in your lives for the betterment of our respective communities also creating an opportunity to improve community relations through new
friendships borne/developed from this conference.
It is also hoped that in developing new friendships that, after leaving this conference, these new friendships will continue to develop and blossom into fields of
hope whereby new groups can be formed that will see further development of cross-community events organised by women involving their children. We believe
that building friendships and bridges between communities is a vital and important part of reconciliation and ensuring that as friends we can work out our
differences and go forward into a shared future together, tackling the issues that have traditionally kept us divided.