Integrating Social Studies and Language Arts

Leeanne Hince
EDUC 7531
Sept. 1, 2014
Module 2
Unit Overview:
During this unit, we will study the first grade content standards of the contributions of Benjamin Franklin
while integrating narrative elements of writing. The unit will begin by assessing students with a preassessment. Students will then be grouped accordingly to their understanding of the content. During the
unit, the teacher will formatively assess students’ comprehension and understanding for flexible grouping.
The students will complete a variety of assignments to help them better understand the content such as
writing a narrative story, using technology, making anchor charts, collaborating, explore Benjamin
Franklin’s History. Upon finishing the unit, students will take the post test to check for understanding.
The students’ narrative writing will be assessed by using a rubric.
Learner Outcomes:
The students will understand the importance of Benjamin Franklin’s contributions and inventions
as well has how they have affected and shaped the United States.
The students will recall three inventions that Benjamin Franklin invented.
The students recall information from the Benjamin Franklin biography and record facts.
The students will understand the vocabulary associated with the Benjamin Franklin.
The students will obtain information about Benjamin through the use of technology.
The students will write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced
events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide some sense of closure.
The students will use a graphic organizer to support their narrative writing.
The students will become more familiar with the writing processes by drawing the pictures,
writing the words, edit writing, peer edit and publish.
Instructional Strategies:
Differentiated Instruction:
After taking the pre-test, the tests will be graded and students will be grouped accordingly.
Far (Remediation): 69-0 %
Close (On Level): 70-84%
Proficient (Accelerated): 85-100%
Flexible grouping
Integrating Technology/ 21st Century Learning
Graphic Organizers
Whole Group discussion and Turn and Talk (Peer Discussion)
 Anchor Charts
 Modeling
Social Studies
September 2-5, 2014
Performance Standard:
SS1H1 The student will read about and describe the life of historical figures in American history.
a. Identify the contributions made by these figures: Benjamin Franklin (inventor/author/ statesman).
b. Describe how everyday life of these historical figures is similar to and different from everyday life
in the present (food, clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation).
Unit Theme
Goals and
Strategies for
What contributions did Benjamin Franklin make to the United States?
Let’s Explore our World
Students will understand the importance of Benjamin Franklin’s contributions and inventions as well has how they
have affected and shaped the United States.
Turn and Talk, Graphic Organizers, Benjamin Franklin Biography, whole group discussions, Vocabulary
Students will write words describing Benjamin Franklin. Students will draw and briefly describe their invention.
Students will write 3 or more facts about Benjamin Franklin.
Students can create an invention with a partner discussing how it would contribute to our society today. (Include a
detailed description of their invention.
How did Benjamin Franklin’s inventions affect us?
How did Benjamin Franklin’s contributions to the United States affect us?
Why is it important to know about Historical figures?
Formatively check students work for understanding (Proficient, Close, Far), answering questions in whole group
activity, quality turn and talk, (teacher checklist)
Invention, Contribution, Declaration of Independence
Pepple Go and Brain Pop Jr.
T: The teacher will Unpack and discuss the standard. Hook: Benjamin
Franklin (Pepple Go) Teacher will create an anchor chart about Benjamin
Closure: Students will turn and Talk.
W: Hook read Ben Franklin Biography. Discuss and make an anchor chart of
Closure: Two students will share their work.
Th: Continue reading Ben Franking Biography. Ask comprehension questions
to check for understanding.
Closure: Two students will share their inventions with the class.
F. BrainPop video: Benjamin Franklin
Closure: Students will turn and talk. (Share with 2 other students)
Writers Workshop
Student Work Time
T: Students will write two facts they learned about
Benjamin Franklin.
W: Students will write and draw a picture for four or
more of the inventions that Benjamin Franklin
invented. (Fold/Divide paper into four sections)
TH: Students will create their own invention.
Students will draw and write about their invention.
F: Students will continue work on their own
invention. Students will draw and write about their
September 2-5,2014
Performance Standard: ELACC1W3
Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding
what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Performance Standard: ELACC1W5
With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add
details to strengthen writing as needed.
Unit Theme
Goals and
Strategies for
Integration of
SS or Science
a. May include oral or written prewriting (graphic organizers).
How Can I Share My Story?
Let’s Explore our World
The students will write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some
details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Using drawings to plan story.
Graphic organizer for narrative elements
Modeling a narrative story
The students will draw and teacher will add dictation.
First, next, last use guiding graphic organizer - small moments graphic organizer
The students will elaborate by adding descriptive words to describe setting and characters.
Write different beginning or ending OR
As an anchor activity, gifted students or other students that completed their work before other were able to write more
articles for our newspaper. They were able to choose what they liked to write about from a choice board with writing
prompts such as, “Write about one of Benjamin Franklin’s inventions; Create an advertisement of one of Benjamin Franklin
Inventions, Create questions and answers about Benjamin Franklin”, etc.
Do you think it’s important to have a plan? Explain why?
Check list with completion of each part (engaging beginning- 2 details- closure) See attached rubric
Social Studies: Benjamin Franklin
Narrative, characters, setting, beginning, middle, end
Flip charts, audio books
Tuesday: Read Ben Franking Biography – (read during Social Studies) Unpack
standards. The teacher will ask students to help her define what are the steps
to become a good writer. Remind students that the first step is to have a plan.
“Begin with the end in mind, have a plan.” The teacher will model how to make
plan (draw it first). Explain that today we will be newspaper writers like Ben
Franklin, and will “News about ourselves”- Students will write narratives that
share stories of their choice. The students will turn and talk about stories they
want to share.
Closing: Two students will share their plan.
Wednesday: Bring in newspaper for the students to explore. TTW review the
expectations for narrative writing. Teacher will model how to begin narrative
using temporal words or by describing setting. (Sequencing)
Closing: Two students will share their progress
Thursday: The teacher will review the expectations for narrative writing.
Teacher will model how to recounting important events from drawing. Make
sure to model using, first, next, after that, etc… Sequencing
Closing: Students will have a walk and share.
F. The teacher will review the expectations for narrative writing. Teacher will
model how to write a closure.
Closing: selected student (s) will narrative(s)
Student Work Time
T: Students will write narratives that share stories
of their choice. Students will begin brainstorming
and drawing the pictures. ( “Newspaper article”)
T: Students will use pictures they drew to start their
(“Newspaper article”)
The students will use their pictures to recount 2 or
more events from their stories. (“Newspaper
Th: The students will use their pictures to write a
(“Newspaper article”)
SS1H1 The student will read about and describe
the life of historical figures in American history .a.
Identify the contributions made by these figures:
Benjamin Franklin (inventor/author/statesman),
First Grade Social Studies Common Assessment
1) Draw or write 3 things Benjamin Franklin invented:
2) Circle the correct answer:
Benjamin Franklin discovered ____________________.
a) The sun
b) Electricity
c) Dinosaurs
3) Benjamin Franklin signed the ________________.
b) Declaration of Independence
c) Flag
4) Benjamin Franklin served our country in many ways.
Circle the pictures that show Benjamin Franklin contributions.
5) Benjamin Franklin served our country in many ways.
Circle the pictures that show Benjamin Franklin contributions.
6) Benjamin Franklin served our country in many ways. Circle the
pictures that show Benjamin Franklin contributions.