ACLEI Corporate plan 2015-16 - Australian Commission for Law

Australian Commission for
Law Enforcement Integrity
Corporate Plan
2015 –16
ISSN 2205-3654 (online); 2205-3662 (print)
Contact ACLEI
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
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Phone: (02) 6141 2300; +61 2 6141 2300
Fax: (02) 6230 7341; +61 2 6230 7341
Corruption Hotline: (02) 6141 2345; +61 2 6141 2345
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© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
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Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity 2015–16 Corporate Plan.
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ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Statement of preparation
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
ACLEI 2015–16 Corporate Plan
This Corporate Plan sets out the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement
Integrity (ACLEI)’s strategic priorities and describes how its performance will
be measured.
ACLEI’s enabling legislation, the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (the
LEIC Act) provides the basis for ACLEI’s purpose and activities. The Portfolio Budget
Statements specify the outcome, programme, objective and deliverables that government
expects ACLEI to achieve in a given year and in forward years. The Corporate Plan links
those documents and the Annual Performance Statement in each of the Integrity
Commissioner’s Annual Reports by setting out ACLEI’s priorities for the four-year term of the
Performance reporting: line of sight
Table of contents
Statement of preparation ........................................................................................................... 3
PART 1 ACLEI’s Purpose .......................................................................................................... 5
PART 2 Strategic context ........................................................................................................ 11
PART 3 Strategy ...................................................................................................................... 13
PART 4 Performance measures.............................................................................................. 18
Compliance index .................................................................................................................... 24
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
ACLEI’s Purpose
Part one provides an overview of ACLEI’s objectives, functions and role under
the LEIC Act and as set out in the 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements.
ACLEI’s role under the LEIC Act
The office of the Integrity Commissioner, and ACLEI, are established by the LEIC Act. The
Integrity Commissioner’s functions under the LEIC Act are to detect, investigate and prevent
corrupt conduct in law enforcement agencies within his or her jurisdiction. The objects of the
LEIC Act (at section 3) are:
a) to facilitate:
the detection of corrupt conduct in law enforcement agencies; and
the investigation of corruption issues that relate to law enforcement agencies;
b) to enable criminal offences to be prosecuted, and civil penalty proceedings to be
brought, following those investigations; and
a) to prevent corrupt conduct in law enforcement agencies; and
b) to maintain and improve the integrity of staff members of law enforcement agencies.
To achieve those objects, the LEIC Act charges the Integrity Commissioner with duties and
obligations and provides a range of law enforcement powers.
ACLEI’s function is to support the Integrity Commissioner to provide independent assurance
to government about the integrity of prescribed law enforcement agencies and their staff
members by detecting, investigating and preventing corrupt conduct. ACLEI also collects
intelligence about corruption in support of the Integrity Commissioner’s functions.
The agencies subject to the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction are:
the Australian Border Force*
the Australian Crime Commission (and the former National Crime Authority)
the Australian Federal Police (including ACT Policing)
the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
the CrimTrac Agency
prescribed aspects of the Department of Agriculture, and
the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.*
*The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (including the Australian Border
Force) joined the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction on 1 July 2015, in place of the
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. Other agencies with law enforcement
functions may also be added by regulation.
More-detailed information about the Integrity Commissioner’s functions under the LEIC Act
can be found at under About Us.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
The 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements
The Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) specify the outcomes, programmes, objectives and
deliverables that government expects each agency to achieve in a given year.
ACLEI has one outcome, programme, objective and deliverable in 2015–16, as shown.
The Integrity Commissioner’s strategic focus, as recorded in the 2015–16 PBS, is to gather
and share information about—and, when appropriate, investigate—serious and systemic
corruption issues that:
may indicate a link between law enforcement and organised crime
involve suspected conduct, such as the private use of illicit drugs, which would
undermine an agency’s law enforcement functions
bring into doubt the integrity of senior law enforcement officers and managers
relate to law enforcement activities that have a higher inherent corruption risk
warrant the use of the Integrity Commissioner’s information-gathering powers,
including hearings, or
would otherwise benefit from independent investigation.
In this way, ACLEI’s resources and the Integrity Commissioner’s coercive and other powers
are targeted to those corruption issues in which there would be benefit in ACLEI’s direct and
active involvement.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
To achieve its outcome, ACLEI has defined six output and activity groups, linked to the
deliverable outlined in the PBS. These groups are set out in this diagram and explained in the
following pages.
More information about how ACLEI’s performance will be measured is contained in Part 4 of
this Plan.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
ACLEI’s programme outputs and activities
The Integrity Commissioner aims to ensure that indications and risks of corrupt conduct in law
enforcement agencies are identified and addressed, to strengthen those agencies against
compromise. The LEIC Act establishes a framework whereby the Integrity Commissioner and
the relevant agency heads can prevent and deal with corrupt conduct jointly and
The following programme outputs and activities summarise ACLEI’s contribution and impact,
namely to: detect indications of corrupt conduct and corruption vulnerabilities, disrupt corrupt
conduct through investigations and mitigating corruption risk, and deter corrupt conduct by
strengthening anti‑ corruption arrangements.
Instances of possible corrupt conduct are identified
Vulnerabilities and corruption risks are identified
The LEIC Act provides that law enforcement agency heads must notify the Integrity
Commissioner of any information or allegation about possible corrupt conduct in their
Other people, including the Minister, other government agencies, members of the
public or staff members of agencies in jurisdiction may also refer matters to the
Integrity Commissioner.
ACLEI works with the LEIC Act agencies and other partners to bring together and
analyse information about the factors that may allow or indicate, corrupt conduct and
to target areas at risk.
Instances of possible corrupt conduct are addressed
Information is given to partner agencies to mitigate corruption risk and vulnerabilities
The Integrity Commissioner determines independently how each notification and
referral should be dealt with and may initiate an investigation on his or her own
The Integrity Commissioner has the authority to investigate a corruption issue
independently or jointly, to refer issues back to the agency—or to another agency—
for investigation, or to decide that investigation is not warranted in the circumstances.
The Integrity Commissioner also brings forward evidence for prosecution or
disciplinary action, and disseminates information to address or prevent corrupt
conduct in law enforcement agencies.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Insights about corruption risk contribute to strengthening anti‑ corruption frameworks
The Integrity Commissioner may make recommendations for improvements to laws of
the Commonwealth or the administrative practices of law enforcement agencies.
Drawing on lessons learned from investigations, ACLEI captures and shares anti
corruption insights as broadly as possible.
ACLEI contributes to agency corruption detection and prevention initiatives, to
address possible systemic vulnerabilities.
ACLEI’s enabler outputs and activities
The Integrity Commissioner is the Accountable Authority for ACLEI under the Public
Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (the PGPA Act) and is required to
govern ACLEI in a way which promotes the proper use and management of public resources,
the achievement of ACLEI’s purposes and its financial sustainability.
The PGPA Act requires the Integrity Commissioner to establish and maintain systems relating
to risk and control, encourage cooperation with others (including by taking into account the
risks and effects of imposing requirements on others) and to keep the responsible Minister
and Finance Minister informed.
The following enabler outputs ensure that ACLEI’s governance, financial and management
arrangements support its goal of making it more difficult for corrupt conduct in law
enforcement agencies to occur or remain undetected, and that the Integrity Commissioner’s
focus remains directed to the strategic aspects of corruption control.
Capable and Strategic
Operational resources are matched to the task and targeted for maximum effect
Cooperative arrangements with partner agencies make effective use of resources
and specialist skills
ACLEI places emphasis on ensuring it has the skills, powers and technical
capabilities required to investigate corruption in law enforcement.
The Integrity Commissioner must give priority to issues that constitute serious
corruption or systemic corruption, and has the ability to agree with agency heads
what types of issues may be significant in the context of each agency’s risk
Joint initiatives are an important part of the ACLEI business model. For example,
ACLEI may enter into joint investigations to ensure the most appropriate combination
of skills, knowledge and resources is applied to each issue.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Well-governed and Efficient
Governance and risk management arrangements take account of ACLEI’s
operational role
Staff maintain high professional standards
Financial and management controls ensure the proper use of resources
Particular governance risks arise from ACLEI’s role of investigating corrupt conduct in
law enforcement agencies. For instance, the harm which would be caused by fraud or
corruption within ACLEI could be direct and long lasting, affecting ACLEI’s
relationships, investigations, and its ability to perform its functions.
ACLEI places emphasis on developing and meeting sound integrity protocols and
governance arrangements, which are overseen by its Governance Board and
independent Audit Committee.
Robust financial and management controls assure the government that ACLEI’s
resources are directed to the achievement of its legitimate objectives.
Lawful and Fair
Legislative obligations for use of powers are met
Powers are used ethically and proportionally
Sensitive and personal information is managed securely and respectfully
Various laws hold the Integrity Commissioner accountable for ACLEI’s proper use of
a range of investigation powers—for example, coercive hearings, telecommunications
interception, technical surveillance, controlled operations and integrity testing.
Any proposal to use powers under the LEIC Act is subject to review by the General
Counsel, an Executive Director or the Integrity Commissioner. Each approval is
accompanied by a record of the reasons for the decision.
Mechanisms are in place to ensure ACLEI handles information accountably, securely
and respectfully.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Strategic context
Seven factors will continue to affect ACLEI’s work in 2015–16 and for
the term of this Plan.
The economic environment
Globally, Australia remains one of the most lucrative markets for illicit drugs. A combination of
tough economic conditions and high illegal profits from organised crime activities—such as
the importation or supply of illicit drugs—may mean that some law enforcement officers could
be more susceptible to corruption or compromise.
Corruption-enabled border crime creates an incentive for criminals and corrupt officials to
form networks across different agencies (horizontal collusion) or between Commonwealth
and State jurisdictions (vertical collusion). ACLEI seeks to identify and dismantle such
networks and connections and—for this reason—fosters cooperative partnerships with law
enforcement and integrity agencies in the States and Territories.
Changing criminal objectives
Corruption has a central role in enabling or facilitating other types of serious and organised
crime. However, the types of organised criminal activity giving rise to attempts to corrupt law
enforcement officers changes over time. Corruption could be used to undermine law
enforcement investigations, frustrate immigration and border controls, or take advantage of
regulatory or identity document security systems. In the organised crime milieu, corruption is
a simple cost of doing business. ACLEI’s role in this context is to ensure that corruption is not
a barrier to the achievement of law enforcement agencies’ legitimate objectives.
Corruption is a moving target
The ways in which organised crime operates are constantly changing, in part as a result of
what ACLEI refers to as the effectiveness paradox. For example, as intelligence-driven law
enforcement agency and border protection activities become more effective, there is a greater
incentive for organised crime to corrupt government officers to gain knowledge and capability
to evade them. Additionally, as ACLEI and its law enforcement partners become more
successful at detecting and preventing corruption, it drives organised crime to seek
alternative, new and sometimes harder-to-detect means to achieve their illegal ends.
Accordingly, ACLEI must continue to develop new partnerships and capabilities—including
human source, cyber and forensic accounting and data analytic capabilities—to enable it to
have an effect on the corruption environment. Re-skilling or up-skilling existing staff, sharing
resources and capabilities across agencies, capitalising on goodwill in industry and other
areas of government and forging new connections outside the public sector could all form part
of this approach.
Other corruption enablers
The Australian Crime Commission has identified money laundering to be an important
enabler of serious and organised crime, which involves using professional facilitators to
exploit legitimate business structures. This situation may mean that further investment in
ACLEI’s capability to examine financial records would be required in future years. Forging
strong operational relationships with agencies that have law enforcement roles relating to the
movement and reporting of funds—for example, AUSTRAC and the Australian Taxation
Office—will remain at the heart of this strategy.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
As part of a suite of measures to strengthen and enhance Australia’s border services, the
Government integrated the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and the
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service from 1 July 2015. The Australian Border
Force was also established within the DIBP. This integration will continue to require close
attention to counter the corruption opportunities that could arise during and after that
significant structural change.
On 1 July 2015, both the DIBP and Australian Border Force joined the Integrity
Commissioner’s jurisdiction. The DIBP is likely to bring new forms of law enforcement
corruption issues to the Integrity Commissioner’s attention—for example, corrupt conduct
which could facilitate identity, migration or visa fraud. There will be inevitable challenges for
ACLEI in understanding this new operating environment.
The quantum and complexity of corruption issues arising from the DIBP jurisdiction is also
unknown. Accordingly, an implementation review is planned after 18 months, to inform the
2017–18 Budget. Another review—relating to the Integrity Commissioner’s jurisdiction of
AUSTRAC, the CrimTrac Agency and prescribed aspects of the Department of Agriculture—
is anticipated to inform the 2019–20 Budget.
In addition, at July 2015, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on ACLEI is conducting an
inquiry into the LEIC Act jurisdiction, and—separately—into the integrity of Australia’s border
arrangements. These inquiries may lead to further changes in ACLEI’s operating context.
Lessons from experience
While ACLEI’s statutory object includes any corrupt conduct by designated staff members of
law enforcement agencies, ACLEI applies its resources to the corruption issues where it can
have the most impact on strengthening the system overall. This approach is mandated by the
LEIC Act which directs that the Integrity Commissioner must give priority to serious corruption
and systemic corruption.
The Integrity Commissioner’s leadership in this area will become increasingly important as its
jurisdiction changes, the number of notifications and referrals increases and the complexity
and scope of investigations evolves.
ACLEI’s experience has been that it is important not to finalise an investigation until all
appropriate avenues of inquiry have been pursued. A broad focus on corruption and its
harms—rather than on more limited criminal offences—provides opportunities to disrupt entire
corrupt networks, capture both the corrupted and the corruptors and, most importantly, to
harden law enforcement agencies against compromise.
Dealing with change
The resources and expertise needed for any individual investigation changes daily.
Additionally, ACLEI may have a fluctuating number of investigations and operations of
differing sizes and complexity in progress at any point in time. ACLEI achieves its objectives
in part through the willing cooperation of the agencies within its jurisdiction and, on occasion,
of other Australian law enforcement and anti-corruption agencies.
Due to its size, ACLEI is susceptible to productivity, operational and business continuity risks
associated with changes in staffing. A particular challenge for 2015–16 will be to manage
change as ACLEI grows from 38 to 52 staff members, across two geographic locations. One
important aspect of this challenge will be to convey ACLEI’s values and operating ethos to
new staff members and operational partners.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
To achieve its aims, ACLEI must manage uncertainty, engage with risk, and be
flexible, agile and capable.
ACLEI’s strategic priorities for 2015–16 and twelve priority groupings to 2019 are intended to
build and maintain an agency with these characteristics—one which will make the best use of
set resources for maximum effect.
ACLEI’s objective (2015–16 PBS)
Make it more difficult for corruption in law enforcement agencies to occur or to remain
ACLEI’s impact
The national response to corruption-enabled border crime is more effective
Law enforcement anti-corruption arrangements are strengthened
ACLEI reinforces its investigative capabilities and operational partnerships
Law enforcement and integrity agencies across jurisdictions share information and
work together with greater confidence
Legal and policy settings remain matched to changing corruption risks and threats
External influences on corruption risk and work volume
Specific organised crime capabilities and methods (increases or decreases in
aggressive targeting of officials)
Economic climate
Price of illicit drugs and other contraband (affecting the size of bribes)
Perceived effectiveness of corruption deterrence settings
Changes to ACLEI’s jurisdiction
ACLEI’s resources (2015–16 PBS)
*ASL: Average Staffing Level
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
ACLEI’s strategic priorities for 2015–16
Each of ACLEI’s strategic priorities for 2015–16 is mapped against the Strategic Priority
Groups for 2015–19, which are summarised on the following pages.
Strategic Priority Group
(see pages 12–13)
Maintain and further embed ACLEI’s professional standards framework
1, 6
Target investigative efforts to realise the highest possible strategic contribution
to integrity in law enforcement agencies, and to those matters where there would
be the greatest benefit in ACLEI’s direct involvement
7, 11
Recruit and induct skilled and experienced staff to fill positions made available
through funding provided in the 2015 Federal Budget
2, 6
Review core investigative capabilities and invest in training and development
2, 3, 6
Conduct an appraisal of organisational culture and values
1, 2, 6
Extend cooperative working relationships and operational partnerships with a
range of agencies, including across jurisdictions, to combat corruption enabled
border crime
3, 7, 11
As appropriate, work cooperatively with LEIC Act agencies to help build or
strengthen integrity arrangements, for example by mutual secondments or in
joint taskforces
3, 8, 9, 11
Review facilities, noting that the lease on the Canberra premises expires in June
Identify opportunities to strengthen the legislative settings that underpin the law
enforcement integrity framework
5, 10, 11
Contribute to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on ACLEI Inquiry into the
Integrity of Australia’s Border Arrangements
5, 10, 11
Contribute to Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework
response to insider threat, for example by participating on the relevant
interdepartmental committee and by contributing to whole-of-government
intelligence assessments
5, 9, 10
Design and carry out a peer review survey to establish confidence and
cooperation benchmarks
6, 11
Perform statutory duties and responsibilities effectively, efficiently and
6, 7
Integrate the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and Australian
Border Force into the ‘integrity partnership’
7, 11, 12
Fully establish the ACLEI / Australian Federal Police Sydney Joint Taskforce
8, 11, 12
Engage with LEIC Act agency Audit Committees to promote corruption risk
9, 10,11
As appropriate, establish agreements with LEIC Act agencies relating to the
types of corrupt conduct that will attract the interest of the Integrity
9, 11
Deliver corruption prevention products that assist agencies to strengthen
integrity arrangements
10, 11
Meet the Minister’s and the Government’s requirements and expectations
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Strategic priority groups 2015–19
Capability Priorities
Professional standards
While ACLEI’s role is focused on ensuring the integrity of other agencies, its staff can only
discharge their duties properly if ACLEI has clear and effective internal governance and a
strong culture of personal and organisational integrity. For this reason, ACLEI will continue to
place emphasis on the maintenance and further strengthening of ACLEI’s professional
standards to match its high-risk environment.
ACLEI will continue to develop and build its workforce capability by recruiting appropriately
skilled and experienced staff and investing in staff training and sharing of corporate
knowledge. This investment will be informed by regular appraisals of adherence to ACLEI’s
operating values and the overall health of its culture.
Operational capabilities
ACLEI maintains a multi-disciplinary and flexible workforce with core skills in investigation
management, intelligence collection and analysis, technical surveillance and legal counsel.
Other skill sets—for example, physical surveillance, forensic financial analysis or human
source management—are obtained through cooperative arrangements with other agencies.
ACLEI will review its operational capabilities to respond to changes in its operating
Technology and facilities
As with all law enforcement agencies, technological capability is a key component in
developing intelligence and conducting investigations. ACLEI will continue to review its
facilities and technological capability, both in Canberra and Sydney, to match its operational
ACLEI will continue to work with the Attorney-General’s Department to ensure the efficient
and effective operation of the LEIC Act and associated legislation. In addition, ACLEI seeks to
identify opportunities to strengthen the integrity settings of law enforcement agencies as risks
Enterprise risk
Changes in ACLEI’s environment can be expected to increase its risk exposure during the
term of this Plan. Each of ACLEI’s enterprise risks (see page 16) carries associated
implications for ACLEI’s standing within government, its cooperative relationship with law
enforcement and its reputation for integrity, competence and trustworthiness. ACLEI will
monitor and manage these risks as part of its routine business practice.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Delivery Priorities
Applying resources to highest effect
ACLEI will pursue, within its integrity partnership with other agencies, those investigation
options that are most likely to yield the highest strategic contribution to maintaining and
improving integrity in law enforcement agencies.
Fully establishing the Sydney Joint Taskforce
The Sydney Taskforce was established to harness the skills and capabilities of partner
agencies in countering the most challenging issues related to corruption enabled border
crime. ACLEI will work to establish fully its effective presence in Sydney through participation
in the joint ACLEI / Australian Federal Police Taskforce and in other ways, as appropriate.
Addressing the detection challenge
ACLEI will address the constant challenge of detecting corruption by partnering with LEIC Act
agencies—in particular, the Australian Crime Commission—to assess patterns and trends
and identify indicators of corrupt conduct. In particular, ACLEI will help to drive agency-based
detection initiatives such as data analytics, drug testing and organisational suitability
Preventing corruption
ACLEI will capture and promulgate corruption prevention insights as broadly as possible by
identifying current and emerging threats and by understanding and tackling corruption risk. To
achieve this aim, ACLEI will: develop expertise through bringing together knowledge from
investigations, other government experience, the private sector and academia; work with
partner agencies to influence the policy and legislative environment to strengthen corruption
resistance; and develop practical tools and products to strengthen jurisdiction agencies’
corruption prevention expertise and capabilities.
ACLEI will engage with other Australian Government, State and Territory agencies with public
sector integrity responsibilities to ensure that policy settings and legislative arrangements
remain responsive to the challenges of building resistance to corruption. Joint arrangements
with operational partners will target the most important and pressing threats to law
enforcement integrity, including from organised crime and at the border. The establishment of
the Sydney Joint Taskforce is an important element of this strategy.
ACLEI will pursue its involvement with anti-corruption agencies in Australia’s region to share
and receive knowledge about fighting corruption. ACLEI also intends to engage closely with
LEIC Act agency Executives and Audit Committees, to continue to emphasise integrity
Implementing government priorities
ACLEI will respond to government priorities as indicated from time to time by the Minister for
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Risk oversight and management
ACLEI’s Strategic Risk Management Policy and Framework aims to provide a structured and
consistent approach to identifying, analysing and mitigating risk. It is informed by the annual
Comcover Risk Management Benchmarking Programme, which provides an objective view of
ACLEI’s risk maturity against agencies with similar risk profiles.
Under the Risk Management Framework, ACLEI maintains an Enterprise Risk Register and
makes monthly status reports to the Executive on individual risks. Operational and strategic
risks feed into the Register through section-level risk management plans which are reviewed
fortnightly. Responses to these risks are reflected in ACLEI’s strategic priorities and recital
ACLEI’s top ten Enterprise Risks at July 2015
safety and security: threat or injury to staff members, witnesses or ACLEI operations
information security: leaks or inadvertent disclosures, compromise to information and
security compromise: engaging staff with potential security risk
risk culture: declaring and managing staff conflicts of interest and awareness of
agency risks
bullying and harassment: intimidating or behaving inappropriately to a colleague or
other person
data integrity: compromise or destruction of data or systems
interagency relationships: breakdown or diminish in quality, threat to partnerships
agency capability—detection: missed opportunities to detect corruption, failure
to develop LEIC Act agency capabilities
agency capability—skills and priorities: skills and resources needed to perform
agency capability—delivery and effectiveness: not sharing information, compromise
to investigations and outcomes
A system of financial delegations and authorisations, Accountable Authority Instructions and
internal audits assists ACLEI to manage financial risks and comply with the finance law.
Additionally, ACLEI’s Audit Committee provides advice to the Integrity Commissioner about
ACLEI’s risk control framework, compliance and financial accountability responsibilities.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Performance measures
Under the Portfolio Budget Statements, ACLEI has five key performance
indicators with sixteen measures showing how, in a given reporting period,
ACLEI has progressed toward meeting its outcome and objective.
In part, ACLEI’s impact may be gauged by how agencies in the Integrity Commissioner’s
jurisdiction respond to changes in corruption threat and vulnerability—how those agencies
maintain their ‘resistance to corruption’.
Additionally, the Integrity Commissioner must provide evidence that the PGPA Act obligation
has been met, to govern ACLEI in a way which promotes the ‘proper’—that is, the efficient,
effective, economical and ethical—use and management of public resources (Section 8,
PGPA Act).
As a consequence, ACLEI’s approach to performance measurement seeks to establish the
link between the resources provided to ACLEI and the results it delivers by asking the
following questions.
What did we do?
How much of it did we do?
How much did it cost?
How well did we do it?
Did we go about it the ‘right’ way—professionally, accountably, honestly and
Who was better off—how was the system improved?
How can we use the results—to improve ACLEI’s approach, or inform future
strategies (including resource allocation)?
ACLEI uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative performance indicators. As the effects of
some activities may not be observable within a single reporting period, ACLEI analyses
trends over time, where it would be meaningful to do so.
Data is collected throughout the financial year and recorded annually in the Integrity
Commissioner’s Annual Report. Scrutiny of these measurements is used to strengthen
ACLEI’s business practice, as well as to promote accountability.
The Parliamentary Joint Committee on ACLEI reviews the performance of the Integrity
Commissioner’s functions annually and reports to both Houses of the Parliament. The
Committee’s examination each year of the Integrity Commissioner’s Annual Report provides a
valuable external view to inform ACLEI’s work.
ACLEI’s performance indicators are described on the following pages.
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
1. The corruption notification and referral system is effective
How does this measure contribute to ACLEI’s outcome?
If law enforcement agencies have sound anti corruption and detection arrangements in place,
public confidence can be maintained. The preparedness of LEIC Act agencies to notify
corruption issues to the Integrity Commissioner—and to share other information concerning
corruption risks and indicators—indicates healthy and positive agency cultures that resist
Diversity in the sources of information also demonstrates confidence that there will be an
appropriate response to information or concerns about integrity.
Effective prioritisation of notifications and referrals ensures urgent matters are dealt with
promptly, directs ACLEI’s efforts to the most serious and systemic issues and is a further
basis for confidence in the integrity system.
ACLEI knows it is meeting this measure when:
1.1 Law enforcement agencies notify ACLEI of corruption issues and related information in a
timely way
1.2 Other agencies or individuals provide information about corruption issues, risks and
vulnerabilities to ACLEI
1.3 Partner agencies indicate confidence in sharing information or intelligence with ACLEI
1.4 ACLEI prioritises credible information about serious or systemic corruption
1.5 ACLEI supports awareness-raising activities in agencies within the Integrity
Commissioner’s jurisdiction, including by participating in joint initiatives
What methods will ACLEI use to demonstrate it meets this measure?
Interpreting trends in notifications and referrals; exception reporting if warranted
Providing evidence of cooperative information-sharing arrangements with other
The 2015–16 peer review will establish a confidence benchmark for future
Describing how prioritisation of corruption issues was aligned with the Integrity
Commissioner’s assessment guidelines
Reporting timeliness of assessments in the reporting period against a benchmark of
75% completed within 90 days of receipt
Reporting on the number and type of awareness-raising activities and joint initiatives
undertaken, and any feedback received
Describing how processes have been reviewed or improved during the reporting year
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
2. ACLEI’s investigations are conducted professionally and efficiently,
and add value to the integrity system
How does this measure contribute to ACLEI’s outcome?
Fair practices, objective decision-making and high quality products contribute to ACLEI’s
effectiveness, reputation and the impact it can have in strengthening law enforcement
integrity. As a result, ACLEI’s investigations aim to be well managed, solutions oriented and
constructive. Careful management and evaluation of investigations ensure that resources are
directed appropriately and efficiently. Retaining a respectful awareness of other agencies’
operational risks is an important part of ACLEI’s ‘integrity partnership’ model.
ACLEI knows it is meeting this measure when:
2.1 Each investigation considers corruption risk and the broader impact on law enforcement
2.2 Operational resources are actively managed and targeted for maximum effect
2.3 Risks relating to the operating context of law enforcement agencies are taken into
account and, in appropriate circumstances, mitigation strategies are agreed with the agency
What methods will ACLEI use to demonstrate it meets this measure?
Reporting observations made in investigation reports and by other means
Describing how investigations were aligned to the Integrity Commissioner’s strategic
focus (see page 6)
Reporting the number of investigations commenced, concluded or reconsidered in
the reporting period, assessed against workload, priorities and resources
Monitoring the age and number of corruption issues carried forward each reporting
Assessing ACLEI’s process for assigning operational resources during the reporting
Describing how operational risk to agencies was managed
Peer review will seek views on the effectiveness of ACLEI management of
law enforcement agency operational risk
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
3. ACLEI monitors corruption investigations conducted by law
enforcement agencies
How does this measure contribute to ACLEI’s outcome?
Under the LEIC Act, the Integrity Commissioner may refer corruption issues for internal
investigation, or investigation by another agency. ACLEI’s scrutiny of the resulting
investigation reports provides assurance that LEIC Act agencies exercise appropriate
responsibility for the integrity of their own staff members.
This process ensures agencies keep ACLEI informed about corruption risks and allows the
Integrity Commissioner to focus ACLEI’s efforts on investigations for which the Integrity
Commissioner’s independence or powers under the LEIC Act would be of greatest use.
ACLEI knows it is meeting this measure when:
3.1 All agency corruption investigation reports provided to ACLEI for review are assessed for
intelligence value and completeness
3.2 ACLEI liaises regularly with the agencies’ professional standards units about the progress
of agency investigations
What methods will ACLEI use to demonstrate it meets this measure?
Reporting trends in the number of agency reports received and reviewed annually
Noting any agency investigations that ACLEI agreed should be discontinued
Describing any actions or concerns raised as a result of reviews
Demonstrating awareness of the status of agency investigations
Describing and assessing the success of liaison and monitoring arrangements
Peer review indicates an appropriate alignment between ACLEI’s objectives and an
agency’s responsibilities
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
4. ACLEI insights contribute to accountability and anti‑ corruption policy
How does this measure contribute to ACLEI’s outcome?
Government policy settings influence the corruption deterrence environment, and may affect
the threat environment—for instance, when new law enforcement methods or powers are
introduced, new corruption risks or opportunities can arise. Accordingly, a function of the
Integrity Commissioner under the LEIC Act is to advise the Australian Government and the
Parliament about patterns and trends in corruption risks in law enforcement, and to
recommend any changes to law and policy or to agency practices and procedures that may
be desirable.
ACLEI draws insights from investigations to inform corruption prevention advice to LEIC Act
agencies and more broadly. In these ways, ACLEI adds value to the agencies’ own efforts to
manage corruption risks and protect integrity.
ACLEI knows it is meeting this measure when:
4.1 When warranted, the Integrity Commissioner makes recommendations for improvement in
corruption prevention or detection measures
4.2 Submissions that relate to corruption prevention or enhancing integrity arrangements are
made to government or in other relevant forums
4.3 Targeted presentations about integrity are made to diverse audiences
4.4 The Integrity Commissioner’s annual report or other publications contain analysis of
patterns and trends in law enforcement corruption
What methods will ACLEI use to demonstrate it meets this measure?
Describing how the Integrity Commissioner’s recommendations in the reporting
period aligned with published observations, patterns and trends, or were targeted to
minimising corruption risk
Describing how submissions and other contributions to policy during the reporting
period were aligned to achieving ACLEI’s objective and outcome
Reporting on citations or the take-up of recommendations or policy position in the
reporting period
Reporting the number and type of presentations during the reporting period
Publishing analysis of patterns and trends relating to law enforcement corruption
Peer review will seek information on the value and relevance of ACLEI’s policy
contributions and recommendations
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
5. ACLEI’s governance and risk management controls are effective and
take account of its operational role
How does this measure contribute to ACLEI’s outcome?
Effective governance arrangements, high standards of performance and ethical practice, and
sound risk management provide the basis and evidence for confidence in ACLEI.
A variety of safeguards ensure that the significant powers used in investigations and
information-gathering are used lawfully, fairly and appropriately. Some of these measures
take the form of external checks, while others are administered by the Integrity Commissioner
as head of ACLEI.
ACLEI knows it is meeting this measure when:
5.1 Systems are in place to ensure ACLEI officers act ethically, comply with legislative
requirements and adhere to standards set by the Integrity Commissioner
5.2 Regular reviews and audits indicate effective governance, risk management and integrity
What methods will ACLEI use to demonstrate it meets this measure?
Reporting how standards set by the Integrity Commissioner were maintained in the
reporting period
Describing control systems to maintain compliance and ethical standards, and
reporting any breaches
Reporting on complaints about ACLEI, including how they were handled
Reporting on compliance with legislative requirements and external inspections,
including any breaches
Reporting the number, type and outcomes of reviews and audits during the reporting
period, including any action taken
Describing how ACLEI has reviewed or strengthened its control and governance
processes during the reporting period
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16
Compliance index
PGPA requirements for Corporate Plans
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
Section 16E(2)
1. Introduction / Statement of preparation and period of coverage
2. Purposes of the Entity
3. Environment in which the entity will operate for each reporting period
covered by the Plan
11–12, 13
4(a). Performance—for each reporting period covered by the Plan,
a summary of how the entity will achieve its purpose
13, 14, 16
4(b). Performance—how any subsidiary will achieve its purpose
Not applicable
4(c). Performance—for each reporting period covered by the Plan, how
the entity’s performance will be measured and assessed, including any
measures, targets and assessments that will be used to measure and
assess the entity’s performance for the purposes of preparing the entity’s
annual performance statements under s 16F
5. Capability—key strategies the entity will implement in each reporting
period covered by the plan to achieve its purposes
13, 14, 15
6. A summary of the risk oversight and management systems of the entity
for each reporting period covered by the Plan (including the measures
that will be implemented to ensure compliance with the finance law)
ACLEI Corporate Plan 2015–16