the reaction of acyl chlorides with ammonia and primary amines

This page looks at the reactions of acyl chlorides (acid chlorides)
with ammonia and with primary amines. These reactions are
considered together because their chemistry is so similar.
Similarities between the reactions
Comparing the structures of ammonia and primary amines
Each substance contains an -NH2 group. In ammonia, this is
attached to a hydrogen atom. In a primary amine, it is attached
to an alkyl group (shown by "R" in the diagram below) or a
benzene ring.
Note: If you aren't sure about using this symbol for a benzene
ring, you could follow this link to find out all about it. It is likely to
take you some time, though, and you may have to visit several
other pages as well.
It isn't particularly important in the context of the current page.
All you need to know is that at each corner of the hexagon there
is a carbon atom, together with a hydrogen atom apart from
where the -NH2 group is attached.
If you want to know more about what primary amines are, you
could follow this link to a page introducing amines, and just read
the beginning of it.
If you choose to follow either of these links, use the BACK
button (or the HISTORY file or GO menu) on your browser to
return to this page.
What happens when these react with an acyl chloride?
We'll take ethanoyl chloride as typical of the acyl chlorides. For
UK A level purposes, it is the one you are most likely to be
asked about anyway.
Taking a general case of a reaction between ethanoyl chloride
and a compound XNH2 (where X is hydrogen, or an alkyl group,
or a benzene ring). The reaction happens in two stages:
So . . . in each case, you initially get hydrogen chloride gas - the
hydrogen coming from the -NH2 group, and the chlorine from the
ethanoyl chloride. Everything left over just gets joined together.
But ammonia and amines are basic, and react with the hydrogen
chloride to produce a salt. So the second stage of the reaction
This is easier to understand with real compounds - as you will
see below.
Note: If you are interested in exploring the general mechanism
for these reactions, you will find it by following this link to
another part of the site dealing with nucleophilic additionelimination reactions.
Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.
The individual reactions
The reaction with ammonia
In this case, the "X" in the equations above is a hydrogen atom.
So in the first instance you get hydrogen chloride gas and an
organic compound called an amide.
Amides contain the group -CONH2. In the reaction between
ethanoyl chloride and ammonia, the amide formed is called
This is more usually (and more easily!) written as:
The hydrogen chloride produced reacts with excess ammonia to
give ammonium chloride.
. . . and you can combine all this together to give one overall
You normally add the ethanoyl chloride to a concentrated
solution of ammonia in water. There is a very violent reaction
producing lots of white smoke - a mixture of solid ammonium
chloride and ethanamide. Some of the mixture remains
dissolved in water as a colourless solution.
Note: If you are want the mechanism for this reaction, you will
find it by following this link to another part of the site dealing
with nucleophilic addition-elimination reactions.
Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.
The reaction with primary amines
The reaction with methylamine
We'll take methylamine as typical of primary amines where the NH2 is attached to an alkyl group.
The initial equation would be:
The organic product this time is called an N-substituted amide.
If you compare the structure with the amide produced in the
reaction with ammonia, the only difference is that one of the
hydrogens on the nitrogen has been substituted for a methyl
This particular compound is N-methylethanamide. The "N"
simply shows that the substitution is on the nitrogen atom, and
not elsewhere in the molecule.
The equation would normally be written:
You can think of primary amines as just being modified
ammonia. If ammonia is basic and forms a salt with the
hydrogen chloride, excess methylamine will do exactly the same
The salt is called methylammonium chloride. It is just like
ammonium chloride, except that one of the hydrogens has been
replaced by a methyl group.
You would usually combine these equations into one overall
equation for the reaction:
Note: If you are want the mechanism for this reaction (although
using ethylamine rather than methylamine as the example), you
will find it by following this link to another part of the site dealing
with nucleophilic addition-elimination reactions.
Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.
The reaction looks exactly the same as the one with ammonia.
The methylamine is again used as a concentrated solution in
water. There is a violent reaction producing a white solid mixture
of N-methylethanamide and methylammonium chloride.
The reaction with phenylamine (aniline)
Phenylamine is the simplest primary amine where the -NH2
group is attached directly to a benzene ring. Its old name is
In phenylamine, there isn't anything else attached to the ring as
well. You can write the formula of phenylamine as C6H5NH2.
There is no essential difference between this reaction and the
reaction with methylamine, except that the phenylamine is a
brownish liquid, and the solid products tend to be stained
The overall equation for the reaction is:
The products are N-phenylethanamide and phenylammonium
This reaction can sometimes look confusing if the phenylamine
is drawn showing the benzene ring, and especially if the reaction
is looked at from the point of view of the phenylamine.
For example, the product molecule might be drawn looking like
If you stop and think about it, this is obviously the same
molecule as in the equation above, but it stresses the
phenylamine part of it much more.
Looking at it this way, notice that one of the hydrogens of the NH2 group has been replaced by an acyl group - an alkyl group
attached to a carbon-oxygen double bond.
You can say that the phenylamine has been acylated or has
undergone acylation.
Because of the nature of this particular acyl group, it is also
described as ethanoylation. The hydrogen is being replaced by
an ethanoyl group, CH3CO-.