English Linguistics (major in Languages, Communication, Media and major in Foreign Languages and Literature) PROF. MARGHERITA ULRYCH COURSE AIMS The course aims to provide the theoretical and methodological tools necessary to describe the lexico-grammatical and phonological aspects of contemporary English as well as practical guidance on how to use them appropriately in spoken and written communication. Special attention will be dedicated to the textual and rhetorical techniques that characterize various discourse genres. COURSE CONTENT – – – – – – Varieties of English: register, genre and features of discourse. Text, context and culture. English lexicogrammar: paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. Semantic and pragmatic features of the lexicogrammar. Lexicography and typologies of dictionaries. Aspects of segmental and suprasegmental phonology. READING LIST Testi obbligatori V. PULCINI, A Handbook of Present-Day English, Carocci, Roma, 2009. M. ULRYCH, Aspects of Discourse and Genre, EDUCatt, Milano, 2009. M. ULRYCH (ed), Readings in English Lexicogrammar, EDUCatt, Milano, 2009. Testi consigliati B.S. COLLINS-I.M. MEES, Practical Phonetics and Phonology: A Resource Book for Students, Routledge, London, 2008, 2nd ed. A. COWIE, English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners. A History, O.U.P., Oxford, 1999. R. JONES, Discourse Analysis: A Resource Book for Students, Routledge, London, 2012. F. KATAMBA, English Words, Routledge, London, 2005, 2nd ed. C. MCINTOSH (ed), The Oxford Dictionary of Collocations, O.U.P, Oxford and New York, 2009. M. RUNDELL (ed), The Macmillian Collocations Dictionary, Macmillan, London, 2010. J. SEELY, Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking, O.U.P., Oxford, 3rd ed. 2013. TEACHING METHOD Lezioni in aula in lingua inglese, ed esercitazioni pratiche. ASSESSMENT METHOD Esame orale e prove scritte in itinere. NOTES Place and time of consultation hours Il Prof. Margherita Ulrych riceve gli studenti come da avviso affisso all’albo presso il Dipartimento di Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere (via Necchi 9, IV piano).