GRADE: KINDERGARTEN VESTAL SCORING GUIDE 2014-15 4 Exceeds Expectations Demonstrates with mastery (exceeds) PROBLEM SOLVING Represents and solves mathematical problems using manipulatives/drawings and verbal language In addition to a score of 3.0 performance, the student consistently and accurately creates and uses representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas. Student clearly understands the mathematical process and can translate it from the concrete representation to the abstract concept. COUNTING AND CARDINALITY Consistently recognizes numbers Recognizes numbers to20 beyond 20 Consistently counts by ones Counts to 100 by ones beyond 100 Consistently writes numbers Writes numbers from 0 to 20 beyond 20 3 Meets Expectations Independently demonstrates (meets) 2 Approaching Expectations Demonstrates with support (progressing) SUBJECT: MATH 1 Does Not Meet Expectations Not demonstrated at this time (area of concern) Creates/ uses representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas use standard and nonstandard representations, as well as objects to show and understand physical, social and mathematical concepts. Ex: uses multiple representations such as acting out a situation or drawing pictures Needs support to create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas Has difficulty using standard and nonstandard representations to show understanding of mathematical processes Consistently recognizes numbers to 20 Consistently counts by ones to 100 Consistently writes numbers to 20 Recognizes numbers with few errors Counts by ones with few errors Consistently makes errors recognizing numbers Consistently makes errors when counting by ones Consistently makes errors when writing numbers Writes numbers with few errors and/or occasional support 11/8/13 - sm GRADE: KINDERGARTEN Demonstrates 1-1 correspondence when counting in various configurations Identifies sets with more than, less than, or equal numbers of objects Compares two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals VESTAL SCORING GUIDE 2014-15 4 Exceeds Expectations Demonstrates with mastery (exceeds) Uses 1-1 correspondence to count sets of more than 20 consistently 3 Meets Expectations Independently demonstrates (meets) Uses 1-1 correspondence to count up to sets of 20 consistently Consistently identifies groups with “more than,” “less than” and those that are equal when given more than 2 sets to compare Consistently compares two numbers beyond 10 when presented as written numerals Consistently identifies groups with “more than,” “less than,” and those that are equal OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING Represents and solves addition Consistently represents and problems within 10 solves addition problems beyond 10 (uses manipulatives, drawings, equations and number bonds). Represents and solves subtraction problems within 10 Consistently represents and solves subtraction problems beyond 10 (uses manipulatives, drawings, equations and number bonds). NUMBER AND OPERATIONS IN BASE TEN Recognizes and represents Consistently and/or numbers from independently recognizes, 11-19 represents, composes and decomposes numbers beyond 19 (using one ten and some ones) using multiple sets of ten and ones Skills may include: Say Ten Counting Consistently compares two numbers between 1 and 10 when presented as written numerals Consistently represents and solves addition problems within 10 (uses manipulatives, drawings, equations and number bonds). Consistently represents and solves subtraction problems within 10 (uses manipulatives, drawings, equations and number bonds). Consistently recognizes, represents, composes, and decomposes numbers 11-19 and records it correctly SUBJECT: MATH 2 Approaching Expectations Demonstrates with support (progressing) Uses 1-1 correspondence to count sets up to 20 objects with few errors and/or occasional support Identifies groups with “more than” or “less than” and those that are equal with few errors and/or with support or prompts Compares two numbers between 1 and 10 when presented as written numerals with few errors and/or with support or prompts 1 Does Not Meet Expectations Not demonstrated at this time (area of concern) Consistently makes errors when using 1-1 correspondence to count sets up to 20 Consistently makes errors identifying groups with “more than,” “less than” and those that are equal Consistently makes errors comparing two numbers between 1 and 10 or needs extensive support Represents and solves addition problems within 10 (uses manipulatives, drawings, equations and number bonds) with few errors and/or with support or prompts Consistently makes errors when representing and solving addition problems. Represents and solves addition problems within 10 (uses manipulatives, drawings, equations and number bonds) with few errors and/or with support or prompts Recognizes, represents, composes, and decomposes numbers 11-19 with few errors and/or with support or prompts Consistently makes errors when representing and solving subtraction problems. Demonstrates a lack of understanding / makes errors recognizing and representing numbers 11-19 11/8/13 - sm GRADE: KINDERGARTEN VESTAL SCORING GUIDE 2014-15 MEASUREMENT AND DATA Describes and compares Consistently and/ or measurable attributes of objects. independently describes and/or compares measurable attributes of objects with extended reasoning and use of mathematical vocabulary Consistently describes and/or compares measurable attributes of objects using mathematical vocabulary. SUBJECT: MATH Describes and/or compares measurable attributes of objects with few errors and/or support Consistently makes errors trying describe and/or compare measurable attributes of objects. Identifies and describes 2D or 3D shapes with few errors and /or support Demonstrates a lack of understanding of 2D or 3D shapes For example, to compare measures of length, height, height, volume etc. Other skills include: describing, comparing, classifying/sorting, counting, creating, GEOMETRY Identifies and describes 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. Consistently and/or independently identifies and describes 2D and 3D shapes beyond the listed set, demonstrates an understanding of composing and decomposing shapes and how those shapes apply to the objects in the world around them. Consistently identifies and describes 2D and 3D shapes in picture form and in real world examples Shapes include: Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, cube, cone, cylinder and sphere 11/8/13 - sm