A publication of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS VOL. 35, 2013 The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering www.aidic.it/cet Guest Editors: Petar Varbanov, Jiří Klemeš, Panos Seferlis, Athanasios I. Papadopoulos, Spyros Voutetakis Copyright © 2013, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., ISBN 978-88-95608-26-6; ISSN 1974-9791 The Improvement of the Pneumatic Pulsator Nozzle according to the Results of the Continuous Adjoint for Topology Optimization Krzysztof J. Wolosz*, Jacek Wernik Department of Process Equipment, Warsaw University of Techology Plock Branch, 09-402 Plock, Jachowicza 2/4, Poland krzysztof.wolosz@pw.plock.pl This paper presents the process of shaping a nozzle which is applied in containers for loose materials especially as an augmented equipment for pneumatic pulsators. Pneumatic pulsators are applied in chemical, food, and energy plants to unchoke loose material from container outlets. In pulsators a pneumatic shock phenomenon is utilized to destroy loose material from structures that product vaults creations. This process prevents blockages during the transport of materials, decreases the plant operating costs, limits the energy consumption and improves the work safety. Directional nozzles are applied to adjust airflow parameters for the loose material specification and container wall shape. The main task of these nozzles is to enhance efficiency of the pneumatic shock phenomenon and also appropriate energy transfer of this shock into the loose material. Therefore, it is necessary to employ methods for the limitation of pressure drop in the nozzle. Pressure drop is a benchmark of energy loss, which is transferred into the loose material. A continuous adjoint method is utilized to optimize the topology of the sample pneumatic pulsator nozzle. While structure mechanics topology optimization with respect to tension or stiffness is a well-established concept, the application of that concept in the field of computational fluid dynamics in general began since 2003. The method allows to decrease the pressure drop and to increase the flow field uniformity in a closed channel by applying the Darcy's law of porous media in the computation fluid dynamics equations. Application of the method is presented in the paper to optimize the shape of the pneumatic pulsator nozzle by using the two-dimensional numerical model. There are indicators that should be employed to optimize the nozzle design. 1. Introduction Finding the best possible solution for a given problem is the meaning of optimization. The issue of optimization is many times mixed up with a rationalisation or an improvement or, in general, modernisation. The optimization substance is of finding the best, not only a better, problem solution. Quoting Urbaniec (1979): “The word optimization is commonly meant as a determining of the best – or perhaps even ideal – problem solution. The strict meaning consists of a restriction of the best solution at the given circumstances, and furthermore, the best solution according to certain evaluation criteria.” Optimization in mathematics is a finding of the function extrema (minimum or maximum) which is substantially an objective function (Thévenin and Janiga, 2008). Until recently, the optimization with using numerical methods such as Finite Element or Finite Volume Method was a calculating a given prime model geometry, and subsequent model parametrization, iterative calculations till the desire optimal geometry was obtained. That approach can be found, for example, in the automotive industry at OpenFOAM International Conference – Proceedings and EnginSoft websites. Whereas the utilization of the optimization methods in the field of solid mechanics according to stiffness and tension is well-established, the application of direct optimization methods in fluid dynamics has been started just a few years ago by Borrvall and Petersson (2003) novel work. This work considering Stoke's flow optimization (Re<<1) is based on, in short, a porosity impact onto fluid flow behaviour and its mathematical description. In this work a novel optimization method is used to improve a shape of the pneumatic pulsator directional nozzle. A continuous adjoint method refers to topology optimization, but not to the shape itself. The topological space could not always be conformed in a physical meaning. Hence, result of the method points flow zones which have an impact onto the flow conditions according to the given optimization criteria. These zones are analysed in detail by using sensitivities that are results of sensitivity analysis. 2. Optimization 2.1 Objective function and restrictions The optimization problem in the given example of nozzle can be stated as follows: J α,u opt , popt = mu,ipn J α,u, p (1) where u is velocity, p – pressure, and α is a porosity. For the case of the pulsator nozzle the aim is to reach the pressure loss as small as possible. Furthermore, the air outflow is desired to be possibly uniform in order to utilitize a full size of the nozzle. Hence, the objective function of the problem can be written: J= u n u n dSout + Sout p dS t Sin in p dS t out (2) Sout uniformity pressure loss Providing as reported by Urbaniec et al. (2009) and Wolosz & Wernik (2011), the first attempt of the optimization process is an assumption of incompressible air. It is very convenient assumption of a restriction for the objective function. However, this assumption is only applied while optimizing and for the sensitivity analysis. The optimization considers the flow area, hence, the restrictions of objective function are related to equations governing fluid flow behavior: R R 1 R2 (3) R1 = u u + p νu + αu (4) R2 = u (5) where R are residuals of Navier-Stokes Eq.(4) and continuity Eq.(5) solutions respectively. The Eq.(3) is extended by a Darcy's law component with porosity α included that is described for example in Puzyrewski and Sawicki (1987) and recently numerically tested by Othmer et al. (2006).The residuals set creates the objective function restrictions, thus Lagrange function can be formed according to Eq.(2) and Eq.(3): L= J + u , p RdV ~~ (6) V From within the Langrange function we can extract Lagrange multipliers as follows: u~, ~p = u~1 ,u~2 ,u~3 , ~p (7) These multipliers are namely adjoint velocity vector and adjoint pressure respectively. 2.2 Sensitivity Analysis The continuous adjoint method for topology optimization is a searching for objective function minimum and determining the conservation laws equations solutions simultaneously. The Eq.(4), as mentioned before, is extended with the Darcy's law component of porosity. During a fluid flow through a porous medium a velocity is restricted by porosity of the medium. A similar phenomena is simulated in the continuous adjoint method where fluid is treated as a porous medium and each cell in considered area is assigned a value of porosity αi. This value is changed according to the impact of that cell onto the objective function. Cells that positively impacts on the objective function minimum have the porosity of 0. On the contrary, "bad" cells are "punished" by assigning the porosity αi > 0. Each cell may be affected by iteratively increasing or decreasing porosity according to its impact onto the objective function. From an engineering point of view, the porosity is a design parameter that lets us to specify which zones are "harmful" to flow. The changes of the objective function are the basis of the sensitivity analysis that can tell which cell are “good” or “bad”. And consecutively, because the objective function depends on the porosity, velocity and the pressure, we can state: ΔL = Δα L + Δv L + Δp L (8) The whole idea of the adjoint method is to choose the values of adjoint velocity u~ and adjoint pressure ~ p in such a way that the objective function changes which depend on velocity and pressure are simultaneously equal to 0. And therefore, sensitivities can be calculated as follows: L J R = + (u~, ~ p) dV αi αi V αi (9) J R u L =0, = , = ui u~i Vi αi αi 0 αi (10) 3. Numerical simulations of the nozzle 3.1 Reference simulation The optimized object is a nozzle that is an augmented equipment for pneumatic pulsator. The threedimensional view and a two-dimensional mesh applied is presented in Figure 1 below. Visualization of this nozzle may also be seen in Wolosz (2013a) short film. Figure 1. Directional nozzle of pneumatic pulsator with 2-D mesh and flow direction shown. All numerical simulation is carried out by using open-source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM®, wider presented at The OpenFOAM® websites. One of the application in this toolbox is sonicFoam which is perfectly suited for supersonic airflow simulation. There is a reference simulation carried out at first to have a data to which an optimized ones could be evaluated. This reference simulation was carried out by using the following parameters and settings: air as a perfect gas, inlet velocity 500 m/s, pressure at inlet boundary 100 kPa, standard k-ε turbulence model, unsteady airflow, time step 10-6 s, simulation time 2·10-3 s. The k-ε model described among others by Ferziger and Peric (2002) was chosen because of the flow separation. There was also k-ω SST model considered, however instabilities during flow separation that had to be taken into account constrained the turbulence to standard k-ε. These instabilities often produce inaccurate and unstable solutions while using the k-ω model (Tu et al., 2008). Detail results obtained during reference simulation are reporter on the figures below but readers interested in scientific visualisation may visit Wolosz (2013b) website where animated shockwave expansion within the nozzle is presented. The shockwave is visualized by using pressure gradient magnitude. 3.2 Optimization and sensitivity analysis AdjointShapeOptimizationFoam is an application of OpenFOAM® toolbox with the continuous adjoint optimization method applied. The basic advantage of OpenFOAM® as a whole is that it is open source package and can be freely adjusted for a particular needs. It is very important for the issue of optimization and the objective function definitions. The improvement of pulsator nozzle is based on the result of sensitivity analysis of numerical calculation with adjointShapeOptimizationFoam. The objective function presented by Eq.(2) was used, and sensitivities described by Eq.(10) were calculated. Figure 2 shows the sensitivity equal to zero which means that flow area placed within the isolines is “good” with respect to objective function. Flow areas outside are “bed” on the contrary, and therefore they are partially removed in improved mesh model. Comparison between reference and improved meshes is shown in the Figure 3 below. Figure 2. Zero-sensitivity isoline applied on the Figure 3. Comparison between reference and background of the reference model geometry. improved mesh used for simulation. Figures 4 and 5 shows the comparison between pressure and normal velocity respectively. The plots visualize values of the pressure and normal velocity along the outlet boundary obtained by using reference and improved mesh models. A large difference can be noticed at the first sight between the profiles of each channel. The cause is obviously of the baffle which is unfortunately necessary with respect to strength of the nozzle. Uniformity index evaluates the divergence of outlet normal velocity and is calculated according to Hinterberger and Olesen (2011) and references within with the following equation: γ =1 1 2S out u n u n u n dSout (11) Sout where u n is velocity normal to the outlet boundary and the u n is desired velocity profile and set equal to inlet velocity. The results of uniformity index calculation according to Eq.(11) for reference and improved model are γ = 0.8508 and γ = 0.8637 respectively. So the conclusion can be stated that the flow unifomity has incereased of 1.52%. A bigger improvement with respect to the pressure loss has been noticed. The differences between mean pressure at inlet and outlet boundary for the reference and improved model are equal to 77,719 Pa and 73,719 Pa respectively. So the improvement with respect to pressure loss is 6.3%. Figure 4. Pressure distribution along nozzle outlet for reference and improved numerical model. Figure 6. Time dependency of the outlet pressure. Figure 5. Outlet normal velocity distribution along nozzle outlet for reference and improved numerical model. Figure 7. Time dependency of the outlet normal velocity. The optimization results can be observed in Figures 6 and 7, as well, There are the time-dependent changes of mean outlet pressure and normal velocity shown. Smoother changes of the pressure and velocity in time means that the loose material has more time to effectively take over the energy of compressed air. 4. Conclusions An application of an industrial equipment optimization workflow has been presented in this paper. Utilization of open-source code and shape impovement has been reported according to the good engineering praxis. The two-dimensional model has been used to test the methods and veryfiy the results. To optimize a shape of an equipment there is a lot of work to be done. New methods however such as continuous adjoint one are the big step to make the optimization really fast process. This evolutions concerns especially optimization in fluid dynamics. The method of CFD gave to the engineers very powerful tool to visualize, analize and predict the flow of medium. Continuous adjoint method give even more: a possibility to obtain the answer of question “Where and what to change to be better then before”. The presented numerical results of the adjoint method are obtained by using the incompressible model of flowing gas. It is obvious that this model does not reproduce precisely the particular medium behaviour. However, the method turns out to be valuable and worth further work. References Borrvall, T., Petersson, J., 2003. Topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 41, 77–107. 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