The Solar City- Great Tainan-0730

Basic Information
Name of town, city, or island:
The Solar City- Great Tainan
Managing Organization:
Economic Development Bureau, Tainan City Government
Project Description:
From the Dutch ruling to Ming and Qing Dynasty, Tainan was Taiwan’s
political and economic center that benefited from the fishing and salt making
businesses. The earliest developed salt field at Rushing Current Mouth now the
site of internationally well-known Jingzaijiao Tile-paved salt fields and Cigu Salt
Mountain punctuating the advantageous conditions of Tainan with the annually
average 2,181 sunshine hours and the generation of annual capacities of 1,343
KW. In 2011, with the combined opinions and consensus reached by the industry,
the government, academia, and research institutions, the Tainan City
Government enacted the proposal for the building of a low carbon city and were
ratified by the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan as
“the only demo city in Southern Taiwan.” In the same year, the Solar City Project
was initiated.
In 2011, the Solar City Project was launched; the City Government provided
comprehensive services for promotion (organization of seminars), counseling
(services windows at different districts), subsidies (for financial encouragement),
and application reviews. In coordination with the mandatory measures of
autonomous regulations, the determination to build great Taiwan into a low
carbon and green energy city was conveyed. For the promotion in the past four
years, the Tainan City Government approved 1,795 solar energy installation and
ten solar community applications with the capacity over 93 megawatts. In the
future, the capacity is expected for a continuous growth to achieve the goal of
building “the Solar City-Great Tainan” that reduces carbon emission and
generates green energy.
APEC Economy:
☐ Australia
☐ Brunei
☐ Canada
☐ Chile
☐ China
■ Chinese Taipei
☐ Hong Kong
☐ Indonesia
☐ Japan
☐ Korea
☐ Malaysia
☐ Mexico
☐ New Zealand
☐ Non-APEC Economy
☐ Papua New Guinea
☐ Peru
☐ Philippines
☐ Russia
☐ Singapore
☐ Thailand
☐ United States
☐ Viet Nam
Description of Town
Type of Town:
☐ Urban (Central Business District)
☐ Urban (Mainly consists of commercial area)
■ Urban (Mainly consists of residential area)
☐ Village (village)
☐ Village (island)
☐ Others
Coverage rate of population with access to tap water:98.88%(2014)
Per capita area of paved roads:32.2 square meters per capita(2013,
Statistics done by Ministry of Transportation and Communications
and Civil Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government)
Per capita area of public green space:4.27 square meters per capita
(2012, Statistics done by Ministry of Transportation and Communications and
Civil Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government)
Climate conditions:Dry, warm and sunny
The whole Tainan City is located at the north of Tropic of Cancer and belongs to
the transit climate of subtropical monsoon climate and tropical climate.
According to the Koppen Climate Classification, Tainan belongs to the
subtropical climate, and due to the impacts of monsoon and topology, there are
distinct wet and dry seasons. In general, however, it is warm and has less rain in
Tainan with abundant sunshine at the average annual temperature of 24.1℃
and 2180.8 sunshine hours. Under this climate condition, Tainan had the more
than 300- year prosperous salt making industry on the costal area. In recent
years, the greenhouse effect has brought the extreme climates and frequent
disasters around the world. In order to fulfill, the responsibilities of global
citizens, Tainan City choses to make use of its advantageous unique natural
conditions to develop the photovoltaic system.
Expected Future Development
Expected industrial/economic changes: (specify time period)
The Drive of the Solar City Project to Lead the Development of
Green Technology Industry
In 2011, the “Taiwan Green Technology Industrial Alliance” (TGTIA) was
established to promote for the effect of industrial cluster. In the past four years
after its establishment, TGTIA assisted its members to invest more than NT$250
million research funds, and 15 applications successfully acquired grants from the
government at the amount over NT$150 million. Additionally, “SMEs Services
Team-Green Energy Branch Team” was formed to actively assist enterprises to
solve managerial issues. In the past four years, enterprises were assisted to
invest approximately NT$14 million in R&D projects while 54 applications of
innovative R&D under “Local SBIR Environmental and Green Technology” were
granted with subsidies for the creation of annual revenue reaching NT$430
Fig 1: Commencement Ceremony of TGTIA in 2011
In order to assist enterprises to gain subsidies for the participation in trade
shows and the organization of large-scale expos or events, the Tainan City
Government provides the platform for product exhibition and technology
exchanges by inviting various suppliers of photovoltaic system installation,
cloud monitoring management, relevant components and materials to the
designated solar power booth. Meanwhile, working with the Office for the
Promotion of One Million Solar Roofs of Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic
Affairs, we provide relevant counseling of photovoltaic system products and
installation policies and technologies. For the past four years in a row, the
Tainan City Government organized Green Technology Industry Expo and
created the business opportunities at the value of NT$198 million. The
“International Biotechnology and Green Energy Business Matching Meeting”
was first time organized, and international buyers from 15 countries including
Japan and Malaysia were invited to create the business opportunities at the
value of NT$1.3920 billion.
Fig. 2: Biotechnology and Green Energy Expo- Exhibition of Photovoltaic Products (left
and the middle); the International Biotechnology and Green Energy Business Matching
Meeting (right)
Town Policy, Vision or Objective
What is the policy, vision, or objective of the town?
(Please specify the actual goal and its metrics, if applicable)
一、 Challenge Issues
1、Global Warming
Since the beginning of industrial revolution, humans have been using
chemical fuels in excessive amounts and producing high level of greenhouse
gases such as carbon dioxide. Within the period of 150 years, the contents of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubled. As shown in statistics of the
Central Weather Bureau, the average global temperature in the past ten years
has increased 0.592 degrees more than that in the past 100 years while in
Taiwan, it has been the increase of 0.792 degree. Global warming has brought
us environmental impacts such as greenhouse effect, climate change, and
rising sea levels. On August 8, 2009, the most painful Fathers’ Day in the
history of Taiwan, the striking of Typhoon Morakot was the best evidence of
the counterattack of the natural environment.
0.65 0.6
0.53 0.58
97 年 98
Fig. 3: Global Temperature Changes
0.62 0.59
97 年 98
Fig.4: Temperature Changes in Taiwan
2、Prevalent Fine Suspended Particles, PM2.5
Since September, 2013, the Environment Protection Administration issued
five warnings for Taiwan’s deteriorating air quality. Dust storm from China
began to affect Taiwan. People in Taiwan have been suffering
(CommonWealth Magazine). The WHO also lists air pollution as the main
environmental carcinogen, and it gives higher risk of lung cancer than
secondhand smoking, especially, the most dangerous fine suspended
particles PM2.5 that will accumulated in the deep side of human lung. The
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) cited a research
conducted by University of North Carolina to compile the map of global air
pollution resulting from fine suspended particles indicating the air pollution
level from 1850 to 2000, within the period of 150 years. Taiwan cannot
escape the fate of having more dark brown color that shows the higher
number of death.
Fig. 5: Global Air Pollution Resulting from Fine Suspended Particles
3、The Inevitable Approach of Low Carbon or Low Carbon supply
of electricity
In the structure of Taiwan’s electricity generation system, 72.78% come
from fossil fuels (such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum); among them,
nearly 40% are coal burning devices of electricity generation, one of the
contributing factors of PM2.5. Fossil fuels will be depleted, and prices are
fluctuating. They even result in environmental issues such as air pollution,
greenhouse effect, and climate change. In particular, after 311 Japanese
Earthquake on March 11, 2011, issues of nuclear safety including the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster, radiation leaks, and the final disposal
site of nuclear waste brought huge influences and impacts to the world.
Countries around the world actively accelerate to look for new energy or
alternative one. Renewable energy with the features of low carbon emission
and low pollution points the new direction of the solution. The increase of
low carbon or zero carbon electricity supply reduces air pollution, benefits
the environment, and human health and at the same time, promotes
industrial competitiveness. It is the inevitable approach that we will adopt to
develop energy.
Fig. 6: Taiwan’s Electricity Composition in 2014
Taiwan relies heavily on imported energy and has the isolated electricity
grid system, and therefore, it is impossible to import electricity from other
countries via grids. The lack of energy independence and the risks brought by
greenhouse effect, the development of renewable energy and the use of
diversified energy are the inevitable policy measures that Taiwan can adopt. But
the development of renewable energy needs to first consider local geographical
advantages. Tainan, located at Southern Taiwan and the south of Tropic of
Cancer, has the unique advantage of abundant sunshine. Hence, the Tainan City
Government selects to develop solar power and hopes that in the future, the
roof of each house unit in Tainan City will be installed with the photovoltaic
system to gradually realize our goal of low carbon, green energy, and energy
Brief outline of the low carbon town development plan:
一、The Approach that Suits Local Development Need,
the Selection of Solar Power
1、 Taiwan’s Number 1 Abundant Sunshine
From the Dutch ruling to Ming and Qing Dynasty, Tainan was Taiwan’s
political and economic center that benefited from the fishing and salt making
businesses. The earliest developed salt field at Rushing Current Mouth now
the site of internationally well-known Jingzaijiao Tile-paved salt fields and
Cigu Salt Mountain punctuating the advantageous conditions of Tainan with
the annually average 2,181 sunshine hours and the generation of annual
capacities of 1,343 KW. As a result, Tainan has the advantages to develop
itself into the solar power city.
Fig. 7: Tainan Being #1 according to Statistics of Annual Electricity Generation from the
Photovoltaic System per KW Conducted by Bureau of Energy
2、 Comprehensive Green Industrial Chain
Green New Deal constructs low carbon sustainable environment and has
become the important trend for the development of global cities. The green
technology industry provides the opportunity for sustainable development.
The green energy industry in Tainan City includes 132 enterprises engaged
in renewable energy and energy saving. Among them, there are about 50
solar power factories ranging from makers of upstream silicon chips, middle
stream solar cell modules, to downstream photovoltaic system application
and products and forming the comprehensive industrial chain. Tainan City is
also the important site of Taiwan’s domestic solar cell manufacturing. The
two benchmark enterprises, Motech and Neo Solar Power, the leaders of
Taiwan’s solar power industry, generate the world’s number 1 revenue of
solar cells.
Fig. 8: Tainan’s Comprehensive Solar Power Industrial Chain
3、 The Promotion Office in Southern Taiwan for One Million
Solar Roofs
Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs since 2012 put great efforts
to promote the “Project of One Million Solar Roofs” and set up the Promotion
Office. Based on the power purchase agreements, the promotion of solar
power application has been actively pursued. In 2013, Anding District of
Tainan City was selected as the Innovative Park in Southern Taiwan as the
site of the Promotion Office in Southern Taiwan for One Million Solar Roofs
to work with the public, the industries, and local governments in Chiayi
County, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, and Pingtung County in
Southern Taiwan to jointly promote the installation of the photovoltaic
system on various types of roofs of buildings. Needed assistances to the
promotion of the Solar City Project of Tainan has also been provided.
Fig. 9: The Commencement Ceremony of the Promotion Office in Southern Taiwan
on March 23, 2013
二、 Five Items for Promotion
The development of renewable energy that suits local demands needs to
also consider the high density and crowded population in Taiwan. Due to
the high value of land, we choose to make use of the idle spaces to install
photovoltaic system as the main source to develop renewable energy.
In 2011, the “Solar Power City” was launched with the goals to promote
five items including solar public housing, solar roofs, solar communities,
green factories, and agriculture greenhouses. Flush connection is used
for tilt roofs, and trellis photovoltaic systems are installed on the
dead-level roofs without any interruption of original spatial use of roofs.
1. Solar Public Housing
In consideration of limited budgets of local government, the Tainan City
Government took the lead in Taiwan to lease public housing roofs with
open tenders for the bid winner to install photovoltaic system on the
roofs of public housing. The installation and other relevant fees are at
the cost of bid winner, and the winner then pay the rent of roofs to
Tainan City Government according to the payback percentage (income of
electricity sold * payback percentage =roof rent). Public housing
included in the tenders are places often accessed by the public such as
public retailor markets, schools, district offices, community centers,
libraries, stadiums, health centers, land/household registration offices,
tax bureaus, police stations, fire bureaus, office buildings owned by the
Tainan City Government. After construction, the Tainan City Government
will arrange for on-site public visits to avoid concerns and gain public
recognition. It is expected that with the demonstration of photovoltaic
systems installed on buildings of public sector, more citizens and
enterprises will follow to install photovoltaic systems on the roofs of
community, residential, factory, and agricultural facility buildings.
Fig. 10: On-site Observatory Visits
Fig. 11: Demo Result: Installation of Monitoring System at the Lobby of Public
Housing Installed with Photovoltaic System on the Roof
Solar Roofs
We have shared the successful cases of solar public housing and promoted
the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of private buildings.
Through seminars and observatory meetings, the public has been
encouraged for the use of idled roof to install photovoltaic systems that can
increase income of electricity sales and at the same time, the roof
temperature can be reduced by two to three degrees to save the electricity
Fig. 12: Private Housing in North District (left); Private Housing (right)
Solar Communities
Unlike the scattered installation of solar roofs, solar communities refer to
the aggregated installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of collective
residential units or apartment buildings by expanding green flashing points
to lines to develop demo communities of low carbon and green energy.
Additionally, representatives of successful solar communities are invited to
participate in promotion seminars as solar lecturers to share installation
experiences for the promotion of solar communities and building the public
consensus on carbon reduction.
Fig. 13: Installation Result of Loudafang Community in Shanhua District (Trellis
Installation without Interruption of Spatial Use of Roof)
4. Green Factories
During operation, the temperature at factories rises, and factory roofs are
often the idle spaces not in use. If roofs can be installed with photovoltaic
systems, the temperature at factories can be reduced to cool down workplace
temperature and to cut down electricity bills. At the same time, electricity
generated can be sold for additional income and enterprises can build their
green business image. In order to encourage and counsel the installation, we
actively visit each administrative districts and industry parks to conduct
seminars for factories, business buildings, and gas stations. Positive
recognitions have been received from the participants.
Fig. 14: Seminars on Green Factories
Meanwhile, according to “Article 23 of Autonomous Rules for Building Tainan
City as a Low Carbon City,” electricity contract users with the consumption
more than 800 KW (in total of 541) needs to install photovoltaic systems
more than 10% consumption capacities within three years after the date of
promulgation to reduce the environmental impacts brought by the big users
and to enable them to fulfill social responsibilities.
5. Agricultural Facilities
Roofs of agricultural facilities such as chicken coops, pig houses, sheep pens,
cattle depots are built with iron or asbestos sheets. After exposed to the hot
sunshine in Tainan, the roof temperature is high enough to hinder the growth
of animals and affect the yields of animal feeders. Thus, animal feeders often
use water spray system to reduce the temperature. Water is valuable resource,
and if we can make use of photovoltaic systems installed on the roofs, thermal
insulation efficiency can be reached to reduce roof temperature, prolong the
use life of iron and asbestos roofs, water resource can be saved, and extra
income can be generated. There are multiple benefits!
Fig. 15: Joint Organization of Seminar on Agriculture Greenhouses with Southern
Taiwan Promotion Office of the Bureau of Energy
“After installing the photovoltaic system on the roof top of pig pen, it becomes
cool. Look, my piglets are so happy. They grow well, and I can sell them at good
prices. Additionally, I have the income for selling electricity, and I am happy, too,”
said the owner of a pig farm in Houbi.
Fig. 16: An Example of Photovoltaic System Installed on Agricultural Facility (Houbi
District-499.79 KW)
三、 Challenges
1、 Difficulty to Convene Owners’ Meetings for Apartment
Buildings and Strict Requirements for the Adoption of
For the installation of photovoltaic systems on apartment buildings, either by
the Building Management Committees or constructors who rent the roofs,
owners’ meetings need to be convened according to Article 30-34 of
Enforcement Rules of the Management Act for Apartment Buildings that
requires the attendance of more than 2/3 of all owners and the agreement of
more than 3/4 attendees to adopt any resolution. If there has been
resolutions adopted, a second meeting needs to be convened hat requires the
attendance of more than 1/5 of all owners and the agreement of more than
1/2 attendees to adopt any resolution.
2、 Annually Reduced Purchase Prices Lower the Willingness
to Rent
It is costly to install the photovoltaic system on the roof, so most apartment
buildings adopt the approach of solar public housing to rent roofs to system
suppliers. The suppliers bear the costs of installation and own the electricity
sales income while the building committees collect roof rents (at a fixed
amount or calculation according to the percentage of electricity sales). The
regulated feed-in tariff of solar power decreased by one percentage annually,
and that will prolong the return time. System suppliers will reduce their
willingness to rent roofs of apartment buildings.
Fig. 17: Annual Feed-in Tariff of Solar Power
(Example of roof installation between 1 KW and 20 KW)
3、 Complicated Review Processes of Compound Installations
with TaiPower and the Prolonged Time for Administration
Initially, the public and solar power system suppliers (hereinafter referred
to as the Applicants) did not understand well about the review operations
of compound installations with TaiPower. There was gap between the
awareness of applicants and relevant review rules of TaiPower, and
therefore, applications were rejected due to the lack of understanding.
Some applicants thought staff of TaiPower in charge of reviews gives them
the hard time. Furthermore, the long process of joint reviews delayed the
submission to the Bureau of Energy of Ministry of Economic Affairs that
gives approval to the applicable feed-in tariff of solar power.
4、 High Installation Cost of Photovoltaic System
Over the past five to six years, the production cost of solar power per
kilowatts decreases along with the reduced material costs from one to two
thousand dollars. For example, a common 20-ping townhouse in Tainan is
normally installed a set of 7 watt photovoltaic system at the cost only
NT$420,000 to 630,000, much cheaper than before. Due to the impacts of
negative growth of Taiwan’s salary structure and inflation, however, the cost
is still a burden. At the same time, rules regulate the installation should be
jointly conducted with TaiPower for the convenience of electricity purchase.
If the installation site has insufficient grid loading capacities or feeder lines
or not connected with electricity, TaiPower may even collect extra line fees
at the amount higher than NT$100,000 bring excessive burden to the public,
becoming the obstacle for joint installation, and reducing the willingness of
四、 Countermeasures
1、 Building of Solar City Information Web
Solar power policies and events should be updated from time to time for
the public to conduct real-time searches. With the setup of parameters,
installers are assisted with the evaluation of loan interest expenses,
monthly incomes, and years of return. Relevant information of enterprises
will also be updated for the public to exchange and contact them.
Interactive message board is built and designated personnel is in charge of
replies to questions.
2、 Organization of more than 150 Seminars in Four Years
We visited districts, lis, communities, and industry parks in Tainan City, and
borough chiefs, secretary, or residents, chairpersons, secretary generals or
residents of community management committees, and enterprises and
factories were invited to explain installation rules of photovoltaic systems,
feed-in tariff, and promotion strategies and subsidy projects of the City
Government to enable the public participants to know about the intention
and benefits of the installation of photovoltaic systems so as to convey the
determination to build low carbon great Tainan. Meanwhile, successful
installation cases were invited for experience sharing to reduce public
concerns and to improve installation willingness. Seminars helped to gather
the public with the installation willingness, and they were trained to
become solar lecturer to introduce the new concepts of solar power. The
green seeds planted by these solar lecturers, thus, blossom at every corner
of Tainan.
3、 Use of Residential Buildings without Participation in
Tender Mechanism
Although the feed-in tariff is reduced annually, yet through the efforts of
Tainan City Government and its counterpart local governments, Points
Governing Tender Operation of Ministry of Economic Affairs was amended
to open the installation of photovoltaic systems on roofs between 1 WT to
100 WTs and there has been no tender participation required. Those meet
the specific conditions can be calculated separately as the incentives for
suppliers to rent roofs of apartment buildings to install photovoltaic
4、 Enactment of Subsidy Measures for the Encouragement of
In order to encourage the public to actively participate in the installation.
Subsidy measures have been gradually enacted year by year. Among them,
solar demonstration communities with collective installation have been
given more subsidies in 2014 and 2015. According to installation
difficulties, scales, and highlights, additional subsidies have been provided
respectively for NT$10,000, NT$12,000 and NT$20,000 per KW. The
maximum subsidies for individual sites reach to NT$990,000 very attractive
incentives for installation.
Fig. 18: Additional Subsidies for Solar Communities
5、 Seminars Organized at the Beginning of Each Year for
Equipment Review Operation
In order to speed up the review processes, at the beginning of each year, the
“Seminar on the Solar Power Project and Equipment Review Operation” has
been organized to describe installation process, items of attention for
reviews, and error types for the applicants of solar power projects and
equipment registration to facilitate smooth operation, to shorten the
application time, and to reduce the time for application amendment.
Fig. 19: Seminar on Solar Power Projects and Equipment Review Operation
6、 Inter-departmental Cooperation for Joint Strategy
Fig. 20: Inter-departmental Cooperation Mechanism
The First City Entrusted by Ministry of Economic
Affairs for the Ratification of Photovoltaic
In addition to cooperation with Southern Taiwan Promotion Office for
the Installation on One Million Roofs of the Bureau of Energy of
Ministry of Economic Affairs for the organization of seminars to
promote the installation of photovoltaic systems on various building
roofs, the Tainan City Government via exchange meetings of system
technologies and system communication platform meetings collected
the opinions of the public and suppliers in advance to submit to the
central government or TaiPower to facilitate technology exchanges
and solve installation problems. In order to provide convenience for
installers to apply, after the active proposals of the City Government,
Tainan City on July 14, 2014 became the first city entrusted by
Ministry of Economic Affairs to ratify photovoltaic equipment. In 2015,
Tainan City Government continues the entrusted task and receives the
application capacities expanding from 30KW to 50KW not required
for open tenders. This provides more comprehensive administrative
assistance to the solar city projects by giving comprehensive one-stop
services including promotion (organization of seminars), counselling
(district service windows), subsidies (grant and encouragement
provision), and applications.
Figure 21: Counselling for Public Application
Organization of Courses for Reviews of Compound
TaiPower has the obligation to maintain overall grid stability and
safety. The first step for the installation of photovoltaic system is to
submit the application of compound installations to TaiPower, but due
to the awareness gap between the applicants and TaiPower towards
review rules of compound installations or writing format, some
applicants think TaiPower is giving them the hard time. To avoid
misunderstanding and facilitate the promotion of solar power city, we
since 2011 have worked with TaiPower to organize courses of reviews
for compound installations. Since then, each year, we have conducted
the “Seminar on Solar Power Project and Equipment Review
Operations” for national system suppliers. TaiPower has been invited
to talk on relevant rules, expenses, application process, items of
attention for reviews, contracts of feed-in tariff, and error samples to
close the awareness gap between TaiPower and the applicants and to
assist TaiPower to shorten the review process for compound
Fig. 22: Seminar on TaiPower’s Review Operations for Compound Installations
Counselling and Consulting with Banks and
Enterprises to Set up the Solar Power Financing
It is costly to set up a set of photovoltaic system. Although in 2011,
under our effort, Cathy United Bank provided the financing project
for the installation of photovoltaic system on residential roofs for the
public who install 3 to 10 KW photovoltaic systems at 80% cost, the
maximum amount of NT$1 million, with the payback time from ten
to 15 years and the annual interest rate of 4.08% for the first three
years, on their house roofs. But in general, the provision of loans by
domestic financial sector has been conservative and requires to use
houses for mortgage and complicated process. These obstacles
discouraged the public. With our active assistance to build the
friendly environment for the installation of photovoltaic system, in
2014, the inter-industrial cooperation between Tatung and Bank
SinoPac was facilitated to launch the innovative financing project of
photovoltaic systems that has overturned market rules to provide
the maximum loans at full amount with the longest 16-year payback
term and free of mortgage of real estates. With the only photovoltaic
system, applicants can meet the mortgage requirement. Because the
income of electricity sales is sufficient to pay back the loans, this
project not only allows the owners to have a set of photovoltaic
system but also generates extra income.
Green Energy Action from the Private Sector- Solar
Through the organization of seminars, the public, community
management committees, service personnel of community colleges
were invited to take a part with the aim to bring relevant information
of the promotion for solar power to communities and to allow the
public understand them for the promotion of the prevalence of the
installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs and the achievement
of building Tainan into the solar and low carbon city.
Fig. 23: Sharing by the Solar Lecturer
Cooperation with Photovoltaic System Suppliers and
the Industrial Association
In order to let the public better understand the practical problems
that they may face when applying the installation of photovoltaic
systems, the City Government from time to time invites the
Photovoltaic System Trade Association to jointly organize seminars.
With the objective perspective and systematically integrated resource
advantages, installation cases of association members are shared. The
Association also talks on the difficult cases or its role as the mediator
of system installation to enhance public trust and installation
willingness to avoid the isolated cases from the system (due to poor
construction quality or bankruptcy or runaway of system suppliers).
Fig. 24: Seminar on Autonomous Rules Co-organized with the System Trade
Additionally, the City Government from time to time actively
convene meetings for the communication between the industry and the
government by inviting Southern Taiwan Promotion Office of the One
Million Solar Roofs, the System Trade Association, the Photovoltaic
Industrial Association, and local representatives to discuss and propose
valuable suggestions on the promotion polices of solar power and
future development in Tainan. Promotion measures are thus properly
amended and proposed to the Bureau of Energy of Ministry of
Economic Affairs by the City Government to express the opinions and
difficulties of the industry so as to help the development of the
photovoltaic industry.
Fig. 25: Discussion Meeting of the Promotion of Solar Power Policies and Future
Directions in Tainan City
五、 Promotion Achievements
1、 The Winning of “the Only Low Carbon Demonstration City
in Southern Taiwan” in 2011
The construction of low carbon and sustainable environment has become the
trend of global urban development. Tainan City after merging with Tainan
County actively participated in the contest of low carbon cities organized by
the Environmental Protection Administration. With stable pace and concrete
and feasible strategies, we would like to construct the new landscape of this
ancient capital city as a low carbon city. Taiwan’s first academy, Tainan
Confucian Temple and Zengwen Reservoir demonstrate our strong
determination, and after joint efforts of various parties, we have achieved the
rich low carbon results. Finally, on April 4, 2011, Tainan was selected as “the
Only Low Carbon Demonstration City in Southern Taiwan,” the best
declaration for building low carbon Great Tainan.
Fig. 26: Tainan City Selected as “the Only Low Carbon Demonstration City in
Southern Taiwan” on August 4, 2011
2、Better Outcomes for the Five Promotion Items of Solar Power
According to statistics, from 2011 to 2014, the number of the
installation of photovoltaic systems approved in Tainan City reached to 1,795
with the total capacities exceeding 93 MW and annual power generation
capacities over 116.92 MW equivalent to 42.5% of electricity generated by
Zengwen Reservoir that can supply for the use of 32,658 house units and
reduce over 60,000 tons of carbon demission equivalent to that done by the
annual reduced amount of 187 Tainan parks, occupied about 5,451 hectares
and saving over NT$91.37 million. Compared to 2011, in 2014, the number
of approved application grew by 165% and installation capacities by 154%
indicating the obvious successful promotion outcomes.
Fig. 27: Numbers Approved under the Solar Power Tainan in the Past Years
裝置容量 14,550.242 15,179.621 26,892.368 36,920.809
Fig. 28: Installation Capacities Approved under the Solar Power Tainan in the
Past Years
Solar Public Housing
After the installation is completed, the total rental capacities will
exceed 37 MW with the installation number of 816. Compared to
other cities and counties, Tainan has demonstrated the outstanding
performance. We successfully took the lead to promote solar public
housing, and until May, 2015, 15 cities and counties has followed us to
promote “solar public housing” and actively promote relevant solar
power projects and policies. The Taoyuan Government’s “Sunrise
Green Energy City, Taoyuan” is one of the examples.
新北市 苗栗縣 南投縣 台中市 雲林縣 嘉義縣 臺南市 高雄市 屏東縣 台東縣
Fig. 29: Public Housing Promotion in Each City and County-Tainan City’s
Outstanding Performance
Siaying District-Dongsing Elementary
School (95.04KW)
Yenshui District-Yenshui Junior High School
(95.04 KW)
Anping District-Yonghua Squad (60KW)
Madou District-Anye Police Station (9.8KW)
Central West District-Bouan Market (300
Annan District-Benyuanliou (142.5 KW)
Jiangjiyuen District (57.575 KW)
Beimen District- Household Registration
Office (29.845 KW)
圖 30:陽光公舍案場成果
Fig. 30: Installation of Solar Public Housing
Solar Roofs
Solar roofs refer to the promotion of installation of photovoltaic
systems of residential housing to reduce carbon emission of power
generation systems. After the efforts of the past four years, more
achievements have been obtained year by year. The curve diagram of
installation number and capacities approved is shown below:
Fig. 31:Achievements of Solar Roofs from 2011 to 2014- Number of Installation
裝置容量 225.436 634.581 1738.535 2357.365
Fig. 32:Achievements of Solar Roofs from 2011 to 2014- Capacities of
Installation Approved
In coordination with the exemption of license for miscellaneous items
for the installation of roof type photovoltaic systems lower than 3
meters, during seminars, we encouraged the public to invest in solar
trellis to make the best use of roof space, to reduce temperature and
electricity bill, and to earn additional income. Meanwhile, the goal of
green energy and sustainability can also be recognized by the
棚架式(3 公尺以下)
Fig. 33: The Installation of Solar Trellis on the Roof to Make Use of Roof
Solar Communities
The goal of Solar Power City Project is to install a photovoltaic
system on the roof of each house, especially targeting on aggregate
residential buildings (including apartment buildings).
A. Taiwan’s Largest Scale Solar Community Built at the Own Cost
of Residential Houses
Located in Yentian Li, where used to be the salt field developed
during Japanese ruling period and adjacent to Taijiang Natural and
Scenic Area and the Tainan Science Park, Ren Jiian Ciing Jiing, a
townhouse community, in Annan District, in 2011, invested in the
installation of photovoltaic system on the roof under the invitation
of Chairperson of Management Committee. At the same time, more
residential units joined the installation. In the first year (2011), 17
units joined and obtained subsidies from the City Government. They
successfully used the subsidies to install the photovoltaic systems on
the roof of Security Guard Room and Community Center. The income
of electricity sales came to the Management Committee of Ren Jiian
Ciing Jiing that effectively uses the fund for the maintenance and
development of community infrastructure. Here is Taiwan’s first
solar community voluntarily built at the cost of residential houses.
Fig. 34: The Location Site of Ren Jiian Ciing Jiing
The City Government continuously organizes seminars each year.
The Chairperson of the Management Committee passionately took
the post of solar lecturer to encourage those units which have not
joined the installation to take a part. Under the efforts of community
residents, by the end of 2014, there have been two public sites and
43 residential units in Ren Jiian Ciing Jiing (about 1/3 of total
residential units) installed photovoltaic systems on their roofs with
the capacities of 379.265 KW, the largest-scale solar community
built at the own cost of residential units in Taiwan. The promotion is
an on-going process, and more will join the installation in the future.
Fig. 35: Example of Ren Jiian Ciing Jiing (Infrastructure
B. Private Green Energy Action for the Prevalence of Solar
Ren Jiian Ciing Jiing Solar Community became Tainan’s highlight as
well as the reference and learning model of other solar communities
during promotion. With our continuous promotion and the active public
participation, ten sites were built with solar communities including Ren
Jiian Ciing Jiing in Annan District (four phases of photovoltaic system
installation including two infrastructure sites and 43 house units at the
capacity of 379.265 KW), Wei Lai Shi in Shanhua (9 house units at the
capacity of 29.66 KW), Tien Shi Liang Yuan (apartments, 24 KW), Andong
Garden (apartments, 82.6 KW), Shanhua Lao Da Fang (35 units, 180.62
KW), Yongkang Teng Hui A+ (24 units, 204.855KW), Ming Da Wei Feng in
Sinshi District(7 units, 52.5KW), Ai Shang Ri Dong Sheng (8 units,
58.174KW), and Ming Liou Building in Yongkang District (apartments,
40KW) at the total capacities of 1,1275.574 KW.
Fig. 36: Lou Da Fang (180.62 KW)
Fig. 37: Tien Shi Liang Yuan in Anping District
(24 KW)
Fig. 38: Promotion Achievements of Solar Communities in Tainan City- Ten
Sites at the Capacities of 1,127.574 KW
4、Green Factories
To encourage the value-added use of idle roof space, the installation
of photovoltaic system has been introduced to lower the internal
temperature of factories, improve workplace temperature, cut down
electricity expenses of enterprises, and at the same time, create
electricity sales income and green enterprise images.
Fig. 39: The Installation of Photovoltaic Systems on the Roofs of Factories and
Gas Station
We organized promotion seminars for enterprise factories, office
buildings, and gas stations. In addition to the promotion of counselling
measures, we also at the same time adopt autonomous rules to request
the mandate installation of photovoltaic systems on big electricity
users. Achievements have been shown gradually:
2011年 2012年 2013年 2014年
Fig. 40: The Number and Capacities of Approved Green Factories from 2011 to 2014
5、 Agriculture Greenhouses
The abundant sunshine forces animal feeders to use water spray system
to reduce the temperature, but water resources are very valuable, so we
encourage animal feeders to install photovoltaic systems on the roofs to
reduce the temperature at the top layer, to prolong use life of roofs, to
cherish water resources, and to earn extra income. There are various
benefits. The number and capacities of installation has grown several
times yearly, and these are the evidences of the public recognition.
Fig. 41: Achievements on Agriculture Greenhouses from 2011 to 2014-Approved
2590.99 12176.078 18667.14
Fig. 42: Achievements on Agriculture Greenhouses from 2011 to 2014-Approved
Installation Capacities
六、 Future Prospects
1、 Continuous Private Green Energy Action
At present, Tainan is the only city in Taiwan that devotes itself to the
promotion of solar communities because the building of a low carbon
city cannot be achieved only by the City Government, the public
voluntary participation and self- awareness are mostly needed for the
recognition of the importance of green energy and sustainable
homeland. It is hoped that through the participation of aggregated
housing units of the communities in the installation of photovoltaic
systems, the green energy highlight areas can be developed for the
achievement of promotional effectiveness. This will not be completed
within a short period of time. We need time to integrate the new
technology of the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs into
daily life. In the past four years, after the organization of continuous
seminars, Tainan now has ten solar communities, 1,795 applications
of approved installation, and the capacities more than 93 MW. With
these successful cases, we are able to encourage residential units,
communities, factories, office buildings, and agriculture greenhouses
to join the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs and to
build Tainan, a historical and cultural city, into a high-tech and low
carbon one.
2、 The On-going Process to Build the Solar Power City,
According to Article 21 of Autonomous Rules of Tainan Low
Carbon City, Jioufenzi has been declared as the low carbon
demonstration community. The Community is bordered with Junan
Rd. at the southern side of Jianan Canal in the north, Public Road
An14-2 to “Jhu 4-1”Residential Area in the east, East side of Anming
Rd. in the west, and Fuan Rd at the northern side of Yenshui River in
the south. Based on four major goals, “building user friendly traffic
environment,” “building livable ecological communities,” “enhancing
regional flooding prevention mechanism,” and “promotion for green
building and low carbon demonstration areas,” we plan for building
the city. Among them, in the future each house unit will be mandated
to install flood prevention or storm water reservation facility as well
as at least 2 KW photovoltaic systems to complete the vision of “the
solar power city, Great Tainan” in the area occupied at least 101
hectares. By that time, Taipei has the 101 Building, and Tainan has
101 low carbon demonstration communities.
Fig. 44: Geographical Location of Jiioufenzi Low Carbon Demonstration Community
Fig. 45: Simulation of Jiioufenzi Low Carbon Demonstration Community
Current stage of development of the town: Please choose one.
☐ Planning stage
■ Construction stage
☐ Already existing
Start date of the project: 2011
Completion date of the project:
2018 (a solar power city with
electricity capacities generated equivalent to that of Zengwen Reservoir)
Low Carbon Measures
Does your low carbon town or development plan have CO2 emission
reduction target?:
☐ Yes
■ No
Key low carbon measures employed or to be
Urban functions
☐ Compact city design
☐ Heat island phenomenon countermeasures
■ Efficient road arrangement plan
■ Well-developed public transportation
☐ Car Sharing
☐ Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
■ Plan for highly efficient infrastructure
☐ Other
Industry sector
☐ Factory energy management system
☐ Other
Transport sector
☐ Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
☐ Light Rail Transit (LRT)
■ Intra-city community bicycle
■ Electric vehicle
☐ Electric busses
■ LED street lighting
☐ Other
Residential sector
☐ Fuel cells
☐ Low or zero emission houses
■ Eco-friendly home appliances
■ PV panel
■ Solar heated water supply facilities
☐ Heat-pump hot water supply with natural refrigerant
☐ Use of natural light
☐ Low emission glass
☐ Home Energy Management System (HEMS)
☐ Thermal storage air conditioning system
☐ Other
Commercial sector
■ Low or zero emission building
☐ High insulation/highly airtight materials
■ Sun shading system
☐ High performance facade
■ Low emission glass
☐ Double skin facade
☐ Roof greening
■ Highly efficient air conditioning facilities
■ LED/Inverter lighting
■ Use of natural light
■ Building Energy Management System (BEMS)
☐ Thermal storage air conditioning system
☐ Other
Other demand side measures: (Enter other demand side measures here, if any)
Renewable energy
■ PV power generation
■ Solar thermal utilization
☐ Biomass power generation
☐ Wind power generation
☐ Geo-thermal power generation
■ Micro-hydroelectric power generation
☐ Others
Untapped energy
☐ Use of sea/river water
■ Use of waste heat such as waste incineration plants
☐ Use of waste heat such as sewage treatment plants
■ Use of waste heat from factories
☐ Others
Other supply side measures: (Enter other supply side measures here, if any)
Demand and supply side measures
☐ Advanced metering systems
■ Smart grid system
☐ Electric condenser system
☐ Area Energy Management System
☐ Others
Estimated cost savings in implementing low-carbon measures: Break
down by Activity/Sector, potential source, estimated savings – e.g.:
Residential sector, Fuel cells, 150 $US/household/year (per year/per unit of energy,
The approved number of the installation of photovoltaic systems in Tainan
reached to 1,795 with the annual electricity generated exceeding 116.92 MW for
the use about 32,698 households. If we calculate the price at the basis of
NT$2.8624 per watt, about NT$334.69 million has been saved.
Estimated energy consumption before completion of the project:
(GJ/year or TOE/year)
According to discharge coefficient of electricity in 2013 at the basis of
carbon emission of 0.522 kg per watt, in 2011, Tainan City used 7500 MW and
emitted about 3.915 million tons of carbon.
Estimated energy consumption after completion of the project:
(GJ/year or TOE/year)
From the launch of the Solar Power City Project in 2011, the installation
capacities of photovoltaic systems exceeded 93 MW with 116.92 MW electricity
generated per year and about 60,000 tons of carbon emission reduced.
Project Management
What central/local government departments are/will be involved in
development of the project? (Please specify which stages of the projects they
will be involved in (i.e. developmental, intermediary, implementation, etc.))
Since the Renewable Energy Development Ac was promulgated by the
Central Government on July 8, 2009, the solar power related projects have been
boomingly launched in various cities and counties. In coordination with the
central policies and the positioning of Tainan City, the Tainan City Government in
2011 began to promote the Solar Power City Project. In order to enable city
residents and enterprises to understand its policies on the solar power city, the
City Government actively conducted promotion seminars, established Tainan
Solar Power City Information Web, coordinated with banks for the financing
projects of photovoltaic system installation, enacted Tainan Low Carbon City
Autonomous Rules to regulate electricity users more than 800KW should install
more than 10% PV for the electricity used, and provided subsidy measures to
promote the Solar Power City Project.
What private company, non-governmental organizations are/will be
involved in development of the project? (Please specify which stages of the
projects they will be involved in (i.e. developmental, intermediary, implementation,
Since its promotion for the Solar Power City Project, the Tainan City
Government in order to encourage private and non-governmental organizations
to install photovoltaic systems provided subsidies. Subsidies will be allocated for
the installation of photovoltaic systems on legal buildings after applications.
Enterprises and NGOs will install photovoltaic systems due to the subsidies.
Additionally, Tainan Low Carbon City Autonomous Rules are enacted to
electricity users more than 800KW should install more than 10% PV for the
electricity used. Those who violate will be punished. With both incentives and
mandatory enforcement, enterprises are requested to fulfill their social
responsibilities and jointly work to achieve the vision of a low carbon and green
energy city.
How is/will be the development of the town funded? (Discuss financing
availability, finance options and financial structure (i.e. private, public, etc.))
At present, the Tainan City Government has allocated the subsidy budget to
promote the collective installation of photovoltaic systems in communities with
better incentives. It is hoped that with the demonstration of highlight green
energy areas, solar communities after completion can become the local green
model and the best energy teaching material for children. Tainan then is not only
a historical and cultural city but also a high-tech and low carbon one.
Other relevant information, if any: N/A
Project Status: Choose an item.N/A
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Contact Information
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Energy Section of the Bureau of Economic Development, Tainan City Government
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