Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet

Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet
Appraisal Stage
Report No.: 89940
A. Basic Project Data
Country: Kyrgyz Republic
Project ID: P148471
Project Name: Scaling-Up the Peer-to-Peer Learning in Public Finance at the Local SelfGovernment Level
Task Team Leader: Gregory Kisunko
Estimated Appraisal Date: July 30, 2014
Estimated Board Date: N/A
Managing Unit: ECSP4
Lending Instrument: Grant
Sector: (60%) Sub-National Government Administration; (40%) General Public
Administration Sector
Theme: (20%) Decentralization; (60%) Public Expenditure, Management and
Procurement; (20%) Other Public Governance
IBRD Amount (US$m.):
IDA Amount (US$m.):
Other financing amounts by source:
US$ 1,099,441
Environmental Category: C
Simplified Processing
Is this a transferred project
ISDS Prepared/Updated
Simple [X]
Yes [X]
July 20, 2014
Repeater [ ]
No [ ]
B. Project Objectives:
The main Development Objective is to support the Government in establishing countrywide
communities of practice (COPs) and using these COPs to increase capacity of local budget
officers, elected heads of LSG units and local council members through innovative peer-to-peer
learning approach.
C. Project Description:
Component 1: Project management, including Community of Practice building
activities. This component will fund the following activities: (i) Establishing a Project
Management Unit (PMU) through hiring of consultants and capacity building; (ii)
Contracting out the fiduciary oversight, which includes both - procurement and financial
management functions will be undertaken by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
under the Kyrgyz Ministry of Finance; (iii) Coordination of all project activities, i.e. PTP
event for Recourse Persons and rayon level PTP events; (iv) Activities related to project
oversight by the Steering Committee (SC), e.g. providing SC members with at least semiannual activity updates, organization of SC meetings, etc.
Component 2: Organization and delivery of learning events to the Resource
Persons. This component will fund logistical and administrative arrangements related to
organization and delivery of PTP learning and training events for 40 rayon level
Resource Persons (RPs) in each COP that will help improve their understanding of Public
Finance Management (PFM) at the local level and help them be effective leaders and
resource persons of rayon-level communities of practice and to sustain COP at the rayon
level. It is expected that the training for 40 rayon level RPs in each COP will be
conducted at least once in three months.
Component 3: Organization and delivery of PTP learning at rayon level. This
component will fund rayon level PTP learning for all 40 rayons of the country- both
formal events and advice provided to the COP members by rayon level RPs. It is
expected that formal PTP events at rayon level will be held at least once in three months
and will include relevant participants (financial officers, local council members working
in budget committee) from each Ayil Okmotu (LSG units) in that rayon (therefore, all
453 rural LSG units will be covered). Organization and conduct of the PTP evens will be
a shared responsibility of the PMU and rayon RP (for each COP). It is also expected that
the formal PTP events when and if possible would be aligned with the relevant rayon
level meetings COP members supposed to attend as a part of their work responsibilities.
Component 4: Evaluation. This component will fund baseline and end-of-project data
collection and benchmarking and end of project evaluation. It is expected that evaluation
will be done by an independent entity that was not a part of project implementation. This
component will also fund an independent end-of-project audit.
D. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis
(if known):
The project will be implemented countrywide, involving representatives from all rayons of
Kyrgyz republic.
E. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies:
The project will be implemented by the State Agency for Local Self-Government and Interethnic
Relations under the Kyrgyz Government with the support of the Project Management Unit Secretariat. The institution doesn’t have experience in implementing safeguards issues.
F. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team:
Arcadii Capcelea, Sr. Environmental Specialist
Asli Gurkan, Social Development Specialist
Safeguard Policies Triggered (please explain why)
Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01)
The proposed grant would support only TA activities, including consulting services and training
and will not have any environmental or social impacts. The TA to be financed does not include
support for preparation or design of any physical investments that would trigger the SG policies.
Thus this OP is not triggered.
Safeguard Policies Triggered (please explain why)
Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04)
Forests (OP/BP 4.36)
Pest Management (OP 4.09)
Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11)
Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10)
Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)
The proposed grant would support only TA activities, including consulting services and
training and will not have any land acquisition/resettlement impacts. The TA to be financed does
not include support for preparation or design of any physical investments that would trigger the
SG policies. Thus this OP is not triggered.
Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37)
Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50)
Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60)
Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address
Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in BankSupported Projects (OP/BP 4.00)
Target date for the Quality Enhancement Review (QER), at which time the PAD-stage ISDS
would be prepared: N/A
For simple projects that will not require a QER, the target date for preparing the PAD-stage
Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed: The
specific studies and their timing should be specified in the PAD-stage ISDS: N/A
Signed and submitted by:
Task Team Leader:
Approved by:
Regional Safeguards Coordinator:
Sector Manager:
Gregory Kisunko
Feb. 21, 2014
Agi Kiss
Feb 28, 2014
Alberto Leyton (acting for Adrian Fozzard)
Aug 5, 2014