Project Description 1. Response to Previous Submission This is a resubmission of a PEN proposal from 2012. While the prior panel recognized the significant contribution that the BYU collection would make towards the Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN) TCN, a number of weaknesses were pointed out. We respond to them briefly here, and elaborate on them in the body of the proposal. (1) Insufficient documentation of collection use and publications. The BYU collection is actively engaged in curation and outreach to the research community. Table 1 indicates that over the past decade the collection has made 478 loans totaling 163,969 specimens, resulting in 220 publications. (2) Inadequate articulation of the taxonomic spread of the collection. The BYU collection consists of 2.5 million specimens from around the world, with an emphasis on western North America. For the purposes of this PEN, we are focusing our cataloguing efforts on four families (Acrididae, Carabidae, Tenebrionidae, and Formicidae). Our rationale is that (a) these are four of the five groups which are the central focus of the SCAN TCN (the other being spiders) and (b) we have exceptional strength in these holdings in terms of species diversity, specimen number, age of specimens (100+ years old to recent), and degree of identification by specialists (Table 2). (3) Absence of a compelling case for the urgency of digitization. For more than 50 years during the early history of the collection (1902-1960), most of the collecting labels were produced on photographic paper. Many of these BYU labels are already difficult to read, and they are all quickly fading to black (Fig. 3). Without immediate digitization and replacement with archival quality labels, a wealth of legacy data will be lost forever. Moreover, our collection enhances the impact of the SCAN TCN by providing geographic coverage in the Great Basin that is largely lacking in current digitization efforts. (4) Broader Impacts were insufficiently detailed. We describe a clear strategy for recruiting and mentoring undergraduate students and propose an exciting new interactive museum exhibit that leverages the power of the NSF TCN to help educate the general public. 2. Introduction A. Project Overview SCAN (Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network) connects collections to form a virtual museum that will become a major component of the iDigBio infrastructure and enable new kinds of biodiversity science. SCAN already includes ten small to large collections from the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas (Fig. 1), plus Harvard University which has substantial holdings of southwestern ants. However, there are no collections from Utah and none that focus on Figure 1 Collaborators in the SCAN TCN the Great Basin region of the United States. network. The southwestern United States as defined by SCAN is indicated by the red line. Participating institutions focus on digitizing SCAN headquarters at Northern Arizona specimens that are typically collected in pitfall University is indicated by the large yellow and trap studies, including spiders, orthopterans, red marker. Other SCAN institutions are ground-dwelling beetles, ants, and other terrestrial indicated by small yellow and orange markers. arthropods, resulting in a database that includes BYU is indicated by a large blue and yellow marker. Note that BYU fills the large geographic many thousands of species and over one million gap in SCAN coverage in Utah, Nevada, and specimens. Smaller collections in SCAN (e.g., western Colorado. New Mexico State University and Northern Arizona University) are funded to capture collecting and taxonomic information and to image 1 many of their specimens. The larger collections (e.g., University of Arizona and Texas A&M) are focused on cataloguing taxonomic and locality information and have a very limited imaging component to their work. While SCAN is interested in all ground-dwelling arthropod species, it has set as a priority five focal groups: ground beetles (Carabidae), darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae), grasshoppers (Acrididae), ants (Formicidae), and spiders. BYU has extensive and important holdings in the four insect families listed above. Due to the overwhelming numbers of specimens in the BYU collection, we propose to catalogue specimens in these four highpriority groups, and limit our imaging to type specimens. Figure 2. Examples of target taxa to be digitized from the BYU collection. (a) Dactylotum bicolor Charpentier (Acrididae); (b) Chlaenius sericeus (Forster) (Carabidae); (c) Eleodes parowana Blaisdell (Tenebrionidae); (d) Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Cresson) (Formicidae). B. Specific Goals of the BYU PEN to SCAN Over three years of funding, we propose to: (1) Capture collecting and identification data from 52,000 previously uncatalogued grounddwelling arthropod specimens from the BYU collection (Acrididae, Carabidae, Tenebrionidae, and Formicidae). This reduces an enormous gap in SCAN’s geographic, taxonomic, and temporal sampling. Overall, this will increase the total number of specimens newly catalogued by SCAN from 525,349 to 577,349, an increase of 10%. To ensure superb identification quality, taxonomic specialists will visit the collection before digitization. (2) Georeference specimen localities contributed to SCAN, utilizing GEOLocate and other resources, and upgrade fading locality labels on legacy specimens with archival quality labels. (3) Produce high-resolution images of type specimens of all ground-dwelling arthropod species whose type material is housed at BYU (approximately 300 species), thereby augmenting the image assemblage being contributed by other SCAN institutions. (4) Contribute to SCAN’s synthetic regional database to promote accessible, well-structured, taxonomically sound data for modeling climate change impacts on species distributions, and thereby enhance SCAN’s remote specimen annotation and identification workflows. (5) Provide three undergraduate students with an excellent mentored research experience as they build an interactive museum exhibit that highlights arthropods in the southwestern United States while leveraging the power of the SCAN TCN to better understand the species that are around them. C. Project Challenge The southwestern United States encompasses an exceptionally rich diversity of taxa and ecosystems that span the four major North American deserts, the southern Rocky Mountains, and the Great Basin, for which BYU has important specimen coverage (Fig. 2). The Southwest region is approximately 1.6 million km2 in area, comprising more than 20% of the contiguous United States. Historically, the wide geographic spacing of arthropod collections and museums has made cross-institutional integration of interests and projects difficult, and instead has led to most 2 collections developing unique profiles of uneven coverage. For instance, more than 80-90% of specimens at Arizona State University are identified to the level of species (see ledger at; however, this collection has experienced very limited growth in recent years. In contrast, the similarly scoped collection at Northern Arizona University has amassed tens of thousands of specimens in recent years through structured sampling efforts that offer valuable ecological insights; yet so far, only 12% of these specimens have been expertidentified to the level of species. BYU adds approximately 60,000 specimens annually, with about half of them being identified by taxonomic authorities, and the collection has the strength of holding both legacy material and recently collected material. Once the accumulated holdings of southwestern arthropod collections are networked through a unified e-portal, the aforementioned disparities between them will create a data environment where specific requests for expert identifications of thousands of specimens will become feasible, necessary, and likely very frequent. Finally, because of significant taxonomic overlap among the regional collections, there will be a need to systematically and efficiently redistribute the "valueadded" species identification data among all collections; thus offering opportunities for implicit identifications of specimens not directly examined by an expert but implied by the original identification service. 3. Background A. Creation of the Southwest Collections of Arthropods Network SCAN began in 2006 as an informal association of insect and arthropod collections in the southwestern United States. Group discussions identified the current lack of a unified, regional, specimen-level database of arthropod taxa as the most critical impediment to future collaboration and the potential centerpiece of a future collaborative group initiative. Two years ago, ten institutions received NSF support. BYU was urged to be a participant, but due to conflicts with other ongoing TCN proposals, we declined participation. We are now in a position to fully collaborate as a PEN institution in the SCAN TCN. B. Attributes of the BYU Collection 1. Historical Importance The BYU arthropod collection has a rather long history, and it is therefore the repository for voucher specimens and legacy data associated with numerous important studies. Although Brigham Young Academy (the forerunner of BYU) was established in 1877, the oldest existing arthropod specimens in the collection (apart from a few 19th century specimens obtained through gifts or exchanges) are about 110 years old. From 1902 to 1904, Benjamin Cluff, principal of the Academy, led a scientific expedition to explore parts of Latin America. Many of the biological specimens collected are still at BYU. However, the arthropod collection did not begin in earnest until the arrival of its first curator, Vasco M. Tanner, in 1925. The BYU collection preserves legacy data from his numerous studies. He published prolifically over a career spanning more than 50 years. Many of his articles dealt with Tenebrionidae, Carabidae, Curculionidae, and other ground-dwelling arthropods targeted by SCAN (Allred & Tanner 1979; Tanner 1926, 1927a, 1927b, 1928, 1929, 1934a, 1934b, 1938, 1939, 1941a, 1941b, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1954, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1974, 1987; Tanner & Olsen 1929; Tanner & Packham 1962, 1965). Other researchers associated with BYU have also published on arthropods, including grounddwelling taxa, and vouchers for their investigations are also preserved here. Dorald M. Allred 3 studied arachnids, isopods, myriapods, Formicidae, Mutillidae, and Scarabaeidae (Allred 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973a, 1973b, 1973c, 1973d, 1974, 1975, 1980, 1982; Allred & Beck 1965; Allred & Cole 1971, 1979; Allred & Gertsch 1976; Allred & Kaston 1983; Allred & Mulaik 1965; Allred & Muma 1971; Allred & Tanner 1979; Beck et al. 1967; Gertsch & Allred 1965; Johnson & Allred 1972). Additionally, D. Elden Beck studied Formicidae and Scarabaeidae (Beck et al. 1967; Allred & Beck 1965). Numerous other entomologists have been associated with BYU and have added to our holdings. They have included Richard W. Baumann, Gary M. Booth, Elias P. Brinton, Seth Bybee, Shawn M. Clark, D. Elmo Hardy, Michael J. Hastriter, C. Lynn Hayward, C. Selby Herrin, Clive D. Jorgensen, D. D. Jorgensen, Fred A. Mangum, Lucile Maughan, C. Riley Nelson, Mervin W. Nielson, Robert V. Peterson, W. Levi Phillips, Vernon J. Tipton, Armand T. Whitehead, Michael F. Whiting, Robert N. Winget, and Stephen L. Wood. Although most of their research did not emphasize directly the targeted ground-dwelling taxa of SCAN, many of these workers were prolific collectors of diverse arthropods, including ground-dwelling species. Their specimens are housed in the BYU collection and form the basis for numerous published investigations by scientists, both from BYU and elsewhere. Arthropod research at BYU is ongoing. Major faunistic surveys have recently been conducted in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Southern Utah, Timpanogos Cave National Monument in Central Utah, Lytle Preserve in the Mohave Desert, and Dugway Proving Ground in Northern Utah. Although the collecting aspects of these investigations have been completed, identification aspects continue. Moreover, studies of the collection are not limited to BYU personnel, and specimens are extensively studied by scientists worldwide. 2. Museum Facilities The BYU arthropod collection is housed in the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum (MLBM) on the campus of Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah. The museum is ~88,000 ft², with ~25,000 ft² dedicated to research collections. The collections portion of the museum is dedicated to scientific research and is inaccessible to the general public, except through special arrangement. The museum as a whole has important roles in education and public outreach, with several hundred thousand visitors each year. Exhibit planning is done with the advisement of the Curators and curatorial staff. A significant expansion of the museum is scheduled for completion in 2014 and will result in an increase of space across all collections by 50%. BYU has a clear and long-term commitment to the ongoing support of the museum, and provides salary, supplies, and other benefits to support permanent collections managers throughout the museum. 3. Collection Size The BYU arthropod collection contains approximately 2.5 million specimens. It is the largest arthropod collection west of the Great Plains and east of the Pacific Coast states. The collection, with its associated offices and work areas, currently occupies more than 6,200 ft² on the upper floor of the MLBM. The pinned portion of the collection is housed in steel cabinets with approximately 4,300 Kansas drawers (20% larger than Cornell drawers). The exceptionally large wet collection is currently housed in the same area as the pinned specimens, but it will soon move to a newly constructed wet collections facility adjacent to the main museum building. Most of the wet specimens are curated in patent-lip vials with neoprene stoppers, but some are in cotton-plugged vials inside larger jars. Additionally, there are large collections of microscope slides and odonates in envelopes. There are also ten ultralow freezers for storing arthropods preserved in 100% ethanol (tissue collections). The arthropod tissue collection at BYU is among 4 the oldest, largest, and most diverse collection anywhere in the world. An expanded cryogenic facility with liquid nitrogen storage is anticipated soon. 4. Taxonomic Emphases The BYU collection is exceptional in that it has substantial, important holdings in almost all arthropod groups, with a particular strength in beetles. During the collection’s history, beginning in the early 1900s, there have been only four Head Curators, and two of them (Vasco Tanner and Stephen Wood) were coleopterists. The current Collections Manager (Shawn Clark) is also a coleopterist. Additionally, the collection is exceptionally strong in aquatic insects. Emeritus Curator Richard Baumann and the current Assistant Curator Riley Nelson are both specialists on stoneflies and other aquatic insects. As a result of their activities, BYU has the largest Plecoptera collection in the world. There are additional major holdings in Diptera, Mecoptera, Siphonaptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, and other groups. The Orthoptera collection is also particularly noteworthy. Retired orthopterist Andrew Barnum donated his collection to BYU. It fills more than 200 drawers, about half of these being grasshoppers (family Acrididae). 5. Geographic Emphases The BYU collection is worldwide in coverage, with a principal emphasis in western North America. The geographic location of BYU is important because it fills a major gap in the geographic coverage of SCAN. As expected, the geographic strengths of current SCAN collections are largely a reflection of the location of the museums. Whereas current SCAN museums are from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, none of them are located in the central Rocky Mountains or in the Great Basin (areas within the scope of SCAN). BYU has major holdings from these areas, as well as from throughout the Southwest. The only major collection with a geographic focus similar to that of BYU is the Utah State University collection (not a SCAN participant), and it does not have the same strengths in ground-dwelling arthropods. The holdings of BYU are unique, important, and not duplicated elsewhere. Among the many important studies conducted by BYU, the legacy data resulting from an extensive biological survey of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (near Mercury, Nevada) is noteworthy. During the 1950s and 1960s, massive collections were made resulting in numerous publications on ground-dwelling arthropods (Allred 1965, 1967, 1973b, 1973d; Allred & Beck 1965; Allred & Mulaik 1965; Chamberlin 1962; Gertsch & Allred 1965; Tanner & Packham 1965). Much of the material from the study is deposited at BYU (Allred et al. 1963) and represents one of the earliest comprehensive biological surveys within the Western United States. More recently, BYU participated in an extensive survey of arthropods of the Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument, a biologically very interesting part of the Colorado Plateau. This resulted in 100,000 specimens, including many ground-dwelling species that were collected and deposited in the BYU collection. An insect survey is also currently underway at the Lytle Preserve in the Mohave Desert. 6. Collection Usage The BYU arthropod collection is widely used by the scientific community. Each year on average, more than 16,000 specimens are loaned to researchers from diverse institutions (Table 1). Beyond loaned specimens, approximately 30 scientific researchers visit the collection each year. We are aware of 220 scientific articles published in the last decade based on specimens in the BYU arthropod collection, but suspect that the number is actually much greater since PIs often neglect to send us reprints. We anticipate that as our collection records are made web- 5 accessible through SCAN, researchers will become more aware of our holdings, and loan requests will become even more frequent. Table 1 Activity in the BYU Collection as indicated by the number of specimen loans made over the past decade. Year Number of loans Number of loaned specimens Taxa loaned State or country of borrower 2012 42 12,912 AZ, CA, DC, IN, KS, MS, MT, NC, NE, NM, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, WI, Canada, China, Mexico, Peru, Poland 2011 39 9,155 2010 37 11,446 2009 27 11,644 Blattodea, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Megaloptera, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Chilopoda, Diplopoda Blattodea, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Arachnida Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Arachnida Blattodea, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Trichoptera 2008 44 11,682 2007 46 17,068 2006 46 24,748 2005 60 20,885 2004 76 25,857 2003 61 18,572 Total 478 Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Arachnida Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Arachnida Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Arachnida, Diplopoda Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Arachnida, Diplopoda Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mecoptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Plecoptera, Rhaphidioptera, Trichoptera, Chilopoda, Diplopoda 163,969 7. Current Personnel 6 AZ, CA, DC, FL, IA, KS, MN, MS, MT, NC, NV, NY, OR, PA, TX, UT, Australia, Canada, Spain AZ, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, KS, KY, LA, MT, NC, NY, PA, TX, UT, WV, Brazil, Canada, Finland AR, CO, CT, DC, KY, LA, MD, MS, MT, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Spain AZ, CA, CO, DC, MD, MI, MN, MS, MT, ND, NM, OH, OR, PA, TX, UT, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, South Korea, Ukraine AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, KS, KY, MD, MS, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX, UT, WA, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, GA, IL, LA, MD, MO, MS, MT, NC, NH, NY, OR, PA, TX, UT, VA, Canada, Latvia, Mexico AR, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, HI, IN, MS, MT, ND, NM, NY, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, WI, Canada, Germany, Slovenia AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, MT, NC, ND, NH, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX, UT, WA, WV, Canada, Latvia AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, IL, KY, MD, MS, MT, NC, OH, OR, PA, TX, UT, WA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Poland Michael F. Whiting, a specialist on the higher-level phylogenetics of insects, is the Head Curator and directs the BYU arthropod collection. Shawn M. Clark is the Senior Arthropod Collections Manager who performs much of the routine curation, and he is a specialist in the systematics of Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles). C. Riley Nelson is the Assistant Curator and specializes in Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Diptera (particularly asilid flies). Richard W. Baumann is an Emeritus Curator, and he remains very active in the study of Plecoptera. Michael W. Hastriter is an Adjunct Curator and specializes in the systematics of Siphonaptera (fleas). Selby Herrin is a Volunteer Curator of mites and Alan R. Myrup is a Volunteer Curator of Lepidoptera and Odonata. Each year, approximately 20 student employees or volunteers also assist with curation. C. Digital Contributions to SCAN We have selected Specify as our databasing choice for capturing taxonomic, geographic, and image data. This is because: (1) it is the standard databasing software used throughout our museum; (2) it has built in error-checking and correcting capabilities for locality and taxonomic information; (3) it has a controlled data entry environment whereby student workers can only access a subset of the data during data entry; (4) it is equipped to handle images; and (5) it is the databasing software being used by the majority of the SCAN participant institutions. To test our workflow system (described below), we have already captured collecting and identification data from nearly 5,000 arthropod specimens and passed these to SCAN ( Similar to the larger collections that participate in SCAN, we limit our imaging to only specimens from type series (approximately 300 species). We have extensive experience imaging specimens, though our current software and digital camera need updating (Olympus SZX12 microscope fitted with mechanized focus, MTI 3CCD camera, Olympus MicroSuite montage software). 4. Rationale for Research Focus & Approach A. Gap Analysis The participation of BYU in the SCAN TCN will fill the following gaps: (1) Geographic gap. BYU is the largest arthropod collection east of the Great Plains and west of the Pacific Coast states. We have substantial holdings from throughout the Southwest, and our collection is especially replete with material from the central Rocky Mountains and the Great Basin, regions that are moderately to poorly covered by the other SCAN participants. A search of the SCAN database ( on October 16, 2013 revealed that, while a few records from the Great Basin and central Rockies are included, most of these were apparently gleaned from already existing datasets and do not involve the ground-dwelling taxa that are the emphasis of SCAN. BYU can offer many more records. As a brief example of lack of current SCAN coverage, only three specimens are included for Morgan County, Utah, and only eleven for Rich County, Utah. Collectors from BYU have visited these counties hundreds of times and collected many thousands of specimens. Only 23 records are included for Sanpete County, Utah. This is the area where early BYU entomologist Vasco Tanner collected insects throughout his life. It is also the county containing family property of senior PI Clark, where he has done extensive entomological sampling. Additionally, it is the home of retired entomologist T. Blaine Moore, who donated nearly 8,000 specimens (mostly beetles) to BYU. With regards to Utah County, Utah, the SCAN database includes a few specimen records (189). However, as this is the home of BYU, there are thousands of specimens from this county that BYU could offer. It is quite clear that we offer an extensive and geographically unique set of specimens that will enhance the SCAN project. 7 (2) Taxonomic gap. In view of the geographic focus of the BYU collection, it is not unexpected that there are many species present in the BYU collection that are not well represented in other collections, including many that form the basis of scientific publications. To test this assertion, we randomly selected one dozen taxa from the collection that belong to the four families that we will digitize. Four of the twelve taxa are represented in the SCAN database by fewer than 20 specimens. The SCAN database has only three records for Amblycheila schwarzi Horn (Carabidae); the BYU collection has 29 specimens, including the holotype of the synonym A. utahensis Tanner. The database has only 17 records for Eleodes dissimilis Blaisdell (Tenebrionidae); there are 137 specimens in the BYU collection. The database has zero records for Eleodes rotundipennis LeConte; the BYU collection has 220 specimens. The SCAN database includes zero records for Melanoplus borealis utahensis Scudder (Acrididae); the BYU collection has 74 specimens. Moreover, our holdings are particularly valuable because taxonomic authorities have already identified ~ 95% of these specimens, including the types that are housed at BYU. In addition, identifications will be verified and nomenclatural problems will be sorted out by specialist collaborators prior to data entry (described below). BYU’s participation in SCAN will fill many important taxonomic gaps. (3) Temporal Gap. In contrast to some of the more recently established collections, BYU has many historically important specimens, with their associated legacy data, dating back more than a hundred years. This allows for study of changes in species distributions over time, with implications related to habitat disturbance and climate change. In particular, the specimens that came from the Nevada Test Site survey in 1950-1960 will provide important insights into biogeographic patterns in this area. B. Merits of SCAN The importance of SCAN was well explained in the already funded SCAN TCN proposal. Briefly, the project complements and synergizes other TCNs, it advances studies of community ecology, it supplies critical data for investigations of climate change and arthropod distributions, and it provides a framework for web-based identification of arthropods, incorporating Filtered Push technology. For the first time, all significant collections within the Southwest will be tied together within a unified framework allowing new and synergistic research activities. As an added participant in the project, BYU will contribute to and enhance all of these activities. C. How BYU Enhances the SCAN TCN By adding records from 52,000 specimens from the four target families, the BYU collection will supply a great deal of data, significantly increasing the magnitude and associated value of the SCAN database. We will fill in the geographic, taxonomic, and temporal gaps as described above, and will make these data widely available to the scientific community. D. Urgency There is particular urgency with respect to the BYU collection. For a period of more than 50 years during the early history of the collection, most of the collecting labels were produced on photographic paper. Labels were initially made with a typewriter, then photographically reduced with a camera. Photographs were afterwards cut into labels. Such labels darken over time, and many of the BYU labels are already difficult to read (Fig. 3). Without immediate attention, these labels will soon become completely unreadable, and a wealth of legacy data will be lost forever. Our digitization of label information will preserve the data. Once specimens are databased, the label printing feature of Specify will enable easy production of archival quality labels to be added to the pins. 8 Figure 3. Example of a photographically produced collecting label that is darkening to black. We intend to transcribe and add archival quality labels to these specimens as part of the digitization process. 5. Management Plan A. Organization & Responsibilities BYU will work within the existing framework of the TCN. SCAN PI Neil Cobb (Northern Arizona University) is responsible for overall SCAN performance, as well as collaborations with other digitization efforts. PEN PI Clark will manage the BYU component, with the assistance of Co-PIs Whiting and Nelson. He will be responsible for student recruitment, training, data entry, curatorial work, and quality control. B. Taxonomic Scope Although SCAN has identified 100 ground-dwelling families to be digitized, not all of the targeted families will be included at all of the institutions. As noted above, we will catalogue locality and taxonomic information for material in the four highest priority insect families: Carabidae (8,000 estimated specimens), Tenebrionidae (20,000 estimated specimens), Acrididae (16,000 estimated specimens), and Formicidae (8,000 estimated specimens). While we will certainly move on to other ground-dwelling groups as efficiency and budget allow, our primary goal is to capture the data from these 52,000 specimens. Additionally, we will photograph type specimens for ground-dwelling groups housed at BYU (approximately 300 species). Table 2 Taxa targeted for digitization in the BYU collection. Note that we anticipate that the visiting specialists will be able to determine many of our unidentified specimens, and these will be databased as well. Family Identifiers Acrididae (grasshoppers) Andrew Barnum, Dan Otte, Hojun Song Carabidae (ground beetles) Michael Kippenhan, Barry Knisley, Arvids Barsevskis, Robert Acciavatti, Wendy Moore, Terry Erwin, David Maddison, Kipling Will, Robert Davidson Charles Triplehorn, Aaron Smith, Stephanie Horne, Warren Steiner, Kojun Kanda, Ian Foley, Rolf Aalbu, Vasco Tanner Dorald Allred Tenebrionidae (darkling beetles) Formicidae (ants) Specimens Unident. Date Types identified specimens range by authorities 16,300 1,300 1902- 0 2013 8,400 7,600 1885- 71 2013 Totals 9 19,700 9,800 19022013 49 7,600 7,700 19252013 19 52,000 26,400 C. Cataloguing New Specimen Data BYU specimens will be catalogued using Specify, following the guidelines of SCAN. Data will be periodically harvested by Symbiota. Cataloguing can operationally be divided into three processes: (1) Organizing specimens for ease in processing (“staging” the collection). Some curatorial work is anticipated to increase efficiency and accuracy of data entry. For instance, taxonomic specialists will visit the collection to scan for major identification and nomenclatural problems, and may be able to provide quick identifications of obvious taxa. We anticipate that staging the collection will require additional drawers and cabinets for storage requirements. There will be extensive preparation of the database prior to entering data. (2) Recording label data and accessory data. BYU will follow SCAN’s implementation of multiple taxonomic nomenclatures as given in accepted catalogues and revisions. We will georeference records through GEOLocate and other available resources. Additional habitat or collection data not on specimen labels may also be recorded if they are readily available from publications or field notes. (3) Labeling. We will apply universally unique, barcoded, catalogue labels, consisting of an alphanumeric catalogue number that includes the institution code and numeric code (e.g., BYUC0054321), plus a machine-readable matrix code. For specimens with fading labels, we will add archival quality labels that include all of the information of the originals, and the original label will be retained on the pin. Our intention is to minimize the size of labels, but not to the point of hindering scanning for loans or inventory. D. Incorporating Previously Catalogued Data As a test of our digitization procedures and workflow, we catalogued nearly 5,000 specimens and these data have already been successfully submitted to SCAN. This experience has allowed us to refine our workflow and demonstrate our ability to capture these data and pass them to SCAN. In conjunction with various past BYU surveys, we have an additional 20,000 records of arthropod specimens that will also contributed to the TCN. E. Imaging There are approximately 300 ground-dwelling arthropod species that have at least part of their type series deposited in the BYU collection. We will image all of these species using a system that is already in place (Olympus SZX12 microscope fitted with mechanized focus, MTI 3CCD camera, Olympus MicroSuite montage software), though we request funding to upgrade the software and some of the imaging components. Using Specify, we will link images to the catalogued type specimens and automate the delivery of new images to the SCAN image repository. In addition, all images will be posted to Morphbank and other relevant portals operated by taxon-specific user groups (e.g., BugGuide). F. Training Plan Clark will recruit and train students, and will be responsible for day-to-day student supervision. Students will be recruited from BYU’s office of Multicultural Student Services to target individuals who are underrepresented in the sciences. Clark has extensive experience in training students in all aspects of curatorial work and has successfully recruited students from minority groups. Before beginning digitization, students will be thoroughly instructed with regards to scientific classification and nomenclature, and with regards to proper specimen handling and museum protocol. During year 1 of the project, Clark will travel with students to Arizona where they will observe firsthand the activities of institutions already participating in SCAN 10 digitization. Clark will also travel to iDigBio for one week during the first year of the project, to standardize and coordinate databasing activities. In order to facilitate the training of students and standardize techniques, we will employ digital pamphlets and short “how-to” videos which can be viewed on the SCAN website ( A major goal of the ADBC program is to promote increased efficiency in the digitization process. To that end, we will continuously incorporate procedures used by other digitization projects that could significantly increase our efficiency. As we note ways that lead to efficiency in workflow locally, we will make those changes and will share them with the SCAN community for possible incorporation elsewhere. G. Plans for Integrating with iDigBio and sustaining PEN As a collaborator with SCAN, BYU will adopt SCAN and iDigBio policies regarding workflows of digital data. All BYU data will be shared in the format of other SCAN data and backed up and maintained on BYU servers, as well as those of SCAN and iDigBio. Use of our data will be tracked using functions in Specify as implemented at the SCAN servers. PI Clark will travel to iDigBio in Florida during year 1 to work with the PIs there and to be certain that we are following iDigBio policy and procedure. Clark will participate in all the iDigBio workshops and SCAN workshops during the three years for funding. We have already attended an initial project meeting of SCAN in Tempe, Arizona in August 2012 as preparation for this proposal. H. Project Plan and Workflow: Our 12 Step Program The following steps are listed in a rough, sequential order, although some of them will be concurrent and ongoing. A timeline is given in Table 3 and a time analysis in Table 4. Step 1 Specialist visits. Four taxonomic specialists have agreed to visit the BYU collection early in the first year of funding (see letters of collaboration). These specialists are Kipling Will (Carabidae), Aaron Smith (Tenebrionidae), Hojun Song (Acrididae), and John Longino (Formicidae). The objective is not to have them identify a mass of previously undetermined specimens, but rather to have them scan through the collection, correcting misidentifications and taxonomic problems. We also anticipate that they will be able to quickly determine at least some of the unidentified taxa. This will greatly improve the quality of data during the entry process and reduce the amount of database editing required later. Step 2 Imaging equipment. We will repair and upgrade imaging equipment. Step 3 Employee recruitment. We will recruit three undergraduates through the BYU Office of Multicultural Student Services. Step 4 Mentoring and training. Clark will train undergraduates in specimen handling and curatorial methods, in nomenclature and taxonomic hierarchy, in data entry using Specify, in georeferencing, and in imaging. Early on in the project, students will visit SCAN institutions in Arizona to learn firsthand from participants already involved in the project. They will also be invited to observe and participate in diverse activities of the arthropod collection, including field collecting, specimen preparation, identification, and participation at meetings (described in Broader Impacts section). Step 5 Collection staging. Before data capture for each section of the collection (usually for each unit tray), students will rearrange specimens, placing those with similar data near each other (e.g., placing all specimens from the same locality together). This will speed data entry. Step 6 Barcodes. Students will add a unique identifier to each specimen. We have opted to use small labels that include both a human readable code (BYU acronym, plus number) and a machine readable matrix. 11 Step 7 Data entry. Students will digitize collecting and identification information, using Specify. Clark will be responsible for quality control, frequently watching students as they work, and daily checking at least ten entries selected randomly for each student. Step 8 Archival labels. Subsequent to data entry, the label making feature of Specify will be used to produce archival quality labels for those specimens currently labeled with photographic paper. Undergraduates will add these labels to the specimens. Step 9 Georeferencing. Following data entry, students will georeference specimens using GEOLocate and other resources. Step 10 Imaging. Students will image ground-dwelling specimens from the type collection. Images will be appended to the Specify database. Step 11 Database editing. Beyond daily spot-checks of the data digitized by students, Clark will be responsible for thoroughly checking and editing the database before submission to SCAN. He will carefully check both the taxonomic trees and the geography trees. He will employ the error checking features of Specify. Step 12 Data transfer. Periodically throughout the project, data will be submitted to the SCAN portal ( I. Time Analysis, Cost Analysis, and Timeline The time analysis is given in Table 3 below. Based on our prior experience of databasing 5,000 arthropod records and distributing them to SCAN, we estimate that it will take 8,130 student hours to complete the databasing of the 52,000 target specimens. We typically pay students a starting wage of $9.50/hour = $77,235 in student wages (direct costs) to database the 52,000 specimens = $1.49/specimen record. The actual direct cost will be a bit higher due to time that will be needed for student training and the mentorship activities as described below. Again, we emphasize that, based on our experience and our current workflow practice, we are highly confidant that we can maintain this level of efficiency throughout the course of this project. Our timeline for completing PEN activities is given in Table 4. Table 3. Timeline of SCAN participation by BYU. The timeline chart reflects programing of key activities; dark gray indicates times of strong focus. Table 4 Time analysis for databasing activities 1. Cataloguing Pinned Specimens TIMELINE Summer Year 1 FallSpring Year 1 Visits from specialists Hire and train database personnel Catalogue Specimen Data Georeference localities Add archival labels Upgrade imaging equipment Image type specimens Database editing Symbiota Integration & Filtered Push SCAN Image Repository (Web) Data Sharing (GBIF, Morphbank) Reports, Publications & Metadata Student mentoring Visit SCAN and iDigBio 12 Summer Year 2 Fall Spring Year 2 Summer Year 3 FallSpring Year 3 Steps 1. Sort by taxonomy and label data Mins/spec. 1.5 Number Specimens 44,000 Total (mins) 66,000 2. Produce barcode and add to pin 1 44,000 44,000 3. Enter collecting and taxonomic data 2 44,000 88,000 4. Georeference localities 2 44,000 88,000 1 44,000 44,000 44,000 Total (min) 66,000 5. Error check and correction 6. Produce and add archival labels 1.5 396,000 2. Cataloguing ETOH Vial Specimens Mins/vial 1.5 Number Vials 8,000 Total (mins) 12,000 2. Replace vials and fluid (if necessary) 1.5 8,000 12,000 3. Produce barcode and insert into vial 1 8,000 8,000 4. Enter collecting and taxonomic data 2 8,000 16,000 5. Georeference localities 2 8,000 16,000 6. Error check and correction 1 Steps 1. Sort by taxonomy and label data 8,000 Total . 8,000 72,000 3. Digital Imaging of Type Specimens Mins/image Number Images Total (mins) 5 300 15,000 2. Cleaning image with Photoshop 10 300 3,000 3. Transcribing data for each shot 4. Sizing, preparing, and uploading images to database 3 300 900 Steps 1. Positioning specimen on stage, focusing, setting top/bottom estimates, shooting and saving final image 3 300 Total 900 19,800 7. Broader Impacts: Research, Mentoring & Outreach As an affiliate with SCAN, BYU will provide a wide range of broader impacts, including genuine conceptual and technological advances in web-based identifications, student mentoring, and museum outreach. A. Enhancing Virtual Capabilities Virtual Specimen Examination. BYU will contribute to SCAN’s concentrated efforts on developing the capacity for virtual research and education. There will be benefits to a broad range of disciplines, including ecology, cyberinfrastructure, taxonomy, and especially species exploration. Trans-Border Impacts. At present, there are no suitable and actively maintained arthropod collections located in the states of Sonora and Chihuahua, Mexico. However, BYU entomologists conducted several expeditions to these areas in the 1980s and 1990s, and thousands of arthropod specimens were collected. Utilizing SCAN’s cyberinfrastructure to manage specimen-level data, BYU will support Mexican scientists in investigations of ground-dwelling arthropods and 13 therefore enable international collaborations related to systematics, biogeography, and changing distributions of these taxa. eTaxonomy. SCAN, with BYU as a contributor, will have a potentially game-changing impact for eTaxonomy. The ontology-based remote Filtered Push tools, as established by SCAN for specimen identifications, will aid both the collections and systematics communities. The taxonomic identification value associated with the SCAN data, including the data contributed by BYU, will have positive impacts on derivative studies focusing on biodiversity, ecology, and climate change. B. Community Ecology Studies and Climate Change Impacts A major SCAN outcome contributed by BYU will be the availability of data for ecologists and climate change impact modelers interested in both species distributions and biodiversity models. BYU’s participation in SCAN will help provide a more comprehensive data source on which these studies will be based. C. Student Mentoring We plan to recruit three undergraduate students who will work ~20 hours a week during the three years of funding to cover the 8,130 student hours required to complete data entry. Depending on the schedule of these students, we may need to hire more students who will work fewer hours per week. BYU has many students from groups underrepresented in the sciences, including Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. Consequently, biology students will be recruited through the BYU office of Multicultural Student Services. The PIs have successfully recruited underrepresented students to work in the collection is the past, and we will target two of the undergraduate slots to be for individuals from these groups. The majority of the effort in this project consists of day-to-day supervision of undergraduate students in data entry tasks. However, to make a more meaningful mentored research experience for these students, we have budgeted time to give these students experiences in the various aspects of collection work. We propose the following: (1) Fieldwork Fridays. Every Friday afternoon during the spring and summer months, students will go out in the field locally with the PI to collect insects, focusing on local, ground-dwelling arthropods. As students are entering records into the database, we anticipate we will find many cases were a local species was abundant in the past but has not been collected recently. Based on these records, we will return to the same locality at a similar date and try to collect these species. This will give the students an opportunity to see the species as something more than dead bugs on a pin, while also emphasizing the importance of the work they are doing towards uncovering historical distributional patterns. (2) Specimen Preparation and Identification Activities. Students will prepare the specimens they have collected by properly preserving them and making locality labels. Under the guidance of the PIs, and through the use of the collection, taxonomic keys, and the SCAN remote Filtered Push tools for specimen identification, they will attempt to identify the specimens they have collected. This will give the students a basic understanding of insect taxonomy and a better view of the tools of classification. (3) Participation at the Entomological Collection Network (ECN) Meetings. Undergraduate students will be invited to attend and participate at the ECN meetings during year three of funding. These undergraduates will be expected to present a talk that focuses on BYU’s participation in SCAN, and they will benefit by interacting with other PIs who are also actively databasing collections. 14 D. Museum Outreach BYU’s Life Science Museum plays a prominent role in our community for expanding the public’s understanding of organismal diversity and important environmental issues. Each year, the museum hosts hundreds of thousands of patrons, the majority of whom are K-12 students, but also includes university students and the general public. With the recent expansion of the museum, we have received a commitment from the Museum Director, Dr. Larry St. Clair, for a new display area and associated resources to highlight arthropods of the Southwest (see letter of collaboration). In collaboration with the education staff of the museum, our plan is to create an interactive display that leverages the power of the NSF TCN SCAN network for understanding important historical patterns in Southwest arthropod species, with an emphasis on conservation. Briefly, the display will consist of a variety of specimens (50-75) from the Southwest with their common and scientific names. The specimens will include those that are widespread in their distribution (e.g., Cicindela repanda Dejean) and those that are highly restricted in their distribution (e.g., Cicindela limbata albissima Rumpp, a tiger beetle restricted to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes in Utah). It will include old specimens, as well as new specimens. The front of the display will have a touch screen computer that is linked to the SCAN website ( Patrons will be asked questions such as: “What is the distribution of this species?” “What sort of environment do you think it lives in?” “When was it last seen?” “Why do you think we have not seen it for 50 years?” Patrons will then be prompted to enter the scientific name into the SCAN database, which will automatically generate a distribution map in either Google Map or Google Earth format. They will then be able to zoom in and see (for instance) that a certain species is no longer at a given locality because someone built a Jiffy Lube on the type locality. We will work with museum staff to make this exhibit highly interactive and anticipate that it will be wildly popular among children, while highlighting the importance of the NSF TCN program to the general public. Results from prior NSF Support for Shawn M. Clark (last 5 years) Clark has had no NSF support in last 5 years. Results from prior NSF Support for Michael F. Whiting (last 5 years) NSF EF-0531665, Biocomplexity: Hexapod Phylogenomics, Bringing Supercomputing to the Masses and DEB-0120718; AToL: Collaborative Research: Assembling the Beetle Tree of Life. M. Whiting and collaborators. These two grants have thus far resulted in 79 publications directly related to insect phylogenetics and evolution. On 16 of these publications, at least one undergraduate student was an author, and on 14 of these the undergraduate was the senior author. This funding has provided over 50 undergraduate students (including minority and disabled students) with significant research experience, leading to publications and placement in excellent graduate programs throughout the country. Results from prior NSF Support for C. Riley Nelson (last 5 years) DEB-BSI #0743732, Survey and Inventory of the Aquatic Insects of the Altai and Hangai Mountains’ drainages, Mongolia. C. R. Nelson and co-principal investigators. This grant resulted in uniformly sampling and databasing the aquatic insects of a large portion of western Mongolia, with more than 500,000 specimens curated and deposited in major entomology museums around the world. Over 55 undergraduates and graduate students from Mongolia have directly participated in this program. The Mongolian Aquatic Insect Survey, with NSF funding, has produced 141 presentations and 110 publications concerning systematics and aquatic ecology. 15