Warfare in Antiquity: Approaches and Controversies Funded by UCD Graduate School Conference August 12-13th 2011, University College Dublin, Ireland The study of ancient warfare is a broad and well established subject that stretches across a range of disciplines. However, persistent controversies regarding interpretations of and approaches to the subject matter remain. In light of this and in celebration of the recent 2,500 year anniversary of the battle of Marathon, the UCD Schools of Archaeology and Classics will be co-hosting a two-day interdisciplinary conference entitled ‘Warfare in Antiquity: Approaches and Controversies’ . The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on current approaches and controversies regarding the study of ancient warfare. The conference is aimed equally at postgraduate students, early career researchers and established academics. There are no specific spatial or temporal parameters regarding the subject matter of papers, although it is anticipated that contributions will focus on the Mediterranean basin and North Western Europe from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. Warfare in Antiquity: Approaches and Controversies Venue – Theatre 1, Newman Building UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Friday 12th August 9.00-10.30 Registration and coffee 10.30-12.30 Panel 1 Stephen O’Brien, University of Chester - Controversies and Uses of ‘Warrior Graves’ in Later Aegean Prehistory Dr. Efrem Zambon, Venice - The modes of warfare in classical Sicily: defining a Sicilian way of war? Samuel Gartland, Leeds - The Theatre of Ares: Stagecraft and the visual in Boiotian conflict Matthew Lloyd, Oxford - Euboean Warriors: Early Iron Age Aegean Warfare (c. 1050-700 BCE) Lunch 2.00- 4.00 Panel 2 Leonardo Gregoratti, Udine University,Italy – Pilum versus Bow: Anti Parthian Tactics in Ancient Historiography Anna Zawadzka, Warsaw – Celtic Horned Helmets: Realities and Stereoptypes Aimee Schofield, Manchester – The Catapult: A revolution in Military Affairs Catherine Parnell, UCD / Ioannis Georganas, Foundation of the Hellenic World – The kopis and the macheira: fit for a hero or befitting a barbarian? Coffee 4.30- 6.00 Panel 3 Kevin de Groote, UCD – Thucydides and the drifting phalanx - an experimental approach to a Classical problem. Peter Myler UCD – Unit cohesion in the open form ‘phalanx’ Nick Barley, Swansea - Hoplites, hookers, and inappropriate analogies: the othismos of Classical Greek battle. Conference dinner Saturday 13th August 9.00-11.00 Panel 4 Julie Laskaris, Virginia - Military Medicine: a Battlefield Casualty Owen Rees, London - Combat Trauma: a Methodological Perspective Alan Peatfield, UCD – The Egyptan Kopesh Christelle Fisher-Bovet – The Ptolemies, the Navy and the Egyptians Coffee 11.30-1.00 Panel 5 Adam Anders , Cardiff – Roman Transmission of Commands in Battle During the Republic and Principate Jonathan Eaton, Newcastle – The Imperial Family in the lives of Roman Soldiers 31 BC –AD 235 John Shean, La Guardia NYC – What happened to the late Roman Army? Lunch 2.30-4.00 Panel 6 Lucy Corcoran, Ucd – Women and Warfare in Homer: the Origin, the Objective and the Other Cezary Kucewicz, UCL – Honour War and Body Parts: the mutilation of the dead in the Iliad Sara Chiarini, Berlin - Λοκροί τʼἀγχέμαχοι: a possible explanation 4.15-5.45 Key note Jon Coulston, St. Andrews Philip de Souza, UCD Nick Secunda, University of Gdansk Hans van Wees, UCL Wine reception and Classical Museum Warfare in Antiquity: Approaches and Controversies University College Dublin, August 12th and 13th, 2011 Registration Form Name ________________________________________________ Institution ________________________________________________ Position in Institution / degree for which you are enrolled _______________________________ Email ________________________________________________ Telephone ________________________________________________ Conference fees are 10 euro for students/unwaged and 15 euro for all others. These are payable at registration on Friday 12th of August. Lunch, coffee breaks on both days and the wine reception on Saturday are included in the conference fee. Signed __________________________________ Completed forms should be emailed to warfare.antiquity@gmail.com by July 30th 2011. For more information contact: peter.myler@ucdconnect.ie Peter Myler, School of Classics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland, (+353) 1 716 8168