1. Steel Freight Analyser Routes Location: Backend / Data Entry / Freight Rates We merged south and northern Europe in the Freight Routes drop down menu. Steel Freight Routes *This is the new list of routes that should appear in the Freight Routes drop down menu Europe – China Europe - USA Europe - Black Sea Europe – Arabian Gulf China – Europe China - US US – Europe Turkey - Arabian Gulf Also known in the Backend / Data Entry / Freight Rates as: (see below) Europe – China Europe – USA Europe – Black Sea / Eastern Mediterranean (Turkey) Europe - Arabian Gulf China - Europe China - USA USA – Europe Eastern Mediterranean (Turkey) - Arabian Gulf 2. Products list (Steel Freight Analyser) * Because the freight rate for South and Northern Europe is the same we have merged them into these FREIGHT ROUTES (above), however we separate South and Northern Europe in the PRODUCT drop down menu in order to calculate the arbitration rate. Once a route is selected the available products within this route (if any) will appear on the Products List Drop Down menu Location: Backend / Data Entry / Steel Index Data Entry Europe – China When route Europe – China is selected the system doesn’t display any products in the drop down menu. Just display latest freight rate within this route. Europe - USA When route Europe – USA is selected the system display the products in left column below. Right Column is the name as it appears in the backend/ Data Entry / The Steel Index Data Series. * Remember we need to convert all these values into US$ before calculating the Arbitration rate. HRC (Southern Europe USA) CRC (Southern Europe USA) HD Galv (Southern Europe - USA) Plate (Southern Europe USA) Rebar (Northern Europe - USA) HRC (Northern Europe USA) CRC (Northern Europe USA) HD Galv (Northern Europe - USA) Plate (Northern Europe USA) Rebar (Northern Europe - USA) FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product CRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product HD Galv - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product HD Galv - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product Plate - USA US$/s.ton LONG product Rebar - S.Europe €/tonne - LONG product Rebar - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product HRC - N.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product CRC - N.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product CRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product HD Galv - N.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product HD Galv - USA US$/s.ton product Plate - N.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product Plate - USA US$/s.ton LONG product Rebar - N.Europe €/tonne - LONG product Rebar – USA US$/ton Europe – Black Sea When route Europe –Black Sea is selected the system display the products in left column below. Right Column is the name as it appears in the backend/ Data Entry / The Steel Index Data Series HRC (Southern Europe – Black Sea) CRC (Southern Europe – Black Sea) HD GALV (Southern Europe – Black Sea) Plate (Southern Europe – Black Sea) Rebar (Southern Europe – Black Sea) HRC (Northern Europe – Black Sea) CRC (Northern Europe – Black Sea) HD GALV (Northern Europe – Black Sea) Plate (Northern Europe – Black Sea) Rebar (Northern Europe – Black Sea) FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product HRC - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product CRC - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product HDG - S.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product HD Galv - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product Plate - Turkey US$/ton LONG product Rebar - S.Europe €/tonne - LONG product Rebar - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product HRC - N.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product HRC - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product CRC - N.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product CRC - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product HD Galv - N.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product HD Galv - Turkey US$/ton FLAT product Plate - N.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product Plate - Turkey US$/ton LONG product Rebar - N.Europe €/tonne - LONG product Rebar - Turkey US$/ton Europe –Arabian Gulf When route Europe – Arabian Gulf is selected the system doesn’t display any products in the drop down menu. Just display latest freight rate within this route. China - Europe When route China- Europe is selected the system display the products in left column below. Right Column is the name as it appears in the backend/ Data Entry / The Steel Index Data Series HRC (China – Southern Europe) CRC (China – Southern Europe) Plate (China – Southern Europe) HRC (China – Northern Europe) CRC (China – Northern Europe) Plate (China – Northern Europe) FLAT product HRC - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product CRC - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product Plate - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product HRC - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product CRC - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product Plate - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne China – USA When route China – USA is selected the system display the products in left column below. Right Column is the name as it appears in the backend/ Data Entry / The Steel Index Data Series HRC (China - USA) CRC (China - USA) Plate (China - USA) FLAT product HRC - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product CRC - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product Plate - Chinese Exports to Europe or North America US$/tonne - FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne USA – Europe When route USA - Europe is selected the system display the products in left column below. Right Column is the name as it appears in the backend/ Data Entry / The Steel Index Data Series HRC (USA - Southern Europe) CRC (USA - Southern Europe) HDG (USA - Southern Europe) Plate (USA - Southern Europe) Rebar (USA - Southern Europe) HRC (USA -Northern Europe) CRC (USA -Northern Europe) HDG (USA -Northern Europe) Plate (USA -Northern Europe) Rebar (USA -Northern Europe) FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product CRC - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product HD Galv - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product HD Galv - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product Plate - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne LONG product Rebar - USA US$/s.ton - LONG product Rebar - S.Europe €/tonne FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product HRC - N.Europe €/tonne FLAT product CRC - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product CRC - N.Europe €/tonne FLAT product HD Galv - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product HD Galv - N.Europe €/tonne FLAT product Plate - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product Plate - N.Europe €/tonne LONG product Rebar - USA US$/s.ton - LONG product Rebar - N.Europe €/tonne Turkey –Arabian Gulf When route Turkey – Arabian Gulf is selected the system doesn’t display any products in the drop down menu. Just display latest freight rate within this route. 2.1 Products list summary * If we select the route From: EUROPE – To: USA in the Freight Routes menu, the system should display the following in the Product menu (see image below). Once a product is selected the Arbitration Rate is calculated immediately. *Remember we have selected specific products for each regions (please see more information in point 4.) Also Could we find a way to remove or hide the titles “Please Select” and “Select Seria” when the drop down menu is expanded. 3. Iron Ore Freight Analyser Routes We haven’t changed anything in this section. It’s displaying the latest Freight Rate and everything seems to be working fine so far Brazil - China India East Coast – China Brazil - Europe W. Australia – China India West Coast – China 4. Back End The system should display the latest values entered in Data Entry/ Freight Rates. In the example below, if the user wants to see the Freight Rate for the route Europe-China / Date 31/05/2010 the system should display the results for 28/05/2010 as this is the latest value entered. It should display this date in the map too. 4.1 Back End, Selecting Products Because we don’t want to show all the products available within some of the regions we will need to specify this in the section below. This is currently the case of the route Europe – USA : the Product drop down menu is currently showing this below (but we don’t want to show Billet-rebar spread for example) Also the names we use in the Products list should be written as below . *Remember we are taking the data from The Steel Index Data Entry where south and northern Europe are divided to calculate the arbitration rate of each product. Freight Route: Europe - USA Products: HRC (Southern Europe USA) CRC (Southern Europe USA) HD Galv (Southern Europe - USA) Plate (Southern Europe USA) Rebar (Northern Europe - USA) HRC (Northern Europe USA) CRC (Northern Europe USA) HD Galv (Northern Europe - USA) Plate (Northern Europe USA) Rebar (Northern Europe - USA) FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product CRC - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product CRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product HD Galv - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product HD Galv - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product Plate - S.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product Plate - USA US$/s.ton LONG product Rebar - S.Europe €/tonne - LONG product Rebar - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product HRC - N.Europe €/tonne – FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product CRC - N.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product CRC - USA US$/s.ton FLAT product HD Galv - N.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product HD Galv - USA US$/s.ton product Plate - N.Europe €/tonne - FLAT product Plate - USA US$/s.ton LONG product Rebar - N.Europe €/tonne - LONG product Rebar – USA US$/ton As we need to tell the system what products should be displayed in the Products drop down menu when a route like Europe –USA is selected, we think the Indexes Edit (below) could display a field where we can specify if the products should be shown in Freight Analyser Map. We also need another field to display the name we’re giving them in the Freight Analyser Map, so we can rename them from FLAT product HRC - USA US$/s.ton - FLAT product HRC - S.Europe €/tonne To HRC (USA – Southern Europe) for example. 4.3 Back End, Questions I have set up all the routes for Iron Ore and Steel and I don’t understand what the Origin Seria and Destination Seria are used for? Where are you taking this data from? Do we need it? Also can we change the red ball that appears in the origin location in the map? I’ll send you a graphic tomorrow. Could you please remove the blue graphic (waves) next to the results of the Freight rate in the map? It’s a bit difficult to see the label when I hover over the destination and origin title in the map, could we fix this please, so the label can appear when the user hovers for example, the whole country of United States rather than the title USA. We also need to change the zoom coordinate for each of the routes.