SQL PRACTICAL FILE FOR THE SESSION 2015-16 Index for SQL Name: _____________________________Section: ___ RNo. Descriptions/Topics Date 1 Introduction to database About database 2 About keys Primary key, foreign key, candidate key 3 Database creation, deletion 4 DATA BASE TRANSACTION 5 Sql commands for club table Create table, insert, select, sql functions 6 Sql commands for student table Create table,insert,select,sql functions 7 Sql commands FOR SENDER TABLE Question-3 8 Sql commands FOR RECIPIENT TABLE Question-3 9 About front end and back end design 10 Create a java application Roll No.: ____ front end and back end design Sign. Question No-1— Write SQL commands for the following on the basis of the given table CLUB. TABLE-CLUB COACH_ID COACHNAME AGE SPORTS DATEOFAPP PAY 1 KUKREJA 35 KARATE 27/03/1996 1000 2 RAVINA 34 KARATE 20/01/1998 1200 3 KARAN 34 SQUASH 19/02/1998 2000 4 TARUN 33 BASKETBALL 01/01/1998 1500 5 ZUBIN 36 SWIMMING 12/01/1998 750 6 KETAKI 36 SWIMMING 24/02/1998 800 7 ANKITA 39 SQUASH 20/02/1998 2200 8 ZAREEN 37 KARATE 22/02/1998 1100 9 KUSH 41 SWIMMING 13/01/1998 900 SEX M F M M M F F F M 10 SHAILYA 37 BASKETBALL 19/02/1998 1700 M a) b) c) d) To Show all information about the swimming coaches in the club. To list names of all coaches with their date of appointment (DATEOFAPP) in descending order. To display a report, showing coach name, pay, age and bonus (15% of pay) for all the coaches. Give the output of the following SQL statements: i. SELECT LCASE(SPORTS) FROM CLUB; ii. SELECT MOD(AGE,5) FROM CLUB WHERE SEX=’F’; iii. SELECT POWER(3,2) FROM CLUB WHERE SPORTS=’KARATE’; iv. SELECT SubStr(COACHNAME,1,2) FROM CLUB WHERE DATEOFAPP>’31/01/1998’; e) Give the output of the following SQL statements: i. SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT SPORTS) FROM CLUB; v. SELECT MIN(AGE) FROM CLUB WHERE SEX=’F’; vi. SELECT AVG(PAY) FROM CLUB WHERE SPORTS=’KARATE’; vii. SELECT SUM(PAY) FROM CLUB WHERE DATEOFAPP>’31/01/1998’; Question No-2— Write SQL commands for the following on the basis of the given table STUDENT. TABLE-STUDENT No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) b) c) d) Name KARAN DIVAKAR DIVYA ARUN SABINA JOHN ROBERT RUBINA VIKAS MOHAN Stipend 400.00 450.00 300.00 350.00 500.00 400.00 250.00 450.00 500.00 300.00 Stream Medical Commerce Commerce Humanities Nonmedical Medical Humanities Nonmedical Nonmedical Commerce AvgMark 78.5 89.2 68.6 73.1 90.6 75.4 64.4 88.5 92.0 67.5 Grade B A C B A B C A A C Class 12B 11C 12C 12C 11A 12B 11A 12A 12A 12C Select the entire Nonmedical stream from STUDENT. List the names of those students who are in class 12 sorted by Stipend. List all students sorted by AvgMark in descending order. To display a report, listing Name, Stipend, Stream and amount of Stipend received in a year assuming that the Stipend is paid every month. e) Give the output of the following SQL statements: i. SELECT TRUNCATE(AvgMark,0) FROM STUDENT WHERE AvgMark<75; ii. SELECT ROUND(AvgMark) FROM STUDENT WHERE Grade=’B’; iii. SELECT CONCAT(Name, Stream) FROM STUDENT WHERE Class=’12A’; iv. SELECT RIGHT(Stream,2) FROM STUDENT ; f) Give the output of the following SQL statements: i. SELECT MIN(AvgMark) FROM STUDENT WHERE AvgMark<75; ii. SELECT SUM(Stipend) FROM STUDENT WHERE Grade=’B’; iii. SELECT AVG(Stipend) FROM STUDENT WHERE Class=’12A’; iv. SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Name) FROM STUDENT ; Question No-3— consider the following tables. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii). Table-SENDER SenderID SenderName SenderAddress SenderCity ND01 R Jain 2,ABC Appts New Delhi MU02 H Sinha 12, Newtown Mumbai MU15 S Jha 27/A,Park Street Mumbai ND50 T Prasad 122-K,SDA New Delhi RecID KO05 MU19 MU32 ND08 ND48 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. SenderID ND01 ND01 MU15 MU02 ND50 Table-RECIPIENT RecName R Bajpayee H Singh P K Swamy S Mahajan S Tripathi RecAddress 5, Central Avenue 2A, Andheri East B5, C S Terminus 116, A Vihar 13, B1 D, Mayur Vihar RecCity Kolkata Mumbai Mumbai New Delhi New Delhi To display the names of all Senders from Mumbai. To display the RecID, SenderName, SenderAddress, RecName, RecAddress for every Recipient. To display Recipient details in ascending order of the RecName. To display number of Recipients from each city. SELECT DISTINCT SenderCity from SENDER; SELECT A.SenderName,B.RecName FROM SENDER A,Recipient B WHERE A.SenderID=B.SenderID AND B.RecCity=’Mumbai’; SELECT RecName,RecAddress FROM RECIPIENT WHERE RecCity NOT IN (‘Mumbai’,’Kolkata’); SELECT RecID,RecName FROM RECIPIENT WHERE SenderID=’M02’ OR SenderID=’ND50’; JAVA PRACTICAL FILE FOR THE SESSION 2015-16 Index for JAVA PROGRAMS Name: _____________________________Section: ___ PN. Roll No.: ____ Descriptions/Topics REVISION OF CLASS XI 1 Create a Java Application for Mathematical Calculation using jLabel, jTextField and jButton controls. 2 Create a Java Application for Largest of three numbers using conditional operators. 3 Create a Java Application Even-Odd Application and Simple Interest calculator. 4 Create a Java Application Printing of month name and days based on switch-case. 5 Create a Java Application Grade Calculator based on if-else-if. 6 Create a Java Application for implementation of iteration statements (for, while, do-while). 7 Create a Java Application for implementation of Radio Button, Check Box, jList, Combo Box. 8 Create a Java Application to calculate the salary of individual teacher. JAVA PROGRAMMING 9 Create a Java Application for implementation of Java Methods. 10 Create a Java Application for implementation of Java Classes and Objects and one also using constructor. 11 Create a Java Application for implementation of Inheritance to find the Factorial of a given number. 12 Create a Java Application for implementation of Java Overriding method. 13 Create a Java Application for implementation using JMenu Control. STRING LIBRARY 14 Create a Java Application Changing Case from lower to upper and upper to lower. 15 Create a Java Application Substring of a String, Concatenation, trim, length. 16 Create a Java Application Reverse of a String. JDBC APPLICATION 17 JDBC Application-: Employee Data Add Record Delete Record Update Record Search Record HTML & XML 18 Creating a 4 page website in HTML with images and text. 19 Creating a HTML Form. 20 Creating a STUDENT XML file with CSS. Date Sign