Learning Disabilities Census 2013 - Operational Guidance 1. The link will take you to the Clinical Audit Home page where you need to click on the ‘Sign In’ button. Link: https://clinicalaudit.ic.nhs.uk/ 2. This will take you to the sign in page where you will find information about the requirements to sign into the Clinical Audit system. If you have a single sign-on account with the HSCIC you can use your username and password to sign in (Go to Point 4), or if you do not have a single sign-on account then you can register here (Go to Point 3) 3. To register you will need to enter your email address and chosen password (with at least 8 characters and at least one digit or punctuation mark). You will be asked to re-enter your email address/password to confirm they have been correctly entered, to input a Display name, Forename(s), Surname, Job Title and Organisation and to enter the on-screen verification code: Further support with registration can be obtained by contacting us on 0845 300 6016 or enquiries@hscic.gov.uk 4. Once you are signed in you will be taken to the Home page where you can access the Learning Disability Census Here you have a number of choices depending on how you intend to submit your data: - If you intend to enter each patient individually (recommended for those with only a small number of patients to record), choose the option Add / Search for a Patient Record (Go to Point 5) - If you will be uploading data from a pre-prepared spreadsheet (recommended for those with a large number of patients to record), you will need to access the File Submission Dashboard. (Go to Point 6) 5. a. Add / Search for a Patient Record Enter the NHS Number and Date Of Birth of the patient and select the ‘Submit’ button b. You will be taken to a screen where you will be required to enter Patient Information for each individual included in your census on a series of 6 tabs. Once you have entered the full information onto one tab, click any of the other tab headings to move to the next one. You can navigate around the form in this way at any time during the process. You can click on the ‘Back’ button to go to the previous screen at any time and your data will be saved. All fields are mandatory. You will not be able to successfully submit your record until all fields have been completed satisfactorily (*see point 7). Once you have entered all the patient information you can submit the record by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen. A box will appear asking ‘Are sure you wish to save the record?’ with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ option. Selecting ‘No’ will take you back to the form. Selecting ‘Yes’ will generate a second box informing you that the record will be saved and will not be editable once you have submitted. Select ‘OK’ to submit the record or ‘Cancel’ if you do not wish to save the record. VALIDATION ERRORS: Some fields have built-in data validations for data quality purposes. If your data does not satisfy the validation criteria, it will not be submitted successfully. Errors will be indicated on the screen, above each tab where an error is present and in the field containing the error, as shown here. The system will not successfully submit your patient record until all errors are rectified. When the patient record has been submitted successfully you will see this screen: 6. File Submission Dashboard A blank template for submitting your data can be found by clicking here. Please do not remove the header row. There is a naming convention for uploaded files. Failure to follow this convention will prevent your file beinguploaded. Please save your file as patient_OrgCode_Orgname.csv (Comma delimited) - To submit a .csv file containing all your patient records, select the ‘Browse’ button on the screen to locate your file. If you save the file on your desktop or a memorable place on your computer then it will be easier to locate. When you have located your file, click on the ‘Upload’ button. Your file will appear at the top of the ‘HSCIC Uploaded File’ list when it has been successfully uploaded. A clickable pop-up box will also appear in the bottom right corner of the screen, signifying that your file has been processed. To view submission details and validation errors you have two options: - Select ‘Click here’ in the pop up box to view on the Clinical Audit Tool - To view in Excel, select ‘View Job Details’, then ‘Export to Excel’ and open or save the file. VALIDATION ERRORS: If you have chosen to view errors on the Clinical Audit Tool and clicked the pop-up-box, you will see the ‘File Submission Details’ page. Error details appear next to the sign and must be corrected for your data to be valid. Your return will not show any warnings. The following screen shows a submission containing 1 error: You will need to amend the errors by opening the .csv file, correcting the relevant field(s) and re-saving the file. When you are satisfied the errors are resolved you can re-upload the file on the File Submission Dashboard. If there are any errors remaining you will be required to repeat this process. When all errors are successfully resolved the screen will look like this: Your census will now be successfully submitted. If you have any further questions about the submission process, please contact surveyteam@hscic.gov.uk for help. Appendix 1. Example Header Row for .csv data file. It is important that the first field contains the word ‘HEADER’ This row can be cut and paste into your .csv / excel file - WeeklyCharge ReviewDiscussions CarePlanDetails CarePlanAgreedWithCommunityClinic CarePlanAgreedWithCommissioner MajorTranquiliserClassDrugs DolStartDate DolInPlace WardType WardSecurityLevel WardAgeRange WardServiceType HospitalLocationPostCode HospitalLocationName HospitalCode SingleSexDaySpace SingleSexBathingArea SingleSexSleepingArea WardGenderDesignation RecordedIncidentsSeclusion RecordedIncidentsHandsOnRestraint RecordedIncidentsPhysicalAssault RecordedIncidentsAccidents RecordedIncidentsSelfHarm MethodOfCommunication DisabilityMobility DisabilityAutisticAspergers DisabilityLearning DisabilityHearing DisabilitySight ConsentStatus HospitalisationReasonsAutisticAspergers HospitalisationReasonsPersonalitySelfHarm HospitalisationReasonsChallengingBehaviour HospitalisationReasonsLearningDisability HospitalisationReasonsMentalIllness AdmissionDate SourceOfReferral LegalStatusStartDate LegalStatusOnAdmission LegalStatusOnCensusDate WayEthnicityAssessed EthnicCategory DateOfBirth Gender PatientAddress PatientPostCode CommissionersOrgCode ProviderOrgCode NhsNumber HEADER FullName