LIU Ions LHC beam parameters - Indico

LIU Ions LHC beam parameters (Oct. 30th, 2014)
M. Bodendorfer (BE-ABP, Scientific secretary)
S. Gilardoni (BE-ABP, Chairman)
B. Holzer (BE-BI)
J. Jowett (BE-ABP)
D. Manglunki (BE-OP)
G. Rumolo (BE-ABP)
M. Schaumann (BE-ABP)
1.) LIU Ions LHC beam parameters
2.) LIU Ions injector chain beam parameter table
Summary of new action items:
1.) J. Jowett will provide to the LIU Ions lead a table of LHC beam parameters by
the end of November.
S. Gilardoni opens the meeting at 16:05h
1.) LIU Ions LHC beam parameters
 D. Manglunki introduces the audience into the injector scheme for post LS2
and clarifies the scenario.
J. Jowett recollects that at ECFA 2014 the ion program in LHC was mentioned
to be finished by LS4, which is by the end of 2028. However, in the Chamonix
LHC performance workshop 2014 (
and at RLIUP 2013 ( the agreed ion
beam finish date was 2035. These two statements are in conflict and need
 J. Jowett states that an LHC injector scheme resulting in a bunch spacing of
50ns may pose challenges for ALICE due to the beam-beam crossing angle
being too small. S. Gilardoni confirms that reverting back to 100 ns is still
possible also after the SPS injection upgrade. Django insists that the SPS
injection upgrade is beneficial no matter which scheme is eventually chosen,
and it should not be put in question any longer.
 G. Rumolo states that the RF group does not consider the ion beam slip
stacking in SPS part of LIU Ions baseline. However, at the Chamonix LHC
performance workshop 2014 the RF group representatives did not protest.
 J. Jowett cautions that the injectors have to be able to produce similar
patterns for proton in order to optimize collisions during p-Pb runs.
 He reiterates the imperative to deliver the maximum possible Pb beam
intensity to LHC for Pb-Pb runs.
 S. Gilardoni confirms that a safe fallback solution is the baseline presented in
RLIUP (2x100ns, no splitting in the PS). This safe fallback will not be
compromised by the SPS injection upgrade.
2.) LIU Ions injector chain beam parameters table.
 M. Bodendorfer presents the latest version (Oct. 31st, 2014) of the LIU Ions
beam parameters table. Approved.
S. Gilardoni closes the meeting at 17:07h.