COVER PAGE WITH GRAPHICS _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General Information and Conditions Project Description Scope of Services Submission Requirements Criteria for Evaluation __________________________________________________________________________________ I. General Information and Conditions Rowan University invites your firm to submit a proposal for this project. The proposal is to include evidence of your firms design team’s experience and qualifications to address the scope of work as outlined herein. It is Rowan’s intent to award to the firm most qualified and best meeting the interest of this University. Your response to this proposal shall be submitted to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Thereafter, the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX will manage all project communications, coordination of the proposed agreement and the project administration on behalf of the Rowan University. The following individual has been assigned to this project: XXXXXXXXXXXXX, Project Manager Facilities and Operation Rowan University 201 Mullica Hills RD Glassboro, NJ 08028 Telephone: XXXXXXXXXX E-mail: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Proposal should be submitted in the format described below in Section XXXXXXXXX. Proposals in any other format will be considered informal and may be rejected. Proposals must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by a principal of the firm .Conditional Proposals will not be considered. Respondents to this RFP should review the following documents as applicable, available on the XXXXXXXX website. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Landscape Standards This RFP is issued under a condition of confidentiality and the information herein is to be sub-consultants and project team members only to the degree necessary to complete a comprehensive response. This RFP is not binding on Rowan University. Rowan University reserve the right: to amend or otherwise modify this RFP at any time: to reject the response of a firm that , in Rowan University’s sole judgment, is not a responsible proposal: and to cancel this RFP. No party, including any respondent to this RFP, is granted any rights hereunder. Rowan University is not liable for any costs associated with the preparation of any responses to this RFP. II. Project Description A. Overview and Location 1. Overview: The main campus of Rowan University is the subject of this proposal. Rowan University, founded in 1923, is in Glassboro, New Jersey on a 225 acre parcel of land of which 19.16 acres are occupied by buildings. Much of the campus is in lawns/athletic fields with the older sections heavily treed. Of the 12,000 students over 7000 commute using 4,796 parking spaces on basically impervious asphalt. Resident students live in state owned dormitory apartments and 1200 live off campus in privately owned dormitories. Route 322 cuts through the campus. On the south side of Rt. 322 lies the older section campus (70 acres) essentially on sloping terrain tipping towards the State highway. On the north side of Route 322 the campus is essentially level to gently rolling terrain with the exception of the Chestnut Branch Stream corridor which runs the full length of the campus. The Chestnut Branch stream drains not only the campus but also drains a rather significant portion of the surround community including a commercial and high density residential development currently under construction (Rowan Blvd.). Most storm sewers on Main Campus are confined to Rowan University property and outlet into the stream corridor. There is one municipal trunk line that arises well off campus that serves a single dormitory apartment complex. This complex is subject to severe flooding. There are no combined sewers on campus or in the surrounding municipal landscape. Flooding occurs frequently on the campus often causing considerable property damage. Flooding occurs in a number of ways including: a. Elevated stream level backing up in floor drains of buildings. The flow of the stream is restricted by limited capacity culverts as it exits the campus. . b. Uncontrolled/directed surface water runoff flowing off both campus and municipal land c. Inadequate storm drains and limited use of landscape sculpturing for directing surface water runoff. Storm water management objectives are essentially two fold; i. Develop in a cost effective manner solutions for current flooding problems and ii. Provide a smart growth framework by which Rowan University can plan for expansion of additional new and sustainable construction. A third objective is to utilize the significant skills found within the faculty, staff and students of Rowan University to support storm water planning. Support skills include GIS, civil engineering and aquatic biology capability. Location: While it is highly desirable for Rowan to resolve flooding within the boundaries of the campus (retention/detention) this may not be totally possible. The implication of increasing storm water discharge volume and flow rate from the campus needs to be studied in order to evaluate the impact downstream. It will also require exploring containment or at least direct storm water runoff coming from land outside the campus. Project Description The Storm Water Management Plan is anticipated to be a comprehensive study of storm water within and adjacent to, Rowan University main campus and the land draining into Chestnut Branch Stream corridor. It will serve as guide to limit existing flooding problem and also serve to prepare the campus for future growth. The following should be included in the Storm Water Management Plan: 1) A detailed analysis and review of existing storm management systems, including where and how they relate, convey and connect based on information currently available and on information generated through field studies. This analysis should include flow and capacity calculations. (potential civil engineering assist). 2) Identify all sites on campus prone to flooding and identify the source and land area contributing. 3) Utilize existing Campus Master Plan studies, not necessarily the exact configuration, to serve as a guide for the potential volume of future growth. 4) Based on the analysis of existing system and flooding problems determine which need to have capacities increased and where new systems need to be installed. 5) Prepare visual analysis of storm surges potentials including impacts of 3, 5 10, 50 and 100 year storm events. (GIS potential) 6) Identification within the 225 acre campus of open land that may be used to contain and/or direct storms water to protect existing and future campus architecture from flooding of various magnitudes. Include use of this land beyond storm control for passive and active recreation. 7) Identify existing open land not needed for retention that may be used for future architectural expansion. 8) Coordinate with local, state and federal agencies and visually identify flood water sources emanating outside the campus boundaries. When possible provide cost effective alternative solutions to direct and contain. 9) Develop a strategic process for inspecting and maintaining current and future above and below ground storm water facilities. 10) Make recommendation for upgrading existing parking facilities so that they become more pervious and make recommendations for the construction of new parking structures and green roofs. . 11) Include a detail review of current Best Management Practices (BMP) in site and building storm water management to potentially be used as standards for future University development and construction. Each review should include case study references to the type of BMP as it has already been installed and functioning in similar site situation to those on the campus. Provide sample specifications for these BMPs. 12) Provide an outline projecting a time line, schedule and budget for Rowan University to achieve storm water planning objectives, include classification of projects, the orderly sequencing and priority for work. . B. Project Schedule This planning study is to be completed within an 18 months from the time a contract is signed or a letter of intent is issued. C. Project Budget A budget has not been established for this planning project D. Attachments As reference throughout this text are available from Rowan University, Facilities Operation III Scope of Services A. Professional Services The scope of services includes full research, landscape and engineering design, technical documentation, coordinating and guidance and coordination of sub-consultants including Rowan University staff contributing specialty skills and services. The team should allow for meetings with essential public agencies including those impacted by the plan and those that will review and approve the plan. The proposal should assume regular meetings with the project committee to be held no less frequently than once a month for the duration of the project. B. Deliverables The project shall be delivered as both a hardcopy report (not greater than 11x17) and as a visual presentation (CD) in electronic format. It shall include reports, specifications, and drawings in AutoCAD format and maps in ARCGIS. Electronic information shall use Microsoft Word for text, and all drawings and maps shall be in AutoCAD and ARCGIS as well as in .pdf or .jpg. It is anticipated that plans, sections, elevations, diagrams, maps and photography will be included. All documentation is to be submitted electronically in a form that Rowan University can view and reproduce at will but not necessarily alter or modify. C. Fee Structure Fees proposed for the services described herein shall be based on the following method: ___ Lump Sum ___ Hourly Rate ___ 6 Equally Divided Quarterly (3 month intervals) Payments Proposers shall submit the probable costs for Reimbursable Expenses to be incurred on the project. If your firm is further than 90 miles from Glassboro, New Jersey submit a separate NTE reimbursable amount for travel. D. Selected firms will be required to execute the Rowans University’s: ___ Standard Form of Agreement for Professional Design Services A copy of this document is attached. Any exception to the standard contract Agreement requested by the proposal must be included in the proposer’s response to the RFP. The proposal submitted by the consultant shall be binding. IV. Submission Requirement A. Submission Content Firms to be considered for providing the scope of services described herein shall submit a brief and concise proposal in the following form: 1. Description of firm’s size, history, qualifications and achievements. 2. A narrative of the proposer’s understanding of the project scope, location, context, technical needs, budget, and schedule issues. Inclination of an approach to addressing the problem and a proposed delivery method are strongly encouraged. 3. A complete list of names and the roles of key professionals (including sub-consultants work , and University support as appropriate ) proposed to carry out work under this contract, including resumes, relevant experiences, hourly billing rates and longevity in those functions , with an organizational chart showing team structure. 4. Description of relevant recently completed projects by the proposing firm (along with subconsultants work, as appropriate) including project location, scope, construction costs and year completed and client. Provide current client contact information. Indicate functions performed by key participants. 5. Fee proposal itemized by each sub-consultant for each phase of the project 6. A projected bar chart scheduling indicating the start and end of each phase of the project. Also indicate specific milestones in the RFP or projected by the Proposer. 7. List any services that you have not included that you recommend the University consider 8. Licensing/permits B. Submission Schedule RFP Issue date : XXXXXXX Pre-bid meeting : XXXXXXX Response to questions: XXXXXXX Proposal due date: XXXXXXX Please submit three (3) bound proposals and one (1) unbound proposal, including a cover letter signed by a Principal of the Firm, addressed to the following: XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Facilities and Operations Rowan University 201 Mullica Hills Road Glassboro, NJ 08028 Additionally, please provide an electronic copy in pdf format either via e-mail to the Project Manager or attached to the hard copy submission. V. Criteria for Evaluation Rowan University will review all proposals and conduct an evaluation considering, but not limited to, the factors identified below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Capability to perform required services and qualifications of key personnel. Extent of experience and past performances on similar projects. Project understanding, landscape and engineering design approach, and methodology. Proposed schedule and approach to perform required services in a timely manner. Proposed fee for professional services Manner and extent Rowan University professionals will contribute to the development of the projects. 7. XXXXXXXXXXX