Monday Homework

Homework/Study Guide for December 1-5, 2014
Name: _____________________________________ Period: _________
Monday Homework
What is adaptation?
What is natural selection?
What is the saying for natural selection?
What is evolution?
Natural selection favors populations with traits that help them survive and reproduce, such as each of the following except:
A. camouflage B. Sterility C. Sensory abilities D. Food gathering adaptations
Which animal would be better to survive if the food was limited? A. Elephant B. Worm
C. Tiger D. Rhino
How would the following traits benefit animals: Camouflage, Sharp Teeth, Long Neck, Heavy Coat, Good Ears, and the size
of a bird’s beak?
Name and give a brief description of the 6 types of fossils.
Name the steps to how fossils form.
10. What can cause fossils of a distinct area be located in an area where you wouldn’t expect to find them? Such as a warmweathered plant fossil found in a cold environment.
11. Name the mass extinction for the following: Precambrian Time, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Cenozoic Era.
12. Name the divisions in the geologic time scale in order from the smallest to the largest and then from the largest to the
Tuesday Homework
13. Complete the following Chart: Precambrian Time, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Cenozoic Era.
Biological and Geological Factors that 1st appeared.
Biological and Geological Factors that Became
Precambrian Time
Paleozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Cenozoic Era
14. Write down the formula that was given to help you remember the divisions in order.
15. What is the modern day eon, era, period, and epoch?
16. What is the difference between relative age and absolute age? Give examples.
17. Describe an index fossil
18. What are the 2 cross-cutting sections we talked about.
19. What is the law of superposition? The law of superposition deals with what type of rocks layers.
20. Look at the following layers of sedimentary rocks and place them in the order of the youngest to the oldest.
22. Name some natural factors that can cause extinction and name some man-made factors that can cause an extinction.
21. How do you find the S-P interval?
23. Explain Water Displacement. Create an illustration?
24. What is an independent variable and dependent variable? Create a graph and label the IV and DV.
Unit 8-2 Study Guide #2
Name: ____________________
What is adaptation?
An adaptation is a trait or behavior that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
What is natural selection?
Natural Selection is the process that explains this survival and shows how species change over time.
What is the saying for natural selection?
Survival of the Fittest
What is evolution?
Shows have species change over time
Natural selection favors populations with traits that help them survive and reproduce, such as each of the following except:
A. camouflage B. Sterility C. Sensory abilities D. Food gathering adaptations
Which animal would be better to survive if the food was limited? A. Elephant B. Worm
C. Tiger
D. Rhino
How would the following traits benefit animals: Camouflage-to hide, Sharp Teeth-protection and to eat/tearing flesh, Long
Neck-eat leaves in high places, Heavy Coat-for warmth, Good Ears-for hearing, and the size of a bird’s beak-food gathering?
Name and give a brief description of the 6 types of fossils.
Mold: Cavity
 Cast: The filling (Fills the mold)
 Petrified (Permineralized): turns into rock
 Preserved: Prevents organisms from decaying by being trapped in rock, ice, tar, or amber
 Carbonized: leaves a carbon imprint by being pressed between layers of soft mud that hardens
 Trace: footprint, trail, or burrow of an organism was left behind
Name the steps to how fossils form.
1. Animal must die near bodies of water
2. 2nd Step: Sedimentation: As time passes sediments bury the exoskeleton
3. 3rd Step Permineralization: As the sediments continue to pile on, the lower layers become compacted by the weight of
the layers on top.
4. 4th Step: Uplift: As the continental plates move around the earth, crashing into each other, mountains are formed.
Former sea floors are lifted up and become dry land.
5. 5th Step: Erosion at work: Fossil formation is revealed by erosion
10. What can cause fossils of a distinct area be located in an area where you wouldn’t expect to find them? Such as a warmweathered plant fossil found in a cold environment. Erosion, Climatic Changes, Movement of tectonic plates (Pangaea
forming and splitting), and geological features changing
11. Name catastrophes that caused the mass extinction for the following: Precambrian Time, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era,
and Cenozoic Era.
Mass extinctions cause the eras to end.
Precambrian Time
Paleozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Cenozoic Era
Mass Extinction
Glaciation or glacier events
 Volcanic Activity
 Climatic Changes
 Lowering of sea levels
Asteroids and Comets
Early Cenozoic (Ice Ages)
None/we are still living
12. Name the divisions in the geologic time scale in order from the smallest to the largest and then from the largest to the
Smallest to Largest: Epochs, Periods, Eras, and Eons
Largest to Smallest: Eons, Eras, Periods, and Epochs
13. Give a brief description for the following: Precambrian Time, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Cenozoic Era.
Biological and Geological Factors that 1st appeared.
Precambrian Time
Invertebrates, soft bodied animals/ cyanobacteria
and stromatolites/algae and fungi
Paleozoic Era
Trilobites, Vertebrates, Arachnids (spiders), insects,
amphibians, reptiles, seed plants, fish, brachiopods,
ammonites, forests, gymnosperms (seeded plants),
and mountains
Dinosaurs, angiosperms (flowering plants), small
mammals and birds
Trilobites, fish, and invertebrates
Humans, Mountain Ranges, and Continents
Mammals and flowering plants (angiosperm)
Mesozoic Era
Cenozoic Era
Biological and Geological Factors that Became
Stromatolites and Cyanobacteria
Dinosaurs, reptiles, ammonites, forest, and seed
plants (gymnosperms)
14. What is the formula that was given to help you remember the divisions in order?
Eon = E + P = EP (Eons = Eras + Periods = Epochs)
15. What is the modern day eon, era, period, and epoch? Eon: Phanerozoic Era: Cenozoic Period: Quaternary Epoch:
16. What is the difference between relative age and absolute age?
Relative age shows the comparison of the rock layers (young/old)
Absolute age gives the exact age of the rocks (20,000 years old)
17. Describe an Index fossil.
In order to be an index fossil: the organism is extinct, it only lived for a short period of time, fossils must be found in rock
layers, fossils must be found over a wide area of Earth; and the organism must be unique
 Helps find the relative age o f a rock
18. What are the 2 cross cutting sections we talked about? Intrusions and faults (They are always the youngest when they cut
through a layer of rock)
19. What is the law of superposition?
The older rocks are found at the bottom and the younger rocks are found at the top.
Found in the sedimentary rocks. The law of superposition deals with what type of rock layers? Sedimentary Rock Layers
20. Look at the following layers of sedimentary rocks and place them in the order of the youngest to the oldest.
21. Name some natural factors that can cause extinction and name some man-made factors that can cause an extinction.
Natural Factors: Organisms that could not survive changes due to volcanic eruptions and global warming, global cooling
during ice ages, climatic changes, changes in oxygen levels in seawater, or a massive impact from an asteroid or comet
became extinct.
Man-Made Factors: cutting of the rainforest regions, removing natural habitats, over-harvesting, and pollution.
22. How do you find the S-P interval? Use the formula S-P: Subtract the Pwave arrival time from the Swave arrival time
23. Explain Water Displacement. Do an illustration?
You can measure the volume of an irregular object using water displacement. Water Displacement determines the
volume of an irregular shape.
Amount of H2O with object = ______ minus Amount of H2O without object = ____ Difference = Volume = ______
24. What is an independent variable and dependent variable? Create a graph and label the IV and DV.
IV: The variable that he experimenter purposefully change
DV: The variable that responds to the change made from the IV
(Independent variable always go on the x-axis and Dependent variables always go on the y-axis)