The genetic basis for tameness revealed out of a rabbit hole

The genetic basis for tameness revealed out of a rabbit hole
Leif Andersson
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Science of Life Laboratory, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Domestication of animals - the transformation of wild species into domesticated forms – has
resulted in striking changes in behaviour, morphology, physiology and reproduction. Genetic
and genomic studies have resulted in the identification of a number of mutations that have
contributed to the diversification of domestic animals. However, the genetic basis for the
initial steps of animal domestication is still poorly understood. This must have involved
changes in behaviour that allowed the animals to survive and reproduce under conditions that
would be too stressful for a wild animal. The rabbit provides unique opportunities to shed
light on the genetics of tameness and the initial steps of domestication because we know
where and when domestication happened, namely in Southern France as late as during the 6th
century. We have now performed an extensive comparison of the genetic constitution of wild
and domestic rabbits by whole genome re-sequencing of domestic rabbits from six breeds and
wild rabbits sampled at 14 localities on the Iberian Peninsula and in Southern France. We
have revealed strong signatures of selection at a large number of genes. Our results as regards
which genes and what type of mutations have played a crucial role in rabbit domestication
will be presented.