Fax Properties in agenTel 6.2 (TVF)

Fax Properties in agenTel 6.2
Knowledge base article
This document describes all the properties that are attached to a fax in agenTel 6.2. It explains
how to configure these properties and how they are shown by the fax center.
Contents ............................................................................................................. 1
Fax machine configuration ................................................................................. 1
Configuration of a fax machine ........................................................................................... 1
Taking sides… .................................................................................................................. 2
Sending a fax ...................................................................................................... 3
How is this applicable to agenTel 6.2 ................................................................. 4
Direct faxes ..................................................................................................................... 4
Sending a direct fax ....................................................................................................... 4
Receiving a direct fax ..................................................................................................... 7
CC faxes .......................................................................................................................... 8
Sending a CC fax ........................................................................................................... 8
Receiving a CC fax ........................................................................................................ 10
Fax machine configuration
Configuration of a fax machine
When send a fax, we always have a situation where one fax machine is sending (SFM, fax sending
machine) and one fax machine is receiving the fax (RFM, receiving fax machine). Both ends can
have the following configuration properties:
“Number”: This is the fax number of the fax machine. In most case this can also contain
alphanumerical characters (e.g. company name).
“Name”: This is a name (e.g. your own name) you can configure and that will be printed in
the header at the RFM
Document description
These properties are exchanged when the two fax machines are connected (during the handshake
at the beginning of the call).
Next to this, a fax machine is always connected to a phone line, and a phone line always
corresponds with a particular telephone number. This number is determined by the PBX and can be
the same as the number in the configuration of the fax, but this certainly does not have to be the
same (e.g. when using the company name this cannot be the same).
Taking sides…
From the above, each fax machine has three properties: number, name and phone number (the
multiple use of “number” is confusing here). Depending on the side you are looking from, these
properties get a more specific name.
When looking from the SFM side of the fax, these properties become:
“Sender number” or “Sender ID” (ID is much less confusing)
“Sender name”
CLIP (calling number)
When looking from the RFM side of the fax, these properties become:
“Receiver number” or “Receiver ID”
“Receiver name”
Dialed or called number
Document description
Sending a fax
The user that wants to send the fax feeds his document in the SFM and enters the fax number of
the RFM.
The SFM dials the entered fax number. If all goes well, the RFM answers the call and the following
things happen:
1. The SFM transmits an image scan of the document to the RFM that includes a header. What
is exactly displayed in the header is slightly dependent on the fax machine. However
typically it looks like this:
Document description
2. The SFM transmits the following data to the RFM:
“Sender number” (also called “Sender ID”)
The number of pages
Note that the name (SFM) is not transmitted as data to the RFM!
3. The RFM transmits the following data to the SFM
“Receiver number” (also called “Receiver ID”)
Fax machines will usually display the “Sender Number” and “Receiver Number” properties on their
display rather than the dialed number or CLIP.
How is this applicable to agenTel 6.2
Important: for direct faxes, security rules must be applied at all times. These state that a direct fax
can only be “seen” by the agent sending the fax/receiving the fax or by an administrator, but
NEVER by a team leader, another agent or an office client. In case of CC faxes, the team leader
can also see these, but not another agent or office client.
Direct faxes
Sending a direct fax
When sending a direct fax, we must take the side of the SFM (Axxium will be the SFM that receives
the info from agenTel) and as such, agenTel must provide the “Sender Number” and the “Sender
Name”. Both these properties can be defined using the administration client and are part of the
user properties (Direct fax tab page).
Document description
In this case, the “Receiver Number” will be fetched by Axxium. Because agenTel also needs this
info, the “Receiver Number” (the property in the plug-in is actually called ReceiverID) must be
passed to agenTel via the Axxium plug-in.
Next to the called number (or dialed number), the agenTel printer driver also allows to provide a
“Recipient name” when sending a fax. This property is not part of the fax mechanism described
above and is something that exists only in the CC service. The “Recipient name” property is used
for displaying in agenTel (see further).
Document description
When agenTel displays information about this fax in the agent client application in the contact
information tab or in a contact balloon popup or notification, it will always use following rules:
The “To” property of a contact will be overwritten (in the client only!! Not in the CC service)
with the value of the “Recipient name”. This is much more meaningful than printing the
number. If this is empty, it should display the real “To” property, which is the called or
dialed number (also provided in the printer driver).
The “From” property of a contact will be overwritten with the “Sender Number” (in the
client only!! Not in the CC service
In the agenTel fax center, the following information should be shown in case of an outgoing direct
Direct fax out (ext)/(int)
Note: internal and external is decided by the CC service based on the used numbers
sent (fax has been sent by an agent)
failed (fax failed to sent)
Date of transmission
Time of transmission
Number of pages
Note: this is empty because this should be the CLIP of the SFM. Since this is done in
Axxium, it is not known in agenTel what this value is.
Fax number entered in printer driver
Sender ID
Sender ID (or Sender Number) configured in agenTel for this agent.
Document description
Receiver ID
Receiver ID
Note: the Receiver ID is fetched by Axxium when sending the fax and must be reported to
the CC service when the fax sending result is reported.
Recipient name
This is the value entered in “name” field of the printer driver.
Company name
Sender name configured in agenTel for this agent
Agent that sent the direct fax
Receiving a direct fax
Direct faxes can be received if the necessary information is provided in the agenTel administration
client. Since Axxium acts as RFM, it must have the Receiver ID (or number) and Receiver Name
configured for that particular agent.
The direct fax number is sent to Axxium and is checked when a fax is received: if the called
number is equal to one of the configured direct fax numbers, then it is a direct fax. In all other
cases, it is a CC fax. The “Receiver Number” property is not usable for this purpose since people
can fill in also other, non-numerical information here.
When agenTel displays information about this fax in the agent client application in the contact
information tab or in a contact balloon popup or notification, it will always use following rule:
The “To” property will be the “Receiver Number” (or Id) of the contact unless this is empty,
then it is the dialed number.
The “From” property of a contact will be overwritten with the “Sender Number” (in the
client only!! Not in the CC service), unless this is empty. If this is empty, the real “From”
property is used, which in this case should be the CLIP
For the fax center, following information must be shown
Direct fax in (ext)/(int)
Note: internal and external is decided by the CC service based on the used numbers
Date of transmission
Document description
Time of transmission
Number of pages
CLIP coming from Axxium.
Note: this is can be manipulated in Axxium.
Dialed number coming from Axxium
Note: this is can be manipulated in Axxium.
Sender ID
Sender ID (or number) coming from Axxium
Note: this must be passed to the Axxium plug-in for agenTel when calling the SubmitFax
functions, else this property will be empty
Receiver ID
Receiver ID (or number) configured in agenTel for this agent
Recipient name
Company name
Agent for whom the fax was
CC faxes
Sending a CC fax
When sending a CC fax, the major difference is that the “Sender number” and “Sender name”
property are no longer configured via an agent’s properties, but use the company’s default
properties. These properties are defined using the agenTel configuration client, in the outgoing
faxes tree item.
In this case, the “Receiver Number” will be fetched by Axxium. Because agenTel also needs this
info, the “Receiver Number” (the property in the plug-in is actually called ReceiverID) must be
passed to agenTel via the Axxium plug-in.
Document description
Next to the called number (or dialed number), the agenTel printer driver also allows to provide a
“Recipient name” when sending a fax. This property is not part of the fax mechanism described
above and is something that exists only in the CC service. The “Recipient name” property is used
for displaying in agenTel (see further).
When agenTel displays information about this fax in the agent client application in the contact
information tab or in a contact balloon popup or notification, it will always use following rules:
The “To” property of a contact will be overwritten (in the client only!! Not in the CC service)
with the value of the “Recipient name”. This is much more meaningful than printing the
number. If this is empty, it should display the real “To” property, which is the called or
dialed number (also provided in the printer driver).
The “From” property of a contact will be overwritten with the “Sender Number” (in the
client only!! Not in the CC service).
In the agenTel fax center, the following information should be shown in case of an outgoing CC fax:
CC fax out (ext)/(int)
Note: internal and external is decided by the CC service based on the used numbers
sent (fax has been sent by an agent)
Document description
failed (fax failed to sent)
Date of transmission
Time of transmission
Number of pages
Note: this is empty because this should be the CLIP of the SFM. Since this is done in
Axxium, it is not known in agenTel what this value is.
Fax number entered in printer driver
Sender ID
Sender ID (or Sender Number) configured in agenTel (default for the
contact center entered in the configuration client)
Receiver ID
Receiver ID
Note: the Receiver ID is fetched by Axxium when sending the fax and must be reported to
the CC service when the fax sending result is reported.
Recipient name
This is the value entered in “name” field of the printer driver.
Company name
Sender name configured in agenTel (default for the contact center
entered in the configuration client)
Agent that sent the direct fax
Receiving a CC fax
All faxes that come into Axxium and that have a called number that is not defined as a direct fax
number, are by default CC faxes (and are thus routed).
The “Receiver Number” property used in this case is configured in the agenTel configuration client
in the Axxium/Faxes tree item.
Document description
When agenTel displays information about this fax in the agent client application in the contact
information tab or in a contact balloon popup or notification, it will always use following rules:
The “To” property will be the “Receiver Number” (or Id) of the contact unless this is empty,
then it is the dialed number.
The “From” property of a contact will be overwritten with the “Sender Number” (in the
client only!! Not in the CC service), unless this is empty. If this is empty, the real “From”
property is used, which in this case should be the CLIP
For the fax center, following information must be shown
CC fax in (ext)/(int)
Note: internal and external is decided by the CC service based on the used numbers
Date of transmission
Time of transmission
Number of pages
CLIP coming from Axxium.
Note: this is can be manipulated in Axxium.
Dialed number coming from Axxium
Note: this is can be manipulated in Axxium.
Sender ID
Sender ID (or number) coming from Axxium
Note: this must be passed to the Axxium plug-in for agenTel when calling the SubmitFax
functions, else this property will be empty
Receiver ID
Receiver ID (or number) configured in agenTel configuration client
(check note regarding naming of the parameters !)
Recipient name
Company name
Agent that handled or deleted the fax
Document description