New Staff Member Induction Checklist

New Staff Member
Induction Checklist
Part 1: Pre-Commencement (post acceptance)
Date Completed
Review the Monash Induction website
Return your Tax File Number Declaration and UniSuper application form to Payroll
Services by post or email
The UniSuper application form is found in the Product Disclosure Statement accessed via
the UniSuper website in your welcome email.
Contact Access HR on +61 9902 0400 if you require assistance
If you haven’t already, please submit a certified copy of your Visa, Passport or other
identification document to .
If you are an Academic staff member with a PhD gained from a university other than
Monash, please submit a certified copy of your PhD confirmation.
These documents can be sighted by Monash HR, administration staff from your school /
faculty or an authorised person
Contact Supervisor / Delegate to discuss:
When and where to report on your first day
Parking / transport options
Your Staff ID number will be sent to the email address used in your application within 3 to 5
working days of accepting your online offer
To access your Monash email account, contact the eSolutions Service Desk on +61 3 9905
1777 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm). Provide them with your Staff ID number and they will give you a
username and temporary password for logging in to the My.Monash Staff Portal
Part 2: First Day
Meet your Supervisor/ Delegate
Take tour of workplace
Location of work colleagues
Introduction to key work colleagues and Induction Buddy if appointed
Emergency evacuation plan
Desk and lunch area
Toilets and exits
Ensure you are shown :
How to use the telephone and log in to the computer
(To learn about your desk top Cisco phone and to set up your voicemail, press
the ‘?’ button and wait for the main menu to load)
The location and use of printer, photocopier and mail distribution
Ensure your bank details and personal information is complete and correct on the
Employee Self Service (ESS) system. You may wish to update your qualification details
while you are there. Read more about ESS.
Ensure that you have submitted your Tax File Number Declaration and UniSuper
application form to Payroll Services via post or email:
New Staff Member Checklist
Date Completed
Visit a Student Services Centre to create your Staff ID card
Spend time with your Supervisor/ Delegate to:
Discuss your position description and role
Discuss your Supervisor’s expectations
Discuss your itinerary for your first week
Understand your work schedule of work unit – ie start and finish times and
procedures, lunch and tea break times, any overtime arrangements
Discuss work protocols
Be advised of local induction activities
Fixed-term or Continuing staff members may also:
Receive an overview of faculty/division and its goals
Receive a list of staff contact details and organisational chart
Receive an overview of Security at Monash, after-hours access and other local workplace
Be briefed on departmental safety personnel and relevant emergency procedures
including emergency contact number 333. It is a good idea to add Monash Security to
your mobile phone contacts 03 9905 0333
Ensure you complete Mandatory Online Induction Training within one months of
Arrange to follow-up with your Supervisor/ Delegate within the week to review the
Induction program and your progress
Part 3: First Week
Familiarise yourself with the broader work environment. Take a tour of campus and key
Understand relevant procedures in your work unit, ie filing, record systems and mail
Meet with relevant staff networks or support groups as arranged by Supervisor / Delegate
(if applicable)
Discuss Performance Development with your Supervisor / Delegate
Clarify your role and responsibilities
Understand the performance development process
Establish performance goals for probation period
Complete appropriate OHSE checklist/s with Supervisor/ Delegate
(View under ‘I’ for Induction)
Meet Departmental Safety Officer and OHSE representative/s. Note your role in issue
resolution and committee structures
Note any regular department or network meeting dates
Diarise meeting date for the end of your probationary period (if appropriate)
Review your first week with Supervisor/ Delegate
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New Staff Member Checklist
Part 4: Month 1 – 3
Date Completed
Complete your performance development plan (fixed-term and continuing staff)
Performance Development Process for Professional Staff
Performance Development Process for Academic Staff
Discuss your goals with your supervisor.
Enter your performance development plan on Performance Development Online (PDO)
(approved by Supervisor / Delegate)
Understand probation requirements
Probation Process for Academic Staff
Probation Process for Professional Staff
Probation Information for Trades and Services staff
Accept meeting date for your end of probation period (if appropriate)
New staff with supervising responsibilities
Obtain and understand relevant Supervisor delegations, eg
HR (HR Workplace Policies and Procedures)
Finance – complete the SAP User Access form (HR Forms)
Meet your HR Business Partner
Ensure all staff have a performance plan in place
Attend Supervisor Training for Performance Development
Professional Staff – Supervisor Training
Academic Staff – Supervisor Training
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