Name Grade 6 Pretest Which sphere of the Earth system includes

Name _________________________________________________________
Grade 6 Pretest
Which sphere of the Earth system includes trees, grasses, and squirrels?
a. atmosphere
b. biosphere
c. geosphere
d. hydrosphere
A point whose latitude is 0° is located on the
a. North Pole
b. equator
c. South Pole
d. prime meridian
Which is an example of a constructive force?
a. weathering by water
b. erosion by ice
c. heat from the sun
d. an erupting volcano
Which is a main source of energy that drives the Earth system?
a. energy moving water
b. oil from inside Earth
c. gases in the atmosphere
d. heat from the sun
The needle of a magnetic compass points toward the
a. meridians
b. parallels
c. geographic North Pole
d. magnetic north pole
The most common map projections are based on three geometric shapes. Which of the following geometric
shapes is not one of them?
a. cylinder
b. square
c. cone
d. plane
The rocks that make up Earth are part of which sphere?
a. atmosphere
b. biosphere
c. geosphere
d. hydrosphere
Which layer of the Earth is the asthenosphere located?
a. inner core
b. mantle
c. outer core
d. crust
The latitude of the North Pole is
a. 100° north
b. 90° north
c. 180° north
d. 90° south
_________________ is the height of an object above sea level.
a. Contour intervals
b. Elevation
c. Declination
d. Index contour
Which lists the main layers of Earth in order from outermost to innermost?
a. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere
b. core, mantle, crust
c. crust, mantle, core
d. mantle, core, crust
How does heat move?
a. from a warmer to a cooler object
b. from a cooler to a warmer object
c. toward a hot object
d. away from a cold object
What is the equator the starting line for measuring?
a. elevation
b. relief
c. longitude
d. latitude
On Mohs’ hardness scale, which of the following mineral is the hardest?
a. talc
b. diamond
c. topaz
d. gypsum
A mineral’s streak
a. is more reliable than color in identifying the mineral
b. reveals the mineral’s specific gravity
c. is the same as the luster test
d. reveals the mineral’s crystal structure
Which of the following factors is not important in the formation of minerals?
a. heat
b. volcanic activity
c. presence of ground water
d. wind
Which of the following terms is not used to describe a mineral’s luster?
a. pearly
b. waxy
c. dull
d. hexagonal
A type of rock that forms deep within the Earth when magma solidifies is called
a. sedimentary
b. metamorphic
c. organic
d. igneous
A type of rock that forms under high temperature and pressure but is not exposed to enough heat to melt the
rock is
a. sedimentary
b. metamorphic
c. organic
d. igneous
After they are deposited, sediments, such as sand, are turned into sedimentary rock when they are
compacted and
a. cemented
b. metamorphosed
c. melted
d. weathered
An igneous rock with a coarse- grained texture forms when
a. magma cools very slowly
b. magma cools very quickly
c. magma cools quickly, then slowly
d. magma cools slowly, then quickly
The layering that occurs in sedimentary rock is called
a. foliation
b. ripple marks
c. stratification
d. compaction
Types of Rocks: Read each description, then identify each one as sedimentary rock, igneous rock, or
metamorphic rock.
Coarse- grained or fine- grained
Compressed and compacted
Contact and regional
Foliated and non-foliated
Magma or lava cools down
Properties of Minerals
_D__Perform scratch test
a. color
b. luster
c. cleavage and fracture
d. hardness
e. streak
f. density
g. crystal structure
_A__Observe surface of mineral
_E__Observe color of mineral’s powder
_B__Observe how mineral reflects light
_F__Find mass per unit volume
_G_ Observe number an angle of crystal faces
_C__Break mineral apart to see if it splits along flat surfaces
Complete the following Table.
Plate Boundary
Boundaries that come
Boundaries that move
Label each fault as being normal, reverse, or strike- slip.
Strike- Slip
Describe who Alfred Wegener was and his theory. Why wasn’t his theory excepted the first time he
presented it?