Precambrian Era: Hadean Period 4,500 Million To 3,800 Million Years Ago Four billion, five hundred million years ago, the Earth was born. New and small, it came into being within a large cloud of gas and dust around the sun. The sun itself formed within such a cloud of gas and dust. Our sun was one of thousands of billions of stars formed as the universe began, perhaps from the explosion of an old, massive star. The sun’s gravity caused it to press in on itself, creating more and more pressure and heat until it created nuclear fusion and began to give off light and heat. Hot gaseous particles rose from the earth’s surface, then cooled and sank back to earth, slowly cooling the earth’s surface. Some gases stayed in the atmosphere. After about 250 million years, the surface was cool enough to accept rain and running water and the earth’s first oceans formed, thick and soupy with dissolved mineral and chemical compounds. Some liquids cooled to form solid earth. The heaviest solids sank to the center of the earth. Igneous rocks date from the time of cooling - about 3.8 billion years ago. As a thin crust formed upon the cooling earth, hot elements underneath pushed up and broke through in violent explosions. Volcanic activity surrounded the earth with smoke and steam. Covered in hot lava, with a poisonous atmosphere, the newborn earth was uninhabitable. After a long, long time the volcanoes slowed down. Steam turned to rain, the smoke cleared, and the earth cooled, wrinkled up and shrank. Rain flowed into the low spots forming our rivers and oceans. The air cleared and the sun shone on the beautiful earth. Timeline of life summaries -- Page 1 Precambrian Era: Archean and Proterozoic Periods 3,800 Million to 544 Million Years Ago Three billion, eight hundred million years ago, the atmosphere was composed of poisonous gases - methane, ammonia, and other gases that would be toxic to most life on our planet today. The gasses of the early atmosphere dissolved in the oceans, creating a warm chemical soup. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun bombarded this soup. Beneath its cooling surface, Earth was still hot as a furnace, yet even as lava continued to pour out from underground, glaciers appeared in places and spread over the earth. There were violent thunder storms and torrential rains. The oceans were like a gigantic chemical laboratory, forming one complex chemical after another. Quietly and slowly, microscopic life began to develop in the murky seas during the Archaen Period, 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago. Our oldest fossils are from cyanobacteria, also called blue green algae. These bacteria microfossils date back roughly 3.5 billion years. It may seem surprising that such small organisms can leave fossils at all, but cyanobacteria are larger than most bacteria, secrete a thick cell wall and form large layered structures in aquatic environments. When sectioned very thinly, fossils of these layers may be found to contain exquisitely preserved fossil cyanobacteria and algae. By the time of the Proterozoic Era, 2500 million years ago, cyanobacteria were common and widespread. Cyanobacteria have been tremendously important in shaping the course of earth's ecological history. During the Proterozoic Era, minerals washing from exposed areas of the earth’s crust built up in the seas and oceans, clogging and poisoning the waters. Colonies of cyanobacteria were able to trap these minerals within a sticky layer of mucilage. These sediment layers, called stromatolites were widespread during the Proterozoic Era, and were ecologically important as the first reefs. Many Proterozoic oil deposits are attributed to the activity of cyanobacteria, and their photosynthetic activity was primarily responsible for the rise in atmospheric oxygen. Many of the most exciting events in the history of Earth occurred during the Proterozoic Period. One celled organisms learned to convert sunlight and carbon dioxide gas into simple sugars in a process called photosynthesis. Stable continents first appeared. The first "pollution crisis" hit the Earth about 2.2 billion years ago as oxygen levels began rising rapidly. Oxygen is a powerful degrader of organic compounds, and many bacteria and protists are killed by oxygen. This global catastrophe spelled doom for many bacterial groups, but made possible the explosion of multicellular algae, and toward the end of the Proterozoic, the first animals, organisms capable of using oxygen for respiration. The first animals, tiny wormlike sea dwellers, evolved just before the end of the Precambrian Era. Timeline of life summaries -- Page 2 Paleozoic Era: 544 to 245 million years ago 544,000,000 years ago, much of the world was covered by oceans and shallow seas. The land was completely barren and rocky and the atmosphere was still very bad. The climate was warm to hot over most of the world, with no seasons. During this part of the Paleozoic Era, called the Cambrian Period, multicelled animals underwent a dramatic "explosion" in diversity. Soft bodied creatures such as jellyfish and sponges made their homes in the seas. Corals built great reefs. The most dominant and striking form of life in the Cambrian Period were the trilobites. These small crab-like creatures ruled the seas. The shelled animals used minerals from the water to create protection for them, and at the same time cleaned and purified the polluted waters. 505,000,000 years ago, the earth experienced an ice age, followed by a long spell of mild and pleasant climate. During the Ordovician and Silurian Periods, trilobites began to die out. The seas were populated with clams, starfishes, and sea urchins. Giant sea scorpions three meters long appeared along with the mighty nautili, five meters long. Coral reefs expanded. Seaweed and crinoids, looking like giant flowers, made the bottom of the seas into huge gardens. Toward the end of the Ordovician Period, the first jawless armored fish appeared, and were soon followed by more advanced fish with jaws. During the Silurian Period seas receded. Some algae, left stranded, adapted to life on dry land. These were the first land plants, prickly, with no leaves. A second ice age 410,000,000 years ago ended the Silurian period. The next time period, the Devonian Period, is often called the Age of Fish. The first slow bottom-dwelling fish were covered with plates of heavy armor. They were followed by fish with scales, then true fish with backbones. Some grew to large sizes and were fearsome predators. During the Devonian Period long rainy periods brought rising seas, which covered forests, burying them in mud. When dry weather returned, new forests grew on top of the old. Seas appeared, then disappeared, then appeared again. This process was repeated again and again, and layers of sediment left by dead plants compressed over millions of years, first into peat, then into coal. Each time the seas receded they left behind muddy swamps, and stranded many animals and plants. Plants adapted by developing roots and leaves. By the end of the Devonian Period, much of the land was covered by the world’s first forests. Lobe-finned fish, stranded by receding seas, learned to use their swim bladders for lungs. The first amphibians evolved about 370,000,000 years ago. They had to stay near water because their skin tended to dry out, and eggs had to be laid in water. The first insects and earliest arachnids colonized the land. Toward the end of the Paleozoic Period, 300,000,000 years ago, reptiles Timeline of life summaries -- Page 3 appeared, with two advantages over amphibians. Their thicker skin kept body moisture in, and leathery egg coverings protected eggs from losing moisture, so they could lay eggs in sand or mud and the sun could warm them. This gave reptiles more freedom from water. Formation of the Continents The earth we walk on is not as solid as it seems. It is made up of about a dozen large 'plates’ floating on a dense, semi-liquid mantle. These plates are always in motion, moving about two cm a year. Early in the Paleozoic Era, there were six major continental land masses, each consisting of parts of the modern continents. Today's western coast of North America ran eastwest along the equator. Africa was at the South Pole. Throughout the Paleozoic Era, the shallow seas grew deeper, and Paleozoic continents experienced tremendous mountain building along their margins. Our Appalachian mountains originated at this time. The idea that our continents are drifting on a semi liquid mantle was first developed by a German astronomer and meteorologist named Alfred Wegener. Noticing that Africa and South America appear to fit together along their continental shelves, Wegener found that the mountains running from east to west across South Africa seemed to link with the range in Argentina. Distinctive rock layers in South Africa, were identical to rock layers in Brazil. This remarkable fit between the Atlantic coasts of Africa and South America led Wegener to suggest that Earth's continents had at one time been joined. He also found fossil evidence for this theory. One plant, Glossopteris, left behind leaf fossils in both Africa and South America. Wegener hypothesized that all of the southern continents, together with India, were once joined into a supercontinent which he named Pangaea. Scientists have now accumulated extensive evidence that about 225 million years ago, as the Permian Period and the Paleozoic Era ended, the earth’s continents all came together to form this supercontinent. This may have caused global climate changes that triggered the largest mass extinction in history. Pangaea apparently covered about half the Earth and was completely surrounded by a world ocean called Panthalassa. Then, 245 million years ago, Pangaea began to split apart at one of the plate boundaries. A rift developed beneath the continent, and Pangaea separated into Northern and Southern components, Laurasia and Gondwana. Laurasia included North America, Europe, and Asia (except peninsular India). Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India, and South America were part of Gondwana. Laurasia fragmented into the present continents when westward drift of the Americas opened the Atlantic Ocean about 208 million years ago. As the Atlantic Ocean spread between South America and Africa, Gondwana also broke up. The Indian block drifted across the Equator towards Asia. Tethys, an equatorial ocean that is believed to have separated Laurasia from Gondwana during much of the Mesozoic Era, closed 66.4 million years ago when the Indian peninsula collided with the rest of Eurasia and pushed up the modern Alpine-Himalayan ranges. The eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is a remnant of the Tethys Sea. Antarctica became isolated and of the Antarctic polar cap developed. The African-Arabian plate joined to Asia, closing the seaway which had previously separated Africa from Asia. Timeline of life summaries -- Page 4 Mesozoic Era: 244 - 65 Million Year Ago Mesozoic means “middle animals.” The Mesozoic Era is framed by mass extinctions. At the end of the Paleozoic Era the largest mass extinction in history wiped out nearly 90% of all marine animal species. The Mesozoic Era was characterized by the rise of the dinosaurs, who dominated the land for over 160 million years. At the end of the Mesozoic Era dinosaurs, pterosaurs, the large sea reptiles, and many other animals suddenly died out. This extinction may have been triggered by the collision of a massive asteroid with the earth 65 million years ago. It has been suggested that this collision caused an explosive dust cloud which produced a worldwide winter, unsurvivable by nearly all large animals. During the early Mesozoic Era, the Triassic Period, the seas were dominated by mollusks with horn shaped shells called ammonites. These ancestors of today’s octopus developed an astounding variety of forms, and were abundant throughout the Mesozoic Seas. Modern conifers first appeared in their current recognizable forms in the early Triassic Period. The first dinosaurs evolved, small and fast. They stood on hind legs and could use their hands for grasping. Dinosaurs soon overshadowed other land-based life forms, because they could resist the heat of the sun with their armor-like skin covering. Some reptiles took to the air, first with wings stretched tightly over long ribs, then later with webbed structures extending from their legs and arms. By the time of the Jurassic Period, great plant-eating dinosaurs roamed the earth, feeding on lush growths of ferns. Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus were the largest land animals of all times. Smaller but vicious carnivores stalked the great herbivores. Some reptiles, like Ichthyosaurus and plesiosaur took to the water with a shape like fish. Pterodactyl developed wings that enabled it to fly. Archaeopteryx was about the size of a crow, with feather covered wings. It is believed to be the dinosaur ancestor of modern birds. Little reptiles called theraspids evolved into the first mammals. The ability to maintain a constant body temperature, a covering of fur, and the capability of producing milk to nourish their young made these animals adaptable to a variety of climates and gave them an advantage over the less adaptable reptiles. During the last part of the Mesozoic Era, deciduous trees evolved from conifers and many mountains were formed. Towards the end of this era the earliest flowering plants appeared and began to diversify, largely taking over from other plant groups. Dinosaurs dominated the land more totally than any other species up to that time. The Cretaceous Period gave rise to Triceratops and the gargantuan Tyrannosaurus Rex. Over 13 meters long and six meters high, it weighed up to 8 tons. Stegosaurus, a giant herbivore, was as large as an elephant, but had a brain the size of a walnut. Pteranadon took to the air, with a wingspan of seven meters. Then, for some reason, over a relatively short time, they all disappeared. Many scientists now think dinosaurs live on today as the birds. Based on features of the skeleton, most people studying dinosaurs consider birds to be dinosaurs. This shocking realization would make even the smallest hummingbird a legitimate dinosaur! Timeline of life summaries -- Page 5 Cenozoic Era: Tertiary Period 65 Million to 1.8 Million Years Ago The Cenozoic Era is the most recent of the three major subdivisions of animal history. "Cen" means recent. "Zoic" comes from the root "zoo,” which means animal. This Era is sometimes called the Age of Mammals, because the largest land animals have been mammals during the last 65 million year. It could have been called the "Age of Flowering Plants,” the "Age of Insects" or the "Age of Birds" just as accurately. Conifers, mosses, flowering plants, insects, mollusks, birds, mammals, and others from this time period survive to modern times. The Cenozoic Era is divided into two main sub-divisions: the Tertiary Period (from 65 million years ago to 1.8 million years ago), and the Quaternary Period (the last 1.8 million years.) For the first 27 million years of the Cenozoic Era climates were warm and mild. Sea level dropped and the continents expanded. Vegetation was lush and tropical and there were great areas of swampy forests. South America separated from Gondwanaland. All the main land masses moved near to their present positions. The oceans were rich in new species and on land plant-eating mammals evolved into many new forms. Ants and bees appeared, as did penguins, the first horse (only 12 inches tall), and the first small elephant, looking like a big pig with a flexible snout. The time period also saw the first cats, dogs, bears, bats and poisonous snakes. One terrifying animal, Diatryma, was a large, flightless bird nearly seven feet tall with a parrotlike beak and enormous claws. During the time period between 38 million and five million years ago, climates first cooled, then warmed again. First the ice cap formed over South Pole. This formation of the ice cap used up great quantities of sea water, exposing more dry land. As global climate first warmed and then cooled, deserts, tundra, and grasslands expanded, while tropical forests diminished. With the expanding grasslands came many new species of grazing animals. Horses grew to 23 inches tall, then to pony size. Elephants as tall as 13 feet appeared, with long snouts, and wide spade like teeth. Kelp forests emerged for the first time in the seas. Cathedral-like kelp groves provided homes for a multitude of marine species within their broad canopies. India and Africa moved closer and closer to Asia and Europe, finally crashing together. Australia separated from Asia. Between five million and two million years ago, giant ice caps developed at both poles. Climates cooled, forests disappeared, and grasslands spread. A narrow land bridge between South America and North America formed. Herbivores acquired many new forms. Modern looking elephants emerged, as well as huge mastodons. Glyptodon was an armadillo bigger than a car. Megatherium was a monstrous 20 foot long sloth that walked on its knuckles and the sides of its feet. Many herbivores gained protection from predators by living in herds. Some, like horses, developed one toed hooves and other adaptations that gave them speed in running. Predators also developed speed and power. Some carnivores began to hunt in packs. By teamwork they could attack and kill large herbivores. Team hunting led to other social behaviors based on ability, discipline, good communication and loyalty to the pack leader. Timeline of life summaries -- Page 6 Cenozoic Era: Quaternary Period 1.8 Million Years Ago to Today It was during the early part of the Quartenary Period that the most recent ice ages took place. Much of the world's temperate zones were alternately covered by glaciers during cool periods and uncovered during the warmer interglacial periods when the glaciers retreated. The large mammals of the Pleistocene weathered several climate shifts. This time period also saw the evolution and expansion of our own species, Homo Sapiens. By the close of the Pleistocene, humans had spread through most of the world. Tropical ecosystems retreated, and northern coniferous forests expanded. Seasonality increased. This led to a rediversification of temperate ecosystems and many anatomical changes in animals. Mammals and birds in particular developed distinctive new forms, whether as fast-running herbivores, large predatory mammals and birds, or small quick birds and rodents. Mammoths and mastodons, longhorned bison, sabre-toothed cats, giant ground sloths, and many other large mammals characterized Pleistocene habitats in North America, Asia, and Europe. Native horses and camels galloped across the plains of North America. Great teratorn birds with 25-foot wingspans stalked prey. Both plants and animals were close to modern forms. Many species of conifers, mosses, flowering plants, insects, mollusks, birds, mammals, and others survive to this day from the early Quartenary Period. Around the two million years ago mark, many species became extinct, perhaps due to an ice age, perhaps because of the spread of human hunters. It has also been hypothesized that some disease wiped out species after species in the Pleistocene. The issue remains unsolved; perhaps the real cause of the extinction was a combination of these factors. The last 11,000 years of the Earth's history, since the end of the last major ice age, has been a relatively warm period in between ice ages. Humans of our own subspecies, Homo sapiens, evolved and dispersed all over the world well before the start of this time. All of humanity's recorded history and the rise and fall of all its civilizations have taken place during the last 11,000 years. Few species have ever changed the globe as much, or as fast, as our species is doing. Scientists agree that human activity is responsible for "global warming," an observed increase in mean global temperatures that is still going on. Habitat destruction, pollution, and other factors are causing an ongoing mass extinction of plant and animal species. According to some projections, 20% of all plant and animal species on Earth will be extinct within the next 25 years. This time period, however, has also seen the development of human knowledge and technology, which can and is being used to understand the changes that we see, to predict their effects, and to stop or ameliorate the damage they may do to the Earth and to us. Paleontologists are part of this effort to understand global change. Timeline of life summaries -- Page 7 Timeline of life summaries Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Timeline of life summaries -- Page 8