STUDENT REFLECTION SHEET & COLLEGE QUESTIONNAIRE PART A Members of the Class of 2016 As part of the comprehensive college counseling process, we ask you to complete the following questions with care and detail. Your responses will be used to assist us as we write your letter of recommendation. Use as many pages as you need. ALL RESPONSES MUST BE TYPED. You must turn a hard copy into the guidance office no later than Friday, May 1st, 2015. Part B will be available May 25, 2015, on our website. Full Name: Click here to enter text. Year Entered St. Agnes: Click here to enter text. Student Email (list all that you check): Click here to enter text. Student Cell Phone: Click here to enter text. I. Parent Email: Click here to enter text. FAMILY INFORMATION Father’s Name: Click here to enter text. Occupation: Click here to enter text. Attended College? Yes No Colleges Attended: Undergraduate: Click here to enter text. Year of Graduation: Click here to enter text. Graduate: Click here to enter text. Year of Graduation: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. Mother’s Name: Click here to enter text. Occupation: Click here to enter text. Attended College? Yes No Colleges Attended: Undergraduate: Click here to enter text. Year of Graduation: Click here to enter text. Graduate: Click here to enter text. Year of Graduation: Click here to enter text. Other: Click here to enter text. If you have step-parents, please list their name(s), occupation and school information Click here to enter text. Do you have siblings? If so, please list their names, ages and college/university he/she attends, if applicable. Click here to enter text. Would you be the first person in your family to earn a college degree? II. Yes No COLLEGE SEARCH Knowing that you are still thinking about your choice of major, is there a particular major that currently stands out as an option? Click here to enter text. Possible career plans (one or several or undecided): Click here to enter text. Do your parents agree with your choice in possible major(s) or career plans? If not, what have they suggested? Click here to enter text. Try to identify some of your criteria for making decisions about college (check all that apply). Size of School: XS (<1000) S (1000-3000) M (3000-8000) L (8000-15000) XL (>15000) Campus Setting: Hardcore Urban (in the heart of a city, no real sense of campus) Urban (in a city but w/ a campus feel) Suburban (close to a city but removed enough to have its own feel) Rural (campus pretty much the only source of entertainment) Hardcore Rural (nothing but the college) Location of Campus: Houston Texas Southeast Southwest West Coast New England Midwest Great Plains International Do your parents agree with this? Yes No Comments: Click here to enter text. How challenged do you want to be academically? Rigor Galore Very Rigorous Somewhat Rigorous Somewhat Easy Mid-Atlantic Cake Walk Social Climate From a social perspective, there is one big question with which you’ll need to grapple. Do you want to go to a school where everyone holds similar beliefs and values or do you want to attend a college with a greater diversity of opinion? There is no wrong answer to this question but you must make sure you’ve considered the different options. The following questions will try to assess where you stand on some issues. Check all that apply. Student Politics: Left Moderate Religious Affiliation (Click here to enter text. ): Willingness to consider an all-women’s college: Right None Light Moderate No way Perhaps Yes Strong Please click on the box to access the pulldown of answer choices. Campus Setting: Choose an item. Financial Aid/Scholarship: Choose an item. Do you have any specific colleges in mind at this time? Indicate if you have just heard of the college (H), visited the college (V), or had some contact with a coach or professor (C/P). Are you a legacy? (L) Click here to enter text. List in order of preference your current top four college choices: (1) Click here to enter text. (3) Click here to enter text. (2) Click here to enter text. (4) Click here to enter text. Please give specific reasons for these choices (size, location, field of study, public or private, etc.) Click here to enter text. List other factors that may affect your college choice (i.e., finances, distance, family relationships, circumstances, etc.) Click here to enter text. III. PERSONAL Service What have been your most significant contributions to St. Agnes and/or the Houston community? Click here to enter text. Leadership In which ways have you demonstrated leadership either in or out of the classroom? Describe in detail. Click here to enter text. Character List five adjectives you would use to describe yourself. Why do you choose these words? Click here to enter text. What adjectives would your closest friends use to describe you? Click here to enter text. What are your principal strengths? Your most conspicuous shortcomings, either academic or personal? Click here to enter text. What type of person is most appealing or enjoyable to you? What are two or three traits you most admire in others? Click here to enter text. Activities What extracurricular activity has been the most meaningful to you? Why have you chosen this activity? Click here to enter text. What are your hobbies or outside interests? Why are these activities important to you? Click here to enter text. Do you plan on playing competitive sports in college (interest in athletic recruiting)? Click here to enter text. Have you held a job (either in the summer or during the year)? If so, what did you do and for how long? Click here to enter text. What are your plans for this summer? Click here to enter text. Reflections What type of student are you? What academic settings and assignments make you thrive? Click here to enter text. What subject(s) have you enjoyed and interest you the most and why? Click here to enter text. What subject has presented the most challenge and why? What steps have you taken to overcome this challenge? Click here to enter text. In what ways (events, experiences, etc.) do you feel you have changed/grown during high school? Click here to enter text. What are one or two accomplishments up to this point in your life that have given you the greatest satisfaction or sense of pride? Click here to enter text. Is your high school record an accurate measure of your ability and potential? Have there been circumstances, personal or academic, that have interfered with your academic performance? Click here to enter text. Which teachers and/or staff know you best? Click here to enter text. List the books you have read on your own (NOT as a class assignment) in the last 12 months. Click here to enter text. Hodge Podge (Don’t ponder too long. These are just to get to know you better.) Favorite Book Click here to enter text. Top Five on your Playlist Click here to enter text. Favorite movie Click here to enter text. Favorite TV Show Click here to enter text. Favorite magazine Favorite time of day Favorite place Favorite Website Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.