Thinking about how to approach fieldwork for that

Thinking about how to approach fieldwork for the second paper, due the last
day of class, June 12. The paper should be 3 to 5 pages, 12-point type, 1-inch
margins. If you create a video instead, it should include all of the parts specified
for a paper.
Choose a topic/concept that interested you during the course and that you can ‘test’ or ‘explore’
with fieldwork.
Prepare background research about the topic/concept from class materials such as readings,
films, lectures etc., and/or from additional academic research.
Create a fieldwork methodology that can help you answer your questions about the
topic/concept or ‘test’ or ‘explore’ the topic/concept through observation. Who will you
observe, when, where, why, and how?
See chapter 2 of Ahearn concerning linguistic anthropology methods:
a. All research starts with one or more questions. You start with curiosity about something.
b. Your methods for applying those questions are focused on language in real-life situations and
settings. You want to observe naturally occurring conversations, but you want to maintain
ethical methods.
c. That means your questions will likely change as you do your observational fieldwork. New
insights will help inform your inquiry.
d. Once you believe you’ve discovered a ‘pattern’ or even an anomaly through observation, how
are you going to add to your observational data? Are you going to interview people to
triangulate or strengthen your conclusions? Are you going to conduct a mini survey?
Your fieldwork paper or video should include (not necessarily in this order):
a. An introduction that includes a description of the topic/concept that you studied, a brief
summary of your findings, and a brief description of your fieldwork methods.
b. Incorporate a discussion of background research about the topic/concept and what other
linguistic anthropologists have discovered.
c. Include a more detailed description of your fieldwork methods and findings than was
summarized in the introduction.
d. Include actual fieldwork examples of communication events. Utilize Dell Hymes’ S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G
acronym in addition to other research and description methods. Describe in some detail what
you discovered in your fieldwork research.
e. How do your discoveries and conclusions compare with previous researcher discoveries and
conclusions? If similar, why? If different, why?
f. If you had more time and were creating a long-term, more extensive study, what can you take
from this mini study to inform a future study? How would you change your methodology?
Would your questions be different?
g. Include a works cited page or bibliography and cite your research sources appropriately within
the text of your paper or as you are creating your video.
h. Let me know if you have questions. I am happy to help.