Tier 3 Benchmarks of Quality

Adapted from the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers: May 20011
Anderson, Childs, Kincaid, Horner, George, Todd, Sampson & Spaulding
Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon & University of South Florida
Tier 3 Benchmarks of Quality
School Name: __________________________________ District:____________________________
Team Leader’s Name:____________________________ Date: ______________________________
2 – Fully in Place
1 – Partially in Place
0 – Not Yet Started
Directions: Complete Benchmarks of Quality to determine level of implementation of Tier 3 systems
interventions and supports.
Teacher Support Team
Critical Elements
1. The Tier 3 support team (TST) includes individuals with
knowledge about school systems, the student and
behavioral theory (e.g., student, behavior specialist,
family members an administrator, special education,
general educator, etc…)
2. A person is identified to coordinate Tier 3 supports.
3. An administrator is a member of the Tier 3
implementation team.
4. Tier 3 team members have sufficient formal training in
implementation of Tier 3 support system.
5. A team builds and implements Tier 3 behavior support
6. The Tier 3 team receives annual staff development in
Tier 3 procedures.
7. The team has an efficient and accurate data system for
monitoring Tier 3 impact.
8. The team reviews the Tier 3 process and considers
modification, as needed.
9. The school facilitates involvement of family members
of student’s receiving Tier 3 supports.
10. Students receiving Tier 3 supports still have full
access to Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 supports.
11. There is written policy and procedures for referring a
student for Tier 3 supports and services.
12. Data are collected, vision and hearing, family input,
cumulative record and teacher observation
documentation is collected prior to first TST meeting.
13. Progress monitoring of the Tier 3 intervention occurs
at least twice a week.
14. The TST conducts a documented review at least
every four weeks.
15. Interventions are supported by scientifically based
16. The Tier 3 intervention has written materials that
describe the core features, functions, and systems of the
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Adapted from the Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers: May 20011
Anderson, Childs, Kincaid, Horner, George, Todd, Sampson & Spaulding
Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon & University of South Florida
Critical Elements
Essential Elements
17. A written intervention plan should be in place that
Interventionist was trained on the intervention.
Individual who provided the intervention
Where the intervention occurred
Number of days of the week the intervention occurred
Duration of the intervention
Outline or description of the intervention
Observation(s) of the integrity of the intervention
Progress Monitoring Schedule
18. The Tier 3 approach includes procedures that allow a
continuum of strategies to match student needs.
19. Intervention plans include a process for monitoring
fidelity of implementation.
20. Teacher Support Team Outcomes:
completed student files
Populated students and outcomes for those students
Percentage of students referred for evaluation
Percentage of files returned to teachers for additional
Analysis of the type of referrals to determine if there
are patterns
Behavioral Support
21. The problem behaviors are operationally defined.
__/18 __/8
22. The problem statement defines three components:
antecedent(s), behavior(s) and consequence(s).
23. Behavior intervention plans (BIP’s) are developed by
a team of individuals with documented knowledge about
the school context, the student and behavioral theory.
24. Based on the FBA, the BIPs include strategies for
preventing problem behavior, if appropriate.
25. Based on the FBA, the BIPs include strategies for
minimizing reinforcement of problem behavior, if
26. Based on the FBA, the BIPs include strategies for,
reinforcing appropriate behavior, if appropriate.
27. BIPs include a formal action plan for developing,
teaching, coaching and supporting core elements of the
Tier 3 strategy.
28. The team formally progress monitors impact of each
Tier 3 support plan.
29. Data collected on student behavior is used to assess
intervention effects and make modifications as needed.
30. Data collected is used to determine to continue or
discontinue intervention.
__/10 __/6
(_____/60 = Percent _____)
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